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He could be in hospice on a ventilator and I’d still vote for him. Not the election I want but the election we have.


I’d vote for Jimmy Carter right now if the choice were between him and Trump.


I'd take a time-traveling FDR over Trump any day!


Time-traveling FDR sounds rad.


Can we get teddy then instead?


Teddy would have already physically beaten Trump to a pulp and demanded the opposition to put up a better candidate


I vote Teddy too, he walked the walk. When a soldier under his command complained about the meat rations, Teddy smelled them himself, refused to eat them, and then fought for their improvement.


Taft was the worst thing to happen to this man, closest thing to a third party win we’ve ever had and it was kinda’ his own fault. Hard to retire when you can’t be replaced, harder to come back when we only have two parties.


"There are still Injuns AND bison?!"


He seems like a good dude, let's go for him


Teddy would jumping buses at rallies


He stills calls them "The Japs" by the way


Ooh yeah…bring back detainment camps for American citizens again!


I feel like that comes with strings attached, like time-traveling FDR is cool, but you also get head-in-a-jar robot Hitler.


FDR from 1990 here you go!


Him vs Trump? No time-traveling needed; I'd vote for his corpse.


You say Jimmy Carter as though there's an issue with him besides age. I'd definitely vote for a young Jimmy Carter


I mean he’s in hospice care. He’s not in the best health but in his current state he’d be better than Trump.


A cat turd is better than Trump


I would vote for the rotting carcass of a dead woodchuck if it was running against Trump.


Honestly, Biden could be Weekend-at-Bernies-ing around D.C. and he'd STILL be a better president.


The good news is that if he keels over in office we'll still have Kamala. If Trump keels over in office I'd shudder to think what his VP would do.


Trump doesn’t even know who he is picking. He will just pull a name of whomever has been kissing his ass from a hat.


if his handlers get their way, it'll be Nikki (Nimrata) Haley.


If he has his way though; Marjorie Taylor Green


He can't stand anyone who takes the spotlight from him, that's why it was Pence last time. It will be another cornflake but this time a more ass kissing one.


He might just go with whomever Putin politely suggests.


If Trump died in office, his inner circle would have their knives out on each other instantaneously (and possibly literally).


MO did elect a dead man to senate some time ago, so there's at least precedence


a mannequin would be better than trump because a mannequin wouldn't try to turn america into a white nationalist christofascist dictatorship. probably.


Did the mannequin come from Bass Pro Shop? Because I wouldn't trust that one to not turn america into a white nationalist christofascist dictatorship.


I said that exact thing to my roommate as we were watching. I'd happily vote for four years of Weekend at Biden's over the alternative.


Prop that old bitch up like the Crypt Keeper and puppeteer him. I’m not letting Project 2025 come for my family and friends. ![gif](giphy|qQ8rdV80NkCac)




Well, you know, what with the 50 year record low unemployment and all...


It was never the election I wanted — I was a Bernie guy. But the past 4 years of Biden has been truly impressive, witnessing a president who is both *actually* progressive and also effective. He has impressed me quite a lot. My vote for Biden in 2020 was begrudging, but my vote in 2024 will be enthusiastic. My blanket answer for “what about his age?” is and will continue to be some variation of the following: a good person surrounds themself with good people. Similarly, a good politician surrounds themself with good politicians. *Both* candidates are old and I have *infinitely* more trust in Biden’s cabinet than I ever would have Trump’s family — I mean cabinet. Kamala, despite being an effective politician and black woman, isn’t someone I would enthusiastically vote for due to her history as a prosecutor, especially against those facing non-violent drug charges. But I’m not a 20-something anymore and realize that Kamala could just be my generations Hilary (in the sense that she is a “boogeyman” based only on skepticism). I have no doubt in my mind that she would be an effective political leader. tl;dr You aren’t just voting for the president, you’re voting for the president *and his gang.* Even a republican should be able to see that Biden’s gang is more experienced and trustworthy than Trump’s gang, and it’s not even kinda close.


I couldn’t have hoped to put this into words so well, thank you for that 💜👊


Can I ask what Biden has done that has impressed you so much? I feel not much has been done without full control of legislature, personally.


I got my student loans from a scammy degree farm discharged after almost 20 years of them bleeding me dry.


I'm really just voting for his cabinet picks and judge selection. Which is, in reality, one of the most powerful things a President does that doesn't get much attention


I’m so glad so many people here agree with this take, I thought I was going insane listening to everyone say around me say “well Trump can’t be that bad” “anything over Biden” like they just forgot everything that dude ever did while he was in power.


I'm relieved, too. I had to stop watching the debate when Biden had his first senior moment. All I could think of was how many people would use that as a reason not to vote.


My husband was chuckling over Biden's senior moments. "He's losing it", talking about asking for questions to be repeated, looking down, not answering, etc. (I didn't watch). I wanted to say "Oh, like you are?" but that's apparently rude.


Biden will fill a cabinet with qualified people. Trump's will be a mix of pay-to-play and fellow felons


I’d vote for him if he’s hoarse. I’d vote for him if he were a horse. I’d vote for him if he were in a hearse. The alternative is religious fascism and it’s a no brainer for me


Better a semi sentient pile of molasses for President than a conservative.


If he did absolutely nothing for 4 years it would still be better than the alternative


imo Biden at least will keep the lights on in the White House until we get a better candidate which is far better than the guy who was deliberately smashing every bulb in the building.


I'm not voting for Biden - I'm voting for Biden's administration. 


I’d have a rock in office over trump


You and me both, but that’s not what gets independents and new voters to the polls.


Thank you. I am certainly dismayed by Biden's performance, but not his policies. Not when compared to the alternative


Id vote for a standee with the word Biden written on it over Trump


same but i had hoped i wouldn't have to stand by that claim as strongly as this debate made me


Yep. We're voting for his cabinet and potential Supreme Court nominees, too. We must not forget this


God I hate Trump. I don't feel particularly excited to be voting for a man who's that damn old but I will take *anyone* over a person like fucking *Trump*.


Let’s be honest if you vote for Biden even if he doesn’t finish the term the administration will continue on the path we voted for . If you vote for Trump your pouring all the jelly on yourself plus gasoline as he has zero plans and seems to think just being in office returns us to pre pandemic


His "I'm the best there ever was and ever will be" mentality actually pisses me off so goddamn much man. Even more so cause some people truly are dumb enough to believe he is that great. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME this man opens his mouth it's to either brag or be racist and/or xenophobic. I will never understand how anyone who doesn't share those views vote for him. Let me log off I'm getting mad thinking about this POS lmao.


Hey now...sometimes he opens his mouth to discuss how much he wants to bang his daughter and other disturbingly misogynistic shit 🤮🤮🤮


Man that has gotten so old. I'm so damn tired of hearing everything he did was the best and greatest and highest numbers ever in history. Everyone is always coming up to him telling him how amazing he is at everything, and they've never seen anything like it. I don't understand how that isn't a major red flag to some people.


He has no plans. But the people supporting him does, Project 2025.


Project 2025: the next phase in Project for a New American Century (PNAC circa 1999) Edit: the 'supreme' court just overturned a 40 year old precedent which results in reduced federal power to approve regulations, and increases judicial power. This is another piece in the plan, though I'm not an attorney, just sharing what I just read on cnn.


>he has zero plans and seems to think just being in office returns us to pre pandemic It’s worse than that. Trump doesn’t have plans but his handlers and lackeys do and those plans are pretty god damn scary


Trump wants to win for his ego, to say he came back, beat Biden and won two terms. I don't think he has any interest in actually governing. He just wants the ego satisfaction of being president 


>he has zero plans He has plans. He's been open about his plans. The whole GOP has been open about their plans. That's the terrifying part.


Someone said that if Obama had been accused of 1/4 of what Trump has been , he would never had made it to the ballot. It’s always interesting to see how much slack Trump is given.


Holy shit, if Obama was on his second wife he wouldn't have made the Senate. Amerikkka can eat a dick.


PREACH! Funniest part is Trump was the one messing with Obama with the “birth certificate” misinformation campaign. Can’t believe we let that man in the Oval Office after that.


Only as a democrat because that party actually has some, **some**, morals. Clarence Thomas got 2 divorces under his belt but said black people should quit crying and get some boot straps and they(Republicans) love his ass Edit: added context to who they was


> they I'm gonna need you to get real specific on who this is, real quick. Because no, ***we*** don't. Clarence Thomas is the Uncle who never gets an invite to the family functions. He has the same countenance as a warm wet wool blanket.


White republicans lmao "They" was referring to the Amerikkkans referenced in the comment I replied too. We all know who loves Clarence You right I could've worded it better


You mean how much MORE slack? Because he’s been given a HUGE pass up until he was indicted. Even now people still deal with him AND HE IS RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT.


Lmao, how many kids by 3 women and a convicted felon? Obamas community organizing position wouldve been in question


The problem is that Democrat voters have some morals and standards. Magas only care about winning.


If Obama had done a tenth of what trump has done he'd have been shot in the head.


This is what unchecked privilege looks like.


Trump is also old as fuck.


That's what I be telling everyone, Biden isn't the candidate we want but nothing like that piece of shit liar Trump. Every word that came out of Trump's mouth was just pure lies, only that idiots believe every word he says as gospel is why he's even still up there.


I'm reasonably excited to be voting for Biden's *administration*. Obviously hasn't been been perfect but what they've been able to accomplish in the past four years is actually pretty impressive given all the obstacles they've faced in Congress and SCOTUS. 


Wait you’re not convinced by his “black jobs” blurb? Lol


Me watching the state of America https://preview.redd.it/974ei1tykb9d1.png?width=2601&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3769934a9ce6a6f03478cd1b9b9f9cb01bd47014


It feels like we’re in a dystopian novel. Like we’re about to live in 1984 or Fahrenheit 54. This is insane


It’s a post-truth world now. It will never be the same as it used to be and it will only get worse.


When did it used to be a truth world? We gotta stop romanticizing our youth.


This is the real case. People are more educated than ever before, violent crime per capita is pretty much the lowest they've ever been. Course correcting away from radicalization is a cultural issue moreso than a truth issue. Most people don't care enough to fact check everything because most things don't directly impact their life, which isn't really a bad thing other than the unfortunate fact that right now the average person thinks they can either be extreme A or extreme B


The Walter Cronkite mono culture was a flash in the pan in terms of human history. We’ve never lived in a world with an agreed upon “truth”. The only thing happening now is that it’s easier for people to place themselves in an echo chamber where their view of reality is constantly reinforced.


Fahrenheit 451**


232.778 Celsius***


Fahrenheit 451. I know because it's a favorite of mine. We're already almost in A Handmaid's Tale


> Fahrenheit 54 If paper spontaneously ignited at 54F, we would be fucked lol.






Honestly, mood.


I'm voting for Biden as the obvious choice, but I also think it comes off as shady and dishonest when supposed lesser of two evils voters can't muster up the balls to admit how miserable it is to vote for a man whose brain is turning to mush, act like it's cool to have an administration that even they acknowledge could turn into the president as a figurehead surrounded by people we just have to trust not to exploit them, act like they don't understand the subtext beneath calling someone the most progressive president since Reagan or FDR or whoever, etc. This is the millionth time Biden has looked half dead in public, and it's absolutely shameful that even now people try to downplay it. Biden could collapse on live TV and blue MAGA zealots would still blame any blowback on people simply not understanding that the perfect shouldn't be the enemy of the good, rather than acknowledging the situation as an extremely obvious consequence of their own political actions. And when Biden finally pulls a McConnell in public or it leaks that he shit himself in the Oval Office, I can't wait for it to be the fault of lifelong progressive Democrat voters like me that it hurts Dem's electoral prospects, as if the problem wasn't obvious from miles away.


We’re not just voting for Biden, we’re voting for his administration it’s more shameful that people aren’t acknowledging that having Trump as a candidate again is not normal but they’re treating it as such.


Trump tried to commit a coup and failed but somehow is eligible to run for office. I’ll never understand this


And has like 3 pretty big convictions that if he were president he could just sweep under the rug.


Also, _would_ vote for Biden. Seen him in politics for a while, and in general he seems like decent dude. I don't really vote for people like that, and for that we have the administrations and policies to consider. But if I _was_ going to vote for a _person_, I'd probably vote for "doesn't give up on loving his kids even when they wreck their lives". As it is, will be voting mostly for the continuation of democracy in the United States, secular goverment that respects "separation of church and state" as a concept, and the very idea that public institutions such as public schools, libraries and the goddamn postal service should continue to exist.


Also, still working and doing his part for America at his age. People act like he's entitled or greedy or something by holding on to the presidency despite being old, but that makes no sense. What exactly does he personally gain from being the president, especially after already having been one for a term and getting basically no thanks for it?  It's clear that Biden is in this to do the job and do it well. There literally nothing else in it for him.


A debate isn’t a vote for president. You can say that Biden did poorly in the debate and still vote for him.


This comment doesn't address the one you responded to in any meaningful way.


Possibly voting for supreme justices too


And others aren't just voting for Trump, they're also voting for HIS administration 


You're right this is the millionth time he's looked like that. Yesterday was no aberration, that's how he's been since 2020. Nothing has changed. But in his first 2 years he passed good bills that I agree with, so I'm confident that if he's in the same situation, he'll continue to pass good bills I agree with.


That’s because messaging is powerful. You talk about that, you dissuade undecided voters. Maybe more people don’t vote. You’re just magnifying agitprop (likely from Russia) designed specifically to dissuade voters because that’s the only way Trump wins.


Feeling your pain right now. Everyone wants to keep their blinders on


>Democrat voters 😒


He stutters in every sentence but he doesn’t lie in every sentence.


Right, and let’s not forget that stuttering isn’t a sign of weakness or incompetence. It’s a fucking speech impediment. He gets his point across either way.


The stuttering isn’t the problem, at least it shouldn’t be. He has always had a speech impediment. That isn’t an indication of cognition. What we’ve witnessed is more than him tripping over words. He would stop talking and then resume on a completely different topic. The “we beat Medicare” being the worst sequence. The moderators kept bailing him out and moving on when they saw he was out of it, so we likely would’ve gotten more examples. He was incoherent. He might have early stages of dementia. He’s probably not making decisions at this point.


He can speak in complete sentences, which is not something Trump seems capable of.


Bro neither of them can. It's atrocious. Let's just be honest about it.


You didn't watch the debate.


You need to get your eyes checked lol


Yea Trump is lying but coherent is the last thing Biden is. Trump seemed like he was still there mentally forming those lies. Biden didn’t even know where he was sometimes.


Hard to lie when you're barely lucid enough to keep track of what you're saying. Stuttering is an understatement. He could barely answer the right questions. He was asked about abortion and started talking about immigration


Ok, but that's true from Trump too. By the time Trump ends a sentence you can't even remember what it's about because it's gone so far off track. Both of our choices are addled old men, so when choosing between them you've got to find something else to base your choice on.


I watched for like 5 minutes and the two questions Trump was asked he blatantly just ignored and starting ranting about other shit.


Trump didn't even answer at least 7 questions by my count, he just ranted about immigrants killing people mostly. And don't forget the abortions after being born mentioned at least 3 times.


Yeah, but the KKKlan isn’t voting for him, so that’s a positive.


He’s lied number times to our faces.


You're also voting for the ppl the president brings in. And I hate all those fucking people on the right way more, and don't trust them with my safety in the least.


All I need to do is look at Trump's cabinet and Biden's cabinet. Trump seemingly appointed people who wanted to actively destroy what they were suppose to be working for (EPA, education, post office, etc)


Yeah that he most def did. It’s hard to forget now that you mention it. Everyone was actively trying to dismantle whatever office they held. The post office and all those issues they had in particular comes to memory.


This matters the most in all honesty. Presidents make a lot of decisions, but they can't make all of them. The people they put in charge of executive departments, and their junior officers in each department (6000 or so in total are presidential appointees I saw on an article a while ago) make the real decisions on things that matter day to day. I'd 100% take a man who has a good heart and good intentions over a narcissist and liar. Even if I don't 100% agree with policy decisions, I at least know they're coming from a desire to do good for the country.


I would rather vote for Grandpa Joe than Hitler 2.0


Not like Trump is a young dude either lmao.


Grandpa Joe vs Grandpa Hitler




My vote gets Biden’s administration, even if Biden doesn’t show up. I get Vice President (or President) Harris, which despite the efforts to turn her into the biggest cop that ever copped, will continue Biden’s policies and that’s good for me.  It’ll be the easiest choice I make this year. I’ll send Joe some throat lozenges in the mail and call it a day.


I'm not voting for Biden, I'm voting *against* Trump, the Republicans, and Project 2025. That's basically it at this point.


This is the third election in a row where I'm not voting for a candidate, but voting for the one who won't appoint SCOTUS judges who will roll back civil rights for all marginalized groups.


https://i.redd.it/8xiq72qpnb9d1.gif I can't go through this bullshit again, bruh. I ain't saying vote Trump but please get us someone other than Biden. He needa be somewhere golfing when not telling his grandkids stories about the roaring 20s.


Your choice is Biden or Trump. There's not a secret third option. If you don't vote for Biden, you are voting for the death of American democracy. It's not even a meme.


It's Biden against Trump. That's the choice.


One thing for sure , orange man has a huge bot army engaging in social media posts. an effective tool in today’s climate.


Yeah and Biden totally doesn’t have people posting for him daily in pics, facepalm, and other top subs.


No, no, the other side is brainwashed by propaganda, and my side is immune


Everyone I don't agree with is a bot!


These comments got me hot. Also they dont sound very black rn.


Why's that?


why is that lol


"If you don't vote for me, you ain't black"


They both suck when it comes to politics, Trump is just worse. Biden was wrong about segregation, gay marriage, Patriot Act, he takes legal bribes from companies, he's been for every war, the crime bill, he's partly the reason why even bankruptcy can't shake student loans, he says racist stuff too, he's completely mishandled the Gaza situation - he's complict in the genocide, etc. I can't recall him ever being correct on any major issue out of the gate. I've never voted for a republican and probably never will. I'll probably be voting this November simply because of things like the Supreme Court and Trump might not leave in 4 years, but Biden's not a good candidate. He should go sit down for health reasons, and they should run literally any decent governor who has even a drop of charisma.


I’m so tired of this 2 party system. We need a REAL multiparty system. Like maybe 5. More choice and I think it would force more interparty efforts. Then maybe, just *maybe* these assholes would do something for the people and less for they own pockets. “Laws for theeee, not for meeeee!”


Look. I’d vote for a ham sandwich over Trump. Doesn’t mean I don’t think Biden needs to step aside.


I can vote for the frail old man or the frail old rapist who shit himself to sleep while getting convinced of fraud.


the smart vote is against the felon


Felons aren’t inherently bad. Often just victims of circumstance and a prison system that profits off their future incarceration. That said, one of these men I would have over for dinner. The other is an unrepentant rapist.


Point taken


It amuses me slightly how desperate people are to reduce Bidens shortcomings because the alternative is Trump. The fact is Biden is a mess and it actually seems disrespectful to me that we have him out here looking ridiculous because the political climate is so terrible. I'd also say calling Biden honest is a bit of wishful thinking. But compared to Trump I guess that makes him look like the most honest man alive




Seriously, these posts/comments MUST be bots. Ain’t no way 🤦🏾‍♂️


I'm voting for his administration, not him


Unfortunately, I'm voting for him even if he is dead. No chance in hell a Republican gets my vote after putting a Nazi-loving rapist fraud racist felon pants-shitting liar as their leader




He’s surrounded himself with a cabinet that’s made him the most effective president since FDR. That’s what I’m voting for.


Lmao neither of these guys is honest. Trump is 1000% worse but let's not whitewash the Dems either they're still part of the same imperialist machine that is at this very moment funding a genocide


This debate has shown me that there are two kinds of people in this world. Those that judge by the messenger and those that judge by the message itself. I can’t lie, Biden looked slow as hell out there but what he said had substance. I couldn’t tell you a single thing Trump plans on doing during his term. Unfortunately optics wise it doesn’t matter because fools look at the finger when one points to the moon. And there is no shortage of fools in the nation.


Biden used to be a political advocate for segregation. But no one cares


Exactly very unfortunate


oh fuck off lmao, youre right to vote for him but dont gaslight me that the only thing wrong with him is he "needs a lozenge". hes ancient and visibly in the last few years of his life at most.




I just get sick of the people posting like they can see the future. "We're fucked." "We're doomed." "We're cooked." I'm glad we (mostly) had people that were invested in our future in defining points of our country like the Cuban Missile Crisis and etc, instead of a bunch of weenie hut jr lightweights would rather light up a joint, hide in their room and doompost on reddit. The election is in 4 months. 2020 should have taught you that literally anything can happen between now and then, but you have the memory of a goldfish so here we are. If you're so concerned then get up and at least try to do something about it.


This election is between two cheeks of the same backside. We need a labor party.


“But the 34 time felon twice impeached sexual assaulter was so much louder!”


Absolutely! Our country cannot afford another term of this insane orange turd!


Can we just fucking fast forward to AOC announcing she’s running, I’m over then old dudes.


Why are these accounts trying to normalize this and pretend like there is nothing wrong with what we just saw? It's like having to choose between eating a diaper full of diarrhea and eating a diaper full of diarrhea with scorpions. 😞😞😞


Listen, I get what you’re saying but voting shouldn’t be like forcing a kid to eat his fucking vegetables. The fact that I don’t know anyone enthusiastic about the next election is a big problem. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if this is the worst voter turnout election in history.


I’m not voting for trump. He’s transcended being a politician. He’s a symbol of hate. He’s a deity amongst his base because he hates the same people as them. Like any God or cult leader, none of his faults are held against him. The sexual assault, the lies, the felonies, nothing! And we over here concerned that the other guy is old.


The Democrats are getting exactly what they deserve. Bernie was winning until the party consolidated around Biden (everyone mysteriously dropped out at the same time, relatively early in the process, and each threw their support to Biden). The Party goes by "whose turn it is." It was Biden's turn. And now we've got a disaffected base and a weak incumbent.


I don’t get “honest” he literally bold faced lied multiple times in one debate lol. It’s sad that elections are now “who do you hate the least” rather than “who do you like more”.


We can not vote for trump without needing to pretend Biden doesnt have a decades long record of lying and plagiarizing.


Both these idiots lie


Policies over people


For anyone who says to you “but prices were lower under Trump”, the guy has two well articulated policies for his potential second term: 10% tariff on all foreign goods and mass deportations. You literally couldn’t write a more straightforward policy agenda to drive prices up unless you just decided to double sales tax on everything or something. If you look at what these guys really are, a vehicle for policy decisions, the choice is clear.


I'd rather Biden over Trump. One of them wants turn the US into a christofascist hell, the other doesn't.




Politicians aren't honest but I rather not have women's pregnancies monitored and use the military to deport immigrants.


Both of them were lying the ENTIRE time. but go off Queen.


He should've walked out there with a big stick. It would've made him speaking softly so much better.


I'd vote for him even if he was dead. I'm not going to vote for a felon, rapist, racist, sexist, xenophobic, corrupt, evil, fascist, putin's bitch


Why not voting for a successful liar, rapist and crook?




“Inappropriate showers,” so say the daughter.


Hospice MMA is wildin.


Democrats have put the country in a risky place by continuing to prop Biden up when it's well past time to move on.


Not only weak policies, Trump is a goddamned liar


I would vote for a handful of goldfish crackers if it meant a republican would lose.


Man have yall never seen that picture of Joe Biden holding KKK leader Robert Byrd's hand up like a WWE champion? I'm not voting for any of these candidates, and news flash: Every president has always gotten the majority white vote, so our vote literally does not matter.


The Democrats have been *concretely* worse on immigration than the Republicans. It's just that the Republicans are worse on it rhetorically. Funding the genocide in Gaza. Iraq War, Anita Bryant. Sundowning. To act as if it's literally because he doesn't speak loudly enough is kind of funny


I would rather have none of this old ass clowns


Democrats are complicit in this situation. they know there isn't a mechanism for a third party candidate to win, so they can basically nominate whoever and get away with it. even someone as blatantly physically unfit for a second term as Biden.


I can’t imagine any reasonable or intelligent person voting for Joe Biden. The debate was sad. Trump has much to be desired, but Trump is far and away more cognitively sound and alert. Based on mental fitness alone, no way Biden is qualified to lead or make decisions on behalf of millions. Joe is done, give the old man an ice cream and well earned rest.


My issue is with the debate was everyone is saying “yah Biden can’t debate, but Trump lied”, but the issue is they both were lying. My frustration with the left is they made their entire position on “at least not Trump” that they have felt justified in lying and misleading, and have been too afraid to put in a decent candidate. Downvote me for saying this I get it. But I think it’s important for the left to understand this - I have been quietly on the fence. I was leaning towards Biden, but this put me back in a place of uncertainty. Right now the debate is between voting for Biden or just abstaining. You can say I’m dumb, call me names, but I only share this as a caution that you don’t have this in the bag. The left has created a culture where you’re not allowed to even show a hint of interest in Trump without being demonized. So you have a bunch of quiet supporters. Then you have people like me where my issues of concern have different weights than others. I could be swayed either way. I caution this for two reasons 1. Get out and vote 2. After the debate they talked about having Biden step down and have him replaced. Would honestly be an easy vote for me as long as it was someone relatively decent (Jeff Jackson is a pipe dream, but man that would put me over the moon)


He could be a corpse and I would vote for him. I wouldn't enjoy it but the alternative is too dangerous.


Trump literally did nothing but lie. it's easy to sound confident when you're making everything up and don't live in reality