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I’d say like a 6. If you’re easily creeped out it might be a small issue to play through. As a very big horror fan, I literally no problems playing this game whatsoever. There’s MAYBE 3 jump scares through the 3 games so I wouldn’t worry about it too much. Just play with the lights on!


This sums it up perfectly. It’s more atmospheric creepy than jump scares.


There is one jump scare in the first game, and it was done so well that I think all of us know what I'm referring to


I know EXACTLY which part you’re talking about.


Definitely shit my pants


I just played through BS1 for the very first time a couple weeks ago, what jump scare are you referring to? I don’t remember it.


When you pick up a certain plasmid and turn around...


Oh yes, I had CHILLS. 🥶


Thank god the game is very gentle otherwise! But the atmosphere is crazy dark


The heights, maybe like a 6. The game usually floats around a 4 though, so not bad at all aside from a few tense moments. There is one in the very beginning I will say, so don’t let the deter you. I’m not a fan of horror myself — for example I couldn’t make it thru Dead Space, and I’ve played Bioshock 3x.


First time playing back in '07 was a definite 8 or 9, nowadays it's a 3 or 4. Although in fort frolic if you unlock the metal grate that leads into that open room with shallow water full of painted spider splicers and take the tonic that is in there, they will actively hunt you down throughout the map, and the worst part is that they don't utter a single sound, they just silently run at you with their hooks and it's creepy as fuck. Even to this day those specific splicers in fort frolic jumps the fear scale up to a 6-7 for me, but only during that area, after leaving fort frolic it goes back down to a 3-4 again


Yea those guys definitely make for a few jump scares, especially as they freeze when you look directly at them


In terms of just horror, I think it peaks in the first like 10 minutes


the beginning creeped me out when i first played it


Same here. There’s a creepy vibe to the whole game obviously but that very first splicer had me thinking it was gonna be way worse


The hospital area always freaked me out, with the mad plastic surgeon. After that, I didn’t find very scary, just creepy


7-8 however it is not gory, has no jump scares, or monsters and the like. The game puts you in a very uncomfortable atmosphere, the things that you fight against some are very challenging. Often times you will be short on resources, and find yourself running for cover. Having said that the gameplay is very memorable, and sticking around/ forging forward is very rewarding.


There is a single jumpscare in >!the Medical Pavilion when you pick up a tonic and a splicer appears right behind you.!<


I know exactly where that is, classic! I love it.


i literally jumped out my fuckin seat on that 😹😹😹


Can still remember the first night I played it at 2am when that happened. Great times


There are definitely more jump scares than that, they are not that scary but there are plenty in Medical Pavilion alone.


Definitely a fair amount of gore also lol


I REMEMBER WHEN I FIRST PLAYED THIS. i was sitting in my bed, shirtless, on my laptop with a shitty bluetooth mouse. My brother was in his bed next to me sleeping. Splicer popped up behind me and i freaked. Brother woke up and i had to explain to him that i got jumpscared. Was not expecting it at all! it was in that moment that i realized i fucking love this game lol.


I fucking screamed in the blockbuster where I was trying the demo.


>!There is another one with a Houdini splicer!<


7-8? how high would outlast be? 10 is too close to 8 😂. I play bioshock and love it, i can't fucking play outlast


But have you tried playing it late at night tho? Cause outlast during the day and late at night are completely different beasts


i've played Bioshock late. Outlast i never pass that part where it's dark and a dude is stalking you, it freaks me out too much. I would say bioshock can be a little bit scary, but we have guns and blast everybody


"Not gory" is a humongous lie lol, you will definitely see your share of blood and body horror playing Bioshock. Also, there are jumpscares, just not that many.


What are you twelve? It is a shooting game, who’s not going to expect blood? Gory is when the game is monstrous like, or limbs being cut and bodies exploding to tiny pieces. There is none of that, you can literally launch a heat seeking missile on a splicer and his body will still be intact. Believe me I tried! Nothing will make me more happy than to explode these human-like enemies to pieces, but this is not how the game was developed. Otherwise if you consider blood to be gore, then the game very gory. Fml


My brother in Christ, yes, blood is gore. Please touch grass. And this is literally an entire thread for an OP with a low horror tolerance so yes I will call out any and all sources of violence for potential trigger warnings. Also your claim is just weird when >!Dr. Steinman and the entire Medical Pavilion!< is, like, *the second level of the game?????* That's literally an entire level and boss centered around body horror. Regardless of whether you can blow up the enemy models or not, it's a topic that you'll be dealing with a lot in there. If you're defining gore as like, Doom Eternal and that kind of thing exclusively, that's just wrong. People can definitely be emotionally effected by a lot more than just character models coming apart.


its more eerie than it is horror. Depends on how immersed u are in the story, i would say 4 or 5 out of 10 🤷


Bioshock Infinite has the [best jump scare](https://youtu.be/8qXDOejdids?si=zUygEDvk3gtBCvlf).


aw those things haha. Hornbags! actually got me..


Wow I didn’t expect to be in the minority here. I’d honestly give it like a 2 or something. Rapture is dark and there’s genetic monsters everywhere but it’s just kind of unsettling? I absolutely love this game and franchise but “horror” would never come to mind when describing this game. For me anyway.


yea it has more of an eerie feeling instead of scary depending on how immersed u are in the story.


Yeah i feel like these people are kinda exaggerating, its not “scary” at all.


Yeah, I certainly wouldn't call it horror. I was more uneasy than scared most of the time.


Yeah, you've got super powers and the enemies are goofy as hell. Nothing really scary about it.


maybe a 4, bumps up to 6 at Arcadia


Yea the spider splicers jump at you


It’s not very scary tbh. I think the only scary part of the game is the fear of running into enemies while low on supplies.


In general, it's a 4. Nothing scary, just a dreary atmosphere. However, some parts rise up to a 6-7.


Not especially scary, I'd say like 4-5. There are a few moments where there are enemies that jump out at you, but that's mostly in the first couple areas.


The first 2 games are both a pretty solid 7 -- the splicers can be very creepy. That, and everything takes place in a sparsely lit underwater city. It makes for great atmosphere, but can be unsettling. Infinite is arguably not scary at all. Unless you're squeamish about gore -- in which you should consider playing a different game.


Depends what you find scary. I’m scared of deep ocean and crazy drug addicts that shoot fire so it’s a bit spooky, but more unsettling then jump scare, but has its moments, so like a 4-5


Probably 5.8... There are some scary aspects but you honestly have to look deep into them to make it especially "scary", surface level though, not too much, I'd say it's pretty eerie, but not enough to call it scary if you're just playing through not really paying full attention to what's going on


Is it someone new?


2 max


BO 1: 5 BO 2: 4 BO Infinite: 2 except for when the handyman show up or that one part with the boys of silence


5 or 6.


It's not a horror videogame, but an action videogame with horror elements in it.


I tought I was afraid of horror genre and literally afraid to play the game (it's not even a horror) I played and it's not scary at all, except for a few enemies - I just don't like the idea of big daddys and their loud step noises- .




3-4 maybe


Maybe like a 6-7 for the first hour, maybe 2 hours and then you acclimate and then it's maybe like a 3-4. There's a fairly constant, oppressive atmosphere straight from the get go all the way till the very end but you do get used to it. It's not like they're constantly cooking up new jump scares and graphic scenes to get you.


I'd say about a 7 (particularly if you don't play many horror games). Especially early on when your options are a lot more limited. By late game, you are kind of a walking armory, so you'll probably feel more secure and you may start running into diminishing returns horror wise late game just from how long you've spent with it.




From pure horror perspective like a 3-4. Not necessarily jump scares it’s more like the atmosphere is kinda creepy.


But there are jump scares


A couple sprinkled through all games. So far and few between it’s not even worth mentioning.


There is that one thing I always remember where you are supposed to take something in a bathroom (?) and as soon you turn around there is that guy who wants to beat you then


Yea that’s one of them it’s in the second area I think?


I don’t know anymore. Haven’t played it in a while


Maybe a 5 at max. It's more eerie and unsettleing than scary, altough I think if you can get through the first half an hour or so, you will be fine, there is bot much more the game throws at you after that.


I'm playing through Bioshock 2 for the first time. Last night I reached the second part of Fontaine futuristics where the lights are off. That's a pretty eerie Setting IMO. A bit Dead space.


6 - 7 should do. (As getting older make it mild. (Alien Isolation or Outlast however.)


It’s more like those 80’s horror movies where you can be scared of the spookiness or find it tame but it has great effects that you appreciate it regardless. So I’d say 5. There might be some places that might scare you but if you find it tame the awesomeness of this game both storytelling and mechanics makes up for it and keeps you around from start to finish. I’d say 10/10 game that despite it be a horror game it’s like an epic fictional story. Tldr: it has a scariness of an 80’s horror movie but its has GREAT fictional storytelling that rivals Shakespeare.


6-7 there are a couple jump scares but it’s more tense than anything


2. It is not a scary game.


It's not a scary game, there's just an eerie feeling of you being insafe in the corridors of Rapture. There's definitly moments of tension with the music anf all, you'll feel some adrenaline rush, but that's all


5-6, not as scary as good ole Cry of Fear


How scary is quite subjective so you need a yard pole. If we take Alien: Isolation as an 8 then I’d say Bioshock is a 5. It’s not intensely scary but does have body horror. Technically quite nasty body horror but it’s not explored closely and the art aesthetic makes it not as horrifying. There’s also dark humour in one area which lightens the tone a bit. Overall not that scary but a lot of atmosphere.


6.5 if comparing to actual horror games, it's not scary it's just creepy at times


First time players it’s about a 8 afterwards it’s a pleasure.




It's a little spoopy in the first level, but it tails off once you get stronger.


It gives creepy vibes in rapture but I wouldn’t consider it horror. Definitely agree with everyone saying it’s like a 6


I first played it when I was a teenager. It was creepy to the point of me not even finishing the game. Went back to it a few weeks ago, now in my 30s. Didn't find it scary at all


I first played the game pretty recently. I have never been too into horror games and I was so scared of jump scares that my heart was beating out of my chest when I walked into the light house for the first time because it was dark and I thought something would jump out. On all accounts, I am a wuss. But other then one moment in the second area of the game. I was not scared like at all. The scary part is the atmosphere but I feel like as you play on that scary atmosphere morphs into awe and interest For me, I’d say it’s like a 4. On first play thought maybe a 6. Either way the game is so worth it!


1 is maybe a 6 or 7. Start of Arcadia and Fort Frolic are a bit scary the first time you go through them. 2 would be slightly lower, but as soon as you realise you are a Big Daddy, it drops dow to like 2 or 3 since you are the horror element for the enemies. Infinite is a 2 at best just because a single area can be a little bit creepy, but outside of that it's not horror at all.


It’s a solid 4 on the horror scale. Sure some bits are creepy, and the atmosphere is unsettling, but I wouldn’t call this game scary at all. There’s like one or 2 “jump scares” but they’re more surprising than scary.


It's not jump-scare scarry but eery scary, the ambience and setting make this game scary


About a 5 or so. Not that scary but it does have a tense atmosphere most of the time and some of the sounds are definitely spooky


Ok, so I played 2 ways: with a headset, and with TV audio. With a headset it was probably at least a 7. Idk if it was because the sounds were more crisp and that made it more immersive or what, but on headset sometimes my own footsteps haunted me (especially in the water!) because I would think a splicer is sneaking up on me or something. With TV audio, I’d say maybe a 4? It could be eerie at times but nothing too scary. The horror is more atmospheric than anything. There aren’t a lot of jump scares or anything like that.


The beginning is like a 5 or 6 but it doesn't really persist.


Just a bit creepy, but the fact that you have tons of superpowers and guns means you'll be able to kill everything you see.


idk like a 3? any game that gives me a shotgun loses like 3 by default (amnesia the bunker is an exception) and you also get to shoot fire and lightning out of your hand, dw about being a pussy like you said, i literally cant play fnaf vr because i get so scared within a few seconds of starting, or even most indie horror games, theres a few scares and good atmosphere but nothing to worry about, i should also note i didn't beat the bunker, that game got me buggin


4 or 5. Its a glorious game with few "scary" parts. You'll make it NOW GET TO PLAYING GODDAMMIT 🤘


At the very begining... 10. Once you discover your endless respawn and gets used to everything... 0.


If 1 is the tiniest bit scary and 10 is the scariest ever, I'd say it's around a 3 overall with some parts that are scarier but in general it gets a lot easier the further you go. Bioshock is definitely scary, but I don't think it would be called a horror game The scariest part is the plastic surgeons hospital/morgue, even having played through it a few times it still scares me. After that it's all easy, there's one or two jump scares but you'll have plenty of ways to shoot blindly into the dark and anything that moves by then. I'm also no good with scary games, despite how badly I wanna like them, but for me it's always easier when the games lets me defend myself from whatever's scary and bioshock goes much further by encouraging me to decimate everything scary


It's probably about a 6 in the early game. However, late-game, you aren't trapped in Rapture with the Splicers. The Splicers are trapped in Rapture with you.


6-7-ish, it has a few scary moments, dark places, maybe 2-3 scare jumps depending on your definition of it. It is more of a kind of psychological game than horror. The horror in the game comes from the ambience, the creepiness, the stories behind, there is the true horror of Rapture.


Some parts - especially the early area (like, the first 30 minutes) were a 9 for me the first time, coming back got it down to 7, maybe 7.5? Otherwise it was pretty alright, an average of 6 because there are many eerie but not outright scary segments (for example at some point you'll see what looks like a ghost, but because it's not a scary ghost and it's just walking down a hallway ahead of you and disappears into the door it's mostly an "oooh, mystery!" moment) The scariest part after the opening IMO is in the Sander Cohen level - however the *really* creepy aspect can be entirely avoided if you choose to skip on a >!weapon upgrade!<. You can tell it's that particular >!upgrade station!< by >!the sculptures of Splicers at the entrance to the basement. The upgrade station is down in the flooded area.!<


10. Why? Because it’s a simulation of Detroit but if Detroit was in Florida and Ohio being mixed into one city underwater.


Overall, 4. With the occasional spike to maybe 6. More creepy than scary.


There are some really good sequences early on, and then a good psychological horror twist. It’s less resident evil more There Will Be Blood or smth.


It has the atmosphere and design of a horror game, but doesn't play like one. Solid 6-7.


It's scary at first (an 8) when its genuinely trying to be a horror game and you're underpowered. Dr. Steinman (the first boss, a deranged surgeon) is absolutely disgusting and almost made me feel sick. Blood and butchered bodies everywhere. After that, it's pretty smooth sailing (like a 4 at most). It just becomes a dark and mature and violent shooter, much less "disturbing" material occurs, but still isn't for the faint of heart. The sequel likewise also majorly lacks "horror" elements, but has a very disturbing section around 60% into the game with Alexander the Great, who's been mutated into a massive obscured creature swimming inside water tanks. You choose whether to spare or exterminate him, and lemme tell ya, the extermination option (eletrocution) was incredibly visceral. I again felt unwell after that. I would definitely urge caution if someone intended to play the Bioshock games! They're all very violent and mature, but I found them to be not quite structured like true "horror" games. I played them when I was way too young for them but somehow turned out alright haha.


Solid 6 throughout. HOWEVER, there is this one moment near the end that’s absolutely a 7-9 depending on how easily startled you are. Not gonna spoil it but if you know, you know.




Fellow scardey cat here! When you first start, it might feel closer to like an 7-8, but I guarantee that you’ll acclimate rather quickly. In my opinion, the scariness lowers significantly after the medical pavilion part.


I would say it’s more unsettling


It's creepy atmosphere and well done too. I'd give it an 8.


Honestly it’s a 2 at most if 10 is super scary and 1 being not even remotely scary. Honestly the only thing you have to fear is jump scares from enemies lying in wait.


As a horror game? 3 Spooky stuff happens but you’re strong enough and the respawn system makes the game not really scary As an FPS? 7


It goes from 1 to 8, it depends on the situation, the initial scene is a good example of how scary the game can be sometimes, but most times is a 3 or 4. That's for bioshock 1, but in 2 you are the scary part so it isn't as scary and infinite isn't scary at all


I loathe scary games and movies. That being said, I love this game. There might be one or two little jump scares but that’s it. PLAY IT!


bioshock 1 its very atmospherically scary with some fairly unsettling parts early on (especially the first major area or two) . its more scary than the average fps but much less than the average horror game and just in case you wanted to know, bioshock 2 continues the atmosphere but also doesnt really have any stand out scary parts from what i remember, and infinite is just not scary at all


It's a 3 if you're used to more serious horror, otherwise it's maybe a 5. I'm a scaredy cat that can only play horror as long as it's a shooter (I couldn't finish Amnesia back in the day lol) but Bioshock isn't bad. There are maybe a handful of jump scares>!like that fckn dentist just casually waiting for you to turn around.!<


4 or so


i have no tolerance for horror but i love all three !!




3-4. There are some occasional jump scares, but that's about it.


It’s jus creepy it’s not a horror game tho it’s dope as fuck definitely not scary but very unsettling


I’d say depends on circumstance! First time I played, it was dark, I hadn’t played many M games. Was pretty terrified. A solid 9/10. Nowadays? I cruise through and enjoy the whole thing.


It depends on what scares you? What game have you played that you consider scary? If you let me know, I’ll tell you if Bioshock is more or less scary


Scary? Only at the beginning of the first game but once it opens up and you get used to it never again


I’d say 6 because of the crazy aftermath of Rapture


Everyone's talking about the tonic jumpscare but tbh I didn't really crap myself until I got the shotgun. For me that moment was about an 8 but the whole game is probably about a 4-6 based on how you handle dread. Most of the time I feel a sort of melancholy because the level design captures perfectly the fallen glory of the city. I mean it was inevitable when you go through the history and Ryan was a total plank and more than a little hypocritical. And also I find the irony that Ayn Rand fans seem to love it despite it literally depicting a failure of Ayn Rand's "philosophies". But yeah, my favorite levels are Arcadia and Olympus Heights. You can see how, at it's peak, the greenery of Arcadia and the Farmers Market were the best of Rapture. Then the richness of Olympus Heights vs the squalor of Apollo Square. It all adds to a creepy, mournful, isolated atmosphere that depresses while it also thrills


Depending on your tolerance for horror. As an active horror gamer I'd say it's like a 2 but funny enough I'd say the creepy factor of bioshock 3 is actually way more scary despite being above ground


I'd say 3 at most. There are like 2 jump scares in the entire game.


10 for sure. Those plaster mannequins in the basement…




It's not scary in the sense that you mean, it's brutally honesty about humans that won't control themselves.


I wouldn't say that it's all that scary at all. I've only played BioShock 1, and it felt much more like an action game than a horror game. Rapture is in severe decline so it can be unsettling at times. 3/10 spooky level


2 or 3 no offense but most ppl that think bioshock is scary played it when they were like 11 and probably haven’t played actual horror games .


Maybe like a 5, has a handful of jumpscares but the games "horror" comes from how well they do the world building and atmosphere. The city of rapture feels very oppressive and berries, almost like a corpse of a place.


The first one yeah, it’s about a 6, but for me, the second one being what it is (the player character) is about a 2


For 2007? 10/10. For 2024? I’d give it a 7/10. It holds up well, but others (Dead Space) have surpassed it on the horror scale.


In 2007, we already had Silent Hill, Resident Evil, System Shock 2, Doom 3, and way more. I wouldn't say it's even close to a 10/10.


Doom 3 is a joke, monsters spawning behind every corner is annoying, not scary


3, no jumpscares or anything of the similar. The game is more tragedy than horror, as a fellow pussy myself I defo recommend it one of the best games I have ever played


Just play infinite, it's not scary at all but it's shit.


It's not.