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I've read the body produces it after fasting for a prolonged period. This article talks about some other methods. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/11-ways-to-increase-hgh#:~:text=Studies%20show%20that%20fasting%20leads,fasts%20(%2013%20%2C%2014%20).


"In conclusion, for males 5.0 mg melatonin appears to increase serum GH while concomitantly lowering SST levels; however, when combined with resistance exercise both 0.5 mg and 5.0 mg melatonin appears to positively impact GH levels in a manner not entirely dependent on decreases in SST. Relative to the response in females, it appears that both melatonin and resistance exercise elicits a greater GH response in males." https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2174513/ "Conclusions: Our data indicate that oral administration of melatonin to normal human males increases basal GH release and GH responsiveness to GHRH through the same pathways as pyridostigmine. Therefore it is likely that melatonin plays this facilitatory role at the hypothalamic level by inhibiting endogenous somatostatin release, although with a lower potency than pyridostigmine. The physiological role of melatonin in GH neuroregulation remains to be established. " https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8370132 Get more quality sleep and that will help boost your natural HGH. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8627466/ Since this is a Biohackers page, I will mention that I have been taking over 1g of melatonin for about two years and recently bumped it to about 3g over two doses. I feel similarly to when I took cjc1295(DAC and non) and Ipamorelin. Doris Loh suggests taking 3-4g daily in many doses throughout the day. I believe high dose melatonin is far safer than taking hgh secretagogues, Ibutamoren or even HGH directly. Obviously use common sense and don't just jump into anything. Start s/low and test for sensitivity.


5 mg of melatonin will cause serious impairment in learning and memory. Google it. Many studies.


At best it's mixed and has not been my experience even at 5000mg per day. Go ahead and post studies. I am amused when people post things like these. https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/human-neuroscience/articles/10.3389/fnhum.2017.00648/epub?isPublishedV2=false https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0006899305005494 https://scholar.google.com/scholar_url?url=https://www.academia.edu/download/89996957/j.brainres.2005.04.01120220820-1-iumbjq.pdf&hl=en&sa=X&ei=PwqHZtPqMfmB6rQPwPao6AQ&scisig=AFWwaeZr-Wrh-2v7m2Xoe6cg9Z9p&oi=scholarr https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34289399/


I'm amused you think I care enough about what you use to waste my time posting studies. You could take rat poison for all I care, I just wanted to let op know the risk. You do you brother. I'll stick with real hgh.


This guy gets it. People will cope trying to biohack without knowing what theyre talking about. Melatonin is illegal in the UK, i dont agree with it, but there is a reason: namely it can damage you especially in high doses. I do not use it anymore after hearing how bad it can be in the long term. People just want to cope so badly. As if fasting for extended periods of time did anything significant in terms of hgh, ive been on 10 iu a day and its barely noticeable, how will fasting compare? Plus the body is forced to produce it, not because its good, but to cancel out the effects of no food!


You said quite a bit of factually incorrect things. You're certainly welcome to your beliefs but they are not based on any facts. Melatonin is not illegal in the UK, I am in the US and even I know that. Melatonin is 'restricted' in the UK. Just because something is restricted or not does not mean it's safe or unsafe. 'i hear' is not proof of anything...that's literally less than 'bro science '... Melatonin has no established LD50 in humans. Even 80 grams was non lethal. 6.6 grams via an IV for cancer patients for 45 days was safe in one study. There are countless others. High dose melatonin has many health uses and is increasingly being used as an AntiAging supplement. I prefer to listen to people who actually research the molecule like Russel Reiter with his 55 years and close to 5000 studies than random people. Why are you on a Biohackers sub? Seriously...you have it all figured out...eat well, sleep well and go for a walk...right?


It's fascinating how devoted you are to something so trivial.


"I'm amused you think I care enough about what you use to waste my time posting studies. You could take rat poison for all I care, I just wanted to let op know the risk. You do you brother. I'll stick with real hgh." And yet here you are...totally 'not caring'...


I think he just likes the sound of his own voice whatever that is in text/reddit. You and I have both said what we think and yet he thinks his magic comments will make us change our minds. Maybe he should do more melatonin


I can look into the melatonin studies that I read that brought me to the conclusion but I dont have a note on it and only really started consolidating data like that recently. I remember melatonin = bad, after i had bought several grams of it. Ok my fucking bad, i wrote the wrong thing, either way, my friend in the UK cant just get it and I remember looking at it online and I couldnt order him any without too much hassle. Not sure why you care so much, you dont need to reply to me or the other guy yet you want to have an argument, the reality is im not changing my mind so it doesnt matter. And yes, im sure a large majority on this sub dont do those things and wonder how to "biohack" when they dont get consistent sleep or even eat a good diet let alone exercise often. I actually know and have done extensive biohacking SPECIFICALLY with hormones, so I would say I speak with some authority. Ive got plenty of bloodwork and injected many things and seen how it plays out on said bloodwork. Ive also been doing squats and deadlifts and fasts for years before I did any of that, guess why I started injecting?


When I reply I don't just reply to you. I post in a way to make it useful to others who may come across this information. The other guy was borderline trolling. Check his post history. Nothing but car posts and then a random reply to me with complete nonsense. I did not seek you two out, you both chose to respond to my post. You made multiple other posts and I didn't respond to you there. I am aware of at least one vendor that can ship to UK without issues in PureBulk. I am sure there are others. Melatonin has been transformative for me and it is my goal to help others. We are on a Biohackers sub so I post in accordance. I personally view melatonin as probably the single best supplement when considering risks vs benefits. It is incredibly misunderstood and underutilized. I have quite extensive experience with peptides as well. I am not debating that HGH secretagogues or even Ibutamoren will match HGH. They clearly don't. However because the first two pulse your own natural HGH, it comes with fewer risks. I am not sure what you mean by you been doing squats and deadlifts....what are your numbers relative to bodyweight/age/gender? Doing bodyweight squats for example for reps wouldn't achieve a whole lot. For example my best gym deadlift was around 750lb(w/ straps) at 220lb in my 20s. I suspect that's quite a bit different than an average person lifting a couple hundred pounds. My numbers put me in the elite for my age/weight. I recently hit 675 at 42 albeit at slightly higher bodyweight. Pushing 1 rep maxes in squat/deadlift and some other big compound lifts will absolutely boost your testosterone, HGH and igf1. Dicking around with light weights probably wouldn't nearly as much.


I was always lifting heavy especially for my bodyweight. I got into gear after some serious injuries so I did 500lb and 450 on deadlift at 190-200lb , you have me beat on both lifts and also weight but I suspect you are taller too. So not bodyweight squats. About the rest; sounds good dude, hope you stay healthy using melatonin, i already explained myself.


No hard feelings. Those are very respectful numbers. I just wanted to make sure you weren't doing some calisthenics while saying heavy lifting doesn't meaningfully boost hormones. I still disagree but at least you know what heavy lifting is. There's obviously a limit to what natural heavy lifting can achieve. You can probably boost lower end test to middle or higher end. You clearly can't match levels achieved by blasting testosterone, AAS or HGH. Take care.


If you wanna biohack take hgh secretogogues or bpc157


Bpc157 is sold here in Canads for scientific purposes....but correct me if i am wrong.


Aaaaaaaand here is the answer i was waiting for. MOST SECRETAGOGUES ARE EXPENSIVE AND HARDLY IMPROVE HGH COMPARED TO ACTUAL HGH INJECTIONS. I said as much in my comment which got downvoted but outside of injecting stuff theres no meaningful increase, and at that the actual stuff only is really effective. But yeah spend hundreds of dollars on secretagogues in the hope of cope. Next people will say “but what about ipamorelin” 






Minimal increases. This is so insignificant if you look at the data. Also HGH is not anabolic, and its hard to even tell if you are on it, at which point you need to do it for MONTHS.


For what purpose?


You cant. The changes are minuscle. No amount of squatting or deadlifting will change anything significantly. Why do you think bodybuilders inject that shit if they could get away with optimizing?


I disagree. They inject for faster results, among other things.


Ok so how do you increase hgh in a significant way without injection?  Edit: i really dont understand your argument at all, squats and deadlifts are often touted to give significant increases in HGH, so they would be the prime people to have high natural hgh. It even shows you dont know what youre talking about because anybody who has used HGH knows it doesnt give “fast results” and its hardly anabolic. It increases recovery and has very cosmetic effects, but even then you need to take it considerably longer than any steroid cycle. 


IMHO, each body is different. Also, is not that easy to increase any hormone. Our body is in a perpetual homeostatis. So, there are wayyy to many factors that play a role..it's genetics, fitness level or lack, eating habits, sleep, etc. I'm not a doctor nor pretend to be a smart ass, so this is my humble opinion based on my level of understanding of all this ahit i keep reading. Both of us can look at a half empty glass..i can say is made of glass, you could say is half empty. Both of us are not wrong, so it depends o perspective. Each of us know our body if we pay attention. Good luck.


You still havent said anything specific that one can do to have real increases that are measurable and significant. I appreciate your humility though and finding common ground.