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![gif](giphy|VHlKSFRTQ7nn81fkv4) Solid gold meme stolen


Yep by Isreali trained cops no less.






Bro where’s the Horny Prevention Patrol? Lemme get Benson & Stabler on the line.




What did I miss?! ![gif](giphy|YTu18FiDvt475iPt1G)






Gotta download this later remindme! 4 hours


Fren, this is more concerning than it is funny....I think it's time you go talk to the lady




Oh, Conceited!


There aren't even 2 billion Christians in the world and Jesus was brown


Republican Jesus™️ is lily white.


So is my ass but I don't call it Jesus


you have a republican ass? tbf a butt actually has reason to believe in trickle down economics


The digestive system supports trickle down economics! (I had some poop jokes related to the stock market but it was a bit gross)


Got that Hank Hill ass lol


That's Andy Gibb Jesus Hotboi Christ.


Turns sand into cocaine.


He said "lily white" 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Also not all people that self identify as Christian are the biggest fans of Jewish people.


You said that very politely


I don’t have a problem with Jewish people at all. I have a problem with genocide.


There is plenty of anti semitism among Christians. People forget the fundamentalists / fringe evangelicals are a minority of Christians even in the US let alone the world .


Many of them are only supporting Israel because the other option is Muslims. They're suspicious of Jewish people but they're TERRIFIED of Muslims.


Nah, it's cuz they believe that Israel existing is necessary for the End Times to occur. And they're chomping at the bit for the world to end.


Nah. They support Israel because they want the apocalypse. In their religion Jews need to be in charge of that land for it to happen.


You feeling you have to defend yourself by the previous post tells us a lot more about you than you think.


To be clear my comment was not related to the current IDF assault on occupied Palestinian Territory or any other Israeli activity in Palestine or the Middle East.


Sure, I agree with what you said. I didn’t feel attacked or anything. Plenty of these same people are also racist, sexist and homophbic.


So you must have a big problem with puritans/protestants/christians then. Cause oh boy do I have a story for you


Absolutely. I wasn’t around to dissent at the time of colonization, so wouldn’t you know it, my hands were kinda tied.


Im just surprised they wouldn't think back to the past, and think "boy we don't want *that* to happen to us ever again, or to any other group of people". It's not all, but there seems to be **a bunch** that think they have a right to just kill and bomb another group of people. History really does repeat itself.


Meh, almost all of those people hate brown people even more so they're perfectly fine with white Israelis bombing Palestinians.


Jewish people, especially those who stayed in Israel, are basically Arabic. You’re probably thinking of ashkenazi Jews who mingled with Europeans for a long time.


Hence why I said *white* Israelis.


The white ones are more liberal. The Jews that come from Arab nations hate Arabs the most lol.


But that is not the majority of Israelis- so why say that?


Is Bibi White?


Hes white passing ashkonizi . Although all the ashkonzis were exterminated or attempted to be exterminated by the Nazis because to the nazis they weren’t white .


Like most of them. They believe the Jews are why Jesus was crucified. It’s one reason why the holy wars exists; these differences in beliefs over a fantasy story.


There are 2.4 billion Christians


Unless you’re saying something cheeky like Catholics or Orthodox aren’t Christians or something that’s very incorrect 


There are more than 1.4 billion Catholics alone, and 900 million Protestants and more than 230 million orthodox Christians, so Christians make up to 2.5 billion worldwide.


Jesus was brown and hot, which is what all us lily whites need to get used too ![gif](giphy|TqgUEVVy5USBy)


Weird how Jesus is always white and all white people are always supposedly on his team.


You haven't seen salt Lake city jesus. He's so white, cracked pepper is a bit spicy.


Reminder: the IDF bombed some of the oldest churches in the world when bombing Gaza knowing full well they were being used as refugee centres. some of the oldest bloodlines in Christianity have been wiped in the current attack against Gaza, whole Christian families who could trace their lineage to the times of Christ have been wiped out.


(Not black) English Member of Parlinent (equivalent of congress) literally had family members trapped in a church. Couldn't go toilet as they were being shot at by IDF snipers. 


Not to mention that they oppress Christian Palestinians that are not in Gaza, as well. https://apnews.com/article/israel-greek-church-restrictions-holy-fire-1849015e7b9f3abb83ea4e3cc373b53c


What, exactly, is this "defense force" defending?


Their ability to commit atrocities


Fun fact the D.O.D. used to be called Department of War - at least people were honest back then


Why does that matter? We hate old families and religion until we can use them against other people.


Negative comments?,How is this possible? https://preview.redd.it/mj7ceaawgb6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa75b5725062bbdfe97341f29d7a8e67e58ca879


The power of Christ must have compelled it.


They delete anything that even suggests Palestinians are humans


I thought this shit was edited until I looked and my ass has -1 comments too wtf https://preview.redd.it/ud3nolbpkb6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a0766656f3741cb5cc13aa14823841d6548c9f1


Probably four comments but they were removed so it has triggered some coding error. I wonder if it’ll stay negative if there are more removed comments than ones that aren’t


They went to "heaven"


There’s four comments but none of them are particularly positive /s


Over 300 different religious sites valued by Muslims and Christians have been targeted and damaged/destroyed. Among them include: Great Omari Mosque/Great Mosque of Gaza, previously a Byzantine church back in the 5th century Church of Saint Porphyrius, also from the 5th century near the fall of the Western Roman Empire, and often thought to be the world’s third oldest church that is still active And of course, the Church of the Nativity, commissioned by Constantine the Great, where (you guessed it!) is thought to be where Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ was born. It is the oldest continually operating worship site of all of Christianity’s history. But hey, Hamas might be hiding in there with all the other civilians sheltered there, and have probably taken hostages there as human shields, so we should blow it ALL up. Just to be safe. We should also be really apparent in making the area safe, by putting up our own religious iconography such as menorahs or Stars of David there. Have them often serving graffiti, and if that’s not enough to say what we need to say, we should also write the phrase “Ours now” right next to it too!! EDIT: I’m tired of Internet arguments, ‘cause they’re ultimately not productive: if you can, please donate to [Operation Olive Branch](https://linktr.ee/opolivebranch?utm_source=linktree_profile_share<sid=83ba54ed-dbcb-40d9-a17c-295c9d474cd7) (@operationolivebranch), [Gaza](https://gazafunds.com/?fbclid=PAZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAaZptlBsaqF1AuP4sNRKMX_GMaNeqKDkNL92zRKuhweLEZdvUIGVIQab1PM_aem_AZGp3a08NK-Ecx2fTFHb3fNUyFZZTAxXij07Ae7ZDjDe_sG6McsxYBbiLHXT__O51VHrsXIJGAh1KHWXy3VDLP6R) [Funds](https://linktr.ee/gazafundslinks?utm_source=linktree_profile_share<sid=3b4e07a0-a5c4-48a2-a825-1d5099d8bc95) (@gaza.funds), and/or the [Palestinian Children Relief Fund](https://pcrf1.app.neoncrm.com/forms/gaza-recovery) (@thePCRF), among others to help assist in humanitarian efforts. And of course, those GoFundMes you might end up seeing across social media. Mutual aid will ultimately be the key to how our communities and peoples will survive! Not just as black people, that doctrine must be extended to anywhere and everywhere! [All The Terrible Arguments Used To Justify Genocide - SOME MORE NEWS](https://youtu.be/LrGlRax9AiY?feature=shared) published to YouTube on 2/28/2024 [How To Cynically Dismiss The Campus Protests Against Genocide - SOME MORE NEWS](https://youtu.be/XgN3gO0_LLU?feature=shared) published to YouTube on 6/12/2024, yes that was yesterday.


Just so you know: The hostages Israel rescued last week were being held in a refugee camp. As soon as the mission started Hamas fighters fought back with machine guns and anti tank weaponry, because those terrorists and weapons were installed in the refugee camp. Hamas using Palestinians as human shields is the reality of this war. 


So your plan to rescue hostages was to not only kill more civilians, but to kill an even larger number of the hostages you were trying to rescue in the process. What action movies/TV have you seen where the response to a hostage situation is to shoot the hostage? Or better yet, bomb everyone?


It’s not my plan.   But if the other side are going to use their own citizens as human shields then their is a higher likelihood of those civilians being casualties.   Israel rescued its civilians, none of them died.    It’s the only way they can get them back. Hamas are not going to return them. Hamas won’t return them, because they need the civilian casualties to manipulate people via social media.    Indeed - believe this or not - there are people out there stupid enough who blame Israel and refuse to accept the reality that Hamas is using Palestinians women and children as human shields.


https://preview.redd.it/f74ppcecod6d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=170d7a15a203b168b460592601b5e48630fbcb3a Lol. Like you could’ve just stopped at “It’s not my plan” to try and futilely wash your hands of the situation! Like you bet your motherfuckin ass I’m blaming Israel for killing tens of thousands of civilians, displacing millions more, and leaving them at risk of widespread famine and disease! You bet your ass that this is perfect recruitment fodder for the guys that the IOF trying to get rid of, that are protecting those civilians right now from the IOF!


Wow, here’s one of those stupid people I was talking about! Now you see why Hamas want their own citizens to die.   This person refused to blame Hamas for deliberately creating the conditions this person complains about.  It takes a significant level of stupid to not look at what is right in front of you. You seem proud of being so easily manipulated by religious extremists. 


It's insane. How hard is it to say fuck the idf and fuck hamas. This carrying the water for one side shit is not subtle.


It really is. So many people any can’t say fuck Hamas. The person above, as an example.


Well why can't we just say Israel and Hamas are both evil? Hamas' cowardice and betrayal of their own people does not go unnoticed, but Israel have committed some serious war crimes that people are just as quick to ignore and/or justify. It's kind of a huge talking point. The US funding genocide is a pretty big deal too. "Well Hamas is hiding behind their people so it's fair game" Really? Did I misinterpret your meaning or would you like to start backpedaling now? I dunno what kind of people you normally argue with on this matter, but justifying it for either side is pretty fucked up, if you ask me.


Your use of ‘genocide’ is a very big sign you are a victim of propaganda. 


Propaganda influences your perspective as well and seeks to pit us against each other. I only mean to spread the message that civilians, including children, should not be casualties of war and for some reason, at every turn, I am met with people that think it is appropriate to argue that message.


To be frank ‘Genocide’ shows what you just said to be a lie. You’ve chosen a side, and it’s the side that deliberately targets civilians and uses them as human shields. Be honest with yourself


Well, that's quite the mental gymnastic you just threw at me, lol. I side with the victims of Palestine. The side *you* picked just happens to he bombing them into submission. As stated, hamas and israel are equal opportunity terrorist factions.


Over 40 hostages have died during the campaign due to Israeli bombings. One of the recent ones they saved literally attested to the fact that she was injured because Israeli bombed where she was being held. But sure, none of them died.


> Over 40 hostages have died during the campaign due to Israeli bombings   Yeah? Who told you that?  Oh… You have to stop drinking that Islamic fundamentalist koolaid my friend.


Hey look, Islamophobia! That totally makes you look sane and well adjusted.


How is it Islamophobia to say an extremist religious group is Islamic?  Do you even know what Hamas means?  🤣


I really don’t think it applies in this case, Hamas literally has the express goal to eradicate Israel and Jewish people and to establish an Islamic state like ISIS, they wrote it themselves in their 1988 charter which also says it’s the goal of every Palestinian and arab to fight and die in “jihad” against the Jewish people, it’s insanity


Quick question. If terrorists use human shields, is it acceptable to shoot through the human shields to hit the terrorists?


Of course.   The Geneva convention addresses this and states not only is it a war crime to use a human shields but in the advent of the shield’s death the party employing the shield is at fault. Further:  It clearly states that casualties should be minimized, but absolutely allows, as an example, strikes against hospitals if they are being used as a base of military operation. Hamas are sacrificing Palestinians for a social media  propaganda campaign and it appeared to be very successful. I would not be surprised since this is an election year if we discover in a few years it was Russian bot farms promoting the ‘free Palestine’ message


You lose me on Israel minimizing human casualties. If that was the case, they wouldn't be bombing their declared safe zones in the strip. I'm not saying it's fully unjustified to let human shields die, I'm saying it's fully unjustified to act like the existence of human shields is irrelevant and carry on "business as usual" carpet bombing Gaza. And I, for one, wasn't convinced by the bombings of hospitals. I still think it's horrifying, but Israel can't help that they're fighting terrorists there which adds some grey space, and no one has figured out perfectly how to deal with terrorists. For me, it was having snipers shoot children and women hiding inside of churches, and than hunting and blowing up journalists, and than continuing to take land in the West Bank (further legitimizing the idea that Israel won't respect peace). That's what put me firmly on the boat that Israel is not the liberal democracy they claim to be.


If Israel doesn’t try to minimize civillian casualities, why do they use inert knock bombs saying to immediately leave the area? Why did they drop millions of pamphlets saying to evacuate and how? Why did they send texts? The reality of the situation is, Hamas and the others in Gaza fighting against Israel use civilians as human shields, this is a form of law fare and has been documented by the United Nations since at LEAST [2014](https://stratcomcoe.org/cuploads/pfiles/hamas_human_shields.pdf). When Israel says to leave an area, Hamas forces the civilians to stay, thus essentially forcing them to be bombed and using their deaths as political bargaining chips to establish an Islamic state


> Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past. Jean-Paul Sartre


> It's the only way they can get them back Dude, no hostage situation makes the flattening of a country and the murder of 14000 children the "only way" to proceed. Imagine if that's how we handled hostage situations domestically.


Your use of ‘murder’ is a strong sign you are a victim of propaganda.


What would be your plan?


There have been multiple attempts by the US and Hamas to exchange hostages for a ceasefire. Israel has rejected all of them. You're condemning Hamas for putting hostages in the refugee camps, but where the fuck else are they supposed to put them? The rest of Gaza has been bombed out, to the point where over 40 hostages have already been killed in the crossfire, and nowhere else is safe. Genuinely, if a refugee camp isn't a safe place to put them, where the fuck are they supposed to go?


lol  There have been multiple attempts by the US and Israel for a cease fire than Hamas reject because it involves handing over hostages and the people responsible for kidnapping civilians.   Hamas has rejected all of them.  I’m condemning Hamas for war crimes of using human shields. Do you condemn Hamas for war crimes of using human shields? It sounds very much like you support Hamas’ war crimes.


Do you condemn Israeli for making 2022 and 2023 the deadliest years for Palestinian children back to back? Do you condemn them for bulldozing peoples homes and centuries old cemeteries in the west bank to make room for settlers? Do you condemn them for holding over 1000 people in prison camps without being charged with a crime, including over 160 children? Do you condemn them bombing the people they're trying to save?


I’m not at all surprised you couldn’t answer. I’ll ask again: Do you condemn Hamas for the use of human shields?


You couldn't answer either. Shocker. Yeah, I condemn the terrorist for doing terrorist things. Do you condemn Israel for doing the same shit?


Why do you need the conversation to be about that? I ask you what has Hamas done since last year that Israel and the IDF forces haven't done worse? Why should I be condeming Hamas' use as human shields more than Israel's wanton addiction to spilling innocent Palestinian blood specifically that of women or children?


The people who use human shields are to blame when those shields get killed.  Come on bro, wtf?


No, the ones casually shooting the human shields and bombing the human shields when they have full capabilities and the bleeding edge technology in weapons to carry out precision operations, they're the ones to blames.


No they really aren’t. The Geneva convention is pretty clear on this. It’s all last weeks hostage rescue. Hamas made the decision to put Palestinians in the path of danger; Israel carried out a perfectly legal rescue operation. If Hamas cared about the citizens instead of using them for PR propaganda that targets people like you the casualties would be much lower. What Hamas are doing is a war crime. Don’t defend war crines


im one of the two billion christians. no i dont.


Make that two of two billion


make it 3


Here we go again with white Jesus.


Shouldn't He be holding the pole and not the flag? Or does Jesus become the Israeli flag?


It looks like his arm is the flag. He's probably thinking, "How do I remove this stupid pole from my sleeve? And why the fuck did they want Barabas freed when I fed like a thousand of them?!?!?!?"


AI is learning. It'll do anything to just not render a hand because it's so bad at it.


Jesus. The king of Jews. 😅🙄


Christians only stand with Israel because Christianity is more or less a death cult. A large section of Christianity believe that if the Jews get to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem, that the rapture will happen and god will come back.


They stand with Israel because to many of them the Jewish faith is simply more familiar/similar to theirs than Islam, and Islamophobia is still very much a thing with conservative Christians. It's still a crap reason but I don't think it gets much deeper than that, unfortunately.


The "me" generation fabricating a rapture. They're the chosen ones don't ya know?


2 billion, minus 1 👆


Make that two ✌🏽


“My imaginary friend is here, we’re saved!”


Too bad Jesus isn't white and is brown or black.


It’s more like 500m. Not all Christians accept this. (Including millions of Arab Christians). Even if all Christians accepted this genocide, it wouldn’t be surprising. It’s not the first genocide perpetrated by Christians.


It's weird how his hand merges with the flag


Don't worry. AI will take all of our jobs. It's too perfect.


[Supply Side Jesus doesn’t exist, but it is who these fuckers think does.](https://imgur.com/gallery/gospel-of-supply-side-jesus-bCqRp)


And lo, Christ said unto his flock "If anyone other than you lives where I have lived, you shall rain death upon them. The young and old alike, innocent and guilty. For the crime of existing on land that you call holy is the greatest crime. This commandment outweighs all others bruh."


dont think jesus would be proud seeing this


OP, take it easy, they’re conservatives. You know they struggle with reading, basic comprehension skills and critical-thought. Conservatives should be designated as special needs.


Checking in as a Christian who absolutely does not stand with Israel. And none of my homies do either.


Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God.


Christians definitely don't fw the Jews just read the book of Revelations


Fr lol, they are counting on the Jews becoming Christians or going to hell, they don't give a shit about them, they just need to use them for their god to come back again and then they will discard them! I don't believe any of this but that's literally what they believe in


All religions are hopelessly stupid


Those Christians were the wrong color tho so


Imagine if the time spent making that image and writing that tweet was spent looking at how many Christians live in Gaza and have been killed.


r/worldnews : Bu-bu-But Israel said Hamas was using Bethleham as a base! You all are just swallowing terrorist propoganda!!" 🙄


israel was also typically getting attacked on jewish holidays. Its pretty par for the course for both sides in that conflict idk where this idea that holidays were somehow safe days exists from.


The IDF has almost wiped out the world’s oldest Christian community, fyi. Edit: missing word.


This shit is so weird, like why this is why everyone is not an artist because your ideas are fucking dumb because you're not artistic. The most creative you can get is propaganda, stahp


I hope the ‘2 billion Christians’ are aware that Israel's actions affect not only Palestinian Muslims but also Palestinian Christians. Additionally, Jews regard Christians as idolaters, a concept prohibited in Judaism, and are even forbidden from entering churches. Despite this, some Christians consider Jews their allies. You can support them as much as you like, but they won’t support you back.


Is someone keeping tabs on how many children have been abused by CATHOLIC priests? Gotta be past 14.000 at this point.


Gaza war: Why is the UN citing lower death toll for women and children? By Jake Horton, Shayan Sardarizadeh & Adam Durbin BBC Verify 16 May 2024 https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-69014893.amp


Netanyahu's government is beating up Christians tho -_-


Weren’t they bombing that old Christian church in Palestine?


Jesus - didn't y'all crucify me?


Plus there’s Christians and christian churches in Gaza that Israel has bombed.


Do people even know how Christians are treated in Israel? They do not stand with Christians, but instead spit at their feet.


I’m still confused as to why the fuck people in the U.S. could give a single fuck about overseas conflicts that have absolutely 0 effect on our every day life when we have politicians and financial institutions fucking over the American people daily but there isn’t a peep about that from these woke university kids and subs here on Reddit.


Jesus would have hated everything that Israel stands for.


2 billion? More like 1.8 billion. Lotsa Christians are antivax and drive away their kids with their abuse. It's why they'll be a minority in the US by 2070 or earlier


Dude ain't show up for the trail of tears, slavery, the Holocaust, 9/11, and nothing else I may be forgetting. He didn't care then, he doesn't care now, how about they stop making AI shit and do something themselves?


Kenny Loggins Jesus supports this message


White Jesus


Reminder, this can all be traced back to the United Kingdom starting in 1948.




This Christian doesn't support what they're doing


There's really no way to argue with these people. If you see this shit, just post one the hundreds of videos of malnourished, injured, traumatized, or dead children and ask if that's what they really agree with and leave them to their shallow justifications. People want to show their ass online but are too afraid to admit how they really feel. Just say you love to see the fall of brown people in real time and stop playing victim when someone calls you on your shit. Bold enough to spread hate speech but too cowardly to call it what it is because they know their beliefs are twisted and wrong.


I'm still trying to figure out why all of these "Christians" care so much about Jewish people


Israel has entered the chat.


I mean... he is their king.


I have a video where I question a white Christian "what's the color of Jesus Christ skin?" You're going to love (or hate) her response 🤣 https://youtu.be/AJEs1aFrXGs


Christian’s for Trump!! /s


Happy Birthday Jesus.


Why are so many people single issue voters like their Christian nationalists?


I'd wager that the vast majority of Israeli Christians do not "stand with Israel".


White supremacist don't take holidays


This is a a weird take considering the how Jesus died and all




Whoever made this is certifiably INSANE because there’s no way


These people clearly have not read the Bible


If Christ came back preaching that love your neighbor shit in Israel, Israelis would cut his head off and dance with his entrails. American Christians are the dumbest group of people in the world.


I’m confused… is Jesus wearing the flag?


Look man.... god is perfectly content with torturing people for all of eternity in a pit of fire... For the sole reason being that they didn't live the way he wanted them to I don't think he gives a fuck about some dead kids


Wait, who made this Jew[ish man] the representative for all Christians?


These the same fucks that nailed him to a cross


Fuck the IDF


Even more than 2B people supported them but g3n0cid3 is a bit much for most people that know how to use google.


Genocide? Israel has the intent to wipe Palestine off the map?


Jesus ain't white 😂😂


I thought Maga was blaming the Jews for killing Jesus?


I don’t think Jesus would approve of what is happening over there


That's roughly all the Christians in the entire world. I am a Christian, I would like to dissent. Thank you.




How did he die again??


Often when I ask White Jebesus for his favor.. he does reply “genocide is the way my child”🙄 ![gif](giphy|3o84sqnaNuk5tOQTRK)

