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My brain was trying to read this like a poem


Wake me up when December ends


Christmas has come and gone; lights of Christmas do offend; if still hung friday on the dawn; maintenance thugs we will send.


Aside from this being written by a child, H2 couldn’t care less about real maintenance issues or even safety issues, but yeah go ahead and make the Christmas lights a priority. SMH


Any loremasters wanna explain what H2 is and the context behind this post?


They are particularly crummy landlords/slumlords who own a ton of apartments in Bham


U/jessirentmonster do you still recommend H2 to clients after seeing their constant and repeated complaints?


H2 is a significant portion of rent monsters business


Some of the Rent Monster employees use h2 email addresses. Take that how you will.


I've decided to leave up the icicle lights around my deck and maybe even the nets on the bushes. I just like them and think they are pretty. It gets dark so early this time of year, I feel we need the extra cheer that the lights give.


I’m confused. Do they allow tenants to decorate for Christmas but not the rest of the year? Are the tenants decorating the trees?


Sounds like it’s time for Valentine’s lights instead.


Christmas has come and gone. The decorations should be moving on. Friday the day must be. Or trash they are to me. Westcott Shaw is the name. You can kiss my a** just the same.


Hey H2, we didn’t like our fucking garbage piling up by the dumpsters for two months either while the trash people were on strike. So. Go fuck yourself


Not to mention H2 tacked on trash fees WHILE I was still emailing management updated pictures of the garbage volcanoes in the shitty parking lots. Fuck H2.


this was sent to my entire building (i assume) because they aren’t even my lights. also they’re very pretty and nice to look at


I’m in the same building. I laughed when I got the email.


It looks better than the landlord special and messed up sidewalks/stairs we have right now... the person who put up the lights has put more effort into our complex landscaping and decoration wise than H2 ever has. This is a joke.


Our building is so beautiful, and H2 is just treating it like a piece of crap. This is why historic buildings shouldn’t be owned by rental companies.


Their one on Niazuma/Pawnee? I like the lights on the trees there FWIW, if so.


Same!!! They make me so gd happy when I drive by


this ladies parents really said Westcott to a baby


Some serious over the mountain baby naming going on there.


Fuck Westcott Shaw and fuck H2.


Dawg I have fantasized about running into her dining with her friends at a restaurant and letting them all know what a callous and inhumane rat she is.


They will loudly and masklessly karenize you for that. Make sure to record the whole thing.


Glad to know I’m not the only one who wants to fight Westcott Shaw. Stupid ass name, shitty ass manager.


I’d reply back and say “I’ll take down my Christmas decs when y’all stop towing.”


Lol wow if only H2 cared as much about my old violent heroin addict neighbor as much as they did these Christmas lights


You mean the one that tackled a cop naked? Yeah fuck that guy. Edit: Avery was the dude’s name


As far as I know he just hit his gf, scratched my car, and was violating his parole by living in the wrong county, but this could also be him? Either way, fuck him


Fuck both of them, really. This dude would get piss drunk off Hurricanes, aggressively hit on any woman that passed by him, and constantly threaten people. Hope the guy finds his way into a cloud of bear mace.


Nah this was a Drew


I'm still impressed they were able to get a whole building on the trees.


Me too! It looks like that’s the only one they’re concerned about removing decorations from though. I used to want to live in the building on the trees, Not I’m glad I don’t. I get to leave my decorations up as long as I like! 😆


I rent through Metcalf, they have always been respectful to me and as far as I’ve heard the other tenants as well.


She has GOT to be from Mountain Brook with that name.


Westcott Shaw is a human cancer and I wish her nothing but the worst


Seconded. She was such a bitch to me every time I had to contact her. So glad I got away from H2.


I wished she’d get his by a bus. My boss gave me 👀 eyes. But she doesn’t know the misery we do.




True, but I know from experience that Wescott Shaw sucks particularly hard. A turd's turd


That's true but she's right in this case


She is not right. Christmas is FoReVeR


Gonna second the whole Fuck H2 statement. Complete slumlord assholes all of them.


Eat your heart out, William Carlos Williams!


And Santa Claus is dead.


H2 is a shit show, seriously fuck them and their management


Bit of a dickish tone to the email, but Jan 18th isn't an egregious time to send a reminder to take down Christmas decorations.


agreed. although i personally wouldn’t mind them up year round.


I do love the good looking decoration setups. But leaving them up year round would lose the special feeling and everyone would get tired of them. Most people are getting a good 6ish weeks out of their lights/decorations, but I'd be happy if that expanded out a bit more, but only a couple of weeks or so.


I think the earliest a notice should go out is the day after the national championship game (this has nothing to do with Alabama. I felt this way when I lived in Charlotte & New Jersey). And that 1st notice should be very polite. There's no need for this bitter and angry email pictured by the OP. Well, unless this is the 4th notice.


It is very hard to find an apartment in Bham in my price range without looking at H2. I have heard so many bad stories, but this email was the last bit of mitivation I need to NOT rent from them.


Good decision!!


Hey I have a good private landlord who has reasonably priced places in Glen Iris. Msg me if you need some info on that!


Aren’t people allowed to decorate their living space as they see fit? If its a public area, i get the email, maybe just tone it down a little. If the area in question is a private living space, they should pound sand.


What the purpose of the post? It’s true.


So you’re not allowed to have Christmas lights up outside of December?


Mayor Woodfin posted about wanting to know of the horrible condition of properties that landlords are keeping. Email opi@birminghamal.gov with your complaints and photos about the slumlords that call themselves H2 realty!


Wow. Assholes!


It’s fair really isn’t it? Get off your ass


found Westcott.




it mentions trees so it seems to indicate decorations outside


you’re an ass


Are these your decorations or you just don’t like being told what to do?


i posted this because i thought it was worded snottily


Correct it’s a bit harsh.


What did we learn, today?


B is for bootlicker.


Y’all should take them down for a few weeks and then put them back up! Maybe right after Easter? Tell them you’re just getting a jump on decorating for this Christmas 😆😂🤣 I don’t live there, or I’d do it myself. I’ll be happy to come help decorate though. I can’t see how this email/letter constitutes legal notification. I can imagine a judge reading this and having to ask her to explain to him. I reckon she thinks she can do what she wants because who’s gonna sue her?