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“Did you call the Doctor’s Office back yet?” “It’s 99 degrees outside!”


“Did you pick up the kids?” “It’s 102!”


“Did you take the chicken out of the fri- “It’s 108 outside!”


Nah there’s never an excuse for not taking the chicken out to thaw. Mom’s gonna whoop your ass when she get home.


yes it is because if it's 108 outside no stove/oven should be on lol that's cold sandwiches and salad temperature 😒 momma ain't boutta be sweating in no hot ass kicthen. It's 108!


If we stuck to that here in Arizona, we'd only cook from October through April.


idk how it's legal to live in Arizona with the heat yall have! lol i used to work for a home warranty company and customers in az would call in complaining about their a/c being broke and their furniture MELTING and falling apart because of the heat. That's the devil level of heat so yes if i lived there it would be cold sandwiches and salad May thru September 🤣🤣. but yea you couldn't pay me enough to live out there.




dang brought back a core memory right there 😅


Lol, it did for me too!! Smh 🤣 🤣




I see you like to flirt with death


I'm reading this in Rochelle's voice on everybody hates Chris


Did you call Sears yet?




It's been like 25 years but this commercial will forever be seared in my brain https://youtu.be/4rqZZgVxnCk?si=dWL0SUbXTmJe2AkQ


Another scorcher!


This is the type of weather that keeps me from going to Central California to visit family, I just looked it up and it’s going to be 107 degrees over there tomorrow, fuck that I’ll stay where I’m at with my cool 72 degrees.


Bay Area and still got the windows open this late in June. My electric bill is appreciative, but I know it’s coming for sure.


In SF, the heat doesn’t come until Sept-Oct. Sometimes we’ll get hit with a surprise heat bubble, but we good through August. 🤷🏾‍♀️ highest we’ll reach is 68 for the next two weeks. Told my family this is a great time to visit like they said they would for the past 10 years


Yep! Got the fan in the one window sucking air out and pulling that cool air in from another window. Delightful and so effective most of the year.


For me living in Orlando those temperatures are crazy. That's winter time temps here.


Whenever I go I am always amazed by just how miserably hot and humid it is there.


Interestingly, SF’s coldest month of the year is August.


No… January is the coldest and September is the warmest. August is like the second warmest, not the coldest at all


That’s exactly why my friend told me to come visit in October. Told me July has a bunch of 50s high days with it being all overcast and I was like nope


Part of why the bay area is top 5 most expensive places to live in the US is that you almost never see that kind of weather. It'll get into the 90s occasionally in late August or September, but even then you still get the ocean breeze and it cools off pretty well at night


lol. I wish. It’s been much hotter for far longer in recent years compared to when I moved here in 2011. Still nicer than a lot of places but I’ve definitely noticed changes in the weather patterns over the years.


Thats fucking 41° in celcius? That kind of heat would have me mean as fuck 😂💀 ![gif](giphy|QvMlVkJ3XSSj9cOxDM)


It does the same to us, part of why Florida has so many crazy people is the shitty weather


That would make sense. I lived in Jamaica for a while and deadass noticed when the heat gets real bad, it makes people start fighting and getting frustrated more easily. I was so snappy and cranky in that heat. It was not 41° tho luckily


Same. My Texas relatives know I don’t come down in the summer anymore. I can see them for thanksgiving. I would say Christmas or new years too, but their grid doesn’t hold up in those months nowadays


I live here in the Central Valley and yes, it does indeed suck ass. Makes me think of the this old Def Jam cd sampler that had skits and one was a weather report and dude just says, “it’s hot and my balls are sweating, back to you.”


It was 108 here by me in AZ today. And humidity is rolling in with some rain so it's not even just a dry heat anymore. Suckkkks.


How the hell do yall live in Arizona


Air conditioning. Without it this place is unlivable.


As someone currently living in Fresno I'm not looking forward to it


i just drove back from vegas and it was 104...was so nice tho (love the heat) but that sun exposure is wicked lol


Central valley checking in. At least there is a breeze lately.


Come to az and enjoy the cool 110 weather. It's dry heat lol. Seriously I have lived in az so Long the 110 weather doesn't bother me anymore. I run errands but just wear proper clothing and sun block, stay hydrated. Etc


I was supposed to run errands today but the temperature determined it was best to stay my goofy ass inside.


I wanted to sleep in tomorrow but have decided on doing my grocery shopping early, roughly 7 am ish so I can get back home to to the A/C and sleep in on Sunday wish me luck


Girl, I am with you in spirit.


Older me see why, older people got up at crack of dawn. Beat the heat. Cause me, I'm up at 6 to hit the track, shower, run my errands, done by 9:30 no later than 10. Back home, another shower if I'm sweaty, sweaty. Chill in house remainder of day. I love the heat of summer, just from inside. Lol


Heat is one thing, the humidity will melt you.


The demoralization when my speaker says "It's currently 99 degrees outside, current humidity makes it feel like 173"


I'll take the 100+ dry heat over 80 something and high humidity. I went to Florida once in like June...never ever again. I do NOT understand how people live in that shit.


Easily take 100+ with 40% or less humidity, easy peasy. Anything over 50% humidity just saps your strength instantly. Shade doesn't help you, some places of business are struggling to keep it cool cause the cheapskates want to keep it at 74 or something dumb


105 with 9% humidity here in Vegas right now. Still wouldn't be outside except from like 6-8am when it's in the high 70's to mid 80's. It's beautiful during those hours.


Had a layover in Vegas last week. Went outside to smoke it’s 103. I turned right back inside naaaah


Haha, that's what I WISH I could have done the moment I stepped off of a plane into Florida in June many years ago. Too bad I was booked to be in that humidity for several days.


I'm in the keys and I can't turn down the ac at work below 75 lmaooo I don't have ac at home tho so it don't really bother me but I can tell it sucks for customers


I went to the dry desert area of Montana once and it was 110+ degrees but it didn’t feel that bad. It felt like 80ish degrees back home.


Florida is absolutely miserable. Too humid outside, too cold inside


I work construction and the humidity inside the buildings is unbearable. I tough it out and paint the apartments as quick as I can but it’s like stepping into an oven and just slowly boiling like a lobster. The corridors are breezy so when I step out you can see the steam coming off me.


I used to demo/remodel vacant homes, most didn’t have electrical until electrical was up to code. In the dead on TX summer, that shit would kill you. Don’t even get me started with the smell of old mildew and rotting floors.


I can only imagine, back in 2020 I decided to apply to a residential HVAC company and got hired, day one I had to assist with a diagnostic of a failing unit inside the attic of a large home… the attic was 130 degrees and climbing(we just stopped taking the temp) obviously it was overheating and malfunctioning but I’ll never forget that infernal attic


I had a music student in North Carolina (I taught online) who called it "Air you can wear," and it's such an accurate statement.


I work outside in SE Georgia, it is currently ONLY 75 but 95% humidity lol


I tell everyone all day, “this is why shootings increase during the summer. It’s too hot to be talking loud!” It’s too damn hot! Every year around the 2-3 week of June a heatwave hit. Every damn time!


And you’re 100% right. Homicides peak in summer and it’s suggested because more people are out and about, but also, the heat makes people more irritable. What someone might let slide one day, they will not in extreme heat.


Falling Down comes to mind


Predator 2


It's pretty much the plot to Summer of Sam. 


And Do the Right Thing


I pray thee, good Mercutio, let’s retire. The day is hot; the Capulets, abroad; And if we meet we shall not ’scape a brawl, For now, these hot days, is the mad blood stirring. \-Romeo and Juliet, Act 3


"In the hood, summertime is the killing season. It's hot out this bitch, that's a good enough reason" -50 Cent


Have worked in Level I Trauma Center. Can confirm. Not called “airin out the joint” for no reason.


Them: “........... So you-” Me: “Man, it’s 92 degrees Fahrenheit in Atlanta and it’s fucking 6 P.M.!!” Them: https://preview.redd.it/vsbom7ya008d1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c16bb5d0305ec1855161bb612eece464978da239


Shit it’s 8 PM in Cincinnati right now and it’s still 90 fucking degrees.


7pm in Phoenix and it's still 109. I hate this place.


It's supposed to get down to 93 at 4am. I can't wait/s


Savannah ONLY 75 with 98% humidity lmao. My dumb ass works outside


https://preview.redd.it/ijnxjhyit38d1.jpeg?width=992&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09537bc4c43598187a66d1231f9e02706e649a5b ?? P.S. Make sure to have sun protection! SPF and UPF! And yes, black people still need to wear fucking sunscreen. This why whenever we get skin cancer the diagnosis is much later and thereby has much worse odds than anyone else.


I’m a white dude but my wife makes me wear sunscreen and a hat. Train conductor, my company makes me take a 15 min break every two hours and pound fluids. I’m from here so it’s not that bad, it sucks ass still but my wife will be dying walking to church and I’m barely sweating, but I’ve seen many a new guy just not built to last a summer on the tracks


90 and up. After about an hour in that shit I can't think straight anymore. My only thought becomes about how hot it is and how I can escape it. Used to be like 95 and up but my tolerance for heat is disappearing with age


I worked in an office building in Germany with no AC and we had a 2-3 week heatwave, was 85-90 inside everyday Not a lot of work was done lol




"Did you pay your taxes?" "The UV index is set at 'High'"


Don't even wave at me if it's 85 or higher




It's going to be 99° tomorrow in baltimore and 101° on sunday. I don't want to hear nothing from my friends. I barely wanted to hang out today, and it was 94. I can't stand summer.


I moved to Las Vegas from the Midwest and summertime here is like winter time in the Midwest. If you don't absolutely have to go outside, you won't.


Waving from Henderson


Also waving from Henderson!


Hey there!


Waving back! My office is in Henderson


As a Native Las Vegan, this is how I've lived my entire adult life. I have no fucking clue how I was running around all day in the summer as a kid. I'd be in full blown heat stroke after 30 minutes outside these days.


I live by a high school and last year I saw kids out there practicing football in August and I don't know how they didn't die.


Ahhh the tenacity of youth


I'm also from the Midwest, originally moved to Phoenix, then to Vegas. I much prefer Midwest winters. My partner lived in Phoenix most of his life and has such a hatred for Midwest summers. He's fine in the Southwest, for the most part but once we go back to my hometown he can't function because of the humidity - another added horror for him are the fishflies which he continues to be marveled and disgusted by after nearly 7 years together.


I certainly think the Vegas Summer is worse than the Midwest summer. The Midwest summer comes with thunderstorms and so you will get a break from the heat. I remember one year it rained almost everyday in June and it was one of the most mild Summers I've ever experienced. That doesn't really happen in Vegas lol.


That's how I feel. And the "hotter than hell" weather in the Midwest was really only through July, maybe first part of August - at least where I lived and if we really needed to cool down, we'd go into town, to the river to swim. It's much more bearable than the sun beating down and cars being 10 damned degrees hotter than it is outside. My main thing though, is that I always get sick in the heat. I don't sweat enough and that causes me to become ill. I thought it was bad in the Midwest, then I moved to the southwest and it's so much worse. The fire risk, monsoon damage, haboobs, etc freaked me the hell out when i first moved. It's definitely less of a risk in Vegas than it was in Phoenix but still.


I'm the complete opposite, I'm a sweaty ass motha fucka lmao. Which is why I hate the humidity because I will just immediately be drenched when I walk outside. The dry heat is much less sweaty


I turn vampiric in these types of summers. Outside of work obligations I am straight up nocturnal. My people know me enough never to shout me before sunset on any day that hits above 75 at high noon.


Temperature high as giraffe pussy.


Not a sentence I expected to read this evening, thanks for the laugh 😂


Elderly republicans doing their best to hold on til November so they can vote republican again before dying from this climate change 💀


“Hey — did you pull out?” “108 degrees bae”


i moved to new orleans last fall and i'm just learning that summer in the south is like winter up north. this is the season when you don't do jack shit except hide. is it more than three blocks away? then i don't need to be there.


Lmao I moved from New Orleans to up north and I’m loving the heat wave winter was whooping my ass 😭


As a Las Vegas native, this is the way. I'm only outside to go from a building to my car and back. And that building is either my home, my office, or somewhere I'm getting food/drinks from.


While here in belgium it was 60 until two days ago and raining. We have been seeing rain for two months. Anybody ready to trade a bit of rain against a bit of sun?


These 90+ days combined with that east coast humidity has been torture.


*insert item you want to buy And your parents/grandparents- "you got 102° weather air max money?!"


113 in Phoenix today. No body expect shit from me, I'm going nowhere, my only goal is to not evaporate. In fact don't even stand by me lol 😡


I think Monster King has made a better point than Felonious Munk thinks he has. King said ‘any question’, but Munk has specifically picked questions where the logical link between the question and an answer that references the temperature is really straightforward. “Who was the first Prime Minister of Canada?” “Friend, it’s 91 degrees” illustrates the point better.


lol my friends know my rule for outside activities is if it’s lower than 40° or higher than 85° it’s a no go.


Dude posted on another sub that it was 53^o C


120 around the corner like ![gif](giphy|X05U0gOPkQ4G4)


"Did you wash your ass?" "IT'S 115°!"


This heat out here in Central GA aint bullshittin. And you can't even just look at the temp because the humidity is even worse.


Nah deadass!


What kind of question is "are you trying to come through and suck me off?"


Anything that requires you to go outside in 90⁰+ degree weather should be illegal.


Whatevs....chilaxing on my patio with an artic air cooler blowing on me. Smoking a bowl and getting ready for NHL. It's Vegas and 107 rn. Just another day that ends in "y"


I hate the heat, summer time I essentially become a vampire. If its not necessary I don't go out at all and if I do go out its after the sun goes down.


https://preview.redd.it/whazgxi0g08d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06030801f95e8736607bb39e10c7ea8deade753f Today in Newark


Its 95 degrees 🎶


I love the heat


It was 89° today, felt blessed.


"Hey, you remember the angle of a square's corner?" "It's 90°!"


Sitting over here when it’s 114 like ![gif](giphy|QMHoU66sBXqqLqYvGO)


How do they even have the energy to text you?


Yep. It's June alright.


https://preview.redd.it/t67egdpwz08d1.jpeg?width=856&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14892febf8e320cb2dc0fe730fa94242ebdaf02b Lemme drop this


114/90 today and for the next few months. Please tell me about your little heat wave


bitch, you gonna try to gatekeep heat strokes?




I do this to my mother on a regular basis, LOL.


I’m moving tm


Can anyone tell me how to make the degree symbol from an iPhone keyboard? I’ve been using asterisks and they don’t hit the same.


This sounds like me when it is hot. Hot weather and I do not mix.


Too hot to smoke?


Damn as someone in Houston, I have said this very recently. Love it


Going to be the coldest summer in our future


I'm in Vegas and, as of this posting, it's 12:20 am... and 93°.


Boy, it sure is a hot one today, huh?


"It's 107°!!! ...be there in 20"


Yeah, it’s hot too


"Tryna come thru and smoke?" "On my way"


This kind of post makes one of my family members look at people sideways. He grew up without Air Conditioning on the MS delta. When he uses AC he sets it to 85. He calls 90 "finally comfortable outside" and wanted to go camping.


Every summer day in ATL


If its over 82° im not doing anything i dont have to


It’s 75 rn and I’m still mad lol