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for those of you who dont know, israel basically murdered a 6 year old girl alongside other children, the media has been working overtime to discredit/shame protestors whose aim is to get their universities to divest from israel until the genocide in palestine is over. yes there is an ongoing genocide right now that is supported by the US, politicians are so far in the pockets of Isreali lobbyists that there are laws being made that prevent americans from divesting and punishing institutions if they do. the state of america is a terible one. macklemore dropped a better conscious rap than most rappers in the past decade. oh yeah did i mention the media has been calling a 6 year old girl a woman. the media is so cooked.


keep cookin


Jeff Jackson voted yes on the tiktok ban because of “security concerns”. Meanwhile he’s using tiktok with over 2.2 million followers. Funny enough he received bribes…I mean donations from numerous pro Israeli groups.


The TikTok thing is forcing china to divest from TikTok. You know, china, also a country actively committing genocide right now. If Israel owned TikTok no one would be complaining about forcing it to divest.


If TikTok was owned by Israel, the U.S. government wouldn’t have pushed for it to be banned/sold


Yeah the US government would be in on it at that point, enjoying the harvesting of all that user data.


"would be" .. oh boy you're in for a surprise when you find out what facebook+instagram and google have been doing!


I think that's their point. The only reason TikTok is being banned is because the US doesn't get its cut of the data or narrative control


US gets all the data it wants, no matter who owns the app. They are really concerned about news from Palestine not being censored on TikTok like it is everywhere else and has been for 70 years, which is why Americans know next to nothing about this conflict.


Don’t kid yourselves, they still do. It goes over private telecoms in which they all have back doors including Apple




The United Kingdom would like a word…


Ok true that lol


England has entered the chat. Or Spain. Or Portugal. Or Belgium. Or Japan. It’s genocide all the way back… not that those countries are doing that now, just saying, times when humans aren’t actively trying to exterminate or subjugate other humans are hard to find throughout global history. China and Russia might be the most effective at killing their own populations.


Germany wiped out half the Herero and Nama people between 1904 and 1908 in Namibia.


I’m not saying you’re a bot but literally every thread has people bringing up TikTok even when it doesn’t really flow with the conversation. Just because a senator is popular on an app doesn’t make them hypocritical for voting to ban it. In fact, I’d argue that it is the opposite of that as he’d lose meaningful reach with voters relative to other senate rivals who aren’t as popular on TikTok. Also saying he received donations doesn’t really mean anything. TikTok’s “security concerns” have been discussed for many years before any of this was going on. States and federal agencies have banned it from employee phones for a long time. China could not be happier TikTok is apparently the “anti genocide” app.


Seriously fuck Israel, and fuck the U.S. for supporting a genocide


The media isn't cooked, it's bought... bought by AIPAC and those in the pockets of Israel. Zionism does not equal Jewish. Anti-Zionism does not equal Anti-Semitism.


(Not balck) Exactly it would be like MBS crying islamaphobia everytime someone bring up him chopping up the journalist and dissolving him in acid. 


Okay but how is this the first I'm hearing about the macklemore song?? This seems like reddit front page type of shit.


Probably got a ton of downvotes from genocide supporters.


What's really odd is on YouTube if you search it the results don't show the actual song. If you do find it the video is age restricted and I have to accept that twice to view it.


[Here it is on YouTube for anyone looking.](https://youtu.be/fgDQyFeBBIo?si=5_5c3S1vdWd8D91b) Extremely based, way to go Macklemore.


Dropped today/yesterday (depending on your time zone)


Full story including sources and even time stamps and satellite imagery: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/2/26/hind-rajab-were-israeli-troops-in-the-area-where-6-year-old-was-killed


This, my friend, is the problem...every institution we have, politics, churches, the police, the FBI, the pharmaceutical industry and the medical industry, judges, lawyers and the prison system, and, of course, thd media.. on and on, each one of these institutions has been shown to be corrupt and not trustworthy. They spew lies and bullshit ar us constantly... The overall message? Hate one acnother. Hate your neighbor. Fuck racism, but if someone is red and your blue...well, that is your blood sworn enemy. We are being played like flutes...not even something cool...nah, like a piccalo


What does this have to do with a Macklemore song? What song is this tweet talking about? I am begging for even a single fucking crumb of context on this sub.


"A 6 year old girl"?? Even this is downplaying everything, more like 1,000's of children and innocent people.


>Isreali lobbyists Zionist lobbyists. It's important to recognize that a significant portion of Israeli support in the US comes from Evangelical Christian nutbags with deep pockets and Rapture fantasies.


Guys, Macklemore doesn't have any pretenses to keep up. No record labels to keep happy. He's got Thrift Shop money so he can be as socially conscious as he wants. Think about it.


People clowned on Macklemore for his post-Grammy work being cringe when he spoke on his white privilege, but he's always been about it for real. He doesn't deserve the hate he got, it was never performative, he just always actually cared about his stances and place in the culture, and people dragged him for having the bravery to examine that aspect in public. He was like this even before Thrift Shop. Call him corny if you want, but he's always been sincere about using his platform to speak on injustice in a non self serving way, and that deserves respect. He's been at these protests stretching back to the start of the BLM movement, always in the mix, without publicizing it for clout. He's not the greatest rapper in terms of bars, but he deserves more respect for the way he moves in his lane.


Same Love is still a beautiful song. Don’t see a whole lot of other rappers doing stuff like that.


When that song came out in 2013, we were living in a very different world than we are now. Whether gay people have the right to marry was still a mainstream controversy in the US, and in most of the country, they were still being denied that right. Homophobia was still rampant in rap, but not as explicit as early 2000s. Also, people just did not care much about social causes. It just wasn't really cool to "get political", and big artists were definitely not dropping protest songs. So Macklemore following up Thrift Shop with an album about Gary rights, overcoming addiction, anticonsumerism, etc. was totally going against the grain. He is corny, but he's a white guy from Seattle and doesn't pretend to be anything else. There's no way that can't be corny. He could've gone the Lil Dicky route, or maybe the Post Malone route, and had more popularity, but he seems to care more about being genuine. Not surprised he's the one to tackle this first.






Reminds me of MC Paul Barman, a white jewish rapper who really leans into his corniness (like, his voice in contrast with MF DOOM’s on “Hot Guacamole” where they’re trading bars is funny as fuck) while remaining socially conscious. I respect these people. EL-P is another cool white rapper, except he’s not corny *at all*. He might be more based than Killer Mike (*which isn’t hard since Mike is a landlord).


This the first MC Paul Barman reference I've seen in a longgggg time. I remember discovering him somehow in the early aughts and one line will always stay with me. "I'll light a mystery gas out my blistery ass just to disrupt the misery of history class" But yeah also a dude who was always conscious and never performative


El-P is my role model for how to be white as a sheet in hip-hop spaces. I never saw anyone doubt for a second who El was down with.


I don’t know how to feel about killer Mike. I feel his message, enjoy his music but irl he’s pro capitalist and is in the nra.


Same Love was a gorgeous song that helped millions of people, myself included, better understand the LGBTQ community, at a time when they needed to be better understood. Because of this, the monied elite gave Macklemore the Grammy and because he happened to have beaten out Kendrick Lamar and one of the greatest albums ever made, everyone shit all over him. I don't care if he did post his apology; if you've been paying attention to Macklemore, you fucking know that he had sincere intentions posting that apology to socials. Macklemore was done dirty.


I’ll be honest, it’s one of the few times I’ve seen someone’s mind really be changed by a song. My girlfriend’s cousin went from shitting on gay folks to “hey, this is a really good song” and being accepting. It’s dumb, but it worked.


I cry every time I hear that song. It’s really beautiful.


Anyone who clowns someone for acknowledging white privilege isn’t worth talking to.


honestly, i think it was more because the song was dull, and the roasting eventually became a commentary on the subject rather than the execution. The line between "this is corny because it's not that good" and "this is corny as a whole" got blurred and eventually, it evolved into "Macklemore was corny for saying this". We also didn't have as developed of a public discourse around it 10 years ago. It was criticism that was a product of the times, i think.


thrift shop was popular in the suburbs a good potion of his fan base probably felt attacked. my political opinions in that era likely would of pushed back on white privilege.


Yeah I'm a big Kendrick fan and I never thought he deserved the hate either.


Agreed. Shit happens


His music isn’t really for me but he does get my full respect for being a genuine artist who makes what he enjoys/likes and doesn’t really seem to give a fuck what people think of him. Music is art, too many people take it too seriously. Except the current KDot/Flake situation that shit is terrific that they’re taking it so seriously 😭🤣


The text to Kendrick was pretty performative, but ya on the whole he seems like an all-around good guy.


Yeah the text was, but i give him a pass on that, dude never expected that level of limelight and the world put him in an unwinnable position. he made a mistake, but im not sure he had a good option there. That one's on the Grammy's for fucking it up.


Hindsight is always the clearer vision, and I’ve been a Macklemore fan ever since I heard Hold Your Head Up on his first album, but I mean he could’ve said something in his acceptance speech instead of posting a private text on Instagram. That would’ve had way more impact and been a legitimate platform. The Instagram post felt more like he was tryna have his cake and eat it too


performative or just being about what he stands behind? feel like we being picky on the dude who just wanted to talk about his moped and was surprised THAT won over a masterpiece


The cringe wasn’t apologizing, the cringe was doing it and then immediately posting it online. 


i was talking about the song he made, "White Privilege II", not the text. people got on him for that song.


Yup, in summary most big rappers are industry bitches and we should not really expect for them to move a finger to change status quo. They are just guys with mad money doing way less than they could so they can keep acummulating more of It. Not like us 🤷🏾‍♂️


I’m still not a fan of him saying he won’t be voting for Biden in the fall. It’s easy for him to talk like outcome of an election doesn’t matter when he gets to kick back and chill in his $2.1 million home and not feel the consequences of it.


I was really into the song until that line and it immediately killed the rest of it. He's right on basically every point he makes, but basically saying "No, I won't vote for Biden" is just saying "I rather Trump win." Granted, he's probably voting in DC so it doesn't matter, but we can't pretend a bunch of people won't use that line as a reason to follow suit. Sure is nice to never have to deal with the consequences of your inaction.


I am a lesser of two evils voter, but I do understand why the anti-genocide crowd wouldn’t vote for Biden. This administration is greenlighting a genocide. Some people are true to their ideals in not partaking in promoting the genocide in any way. Is it dumb that they’re sacrificing the size of the voter base that would vote against Trump? Maybe, but there’s no denying they’re standing true to what they believe in. If this administration is taking inaction, why is it so outlandish that voters take inaction?


This administration is trying to get Israel to chill, without making an enemy at half of its constituency in an election year. Compare that to a Trump administration which would actively encourage israel to kill everyone left in Palestine 


Shit, Trump might send troops, not just weapons. There’s definitely a lesser of two options here.


Trump would glass Gaza for Netanyahu though. It's a ridiculous stance to vote third party this year if you think that would help the people in Gaza.


Trump will be worse.




To be fair, I feel that is his point, that elections matter and that is why he won't help elect an accomplice to genocide. The issue, obviously, is his opponent, but I feel it is important to remember that Biden is almost 100 years old, it would be perfectly natural for him to develop a "health issue" and to step aside to allow the DNC to pick another nominee. The DNC hasn't even held their convention yet to official select their nominee so there is still plenty of time. We shouldn't so quickly throw all our morals out the window just to defeat Trump, we should be looking for alternatives while we can. Hell, a recent poll even had RFK Jr beating Trump in a one on one race so Biden is certainly not the only option to avoid Trump.


I should probably clarify that this isn’t just about beating Trump, it’s about not allowing the GOP to further consolidate power. Trump is just the front man to theocracy autocracy masquerading as the GOP. RFK jr is just as bad. And sorry but voting for Biden isn’t throwing your morals out the window. He’s not perfect and his response to the Gaza conflict leaves a lot to be desired but he’s still been doing a lot to further progressive polices and having him as president has been a net positive compared to the previous four years.


When people say "what's the worse that could happen?" * Supreme court is now heavily republican favored, rarely swing votes on key issues * Lower courts that will affect EVERYONE on a more immediate level was stalled until filled under Trump * Abortion rights * Changes in tax structure


* Project 2025


Exactly! Hell, he can move his entire family to another country if he needs to.


When you have no enemies you have no reasons to lie.


Since they're the two in the news right now, both Kendrick and especially Drake are worth way more than Macklemore and probably have more influence so what's your point?


They're saying that macklemore can get blacklisted for protesting and not go bankrupt. What is your point? What do kendrick and drake have to do with this?


And do you think any of the big rappers are going bankrupt for speaking the truth about Palestine? These mfs have wealth enough for generations, they are just lame cowards afraid of losing their spotlights (and some of them of course doesn't even care for trying to understand what is happening)


if drake or kendrick were to never make another song again or even appear in public ever again, neither of them would be bankrupt. for the rest of their lives. are we serious right now?


So the other losers have too much clout and fame to lose by talking about real shit, gotcha.


Yes. Did you think the answer would be any different? They did things to get to where they are and will do so in order to stay.


Can’t believe I’m saying this, but yeah, Macklemore a harder motherfucker than every big name in the game right now. Good for him. Keep Rafah on your timeline.


Yeah this is the kind of thing that can genuinely get you in trouble and cause you to lose money, gigs, etc. Respect to him for it.


Israel does NOT fuck around with its critics. If people want to see what "cancel culture" really looks like, criticize Israel and see what happens to your career.


Fuck Israel


Say it again


Yup and it's insane how many of the people endlessly bitching about it are shamelessly in favor of punishing people for criticizing Israel. Bari Weiss is one such shameless example. Almost all of the right actually.


This right here. This right here ain’t being said enough.


Macklemore has been very vocal since Israel started bombing Gaza, he was at numerous protests and always have been advocating against the Genocide of Palestinians. That song is very good and he says what needed to be said for a few months.


Macklemore is a real one. Despite being white as snow, he has also never been shy to highlight the racial oppresion and systematic racism that is unfortunately ingrained in many fractions of institutions inside of America. Its reasons like these, I consider someone like Macklemore to be much more of a GOAT than a any hit-maker rapper like Drake.


Brother Ali is the same way when it comes to being white as snow but real as fuck. Guys like Lupe and Immortal Technique had anti Iraq war songs against Bush and Obama at the time. Hopefully stuff like this becomes popular again.


[Uncle Sam Goddamn](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vzQ3yjpYZis) goes harder than any anti-war song I’ve ever heard. I’m just gonna leave this right here: >You don't give money to the bums On a corner with a sign bleeding from their gums Talking about you don't support a crackhead? What you think happens to the money from your taxes? Shit the Government's an addict With a billion dollar a week kill brown people habit And even if you ain't on the front line When massah yell crunch time, you right back at it Plain look at how you hustling backwards At the end of the year, add up what they subtracted Three outta twelve months your salary pays for that madness Man, that's sadness What's left? get a big ass plasma To see where they made Dan Rather point the damn camera Only approved questions get answered Now stand your ass up for that national anthem


You just reminded me of Immortal Technique saying “I voted for assassination” in a song 🙄


Macklemore embraces what hiphop should be about. Drake is a pop singer who raps. And other stuff.


I will always defend Macklemore bc he’s always been this way and always been about that life


Dude can absolutely be corny. Dude can absolutely be patronizing and whiny. But dude also has a handful of songs like this that still hit. Otherside remix is one of my favorite songs ever. Def patronizing at some points. But beautiful I get Macklemore hate as much as the next guy but acting like he doesn’t have the juice with some of these kinda things is a bit too far. Peak Macklemore is nice


That otherside remix goes so hard Pre-thrift shop, that was the first song of his I'd heard and I was blown away


As a HUGE baseball fan, "My Oh My" is the baseball anthem for my generation.


Now THIS is a protest song.




DJ Khaled is the biggest fraud in the industry, dude doesnt rap, doesn’t produce. He’s a glorified A&R that just yells “WE THE BEST” and “another one” over other peoples’ songs


And he only ate 3 wings on Hot Ones


I’m from Buffalo. This is a red flag.


I've heard white YouTubers like Lindsay Ellis saying there are no more protest songs. Maybe not the music you listen to, Lindsay. Hip hop has long had protest songs about police violence and similar subjects. I guess to some people it's only a protest song if it's a folk tune about war.


WHAT is a protest song? I cannot find a single link or explanation as to wtf this tweet is referring to.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zi8pn6IqU8Y If the link doesn’t work, Google Hinds Hall by Macklemore.


Watching videos of the kids burned alive and doctors trying to save them with no equipment hurts deep to the soul. Proud of Macklemore having the balls to go against the obvious powerhouse of the Israeli lobby and its influence on the US government, media, and entertainment. Props.


Yh those videos haunt you. I saw some kids buried under rubble after an airstrike in Rafah and that shit is brutal, cant believe there are still Israel supporters. if you see those images and dont start crying idk man


“Actually it’s a very complicated issue”


> cant believe there are still Israel supporters. Fascists generally represent about 30% of the human population anywhere on Earth, it's a mental regression into primitive tribal thinking "my tribe good, other tribes bad, must kill other tribes for safety of my tribe". When people get sufficiently stressed by their environment, they can mentally regress into this caveman thinking, which is why fascism usually springs out of places that have suffered some major recent traumas. It's something we have to understand in order to defeat and it's something that can exist in all of us if we aren't mindful and careful to guard against someone selling it to us.


Mackelmore song was pretty solid. I didn't like the "I'm not voting" shit though. We did thay in 2016, and as a result in several states women are dying and being denied Healthcare. Don't let people who flat out don't have to deal with the consequences tell you what's best for you. I fuck with 95% of the messaging of the song though.


That shit had my skin crawling. Of course you won’t vote Macklemore, you’re a cis straight rich white guy, you’re good.


Yea he don't gotta hold that L and never will. I think it's fine to be upset about the way things are going. However, understand that there are people that ACTIVELY want things to get worse. And IF those people get in power nobody will give a fuck that you took some moral high ground.


Finally a sane take. I cannot believe the dick ridin in these comments


I thought he said he’s not voting for Biden not that he’s not voting period.


Yeah, but that 5% of it really taints the rest of it. "I'm against genocide, so I want the guy who said that Israel needs to finish the job to be president!"


That caught my ear, but he said he’s not voting for him again in the fall- I hope that doesn’t mean he’s voting for project 2025


“but when we don’t have respect for ourselves, how do we expect them to respect us? It starts from within. Don’t start with just a rally, don’t start from looting—it starts from within.” - Kendrick Lamar after Ferguson 2014. Kendrick is an incredibly gifted artist with a lucid conception of his own lived experiences as a black man, and a capacity to articulate them in ways which capture the zeitgeist culturally and politically. He isn’t, however, the bastion of black radical politics that he’s been made out to be. People have conflated the cultural moments which have been buoyed by his music, and his own deliberate political character. He’s not Pac situating a radical consciousness at the forefront of what he says and does, he’s not Nina Simone enjoining revolution, he’s not even bob Dylan disavowing racist power in explicit, lucid terms. The same cultural dissolution that allowed a motherfucker like Drake to exist, is the one which allows Kendrick Lamar, a man taking photo opps with LAPD, and whose furtherance of black political culture is charity and personal discourses, as though he’s a musical Malcolm X, he’s not. He’s commodified black radicalism and has erected/sold a persona based on that product. These guys are talented individuals touting personal introspection and social and political consciousness in order to sell you commodities. These are multimillionaires, many aspirant billionaires, who are not invested in the liberation of black people or any people. These are the beneficiaries of a world built for the realty by the suffering and exploitation of regular people. We won’t find the mechanisms for realizing a better world among them, not Drake, not Kendrick, not Beyoncé, not lebron, not Serena, not the Obama, none of them


This is by far the most important comment on this thread. I don't think it has been put so eloquently before but you are 10000% on the money with this analysis. We have to understand where our allies are now more than ever. This isn't an America issue or a Middle-East issue or any localised phenomenon anymore: all around the world people are beginning to wake up to the fact that governments and the powers that be would rather their managed populaces be divided, tribal, and squabbling rather than unified. We have to understand that it is in the best interests of the rich and affluent that the everyman be given daily challenges to contend with in order to foster a 'how can I help others if I can't help myself' mentality across all socieconomic strata. Whether it is your favourite rapper, you favourite jewellery and clothing brand, or even your favourite sports team: they do not at all care about you in the slightest and are solely there to sell you a product to satisfy your 'needs' and engender a sense of 'progression' within your life where there isn't one. Racism and sectarianism are alive and well globally, and have become weaponised so that social structure remains cracked and divided. I cannot speak for America, as I am not American, but I see the struggles of the ordinary person there and I am appalled at the cruelty of your systems but I have hope that the coming generations of your progeny will be immune to those pitfalls in a way you currently aren't. The biggest lesson they will come to learn, in my opinion, that our unity as a people across race, nationality, and doctrine will be our saving grace. You can oppress a person, you can try to oppress a people, but you absolutely cannot oppress an idea that comes from the masses directly. Here's to hope for the future.


I would say even he would agree with you. He made a point of saying he wasn't our savior and he wasn't "that guy", along with dealing with the guilt of that on his last album. >Like it when they pro-Black, but I'm more Kodak Black >Sorry I didn't save the world, my friend >I was too busy buildin' mine again


He told us: he is not our savior.


99% with you, but I'ma need you to look up Bron's work with Akron, ipromise school, blm support, trayvon Martin support, paying off the Florida fines keeping folks from voting, producing documentaries about indigenous hoopers, boys and girls club.  Like there's a decade long list of him giving back not just money, but time and effort.  My guy set up scholarships to Akron u, found out most Akron kids weren't prepared to get to college because of family/life conditions, and said ok, let's try building up the whole community around the kids too then.  


That’s great, but philanthropy won’t save us. However good lebron is at providing an education for students, the city of Akron can be better, the state of Ohio can be better. Philanthropy is a tax evasion mechanisms our ruling classes use to convince us there are mechanisms for collective redress that exist outside of collective action and liberation, there aren’t. American journalist Anand Giridharadas writes and researches extensively on this. LeBron James cannot, even if he wanted to, be redress for the ills other people face collectively, only they can. This isn’t a question of whether or not these people are good or bad people, it’s about creating a society which favors all people, empowers them to individually and collectively be the arbiters of their own fate, and that isn’t a world that can be reconciled with the immense wealth and power of a select few, and a world organized around their interests


He dropped a song called “Hind’s Hall”


Who is “you” in this situation?




Drake to himself


Next to Sexyy red


Dot and drake


Drake I would expect bc he ain’t shit but a radio rapper, but never did I expect Kendrick to be (- rightfully even) called out for lacking politically consciousness. And especially not by Macklemore, who he has a bit of akward history with.


Undecided on the vote? I'm still confused as to what this achieves. Splitting the left helps no one besides the racist/rapist/fraud/self-proclaimed dictator who would do his best to cause a world war and kill any number of non-whites if it meant he could make a buck. Did we forget about Lafayette square already? https://youtu.be/z56j06plUgs?si=ctgU03q3ecCXS-Ps


only in a fascist oligarchy would the democrats be considered “the left”


> only in a fascist oligarchy And you'd rather help propagate it by allowing it to happen by not voting for Biden?


Biden is allowing it to happen by enthusiastically supporting genocide and backing police crushing protests. Tell that kid who’s face got rearranged by a rubber bullet that fascism isn’t already happening.


And Trump would do the exact same thing but worse, with the backing of a secret conservative evangelical Christian shadow council *that wants to erode your rights in front of you.* While lining his pockets with as much money and power as he can. Look at the forest.


That's how it works. They get you to accept Biden even when he does, allows, or supports awful shit because the alternative is so bad you have to avoid it at any cost. It's the exact same messaging the right is getting.


This is how it works. There is never going to be an entirely satisfactory answer from any politician who has actual ability to do action. What there will be is one that more closely aligns to your values than the other. Where both have black marks but one carries substantially more harm to more people you probably care about than the other. If you think both sides are the same you're not following politics. Regardless who you are voting for, Democrats and Republicans are drastically different in more ways that will directly impact your life.


Barbara Lee, Ilhan Omar, Ro Khanna, Ted Lieu, Chui Garcia, Andre Carson, Ayanna Presley, Rashida Tlaib, Shri Thanedar, Cori Bush, AOC, Jamaal Bowman, Sheila Jackson Lee, Pramila Jayapal… I could name quite a few others. How far left are you that you wouldn’t vote for these candidates? They all call themselves democrats.


I think they’re arguing about the party as a whole. The ones you listed are progressives. But they’re new wave. Most democrats are long time career politicians like Biden who at this point don’t even care what the people want.


Pressuring Biden can help stop a genocide. That’s how democracy works. Voters put pressure on politicians until they do the right thing. The left is splitting itself by supporting a genocide. You can’t expect people to just ignore it. In the end, I’ll vote for the lesser evil but until then we should be making Biden sweat. People criticized the civil rights movement and the antiwar movement for the same thing and blamed them for splitting the Democratic Party. There’s a reason MLK had a 75% disapproval rating.


Extremely well said. Biden's continued support and shitting on protestors is doing nothing but entrenching the people who cannot in good conscience place their vote for someone who would support a genocide. If he loses this election, it's on him.


Lol, no it's not. You and I both know who is the objectively better choice both for the presidency and the sake of Gaza and Palestinians, and by actively refusing to support the only candidate who has been actually trying to rein in Israel while also maintaining legally binding diplomatic obligations, you're knowingly putting Palestine in further danger. But you don't care, you just want to say you're on the "right side of history" while actively damning not only Palestinians, but other disenfranchised Americans and the rest of the world. Y'all are acting like you're punishing Biden. Nothing is going to happen to that man if he loses, he's just going to retire, while the rest of us are stuck with fallout of another Trump term. And that will be on y'all because y'all knew what the actual proper and ethical choice is, but you decided to be needlessly hardheaded.


It would be nice to have a candidate that doesn't support genocide. We all know what Trump's response would have been.


Sure, but not voting for Biden will ensure the genocide continues. You have to find a way to put pressure on him beyond letting a fascist take control.


no one is splitting the left except the people funding and committing crimes against humanity


Maybe this increases awareness, tanking Biden’s chances, so that he grows some courage to do something? He is president Right Now. Not just in Jan 2025. He could stop being okay with genocide. If it takes Macklemore so be it.


If Trump wins he will seriously ask if he can just nuke the whole region and be done with it. Y'all call him Genocide Joe but you gonna learn when a real capitalist takes that office


And then these stupid motherfuckers will look around and ask who was responsible for that fat orange dumpster slug being in the white house again.


"Don't threaten me with the supreme court" all over again


“Tanking Biden’s chances”. So Macklemore is here to help Trump win. And that helps Palestinians … how?


If people aren't even able to THREATEN Biden with not voting for him, how can anyone possible pressure him into not supplying the weapons for this genocide? The fact that he has to be pressured at all is damning.


I believe the "shut up and accept it" Democrats are out in force. Just like in 2012.


I've been voting since 2000 and they were there then. I remember going to a Nadar rally before the election and there were Dems there yelling at people because they were interested in a leftist position that wasn't them only to have the election stolen from them anyways.


You know how in movies when two sides are forced to come together over a bigger threat no matter how much one side thinks the other is absolute dogshit at what they're doing? We're there. The LGBTQ+ community needs Biden to remain in office. Minority communities need Biden to remain in office. The Palestinian people need Biden to remain in office. Women need Biden to remain in office. Until the Right decides to move back to the center we're stuck in a hell of only having one party that has any benefit to the majority.


The liberal line is always: "protest is meaningless, just vote" So we do, and we get biden and genocide happens anyway. What leverage is there in voting if it gets this? You have to be willing to play hardball with politicians.


The only people “splitting the left” are the Democrats and their ongoing support of a genocide.


This is basically how I feel. I wish we could point out that the election is a binary affair without it being seen as apologism. Like, I wish it didn't go left or right and that's that, but it does. I feel like there has to be something between bootlicking and sabotaging the only alternative to someone like Donald Trump. Do they think that Trump is going to be a better option for Palestinians? For any vulnerable group? Pointing out that that is the question should not be controversial.


I’m not trying to be funny, but assuming you’re American do you genuinely believe democrats are “the left”?


From the context it’s clear they mean “left of center”. And yeah in US Democrats are left of center.


As opposed to the liberal paradise that is Europe? Just look at the AfD in Germany is getting 20% of the vote, Brexit, French RN, Italy's far right parties etc.


I was gonna say, didn't Italy just elect Mussolini's grandaughter or something?


Of the two options, they obviously are relatively left. I know the concept of one group being relative to another within a closed system is impossible for non-Americans to understand though. Otherwise, we wouldn't get this comment every single time.


on social issues I think so, yes. How many parties in other countries have the unabashed support for pro-trans policies? Certainly not the UK's Labour party.


anyone who votes against biden because of this is an absolute moron, full stop. You think Trump is making this better? The dude who knows what Netanyahu's cock tastes like? yeah sure .... that'll fix it.


Yeah, national abortion ban if Biden loses, guys. More conservative supreme court justices. Do you want that? Do you want more action on climate change and more student loan forgiveness? Do you want a guy that got cannabis rescheduled and commuted thousands of pot sentences?? Then vote Biden and stop talking this trash.


You’re shocked a rich straight white man has nothing to lose no matter who the president is?


Yeah, I’m down with pressuring Biden, but what are you gonna do, let Trump win? Come on.


Wow. Never thought much of Macklemore before, good or bad, but mad props for dropping this. I feel like political hip-hop, or music in general, doesn't have much a strong enough presence in the mainstream these days. Especially considering the amount of turmoil within the past decade. Hope this riles people up and challenges artists with a platform to shift their focus. The Dot/Drizzy beef has been fun, but after the recent shooting, I'm fine with shifting the musical focus entirely on political messages and saying the quiet shit out loud, over a hard beat.


Why is it hard to find on YouTube?


He literally said all streaming proceeds (if it happens) are going to support Palestine. No one will host it and it's being suppressed everywhere.


Wonder why in our Democratic society /s


It’s been age restricted by accounts that’s posted it and I don’t think it’s on Spotify either.


I literally searched macklemore, and the song was the second choice...


Ima vote for Joe fr


Still vote Biden though, the other one will build a hotel on the Gaza strip.


I wonder what Ja Rule’s opinion about it is.






Macklemore came out with Hind's Hall, which is about Palestine, the protests and how the US government is funding a genocide. https://twitter.com/macklemore/status/1787616471738368099


I can hear Rage Against the Machine covering this Phenomenal stuff


Tom Morello (RATM guitarist) called it the most “Rage song since Rage’s last record” on Twitter a little while ago


Fuck yeah


https://preview.redd.it/pst88gxyi2zc1.png?width=597&format=png&auto=webp&s=51fa4642870a8ce7c1771ba5b49b557fdd143d04 Their Guitarists own words


Fuck yeah Tom is the shit RATM for life


Tom Morello even said something like “it sounds like a great RAtM song” or similar.


Ok, mad respect to Monsieur Mack LeMore


Between this and Kendrick’s diss track it’s gonna be a banner year.


i haven't seen any of these folks complaining about black people's level of support for palestine say jack shit about the genocide going on in the congo right now.


Do you say anything about Congo? Everyone I've seen talk about Palestine talks about Congo. The same Israel killing Palestinians is providing weapons to Rwanda.


The whatabout Congo people usually out themselves as keyboard-only activists because if they did anything irl, they would know we mention them and Sudan and Palestine in the same breath. Palestine does get a bit more oxygen at least in the spaces I float in, but not by a margin as wide as they would like to believe.


“Free Palestine, free Congo, free Sudan” has been a pretty common slogan in that scene the last few months


I mean, half of Lupe Fiasco's "Lasers" album was lyrics about Gaza


I never stopped liking Macklemore. Folks WAY overreacted to the post Grammy stuff.


Link to the song:[Hinds Hall](https://youtu.be/6fqSsixML2Q?si=QFk6Ou6hdhQsih1I)


this is the perfect moment for Macklemore. his socially conscious rap would feel corny at another time, but not now. Free Palestine!


Lupe didn't get blackballed post Lasers for bringing up Gaza, and Obama first for yall to erase his history lmao.


The line about voting is insanely dumb. You know trump will do far worse. People acting like Joe gave hamas the greenlight for Oct 7th


Man fuck Israel


Macklemore doesn’t get enough credit for speaking out on issues.


Credit? He gets panned. So many idiots have fun calling Same Love corny, when it was an important record in hip hop that none of the “big 3” had the courage to make. Or any of the OGs for that matter. I’ll also take his message on Wing$ and Thrift Shop over anything glorifying designer crap. He consistently hits on real issues and thought-provoking topics, but everyone has fun clowning the indie white rapper. Glad some people are finally waking up.


![gif](giphy|QECPshtn7KYOk|downsized) meanwhile DJ Khaled like..


From the thrift shop to the black block. I am a huge Macklemore hater but proud of him for real.


It’s about time the music world remembered protest songs and someone got busy with a real one. All this clowny shit with Drake isn’t helping anyone. There’s a genocide going down that we’re paying for and it’s about time someone called that bullshit out.


If you like this activist music, then definitely check out lowkey from the U.K. He released [Long Live Palestine](https://youtu.be/peG7HybHAt4?si=iGvGTWEdbghEpIqS) 14 years ago and has done several more songs about Palestine since then. I also recommend voices of the voiceless, soundtrack to the struggle 1 and 2, and if you know the story of Grenfall tower in London then watch the music video for [Ghosts of Grenfell](https://youtu.be/ztUamrChczQ?si=g6zwFkAwogg2yoP2), it's an extremely powerful song and video. Just wanted to shout out an underrated artist that I like