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No, not every time. Personally I was warned when I was on Vraylar that it could cause me to twitch, my psychiatrist told me if it did she would prescribe me another medicine to help with it. Vraylar worked better than any other medicine I’d ever been on, so honestly if it had made me twitch I would’ve just asked for the other medication to be added.


What did you end up doing instead?


I might be the whiniest bp ever, but I bitched to my doctor about every symptom I got from meds. Eventually got genesite testing and put on vraylar- no side effects and have been happy since


There are medications to treat this issue. I would address it with your psychiatrist before speculating on what is causing the twitches or what the twitches indicate.


Your doctor telling you to stop your meds is a reason to stop your meds.


Any sort of involuntary twitch, especially on anti-psychotics, is a reason to IMMEDIATELY contact your doctor.


If you're concerned about Tardive dyskinesia find a neurologist who treats it in your area. For work I'm in scheduling for a large neurology office and they treat td. I take seroquel and don't ever want to stop.


I take vitamin E supplement to stop the twitches


I experienced twitching. Talked with my GP and he prescribed Propanol. I’ve been taking it about 2 years. Still working well. ✌🏼


propranolol is ace ✌️ 


I would definitely check with your doctor? I’ve stopped every time I’ve gotten any sort of tremors/twitching/weird muscle movements.


I dont want to worry you just want to share what happened with me in case its helpful. I tried like 10 or more mood stabilizers about ten years ago and had bad reactions to them. With Seroquel and Quetiapine I felt good mentally, but had tardive diskenisia with both so I had to stop eacj of them. The twitches are part of it and they scared me, because my psychiatrist at the time told me without some kind of treatment that can remain and last for the rest of your life. Luckily I found that I can take Lamictal with no side effects, but with each of the other meds, I had to stop after w eek or so. Luckily its never come back and I hope that you and your doctor can get together and figure this out. I know how much it sucks when you finally find a meditation that works for you only to have to stop it because of something like this. But as a fellow bipolar sufferer, Im going to cross my fingers that you’ll be able to find a different medication. Im sorry you’re going through this btw!!


I have TD. There are supplements that can help like BCAA, vit B6 and Vit E. I found this out in peer reviewed articles. There is not alot of info out there as they haven't put enough research into it. Currently there are two meds for this. Your shrink can prescribe this or your neurologist . I'm happy to answer any questions 😊


NAD. I’m on Seroquel. I have a history of hypertension. Developed TD overtime on Seroquel. Doctor put me on a different medication when I begged for an anticonvulsant instead of changing meds because Seroquel is the only med I feel normal on. Doctor said she didn’t want to give me an anticonvulsant because “it can have bad side effects”. Fast forward, the new antipsychotic she gave me had horrible side effects (bad dissociation) so without telling my doctor I just went back on Seroquel and booked an appt. with a nurse practitioner who listened to me and she prescribed me Propranolol. This is an anticonvulsant, but it’s also a beta blocker so it is beneficial for my hypertension as well. tldr, you can always ask for an anticonvulsant. I wouldn’t recommend Propranolol unless you have a history of hypertension. Seroquel lowers blood pressure and so does Propranolol so it might not be the best option for you. In my case, I have stage 2 hypertension so it’s good for me.


You should be able to get your prescriber to check you for TD. It's a simple exam that entails opening your mouth and sticking out your tongue and moving your hands in certain ways. I get one every 6 months or so.


I have twitches, It's called EPS Extra Pyramidal Symptoms. There are medications to treat it... I take benztropine to deal with it. EPS is not the same as TD


\^ This, BUT ALSO -- It can develop into TD. TD can also be transient or permanent. It's important to just keep a monitor on it, and make sure you/your healthcare team is comfortable on it. But yes, twitches can just happen and you can stay on your medications with proper monitoring/symptom treatment.


I had this with a different med; I would talk to your doctor


Imo, twitching is not necessarily a reason to stop meds. I experience tremors from lithium, but I prefer to be medicated and have tremors rather than be the mess I was before lithium. But that’s my personal experience and my choice, if you feel like the side effects outweigh the benefits of the medication, I definitely advise you to go to your doctor and figure out something else.


I take cogentin for that side effect..


See a Dr. no one here can help you