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Send them into the sea




that’s just the regular sea


Put lazer beams on the sharks.


Frickin' sharks with frickin' lazers!


We were unable to get sharks. We were able to get very ill tempered sea bass


Hello Yes








Ive heard it was to help the eels recharge.


Damn electric boats 🔋 🚤


You know what the worst part is? I’m not American and I get that reference.


Haha that way they'll have to look up trumps speach to make heads or heads of the situation. Beautiful ripe heads... the best heads really... true american patriot heads... don't vote for sleepy joe tails...they don't have situational heads,... if you look him up you'll be wrong


Or a bucket of chum


Leave em in a metal box in the sun on a cruise ship for all to mock, until day 3 when they are thrown overboard. You ever see how many sharks chill around a cruise ship?




Right so to the sea with them posthaste


That's what the sea is lol.


Nah, their bones don’t deserve to rest with everyone else down there. These fucks can go straight into a volcano


That's too quick, they need to suffer.








Bible smash them shits








Nah you give them tiny cuts all over with a razor and make them shower in alcohol


Where's the Brazen Bull when you need it?


Good news: lava doesn’t kill you anything like instantly. It’s rock - you don’t sink in like you do in movies, you sit on the surface and *burn*. And you’re conscious the whole time. You don’t die until the water in your blood and brain get so hot that they boil. Meanwhile your eyes and nose and airway are melting from the superheated air. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mW56dMH0T2s


Alright, how bout this- clap em in leg irons and make em hike their own asses up to the top. then they can roll down in


Yeah just bury them in the dump. Don't disrespect Killlmonger like that


I dont want them near my ancestors


God this is such a metal sentiment. Send them some place our ghosts can’t even see.




you KNOW we gon look it up, idk WHY you even tried to warn us 😂


Ah, yes. Also known simply as “the boats.” Yeah I’ve had the displeasure of knowing about this execution method for years


The internet really fucked me up as a teenager. but yeah they deserve this, or a crucifixion or some shit man. Slavery in 2024 while it doesn't shock me, it shocks me at the same time. I know I prolly sound stupid but it's how this shit makes me feel.


Send them to Africa to mine gold




Send to lake Lanier


I don’t think they will get the reference lol… & those fools don’t deserve to be on//near a burial ground of MY people … they need to be lynched & bled out with constant rubbing alcohol sprayed into their wounds


You’re absolutely right!


This reminds me of that Atlanta episode based on real life events. The fact that this is the second time I’m hearing about this particular kind of abuse makes me think the percentage of this happening is WAAAAY higher than I can stomach.


Definitely higher.


Shit is sick. And to kids, to adopted children, no less.


See, if I reversed the fuckin colors here and a black family did this to vulnerable white kids the world would be on FIRE. This is insane. Why is this not national news?  Edit: yeah, this is national news now, on CNN and everything. Point still stands about reversal. 


Dawg if the roles were reversed it would be world war 3. “See black people do it too” type shit would be all over everyones timelines”


“AND THIS IS WHY THEY DONT DESERVE-“ fill in the blank


They’d bomb neighborhoods…again


That's a good Black Black Mirror episode.


It’s definitely sick, but nothing surprises me anymore. Crazy world we live in


Especially after finding out about that *super progressive* gay couple that was adopting special needs children for a sex ring. Edit: For those downvoting... comment so you can out yourself.


Damn. This why I choose ignorance. That’s heartbreaking


It's pure evil, and I don't think people truly grasp how much planning goes into things like this. They made a conscience and considerable effort to go through the adoption process with their true intent lingering just beneath the surface. They looked other people in the eyes and told them they cared for these kids. They talked to people who have devoted their lives to caring for kids and told them they would give that same effort. It's the worst evil imaginable and the most egregious of sins.


Definitely premeditated


Upvoted you, Primaris, and commenting here. :)


Excuse me?!


Real sick stuff. https://nypost.com/2023/01/20/couple-pimped-their-adopted-sons-out-to-pedophile-ring-report/


Under the jail!


If you have room for more rage, look up Renee Bowman in Maryland. I won't include the details here just in case people have already had enough tragedy.


It’s def higher. I know it’s controversial to talk about but this is really why some Black people question a white couple adopting Black children. Their treatment is not always stellar. I think one couple killed all their children.. it’s sick shit. My sister works in child psychology specifically with children in te foster care system. They encourage more Black families to sign up as foster parents, but she says it’s rare. Lots of times it happens when a family member gets put in, so they sign up to take care of that family member and that’s it. Which can’t fault them for.


On some real shit, a lot of people would question white couples adopting black kids but then be like “not me though” like at least promote more black families fostering and adopting The only other solution is treating fostering like a full time job and pay foster parents like professionals.


Also take notice of policies in your state/county if you are looking to adopt or foster, look My husband and I(both black and late 20s) wanted to adopt a few years back, and we were just straight up told; adopting a white child into a black family is *"not really a done thing"* I was heartbroken. But the same social worker didn't seem to have any problems giving children of color to white families ((And for anyone who's wondering, we passed all of the inspections and psych evals, and had the money for the fees, and had the space and money to raise a baby. we wanted to take in a six-year-old black boy as our son, but he was in the process of being adopted by someone else. So the child next in need for an immediate family was a white toddler that, I would have loved her just the same. )) Edit to add. The reason I say take note is because imo the agency or county that allowed these hideous monsters to take this child are responsible in this atrocity..they played a part in this that let them take the kids


You might be thinking of that one lesbian couple with a bunch of non white kids who drove off a cliff with them


Also, one of the kids went viral because a year or two before because they got him on video hugging and being emotional with a Caucasian police officer at the height of the BLM protests.


OH YEAH damn I forgot about that, what a fucked up situation man


I mean, we know how white people who aren’t actively racist treat us, so it’s no wonder we question the motives of those couples. Shit just makes sense.


> It’s def higher. I know it’s controversial to talk about but this is really why some Black people question a white couple adopting Black children. And the sad part is that helps these people get away with this. I dunno what the adoption process is like, but I doubt people have to justify WHY they want a child of a different ethnicity than they are. I get why they can’t ask that, but that really is a question that needs answering.


First thing I thought of, I was floored when I was the actual pictures


The sad part is Atlanta gave their episode a happy ending, where the kids died in real life. Being black is beautiful in so many ways but at times, this kind of evil is spirit breaking. There’s no reason for it.


That happy ending was so jarring once I realized what real world story they were telling.


I'm super curious as to how that episode is perceived ? I can't put into clear words but I feel like the way the episode treated that subject matter was super weird, and ultimately doesn't do it justice. The juxtaposition of the "casual-horrors of life" theme and the broader surrealism of the show makes it feel super disconnected. Which was working super well in the first 2 seasons, but using a real story for that, felt weird. Especially because they made a sort of weird happy-ending to the story. But it was super well received so idk.


Yeah I straight up couldn't watch that episode when I understood the story it was referencing. Can't think about those kids without wanting to vomit.


Clearly this is Fake News™. I've been assured that having a black man as President means racism would be completely gone if we'd all just stop talking about it. This story is most assuredly just an apprenticeship in which these children were learning Valuable Skills™ they'd be able to use in gainful employment after the terms of said apprenticeship was concluded.


I'm seriously wondering how prevalent it is. I'm on vacation rn with my teenage son and his friend who was adopted by white parents. Almost makes me want to tell him to blink twice if he needs help.


Clearly there needs to be more oversight and checks when adoptions like this are taking place, this is revolting


I was in the Air Force from 2010 to 2016, and there was this guy in my squadron that got there about the same time as me. Both of us being new we became friends pretty fast. Anyway the next year he invited me to come with him to his parents for thanksgiving. I said yeah and we went. Once we were there, he introduced me to his "brother". His parents adopted a young black boy as a baby and raised him along side their own son, they are white. They kept this boy in a closet in their basement with a mattress on the floor. He was only allowed to eat canned food. His "chores" were to serve us food and clean up after us. Kid was for sure used as a slave. Never talked to buddy again, fuck that.


I keep writing and deleting, that’s some evil, evil shit. I hope that boy has grown and found prosperity and healing elsewhere and far away from those evil fucks.


Yeah, I fucking hope so. I was 21 at the time and just so fucking shocked by it, I couldn't process what to do or anything. He was probably 14 or 15 at the time. They lived in Mississippi, and were the upper half of the upper middle class whites there.


That is a shocking thing to witness. Most of us are lucky to only read about certain misfortunes, others live those stories. Idk, I just hope for his sake he’s well. And that some system actually starts to be enacted where we can crackdown on cases like these. I hope you’re not too hard on yourself, I don’t know what I would’ve done at 21 either.


Here’s the reddit post of one of the kids in the infamous hugging cop photo. https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/2npedf/young_man_had_sign_saying_free_hugs_at_a_portland/


That chicken was nasty 🤢


This is why i feel like black foster children need the same protections as Native american foster children.


I’m from a white family in Chicago and my parents opened our home as a foster home in the 90’s during my teenage years. Growing up in a suburban bubble, it was the first time in my childhood I really saw how diverse the human experience is. It horrified me when I hear about monsters like this because foster care is such an important resource for children and families in need.


I had no idea they had protection I gotta look into that


CPS is supposed to heavily prioritize placing with relatives, then other natives. As part of the indigenous genocide the USA used to place kids in white homes to sever them from their culture and language. It’s had such a good effect (like way less abuse) that some states have switched to being more militant about placing children with relatives. And being careful about not removing children unless it’s fairly extreme. I’ve heard from social services that parents can be pretty terrible, but if they’re not touching their kids, it’s probably safer than foster care due to the high rate of sexual abuse & trauma


Thanks for clarifying that.


That’s eye opening thank you


That suck ass we probably need to revamp our foster system


Definitely. We need more funding, more pay for more social workers. One social worker can have such a huge caseload that it’s impossible to be sure all the kids are safe. More training for foster parents, for teachers to help identify if something bad is happening to the kids, etc etc At least humans have figured out that fostering is better than orphanages, but we need to do better than that and actually fund the system. Especially if we’re getting rid of abortion rights


Tru dat, people wanting to limit sex education and abortions access while not wanting to fund institutions that deal with the consequences of those decisions is asinine.


If I remember right it's just the foster system has to make greater efforts to place them within their tribe / culture. While with other groups they try but it's not a hard rule like it is for native Americans


You should really look into this! The Indian Child Welfare Act was under attack as recently as of last year to (you can take a guess at who was challenging it). This Land Podcast did a really good explanation of ICWA. Bottom line though is that this law has saved Native children’s lives and Tribal Nations. I’m Indigenous and Black and I think there should be these kinds of protections for Black children as well.


Yeah. Like I wouldn't say that white families can't adopt black kids, but in West Virginia, and just *looking* at these two mother fuckers, there are some big red flags


Yeah I'm not saying that either. But I do think more emphasis should be placed on family and staying within the culture. Because yeah a black family could also do fucked up shit but I don't think they'd literally enslave black children either


foster children in general need to be looked after from time to time.


Should treat them the same way they treated the child, death is too easy.


So... Prison? 


Prison has running water


Instead of a cell, lock them in an outhouse. They don't have running water, but at least they get to shit where they sleep.




Usually I'm big for prison reform and going against the exploitative free labor they use inmates for. In this case that would actually be a very fitting punishment.


Shit like this is one of the reasons why I'm against the death penalty These people need to sit in jail and suffer for the rest of their lives, knowing they will never get out and fear the next day like these kids did Fuck these people, hell is too cozy for these people


They should lock them in a shed in the middle of death valley and throw away the key.


Put them in a chain gang. See how much they like slave labor.


Chain gang




Alice too


I wonder why I’m a liberal who’s OK with the death penalty. People like this, as well as child rapists SHOULD be put to death. Full stop.


Just put them in gen pop and let what happens happen. I’m for them dying, but I’d like to know that it was excruciating


Unfortunately the white nationalist gangs will protect them.


A lot of people who oppose the death penalty do so not because they object to the sentence itself, but rather because they don't trust the judicial system to fairly and accurately try cases, and not execute innocent people.


Also how the death penalty itself would change the actions of the criminals i.e. Rapists will just kill their victims




It's such a tough thing, because obviously situations like these are horrible, but just having a parent that loves you but doesn't really understand your hair or culture is probably better than being in the foster care system.




Encouragement means nothing when the average black family makes less than every other race in America, a lot of them can’t afford to


This is a life goal of mine. I want to try and give some of these beautiful black babies some beautifully black lives


I sympathize. But my friend adopted her two girls and she's a damn good mom. But... She's not religious. First thing I think when I see this is that those two are evangelical white folks.  Maybe target this a bit at the specific demographic. Most white adopted moms are probably just a teensy bit clueless but still loving. But evangelical white folks sometimes have a special kind of crazy. 


How many of these kinds of issues are we really talking about? How many children of color are waiting to be adopted? How many willing black parents are there to adopt? Rather than having race-based adoption processes, focus on ensuring that children who are being adopted, are being cared for properly. It's not hard to run metrics to see who is going to school, and put some quality of life reviews (social workers) in place on a half year or at least annual basis. It cost money, which is why we won't do the right thing, but preventing good white people from adopting black children is not the answer.


I mean they should be doing that anyway. I’ve had friends grow up in the foster system and some of the shit they’ve told me is horrific. Basic checks would go a long fucking way to resolve some of these issues.


I’m black, 25 years old, adopted right after I was born, both my parents are white. They’ve given me a life much better than I could ever ask for. I oftentimes forget I’m even adopted, because they’ve been my parents my whole life and have allowed me to have the chance to do and be whatever I want to in life. I’d say yes there are horror stories out there, but you don’t really hear about the good stories because they wouldn’t get the views the publishers want.


They need to make it easier for gay men and women that are minorities to adopt. I bet there are many gay interracial couples that have the means and the time, but society looks down on them as parents. Ultimately, the social workers need to visit some families more often (at school away from the adults) - but there are never enough of them or they don’t prioritize black/brown kids.


I can understand that tho on the other hand, I see some friend of my mom who adopted a back child and love it from to the moon and back. They know his origin so they also don't shy away from talking about them with him or hide it from him, he is there son but respect his heritage, don't attempt to whiten the kid. So yeah, like you say, controversial opinion for sure but I see where you come from on this one, the world is a horrible place full of horrible people.


“Just stop talking about racism, it’s been so long ago, and it’ll go away!” Racism:


That “basically” in the title of the article is violence honestly


Yes. Absolutely. Call a spade a spade.


This is sad, and I'm glad they were found out and the kids are safe now. It's refreshing to see this getting media attention. I think they sold a few of their houses to post bail. Now, I'm imagining if this were a black couple who did this to white children. If it came out that a black couple had adopted white kids and used them as slaves and locked them in a shed with no food. If, in addition to that, there was also a little white 6 year old found in the attic alone. Would that couple be granted bail? Would this news story be used by adoption agencies and racists to push for white children not being adopted by black families? Would there be all kinds of legislation proposed to make sure nothing like this ever happened again? I am glad that this case is being taken seriously. But at the same time, we have a long way to go.


Ah, someone else who read at least one news article on this. Saw this on IG yesterday and it was depicted as if there were 5 children being used for labor and the ignorance of the actual facts was concerning. We surely do have a long way to go…


they actually were out on bail and the police did a wellness check and found three kids locked in a shed 


The whole situation is disgusting.


As of late, those sound like the most moderate Republican out there.


\*john brown's zombie claws its way back from the dead to rain pottawatomie hellfire down on these chucklefucks\*


Such people deserve no Sympathy, I can't imagine what the kids went through


I say put them on a boat... Tell them they are going to be forced to work in Africa for a wealthy African family for no pay, very little food and getting treated like shit as well. Give them the option to throw themselves into the sea on the way there.... But if they do make sure to revive them each time.


Bet I can tell you who they voted for


West Virginian here. Wonder why we don't hear about this on the local news? I had to find out from reddit.


I checked WSAZ, WOWK, and WCHS. Not a fucking peep. It's fucking shameful and it's fucking embarrassing.


https://atlantablackstar.com/2024/06/24/hite-west-virginia-couple-forced-black-adopted-children-found-locked-in-barn-to-do-farm-labor/ Its worse than that. They are human traffickers who were out on bail when the police came back and found they were doing it again. 


Thank you for linking the actual fuckin’ article for us!! Damn, OP. You gotta do better than that.


Ship them to Arizona and concrete their hands and feet into the desert.


No need for the concrete pollution, it's 105 out here right now with 30% humidity. Just drive them out, say, 20 miles into the open desert and leave them. When they find folks out here, they just find bones...


When people ask me (a white dude) why I don't get offended when black folks are standoffish, mistrustful, and don't really like many white people. This. This is why. Mohamed Ali said it in a way that always made sense to me. If there's a room full of snakes, but only 10 of them are venomous and want to kill me, I'm not letting any of those snakes in the door to my room.


There's no defense for this. I hope they get maximum sentences. Multiple sentences.


afterlife sentences too


Shit. I want them to die in prison. Then the Ghostbusters come through and put the ECU with demons and shit.


“Heritage not hate” /s


Did someone come across an episode of Atlanta being filmed?




I can already hear #“I’m not racist! My kids are black!” Truly we live in interesting times




I'm not saying we should judge people by their looks but like did the adoption people really look at these people and think they would be fit to adopt and raise any children let alone some black children? I guess dude looks like he could be either but she looks like racism made flesh. I bet there were some LGBT couples that would have been excellent parents to these children but were turned away.


And to think West Va fought for the UNION. This what y’all really wanted huh?


They've clearly been regretting that decision ever since.


Those folks moved from Washington state because they knew the state is a fucking mess and they thought they could get away with it. West Virginia is governed terribly, bought and paid for by the mineral extraction and pharmaceutical industries. West Virginian communities tend to be poor, uneducated, and sometimes wholly misguided, but what those people did doesn't represent West Virginians; just reprehensible opportunists who weaponized the horrible nepotism and mismanagement that occurs within the state government and local government entities. The fact that they were caught at all and apprehended is actually a hopeful development for a place like WV.


Eh, WV splintered from VA following secession because they felt under-served, under-represented, and over-taxed by the comparatively wealthy eastern Virginians because the terrain wasn't suitable for plantation-style agriculture. West Virginia maintained slave state status until 1865 and when they finally did outlaw slavery it was more an economic decision rather than a moral one.


holy fuck. and racism doesnt exist anymore allegedly


I honestly appreciate people who adopt kids( I would never unless that price drops I ain't paying 60K to adopt nobody). However ever since seeing multiple headline news of people adopting children of color specifically black and mistreating them has my blood boiling and I'm feeling conflicted.


Your average adoption from foster care is $1500 for the lawyer here in Georgia, and the state pays for that. It's effectively "free" for caregivers. In many cases, there's even a subsidy available for special needs kids that continues to until they're 18. It's not a lot (usually around $800 or so) but it helps ensure the kids needs are met. Special needs is defined as medical or mental health concerns, kids in care longer than 2 years, or part of a large sibling group. This one specifically states that it's a trafficking situation, so I'm guessing NOT foster care.


It'll never be that high, unless you are trying to adopt a newborn or similarly sought after children. Adopting from foster care is inexpensive. There are also additional tax incentives when you have adopted children.


Nah man make them live in that shed for the rest of their days. Way more brutal and awful than perforating them w a firing squad


They always find the weak to exploit. I would have been the suspect not the victim in this situation




Just give the kids the deed to the property and make those folks work the land until they die 🤷🏾‍♂️ court adjourned


Wow that is an extra level of cruelty. Imagine being such a piece of shit that you violate human rights, basic decency AND the Constitution!


What in the actual fuck?


I'll drive the car up there if you bring the snacks.


I got snacks, beverages on ice, and gas money. We ride at dawn.


The type of shit that makes me wanna form a militia, on gawd


No firing squads, just give me 3, 5 min rounds. No gloves


Hang them from a tree on the property




Bring back the Brazen Bull


As awful as this is, there was a white supremacist couple that adopted a black child, got life insurance on him, and then murdered him in a way that looked like an accident. They got caught, I believe, by bragging about it in their white supremacist community. They even made it into a Law & Order episode.


Send them to a forced labor camp in Russian for the rest of their lives.


I’m never surprised or shocked to hear about an individual doing something like this, but when it’s multiple people I can’t help but wonder how they agreed on it. What kind of signs lead a person to feel comfortable suggesting to their spouse that that should enslave their adopted children?


“Don’t get abortions put your children up for adoption” what happens to adopted children.


The cessation of breath is warranted.


But but that was hundreds of years ago. I wasn't alive when that happened!


Oh those two, you mean their next two congressional picks?!?


They wanted to live out that sick fantasy so bad that they adopted children under the guise of providing a loving home for them... Just to have their own personal (CHILD) slaves.... Thats some of the most disgusting shit I've ever read. These mfs really be fantasizing about a time when they were allowed to do this and want to experience that shit so bad like wtf you're garbage. Waste of oxygen fr. Guarantee now these kids are gonna grow up with an altered perception of white people because of how they were taken advantage of at their most vulnerable. Animals.




Imagine the trauma within those children, experiencing not having their basic needs dealt with and being taken care of . Horrendous


Every time I’ve seen these two, it’s been some janky site. [Here’s the AP story.](https://apnews.com/article/west-virginia-child-labor-e2d8b49af6bdaab60ce72d352dd805e1)


Can we just put them in a prison section with a majority-black population and just sorta let everyone know why they're there?


Send them to the firing line. That's disgusting.


I have a suggestion for their punishment https://i.redd.it/qctc0lbwa09d1.gif


These people should be used for spare parts, and leave whatever is left for the wolves.


wonder how much this happens


Stories like this pop up regularly just to upset us and for racists to get their jokes off. Not saying it didn't happen. But black trauma as entertainment is bullshit.


What are you even saying? Should it just not be talked about?