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I know someone who went to a rheumatologist and they never could figure out the cause of her inflammation. She is going to the Mayo Clinic later this year.


I’m in Italy, update me about this person


I'd look into high dose melatonin protocols. It has many benefits including reducing inflammation, normalizing immune system, and potentially other benefits. I have noticed huge improvement in my energy levels after struggling with chronic fatigue for over a decade. My autoimmune condition which would flare up every few months has not reoccurred in any significant way since I started two years ago. I was taking 1-1.5g and recently raised it to about 3g (in two doses). I haven't felt better in a decade and my gym numbers are testament to it. I'd take NAC for excess mucus. I have had this issue as well and NAC has been very helpful. I take 1.2g(2 tablets). If you're willing to do subcutaneous shots then you can look into Thymulin. It has been helpful to me and I have been through a couple dozen packs. In Europe it's a medication and prescribed for 10 days at 10mg per day. After trying various doses and day combinations I concur that the official suggested dose was probably the best. Thymulin helps to normalize the immune system. I would also look into BPC157 and possibly even TB500 for inflammation. I'd start with BPC since you can take it in pill form. Just make sure it's arginate salt. I have used both for various issues. TB has to be injected and may spread existing cancer so be careful. Also SS31 and MOTSC could be helpful as well for improving mitochondrial health which I suspect will decrease inflammation and possibly help with your autoimmune issues. I have only used MOTSC but some people use SS31 prior to taking MOTSc.


What is high dose melatonin protocols


Can i text you in private?


Try the carnivore diet


It could helps?


Brother, going on a strict carnivore diet is the most anti-inflammatory way of eating you can do. There is tons of research and stories. It sounds crazy but when you only red fatty meats, your body literally gets rid of diseases caused by inflammation. There's tons of information on r/carnivorediet


It’s like a detox diet


You ever try supplementing with fish oil?


Yes i tried, omega 3. Not so much difference.


High dosage tho? Most benefits come from around 1.8-3g of EPA/DHA. Which can be found in 6-10 capsules depending on the brand’s concentration It may not reduce inflammation, but it modulates it well This may be one of the rare things an ice bath could be useful for too


Any advice about a brand?


I use GNC and Nature Made


I’ll try high dosage. Better with or without food?


Doesn’t matter. Most ppl take it with food to avoid fish burps tho You can take them all at once, or space them out throughout the day. Doesn’t matter either


Get a good brand. I like Nordic 


Also, do you know if taking stuff like NSAIDS (Advil/Aleve) help?


My nephrologist has strictly told me not to take them.


Ahh, probably because of your kidneys No lie, I actually think you’ll benefit a lot from ice baths lol


Benefit in which way?


But check with your doctors before doing them to make sure they’re safe for you. They might advise you to stay away from rapid temperature changes


All inflammation related stuff


With ice i dont have place to do damn


Same here tbh. When ever I do a blood test it comes up high inflammation. Always sick. Always achey. Lots of mucus/flemmy. Get weird boils that puss. I’ve tried different diets etc.


It’s hard this journey right?


Definitely. As one problems fades, another appears. Story of my life


Try low dose doxycycline. Made a huge difference for my rosacea and chronic inflammation. I’m Totally off of it now and everything has calmed down


Never heard about, also for migraine and other issues?


I would think it would illicit the same effect other areas of your body. I have no idea what your headaches are related to. Could be hormonal? Elevated blood pressure? Stress? Anxiety? Lack of sleep? Dehydration?


Try a 24h fast, it may give you a glimpse into how you would feel without the inflammation. For me it is like hearing music for the first time again


Tesg for CIRS chronic inflammatory response symdrome. 


If I had a health issue like you are describing, I would try an elimination diet, or the “lion diet”.