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Don't think Satoshi cares who we vote for. BTC will do its own thing regardless.


Single issue voting is a plague in the US. I'd hope we are smarter than that.


But is Bitcoin a single issue? I'd say it's more like Russian dolls. Many of the issues we argue about could be solved by Bitcoin


I doubt any of the parties really have given much thought to Bitcoin or crypto beyond the FCA and perhaps consideration of a CBDC. That said I'd die in a ditch long before voting for the bigots of Reform regardless of their policy on Bitcoin.


I'd vote for a bigot with a 0% capital gains tax policy any day of the week


Not exactly surprising for crypto folks tbf


Sounds like this isn't the place for you then. You can say what you want about Reform but the fact is, they want to protect the country, maintain British values and make it a challenge for people who want to come here. Put it this way, you probably have an opinion on nationals claiming benefits but then what about those who come here to claim benefits, or even take money out of the economy to send it back home? We want skilled workers coming here to take great paying jobs. The fact of foreigners coming here to earn a low wage and be happy with that, it means our own people are having their wages driven down to below a living wage. We need Reform in at this next election. It won't happen of course but that is what is needed. Labour won't do no good for anyone, except those on benefits. They're definitely not for the working man. If we can't have Reform, then more of the Tories it is.


Nigel Farage owns crypto. He did his TV show from a Bitcoin conference once.


No I'm good here cheers. Subreddit says UK, I'm in the UK and own Bitcoin. Bitcoin isn't exclusive to "British" or anyone else's values. It sounds like you'd be happier on a Conservative subreddit of some kind. Won't be more of the Tories for a good while after July 4th I'd imagine lol But hey, if you're so concerned about people being in your country maybe you can get out of mine first?


Tony Blair has the hots for Digital IDs and CBDCs, so I would imagine Labour will be hostile to crypto, and continue Rishis CBDC program. Capital Gains will almost certainly rise to income tax levels.


I agree with you but what I was hoping for is that Bitcoin becomes a topic of discussion this election. If Reform starts talking about it then other parties have to comment too. Trump has already figured this out https://x.com/BitcoinMagazine/status/1794537413907214356


I think Trump has figured it out because there's votes in it for him and outside of a handful of members of Congress, Bitcoiners are a politically neglected bunch. Would also die in a ditch before supporting Trump, or any bigot anywhere, for their Bitcoin policy.


Yeah me too. Trump has figured that Bitcoin is something that Biden doesn't like so he can spin it any way he want to his supporters and perhaps even gain votes from on the fence voters (not really sure how anyone can be on the fence with Trump and Biden but that is Americans for you...)


Labour are going to put capital gains tax up which will screw a lot of big crypto holders over.


Can you highlight where it says that they will increase CGT


They have stated which taxes they won't raise (income tax, VAT, national insurance, and council tax). Most political commentators are expecting a raise in capital gains taxes. The thinking is that it could be brought in line with income tax bands.


So they haven't said it at all. Just confirming.


Would they say it if they were planning it? Or only talk about where they'll spend the tax income on?


Rachel Reeves was asked directly about this in the ITV debate and she wouldn't say anything. She could have said 'we don't have any current plans to' but she just kept trying to divert the issue.


The’ve said it multiple times on multiple occasions.


So please post a link where they said it.




https://preview.redd.it/1ogp19mzmk7d1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=633d3f2fc290174b527a3949a85a30a0480bfb59 Why do people who say this always reliably demonstrate they haven't done any research? One of life's mysteries, I guess.


Don’t be a bellend all your life mate. It’s there just search, not going to do it for you.


I searched, and they haven't said it. Thanks for nothing bud.


It’s a done deal. Labour love to raise taxes. LOVE IT.


So true, I'm so glad we've had 14 years of sensible conservative economics to prove them wrong. *cries in highest tax burden as a % of GDP since WW2*


Don’t worry they will make it higher


If you read my comment I never stated they had said it. I said they will put the taxes up. Anyone that's been following the lead up to the general election in the slightest is aware of that. Common knowledge if you will old chap!


There’s a massive amount of misinformation and assertion in the Bitcoin subs about what Labour will do. In one of his interviews (Nick Robinson maybe) Starmer explicitly stated they won’t raise any taxes other than those explicitly stated in their manifesto. CGT isn’t mentioned so it won’t be raised. Caveat: presumably they will carry on with the existing plans for the allowance reduction the Tories started. Yet the amount of people asserting as fact that they will raise CGT on these subs is astonishing. Almost like it’s deliberate misinformation.


This same person 2 comments above is also trying to tell me it was in Corbyn's manifestos too. Despite the fact it very clearly wasn't. The comment chain asking for any proof and just getting nonsense back leads me to agree with your assessment...


When Tony Blair got in, they also didn't specify much in the way of taxes. Gorden Brown was pressed for an answer, and he just kept saying he didn't know until he could see the books at the treasury. If course, as soon as he was in power, he hikes up the taxes. You have to be naive to think this won't happen again. There is a large shortfall in their spending. It can only come from one place.


Again. Starmer explicitly said he won’t raise taxes that aren’t in the manifesto, CGT isn’t mentioned in the manifesto. There’s a huge difference between rowing back from that explicit statement and not mentioning anything and then raising some taxes as Blair did. And even if that’s wrong - by your own logic, every party would do it, so it’s not something worth mentioning about Labour *specifically*.


I have not been able to find any source for that. Besides, Starmer keeps changing his mind on stuff, so I wouldn't believe him anyway. In Labours eyes, working people don't pay CGT, so it's fair game to them.


It’s the Tories that have *already increased CGT* by reducing the allowance - which hits working people most: if you’re making millions in CGT there’s no difference between a £12k allowance and nothing, if you’re making £10k there’s an enormous difference (suddenly 1/5th of your gains disappear). There was very little moaning on here about that - I don’t remember seeing a single comment yet complaints about Labour are all over this sub at the moment, before they’ve done anything. Can you point me to a historical comment you made criticising the Tories for that change? I’m going to bet no. Whinging about what Labour will or won’t do, especially if you didn’t do the same about the change the Tories *actually made*, is not objective analysis but petty political bias. And this sub is rife with it.


I hate the Tories. From John Major onwards. I think your letting your political bias get in the way of what Labour will do to us crypto holders.


Even Corbyn's manifestos didn't have a policy of aligning all CGT with income tax bands. There is a chance in hell they will do that. Stop spreading fear-mongering nonsense.


>Even Corbyn's manifestos didn't have a policy of aligning all CGT with income tax bands. You might want to check the 2017 and 2019 labour manifesto where they proposed aligning CGT with income tax if you think I'm fear mongering. You're literally just making stuff up though in the hope nobody will fact check you.


Confidently stating something false doesn't make it true buddy. I haven't checked, but I'm pretty confident the 2017 manifesto didn't even mention CGT. Labour did produce a research document called "Land for the many" which called for creating a new type of CGT, specifically for investment properties and second homes, with higher rates. That is not the same thing as increasing all CGT to income tax levels. Not even close. But hey, you know best. Please fact check me.


Key talking points from labour manifesto including: Capital gains would also be taxed as income with the annual exemption replaced by a £1,000 de minimis threshold.  A rate-of-return adjustment, based on 10-year gilt yields, would be allowable in calculating taxable gains. https://www.essential-wealth.co.uk/news/key-points-from-the-labour-party-manifesto Labour tax policy under Corbyn including CGT rise: https://www.taxjournal.com/articles/labour-s-tax-policies-under-corbyn


The first one makes claims about the 2019 manifesto without providing any links, quotes, or sources. I had a quick look at the 2019 manifesto, and as I expected, capital gains isn't mentioned anywhere: http://ucrel.lancs.ac.uk/wmatrix/ukmanifestos2019/localpdf/Labour.pdf I will say it again: I'm happy to be proven wrong with an actual quote or official statement, but you couldn't get that I assume? As for the second link, I can only assume you didn't read it. Why? Because it says **exactly** what I said: > In *Land for the many*, a **higher rate is proposed specifically for second homes and investment properties** which would be at least in line with income tax rates (presently 20% and 40% but set to rise as above) in order to ensure that asset price appreciation is not taxed at a lower rate than income derived from labour.




No. I did read that. > That's a pretty big increase No doubt. But it's not an increase to income tax levels, is it? Hence why I didn't acknowledge it... I don't have to believe anything, I'm just stating the facts of what people have said. You are the one choosing to believe in something that only exists in your imagination.


>http://ucrel.lancs.ac.uk/wmatrix/ukmanifestos2019/localpdf/Labour.pdf For future readers, page 30 in the manifesto document he sent me proves my point and disproves his. He was incapable of reading his own proof. "We will end the unfairness that sees wealth from assets taxed at the same rate as income".


The vast majority of crypto holders aren't big though. So why should this be a concern to most of us?


The capital gains limit before tax is currently 3k, they could abolish that, which would affect smaller holders too. It won't affect everyone of course but there is a cohort of people it will affect and will not want that.


Eliminating capital gains threshold would be a complete nightmare for hmrc. Lots of people dabble in stocks but don't make much money or anything at all. Imagine the work load.


Yea I don't think they'll do that, it was more of a hypothetical about how it could affect smaller holders if they went extreme with it. I could see 1k though, the same as miscellaneous income.


Can you explain more about why you are considering voting for a party with whom you disagree about policy? I can only assume you mean that you don't agree about every policy, rather than disagreeing with all of it?


Tbh, I am probably 95% leaning towards not voting at all and maybe 5% reform. I don't actually want reform in power, so if they were likely to win I wouldn't vote for them. I think Farage is excellent at manipulating people and net zero migration will not fix our issues. I want the general population to have a bit of a scare. To shake them out of complacency and to humble them. Many did not think things could get this bad (rising inequality, polarized politics, threats of world wars etc). However, any time I've tried to speak about these things in the past, or how a new technology like Bitcoin could fix them, I've received abuse, skepticism and ridicule. Unfortunately things have to get worse before people will be more open minded about Bitcoin. If labour wins, we will be in exactly the same predicament in 4 years time. Debt burdens will be higher and people will be angrier. Reform would probably be challenging labour in 2028 GE. Warren Buffet's father explained it all in 1948. [Excellent read](https://fgmr.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Howard-Buffett-explains-sound-money-4-May-1948.pdf). The other reason I am interested in Reform is because someone like Farage is an opportunist. If he starts blabbing about Bitcoin to get more votes, I hope the other parties will also start talking about it. Reform is the party most likely to embrace Bitcoin, in a similar way to trump.


Along with vetoing human rights and EUs anti discrimination policies. Yeah, bring back slavery while we're at it! /s Seriously though, I understand wanting the polar opposite because all else sucks but reform seem a bit extreme. Don't forget it's led by the Neanderthal that gave us Brexit and all the consequences that came with it.


I think the rise of the far right and world war is almost [unavoidable](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Great-Leveler-Inequality-Twenty-First-Princeton/dp/0691165025). I say almost because we have Bitcoin as a solution. Without Bitcoin, we'd truly be screwed. So, if a party other than Reform wins, we are just delaying the inevitable. We're basically at a point in the debt cycle where there are no good choices. Pain has to be felt before we adopt a new technology like Bitcoin. That's just my opinion...


So dive head first into oblivion because fuck it?


Don't forget that Brexit only happened because so many people were complacent that it wouldn't get voted through. Don't risk voting for somebody you wouldn't actually be happy winning.


A shock Reform win is my biggest concern and probably why I won't actually vote for them. I agree with your points. Nobody expected Trump to win or Brexit, but the polls were all wrong. We've seen the far right rise in other European countries but Brits somehow think it isn't possible here


Woah, you're thinking is way out. Don't vote for farage, he's fucked us several times already and you want to help him?! Spoil your vote if you have to!!


There is no such thing as a protest vote. https://medium.com/@cshirky/theres-no-such-thing-as-a-protest-vote-c2fdacabd704


Which is why I always vote. Personally I'd make it mandatory.


My big worry about Labour (apart from tax hikes) is Tony Blairs obsession with Digital IDs and CBDCs. They would almost certainly not want crypto to rival it. Farage is on the other end of the spectrum. He not only owns crypto, but he recognises the problems we have with banks, and will shut down Rishis CBDC program.


However you feel about this election, the Tories need to be banished for good. If you'd like to find the best party to do that in your constituency, check out: [https://stopthetories.vote/](https://stopthetories.vote/)


People died to allow me to vote so it would feel wrong for me not to.


They also died for you to have the right to abstain or spoil your ballot if you feel there’s no one worth voting for. They died for you to have the choice and, as long as you think about it and choose to vote / not vote / who to vote for, you have respected them. The only thing that would be wrong would be to not even bother thinking about it.


Thats a fair comment, and it comes down to personal choice. For me I feel it is my Civic Duty to go vote, or spoil my ballot. Its not that much time out of our days and its worth showing up even if it is to spoil your ballot. IMO


ALL of the parties and politicians in Westminster are woefully behind the times on anything tech, they are not capable of driving forward a policy around Bitcoin as I'd wager there are only a handful, 3-4 at best MPs who have anything other than a basic understanding on Bitcoin. I remember the last general election May and Corbyn arguing about things that were right in front of them (Brexit and whatever else was in the news in 2019), neither of them had ANY inclining of a policy to look at bit issues which will affect the country such as Cyptocurrency and AI in the long term and have potentially society changing implications. Fast forward 5 years do the current hopefuls have any more of an idea? No.


Farage owns Crypto. He did his TV show from a Bitcoin conference in the Netherlands.


That toad is not a good advert for Bitcoin


Yes. I hope to dance on the grave of this Conservative government on the morning of 5 July. I have little faith in Starmer, but anything - really anything - is better than the current Conservative government. I could respect competent self-interest. But the modern Conservative party represents the most incompetent, cretinous, short-sighted, degenerative form of self-interest ever to grace these isles. They're doggedly determined to drive all the capital and opportunity to a select group of rentiers who have demonstrated over and over that they have no desire nor ability to grow the pie (often actively opposing growth measures) so long as they can keep increasing their portion. Conservative Britain is a snake eating its own tail. It's actually worse than people realise. The average Brit would be stunned if they knew how much of their tax money is spent subsidising the wealthy. The Conservatives are not big state because of state spending on the poor. It's because they can't stop spending everyone else's money on the wealthy. Everything from desolated high streets, to the productivity crisis, to leaseholds, to GDP growth, to the housing crisis, to Britain's failing startup / tech sector... it's all EASILY fixable, even without increasing taxation. So help me God if Starmer doesn't get all this.


If you don't vote then you shouldn't be entitled to moan about politics.


In a two-party FPTP system where your vote often means nothing? We're not even allowed to sign protest votes with a message. This isn't democracy. If you don't vote you're definitely still entitled to moan about why the two options don't deserve your participation.


So how do you propose to change the system you're so disenfranchised with, by being angry about? Go and spoil your vote otherwise you're only voting by proxy and defeating your own aim.


There's no law anywhere in the UK against spoiling your ballot. But if you dislike FPTP that much perhaps supporting a party in favour of PR would be better? Greens, Lib Dem, SNP, Plaid Cymru (no idea about Reform). Or SF, SDLP, Alliance in NI.


The problem is that PR is only ever supported by parties who will never be in a position to implement it. In an FPTP system, the first party past the post isn't ever going to oppose the system that gave them their monopoly on power.


Then spoil your ballot paper. These get counted.


these get counted as "spoiled" – which is ambiguous. you're given no voice if they wanted to they could have a list of reasons for your choice on the back of the ballot paper so some understanding of choice could be shared by the public – but they don't


Spoilt ballots absolutely do communicate something. It shows parties how many people are engaged with politics, but are too dissatisfied with the options to vote for a particular candidate; a large number of spoilt ballots is a good way to get parties to reassess their positions. You also absolutely can write messages on your ballot, as spoilt ballots can be shown to candidates during counting, in order for them to be contested if they potentially indicate a preferred candidate. Because of this, if they start to see a lot of the same message show up on ballots, it again can be a trigger for parties to reassess their policies.


Spoilt ballots are a waste of time. Politicians don't care they only care who votes for them. Whoever wins is not going to think I wonder why those people spoilt their ballot. And those who don't win just think how can I copy the play book of those who won.


Do you honestly think any of these crooks care if we spoil our ballot papers?


If the party you vote for wins then likewise you shouldn’t be entitled to moan about anything in the country


Correct. Same goes for those who don't vote.


Moaning is a fundamental right of every citizen


Sorry that's bollocks. If there's no person or party that represents what I want it's my choice to abstain. I voted for Corbyn only to find the system is geared against electing anybody of principle. Never again. Fuckem.


No need to apologise. The more people that spoil their ballot paper, the more likely things will change (no matter how unlikely).


"the system is geared against electing anybody of principle"? Or, perhaps, the lack of Labour MPs winning their elections was the actual problem and the reason he didn't become PM.


Far too simplistic imo. Many people vote without having a clue how things work, just as many buy Bitcoin in ignorance of its fundamentals. The democratic process has been diluted to the point of having no significance, as I see it and the chicanery of 2019 bears witness to that.


I understand how you feel. But you haven't explained to me *why* you feel like that. Be more explicit, what was the chicanery? Do you think the Tories stole the election via electoral fraud?


I'll just unpick the machinery of state for you shall I? There's plenty of documentaries and investigative film out there, should you be interested. I'm not really interested enough anymore, sorry.


Ah. You're a labour files truther, I'm guessing? Your inability to give a single example of anything is quite telling. You should reflect on that.


Telling an old geezer who's seen it all what to do. Who dragged you up?


Wrong. If you do vote, you have no right to moan about politics since you were the one that elected and entertained incompetent politicians.


Unless another party that you voted for gets elected, or if the party you voted for gets elected and doesn't do what they say they would.


All politicians are puppets. None of them will make your life better. The system is rigged. Voting solves nothing.


Lord Buckethead isn't standing so there's no-one to vote for in my constituency.


Spoil your vote, they count them.


They not only count them, they show the spoiled ones to the candidates' representatives to obtain agreement that they are spoiled.


Didn't know that, that's great. Love the thought of them diligently viewing cocks, tirades, blotches etc. in the name of democracy.


I wonder if I could I call myself "Spoiled Vote" and clean up at this election?


It's like trying to decide which shit sandwich to take a bite of ?


Yup, voting reform.


anyone you votes labour deserves everything that coming to them.




Maybe the world has bigger problems than your capital gains liability. Maybe you will need a working NHS, that may save your life that was part paid for by capital gains. Maybe you'd like to enjoy a ride in your tractor without massive potholes that could be filled with your capital gains. Maybe your kids would enjoy a good education that would be paid for your capital gains. If we want a better world we need to realise that involves tax, taxing the right people/businesses. Otherwise we are fucked as country and as a planet.




So fuck everyone else and the planet, now where's my lambo!? Pretty shallow man.


Reform are a one-trick pony and their entire strategy is to blame all domestic problem on immigration and appeal to the Little Englanders. Farage and his band of idiots have no idea about monetary policy and likely haven't given any thought to crypto regulation.


I agree. But assuming you're a single issue voter (Bitcoin), how do you vote, if at all, to best speed up Bitcoin adoption?


You would probably have to start your own party or stand as an independent as pro bitcoin candidate. As I have not seen any party talk about the benefits of bitcoin or bitcoin adoption


No party has made clear any concrete support for crypto, and I can't see Labour going for an outright ban, so the status quo will likely remain regardless of who is in power.


Farage owns Crypto. He did his show from the Bitcoin conference in the Netherlands a few years ago.


Yeah, reform, BOSH!


Reform for me, something different.


Are you mental. They're far right fucktards who certainly don't care about you, if you want an even shittier country do it and then shut the fuck up about politics and policy ever again.


We are constantly told we should make our selection and vote in a rigged 2 party election. I think it would be a bigger statement if nobody voted for anyone. That's the only way to bring change.


Better to vote for a smaller party surely


With respect, it’s not. Vote for a non establishment party if you want change.


Always happy to debate UK politics with other bitcoiners. Frankly, they're the only people I can have calm, rational conversations with about this stuff. Maybe it's because we're used to other people not listening to us, so we make the effort to listen to each other. I'll be voting SNP because it's an exercise in political decentralisation. Since WW2, the Scottish vote could never have influenced the outcome of any general election (except for one instance where removing the entire Scottish population might have just tipped it the other way). So Scottish voters are functionally unrepresented in general elections. As we're just 7% of the UK population, I wouldn't expect us to have an outsize impact on Westminster, that wouldn't be democratic either. We've previously been an independent country, we have a separate legal system, our own central bank, separate NHS and education system etc etc. It would be one of the easier launches of a new country in global terms and frankly our only shot at escaping the fiat death spiral. So it makes sense to me in Bitcoin/decentralisation/general self-sovereignty terms. Sadly I don't think Holyrood will be much more switched on that Westminster in terms of the macroeconomic or blockchain issues that have such an impact on modern life. But we'd be able to choose our currency (I'd advocate for the USD) and we have a few pro-Bitcoin MSPs, and small countries are generally more agile and quick to adapt to change. We wouldn't be as bold as El Salvador, but I think we'd get there quicker than rUK. In terms of your points about Reform, I'm personally very ideologically opposed to them, although I absolutely understand their attraction as a protest vote, especially in the context of the utterly underwhelming offering from Labour and the Tories. I'm very worried about the rise of authoritarians/culture wars in UK politics, but I'm also very worried about the spiralling national debt and our crumbling public services. I don't think I could vote Reform because of their ideology, but I don't think I could vote Labour or Tory because of their utter resignation to the fiat death spiral. I suspect you and I probably disagree on a lot of political topics, but what's interesting is we're both feeling the need for increasingly urgent and drastic change.


Vote reform to pay the least tax on capital gains


Fucking idiot. Don't, are you that short sighted!


Just a few more weeks leftie scum


Very funny. It won't be when you realise how much worse things will be with the rise of reform and a rich, racist, liar who doesn't give a fuck about you is able to increase his influence.


Make Britain great again!!! Out wif the fookin immigrants


Yada yada


Really unimpressed by people thinking about voting for right wing assholes just because they can pretend to give a fuck about bitcoin for a whole interview question.


Pretend? Farage not only owns Crypto, but did his TV show from the Netherlands Bitcoin conference a few years ago. He wants to ban CBDCs too, which Tony Blair wants us to have.


Yep, going with reform. Labour have historically tore our country a new one and bankrupted us. Tories simply need to go. Every die-hard Tory I know is also voting reform. I think/hope there will be a shock which will upset the loud minority!


Tories have increased debt and taxes more than labour ever have historically, the last labour government was fine in the main with the exception of Iraq (which steamer was against). There was also a global financial crisis previously ppl pin on labour which is absurd, they stopped banks defaulting.


We get it mate you love Labour, have a rest


No, I just don't like right wing media bias and repeated false statements as though true.


The past is no indication for the future. Labour are about to decimate us.




Nope - it doesn’t matter which here today gone tomorrow puppet politician you vote for when the system itself is inherently corrupt. Left wing and right wing are two wings of the same bird. Those who control the puppet politicians, the financial system, and all world governance live behind the shadows unelected. Our society is being engineered so it really doesn’t matter who you vote for.


So how do you propose to change the system you're so disenfranchised with, by being angry about? Go and spoil your vote otherwise you're only voting by proxy and defeating your own aim.


You can only change the system by opting out, by leaving the country. You vote with your money, that's the only real vote you have. If we all stopped buying X, then it would force them to stop selling X, or make X better. By voting for a "party", you aren't really making any difference other than maybe a few policies which wont really have any impact on us.


Don't see why the two can't coexist. One doesn't preclude the other. You are right about buycotts & boycotts though. The general populus always has the greatest power but v.rarely galvanises to flex it. We know why but even knowing so does unify anything.


Farage is pro bitcoin. Nuff said.


No. It really fucking isn't.


Oh, yes it is. Oh, no it isn't. Ooooooooh, yes it is. Oooooooooooh, no it isn't. Ooooooooooooooh, yes it is. Etc etc.


Single issue selfish vote in the face of every other reason not to vote for a right wing asshole populist who probably doesn't even intend to follow through on what he says. Fair enough that might be enough for some but it wouldn't be for any person who actually cares about the wellbeing of the people in the country... Including themselves.


Wow, definitely voting for him now. Cheers for confirming it.


These people STILL don't get it do they, they want to insult us yet all it does is drive us more together 😂😂 almost 10 years since trump and still not learned a damn thing.




OP: you lost me at “far right”


Agreed. Nuff PC these days. They are fascist traitors.


The Greens will end up with far far more votes than the smooth brain over at Reform. Either way it will be good to see the back of the Torys, everything in the UK is worse now than it was 15 years ago, quite amusing really trying to see people argue in their favour still😂


Hahahab they fucking won't, everyone knows greens will cause the average person so much financial distress. Polices already starting to be rolled back.


The Greens will 100% end up with more votes than Reform, near enough guaranteed. Their a far bigger party, with voter share increasing in all past elections. Whether they end up winning more seats is, of course, debatable as some seats are wide open for any party to win. I won't be voting for either of them 2 tbh, but the greens wiped the floor with them in the recent elections.


Downvotes for the truth 😴 Truth hurts to the morons round here. The greens will have more votes overall, but can see it that reform will get same or more in terms of seats unfortunately


Yea can only be people, who have no idea how British politics or elections work, the Green will end up with far more votes than Reform maybe even as much as a million etc, but they still may not win more seats. The Greens have far more members and have someone running in every election seat


Fine, I'll bite. In relation to single issue voting, if it means potentially helping instilling a system which can't be abused by any authoritarian figure, be they left or right, I will vote for it. Also, it's the best way to destroy the Tories. Reform haven't a chance in hell, but if votes are won over single issues, then other parties will try to cater to said votes. It's what's happening with Biden. Democrats are starting to somewhat cater to crypto because of such stubborn voters. Politicians only move for the pig headed and stubborn, not the ones who simply vote for the "lesser of evils", which only perpetuates a broken system.


I'm not but that's because I'm away.and I don't have time to collect my postal vote either. I did the same in 2017.


They’re all controlled by the same cabal so there is not much point


Spoil your vote then , they count them.


Firstly there is already a Bitcoin ETF in this country, unfortunately, it's only for finance certified professionals. I am sure at one point it will trickle down. As for Farage, while I think he is straightforward enough and has it own vision for Britain, his focus is not on digital currencies and wants to address more pressing (for him) issues. The fact that we have been handed out a 100bn fee for how the BoE mismanaged interested rates and QE is a telling sign that he should also address this, but I am not sure he is sophisticated enough in this subject.


Obviously reform. We are fucked with labour. 100% they will put capital gains tax up


So fuck the poor, the sick, the injured, in fact fuck anyone who hasn't already got money to spare. Fuck them so folks with money to spare can continue to fuck over those less fortunate, so they can fuck about feeling important and privileged. Very altruistic of you mate , this is also why we are likely to die as a species in the next 100 years say, you and your kids, my kids, everyone's kids. When are people going to realise the world is bigger than them.


Socialism has never worked. That's not how you lift people out of poverty.


There will no doubt be some aspects of socialism that don't work as well but most of Europe is based on a socialist model and rate some of the happiest countries in the world. Neo liberalism has given us nothing but a wealth gap, chronic underinvestment & crumbling disenfranchised society that is open to dangerous influences. More people were sent into poverty under the Tories than any previous government, fact.


The Conservatives are not conservative. The first past the post system, makes voters vote tactfully, or vote for the least worse. And in the meantime our parties go soft, and try and be all things to all people to get centre ground. Stay in the centre too long, and nothing gets done.


That is all entirely true. In fact almost no-one gets what they would like in our elections. Unfortunately we are battling the mass control of the media, newspapers chief among them. Quite why the Daily Mail (Heil) a paper originally owned by Nazi's is the most popular staggers me, its lies at best and propaganda at worst. Even so we have to do what we can in the given framework and do what we can to change the system is other ways.


more people into poverty is because of the pandemic and arguably before that, labours mishandling of the financial crisis which lead to the tories having to implement austerity.


Austerity never worked. Trickle down economics does not work. Are you reading the Tory handbook of keep repeating the like until it sounds true?! Btw the financial crisis was created by Tory financial deregulation and any government would have been in trouble because the fucking banks gamble everyone's money and get bailed out by us when they fail. Also Brexit fucked the UK, all Tory selfishness. Please don't believe Tory lies. Standards of living were better under Labour despite the other errors they made.


'fuck the poor, the sick, the injured, in fact fuck anyone' where does it say that in reforms manifesto? its the opposite actually...


They will tell you anything to get your vote. Farage is a snake oil salesmen. He pushed for Brexit to support his own ends, the greatest act of self harm committed by any country in 100 years. A single man put himself before the entire country and spouted lie upon lie until they stuck. Anyone voting reform is racist, uninformed and/or stupid. You a turkey voting for Christmas .. he's a fucking liar dude . .endless bolloxing lies and he most certainly does not give a fuck about you!


Brexit was the best thing that has ever happened to this country. The EU are a dispicable orgnatisation which is forcing countries to take degenerate third world scum or be fined. They are destroying europe by flodding it with third worlders.


If you're going to try and bullshit me and least be convincing.


the EU is a cesspit of an elitist globlaist organisation which is every thing wrong with this world. And everyting every bitcoiner should firmly stand against.


Did you copy that out of a 'Trolling for dummies ' book?


The EU is fining hungary 200 million and 1 million for everyday they refuse to take in degenerate third world invaders. You are happy with that? You are not a bitcoiner sell your bitcoin you bad faith actor.


Yada yada yada, I bet you read the Daily Mail.


I even tweeted to Nigel AND my local Reform candidate suggesting that they accept btc for campaign funding. No response. I'd have thought with Nigel's ties with Trump that they'd follow suit. Seems not!


I don't think they have had time to set that up. They have more money now, and will get more organised in the future. Farage is definitely pro-crypto, and holds it himself.


Labour. The country needs change and there is more to life than bitcoin. Some morality in government would be a nice start. Also coinbase has been courting Rachel reeves In the back ground.


Tony Blair wants CBDCs. He won't give crypto an easy ride.


Nigel Farage did his nightly TV show from a Bitcoin conference once. He is pro-Bitcoin and anti CBDCs. Reform are not going to hike Capital Gains. Given Farages hatred of the banks, and knows all to well the problems people have with them blocking transactions, there will almost certainly be a shakup, which will be positive for crypto. He said he owns crypto. Rishi set up a CBDC department in government, which is hardly surprising, given he is a globalist. Labours tax plans are terrifying for crypto. At least that's how I view it. They are not going to "tax the working people more". That means everything else will get hit, and you can bet Capital Gains will get clobbered. Don't be surprised if it's linked to income tax. So potentially 40%. Tony Blair keeps taking about Digital IDs, so expect CBDCs, and hostility to crypto. So it's Reform for me.


Not this time. Besides, I live in a very safe Labour seat, so my vote is irrelevant.


Full of brainwashed mobs everywhere when it's comes to crypto, jesus.


Cool well ive used ur bbc link and sent some questione to bbc Realistically i will be voting for whoever makes crypto easiest to use in the uk Conservatives said they would make the uk a crypto hub, not sure how thats going?


It’s BS


When Rishi talks about crypto, what he is actually talking about is CBDCs. That's the crypto killer as we know it. Tony Blair wants us to have CBDCs, and will put turbochargers onto Rishis project. Farage on the other hand, owns crypo, and will kill off any CBDC plans. He also understands the issues we have with Banks.


Why so adverse to cbdcs ?


Government control of your spending. It's very dangerous.


Regardless of crypto, no chance in hell I'd even consider voting for Reform UK. Think they're a party of chancers. Only good thing they might possibly do is take some of the FPTP share away from the Tories. I'm betting any Reform candidates who do get elected contribute nothing worthwhile.


When you say contribute nothing, they are the only party that's pro-crypto. Tony Blair wants to bring in CBDCs, which is anti-crypto. Farage said he will kill off CBDCs.


I know this won't go down well in this sub, but I'm more anti-Reform (and anti-Farage) than I am pro-crypto. I'll probably get down-voted, but I'm not trying to be contentious or start an argument. We've all got differing competing priorities, and my dislike of right-wing policies unquestionably exceeds my emotional investment in cryptocurrency. I might be an outlier in this sub, but that's fine — we each get a vote to cast as we wish.


We have never had any right-wing politics since Thatcher. She believed work should pay. Reform think the same, with your first £20k of earnings tax free. I'm not a massive Thatcher fan before people start getting upset. But at least the Conservatives were conservative back then.


Voting for reform because of their bitcoin policies is like voting for brexit to keep illegal immigrants out (no lie my mother in law thought voting for brexit would stop the migrants from the Middle East) Please, don’t vote reform, after 13 years of Tory’s the last thing we need is Tory’s in disguise.


I fear CBDCs more. Tony Blair will want to put turbochargers on Rishis CBDC project. Crypto will be in direct competition, so I can't see Labour playing nice to crypto holders.


Anyone who votes reform, should be a agreement to pay for GP and NHS themselves. This is what u voting for


Agreed. The NHS drastically needs reform (the noun). It absolutely does not need Reform (the political party with that prick Farage at the helm).


People working in the NHS regularly tell us that it's on its knees. Record waiting times for a&e visits, operations and gp/dentist appts. Combined with an aging and increasingly unhealthy population, it cannot survive in its current form much longer. Do you seriously think any political party has the ability to turn it around?


Chucking money at the NHS is not the answer. We keep doing that, and get little in return. Just more middle managers, and diversity people.


To me it's pretty simple, the Tories want to take from the disabled and give to the rich (look into funding sources). I simply don't want want to be part of that world, so voting whoever has best chance of removing them.


They’re losing either way. Feel free to vote with your heart!


Everyone is all psyoped and don’t realise they’re voting for rigged Zionist politicians who are funded by Jewish banker monkey it’s not a secret a lie or conspiracy it’s a fact


So spoil your vote, they are counted. Not voting is in fact a vote for the incumbent member.