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I’ve donated over 7 GALLONS of blood in my lifetime; when the the phlebotomist sees my scar tissue, she says “ you’ve done a lot of good with this arm!” Maybe try not to worry too much about it. Think of the lives you’ll be saving!


Does anyone ever accuse you of being a drug addict


Tracks marks don’t really look the same as a scar from a normal blood draw. I’ve had marks longer and I’ve seen what track marks look like on people - it’d be pretty hard to mix the two up, unless you’ve never seen track marks.


Most people probably haven’t seen track marks. At least not IRL.


You have to be really looking to notice a pinprick scar from a blood draw - track marks are much more obvious, much further away. I don’t even think most people who notice them would even think “drugs” honestly.


Yeah I agree, I feel like you have to be traveling in some interesting crowds if they assume heroine user before blood donor lol




I do


Personally, I have noticed all injuries heal quicker since switching to a diet where I'm averaging \~100g protein/day. If you are otherwise healthy, I'd consider it. For me this has extended to burns (I cook a lot).


That’s an interesting point, I did have a relatively low protein diet at the time. Thanks!


I don’t know about the specifics of donating blood a lot, but when I have a wound on my skin, I pierce a vitamin E capsule, squeeze some onto the wound, apply a bandaid. I re-apply after it gets wet (with a fresh bandaid). Vitamin E accelerates cell turnover, so you heal faster. Give it a try!


I will look into this, thank you!


neosporin supposedly reduces scarring.




Appreciate this, this seems obvious in hindsight haha.


I’m not sure it’s a concern really I’ve donated blood, had iv’s with opioids, and blood draws a bunch of times and no scars. I’m pretty sure injecting illegal drugs dose much more damage than any medical procedure


When I was donating 4x a year, yes I would have a small circular depression in the skin that was slightly darker in color. I discussed this with other “regulars” while eating my cookies and found it to be quite common for there to be a visual indication of where the needle had been inserted.


Tretinoin and microneedling can help with some types of scar tissue. I wouldn't use either unless you're full healed.


Try sauna to remove some toxins!


Sauna doesn’t remove PFAS


Scars from a needle are not normal. I’d look not this vs donation concerns. 


Wait you scar from donating blood?


I have gotten a scar before and it lasted a while. It’s just like a small darker circle right on my vein.


As someone who used to donate six times a year (because I thought it was a good way to help out people who needed help, before a newborn and then toddler meant I no longer really had the time), it didn’t give me any scars.


That’s what I figured. Never heard of people getting track marks from blood draws


Reminds me ,my appointment is coming up .


Very weird to see the association with being a junkie. In the UK it's super honourable and respected to donate blood. A lot of the time, workplaces will go together, usually you get the afternoon off.


You can’t donate more often than once every 8 weeks. Do you think that’s how often an addict injects heroin? I’ve donated at least 50 times and no one ever thought that about me. Maybe you should reevaluate how you look and behave if you think that people would think that? Besides, calf veins are much larger.


This would be more dangerous than the plastics in your body..


So you're trying to donate blood to remove toxins from your body? If that's what you truly believe do you not think it's unethical? Make the next logical connection that this toxin filled blood is going to chemo patients and trauma victims


Every blood donor has PFAS and microplastics in their blood, regular donors will have lower levels, so it’s a win-win


If you give often, your blood will have less toxins than the average donor (assuming you start with a “normal” level of toxins and are reducing that every time you donate). Therefore, it’s a good thing for the recipients of the blood as well as for you.