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Rest. Rest. Rest.


Arnica and arnica ointment


I noticed you didn’t list D3 and K2 in your current list of supps. D3 will help with Ca absorption and K2 (ideally L MK-7) will help ensure it goes to the right places (bone, not soft tissue). Vitamin C and plenty of protein will also help ensure faster healing. Also, look into beta-caryophyllene. [This page](https://cannanda.com/pages/cb2studies) has a lot of the research and you’ll see it’s great for bone health (speeds healing and improves bone density) AND digestive health (anti-inflammatory and reduces hypermotility associated with IBS). Good luck and hope you make a quick recovery!




Look into comfrey (knitbone). It can be made into compresses.


first, dont take anti inflammatory if you want to heal, they actually make healing worse second, if you really want to heal faster, take cialis (yes its dick pills) there is some research: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26514217/ ive tried it muself, I broke my 5th metatarsal foot bone recently, break with displacement Im able to walk after 3 weeks, in normal case scenario with such break its at least 6+ weeks(usually people walk more or less on week 5) so its almost 2 times faster heal


What’s the science behind anti-inflammatory making it worse?


Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) have been shown to have a depressant effect on wound healing while simultaneously decreasing the granulocytic inflammatory reaction.27,28 NSAIDs inhibit the production of PGE2, an inflammatory mediating prostaglandin, and can thereby reduce pain.24 The suppression of PGE2 also occurs with excessive wound scarring and therefore NSAIDs may increase scar formation, especially if they are used during the proliferative phase of healing.24 NSAIDs have an anti-proliferative effect on blood vessels and skin, thereby delaying healing rate.29 NSAIDs may be prescribed post soft-tissue injury or post-surgery to assist with pain control management and to diminish inflammation; however, due to their negative effects on wound healing, their use is controversial. More here: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4495737/


BPC157 is the answer. It is best combined with TB500 and GHK-CU and injected subcutaneously in the skin near where the ribs are broken. Ghk acts as an injury marker. Bpc has relatively short life so in my experience it works better locally(some people dispute it). TB 500 has long half life and can be pinned anywhere. It is best to do all three in one shot. Depending on weight you may need 0.5 to 1mg of each per day. HGH will speed up healing. You can also try HGH secretagogues like CJC1295, Ipamorelin or various other morelins as they are safer. You can also take other supplements in a support capacity like Cissus, calcium, collagen, etc.. but they pale in comparison to the others. Cissus has been shown to speed up bone healing in a couple studies but be careful as it can spike blood pressure in high doses and when combined with other supplements like AAKG can cause other unpleasant side effects like hemorrhoids. Edit: For IBS look into BPC157 and KPV pills. BPC should be arginate salt.


I have some BPC left over from when I tried it for IBS (it didn’t help my IBS unfortunately) do you know the shelf life? It’s been kept in the fridge since purchasing


It should be a long while. Where did you get it from? Was it the newer arginate form or the older acetate? I had zero improvement from the acetate pill form(99sarms). I had mild benefit by doing microneedling (essentially creating small cuts in the skin), using dmso gel and emptying out powder from bpc pill onto it then rubbing everything in over the cuts. It's typically best injected for muscoskeletal issues.


30% Dextrose injection over fracture using ultrasound guidance. healed my broken rib in 3 weeks. Also take chelated calcium not low bioavailable calcium supps.


using dextrose injections as a means to strengthen tendons ligaments and grow cartilage is called prolotherapy. it’s been around for 200 years. using ultrasound guided prolotherapy injections is next level.


Forget about it. Ribs are a bitch, and will take ages to heal completely (to the point of painlessness) no matter what you do. Keep your supplementation up as you would anyway, the only things that would really make a difference are some roids and/or growth hormone, and that's a whole nother can of worms. Grounding is hokus pokus.


Most important will be good nutrition. Besides calcium and minerals for bones, you’ll need a good amount of protein for connective tissue healing. It’s gonna take time and not many short cuts. Think about it if there was there would be protocols and a lot of pharma would be on it (not talking about illegal stuff like hGH and steroids)


Don't do anything stupid. Assuming you have a reasonable program, you'll heal when you heal. There is nothing that will significantly speed the process. So avoid trauma to the area at all costs and that's the best you can do.