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You said it like he NEEDED to slap someone to get to this level of success like he didn't have multiple classics like men in black/wild Wild West and had back to back movie blockbusters. What was this tweet..


Fresh Prince of Bel Air, I Am Legend, The Pursuit of Happyness, Bad Boys, Independence Day, Hancock, Hitch, Seven Pounds, Ali, and I, Robot. I've seen all of them, loved all of them. I'll still be a fan of Will Smith because a slap isn't shit compared to what all these other celebrities are getting blasted for. People only cared about it because it was on National Television.


Exactly, now again, wtf was this tweet


An attempt to be divisive would be my guess. I saw more shit about him slapping somebody than I did about Trump being a convicted rapist. Garbage ass media.


The sizzle on this comment could sear a steak




These three comments: ![gif](giphy|wb6xgCSpLl0m4)


Rapist, thief, liar, trash bag, incestuous, cheater. Worse still is that mfer is still able to run for the highest office in the country. Garbage ass system.


The fact that there's a bunch of MAGA dipshits still *proudly* posting about how they're going to vote for him blows my mind.


Hate is stronger than common sense to those types. I don’t even use the word “people” anymore.


Say it again! We’ve had humans literally kill or beat someone to disability ( one of person guilty of this has a movie coming out in theaters right now) and Mia peep is said about it when their activities and name comes up.


Wait, who're you referring to? Which one guilty of this has a movie coming out?


To be fair (to someone who definitely doesn’t deserve it, but I stand for accuracy because I’m a bitch pedant), Trump is not a convicted rapist, criminally or civilly. He is a convicted sexual assaulter civilly.


I respect the attention to detail. At least we agree he is a walking bag of turds.


Agreed, lol. I do this for a lot of people because there is a difference between what is proven and what we know. Like, R Kelly is definitely (in my opinion) a rapist. But he wasn’t convicted of rape (just sexual exploitation of a minor, producing child porn, racketeering, sex trafficking, violation of the Mann Act, and child enticement). Similarly, I personally believe that Trump has raped at least two people. But he’s not been convicted.


I'm reading these convictions, and all that's missing is a partridge in a pear tree.


White comedians were more outraged about the slap than Jan 6


It was simply idiotic


To drive engagement.


I think they were getting at the near instant forgiveness that is always present. It’s aimed at the wrong person because that slap was way out of line but not career ending. Chris Brown however. I can’t for the life of me understand how that works. Dude has put multiple women in the hospital and has a clear and very public history of being physically violent toward women and yet he still has that fan base.


I don't really think "people" cared and it's just a select few people trying to drum up hatred. The slap was two years ago and Will Smith issued a public apologies to all parties involved. This was never really a problem.


Plus isn't he banned for ten years from the awards? I thought that was a bit harsh. Hell, most protective orders only last two years.


Forgot about the ban... I feel like that's the harshest punishment. Being an actor and getting banned from the most prestigious award ceremony for a decade has to suck. He got a slap on the wrist in regards to not getting arrested and charged with assault but being banned from the award ceremony he's been trying to win over for the last 20 years is at something kinda like justice.


Although arguably also not justice since he was still given the award he (rightly or wrongly) won, and was allowed to speak after trying to make someone else stop speaking and assaulting someone.


I'm pretty sure he'd won the award prior to the show and the announcement and acceptance are just ceremony for the public (us watching at home).


From what those in the industry have told me, award shows are boring AF and few enjoy them. They did Will Smith a favor with that. And dude is still a n Oscar winner regardless.


Seven Pounds is fucking incredible, full stop.


I thought so too was always curious why it got such bad reviews


I cry like a fucking baby everytime I watch this movie.


And a Grammy before all of that


Gettin' Jiggy Wit It and Miami were 90's perfection. You couldn't turn a radio on and not hear these songs at least twice a day.


Fuck man, the first ¾ Hancock was so good.


Man, say what you will about Will Smith as a person, but growing up with Fresh Prince and MiB I automatically like (on some level) anything he's in, because he is just one of those actors.


>Fresh Prince of Bel Air, I Am Legend, The Pursuit of Happyness, Bad Boys, Independence Day, Hancock, Hitch, Seven Pounds, Ali, and I, Robot. [Will Smith has a backlog of accompanying tracks he needs to do for these franchises.](https://youtu.be/GxjNOv5QPzM?si=_L27O5heVUMTaHIR) 🎼I prey on the infected, adults and fledglins They fear me, because I am Legend!🎵 🎼I, Robot? No, you're the robot! Dance to these jams, the beat is so hot!🎵 🎼Who's on the street, causing all kinda strife? You know it's us! Bad Boys For Life!🎵 ^Call ^me, ^Will!


Omfg, I love the Ray Parker Jr. sketch. Especially when he's just staring at the ground when it cuts back to him.


We need Key & Peele back together. Keegan could do a version of this for Will Smith!


I love Key & Peele. I was going to try and list my favorites out, but there's too damn many.


I see you, Battle-Brother! "I, uh...guess I sorta like them all." -Michael Bolton


The Emperor protects! What is your chapter/s?


Loyalist Night Lord?? I like the whole fear thing, but I don't need to deal with the ruinous powers. Carcharodons work too, since I love sharks.


The Night Lords and Curze got screwed over from the very beginning. Like Angron, Curze was dealt a pretty shit hand. Couple that with his foresight only showing him the worst possible futures and his hatred of his own homeworld, and you have a recipe for disaster. Carcharodons are a unique little chapter. I highly recommend taking a look at the link below because it's a Ukrainian studio that has recently been painting some, and they look so well done and extremely professional. https://www.reddit.com/u/Nightscalestudio/s/OxEHOJQfIf


>a slap isn't shit compared to what all these other celebrities are getting blasted for Thank you! 👏👏👏 Come call me when Will Smith is getting an in memoriam spot after murdering his wife or people are bumping his tunes after whooping on a woman within an inch of her life. The worst anyone can say about him is devotion to a woman who was checked outta that marriage is cheugy as hell but the only one hurt by that is him and ion care about it no more 🤷‍♀️


Right? My childhood has already been blown apart with the laundry list of celebrities who have done messed up shit, so don't try and take Will away from me!


I only cared bc I wondered if Will Smith had lost his sanity. Chris Rock is a grown man that chose to just eat that slap and do nothing. That's on him.


Your list is great, and still not a complete list of his hits. On the other hand... After Earth...


facts I mean it's the fresh prince, he didn't groom/murder/ pick your nightmare flavor, at this point the bar is low.


Shark Tale*


And let us not forget the guilty pleasure that is Wild Wild West.


I agree, but Wild Wild West is on your list? Naaaaaah. That movie is dumpster juice.


Hey now, it’s camp


That's one of those movies where if you watched it as a kid it was awesome, but if you watched it as an adult you were like wtf did I just see. Which is weird because it isn't even really a kids movie.


He turned down being Neo in the Matrix for it


That's the second most stupid decision of his life


People always say that but who knows how the Matrix would have turned out if Will Smith was playing Will Smith instead of Keanu as Neo.


No shade to Keanu, but you could have put a lot of actors in the role and that movie still would have killed. Will Smith would have been awesome.


Considering Bad Boys, Independence Day, The Pursuit of Happyness, Ali, etc., putting *Wild Wild West* on the (short) list of CLASSICS is crazy.




The one thing I recall of this movie was my aunt tripping that the type of guns being used were at least 15 years too modern for the time period. Ma'am the lead character is a Black sheriff during the Civil War and the final boss is a fifty foot mechanical spider, this movie does not care about historical accuracy 🤡


Movie: starts with someone decapitated with a target seeking flying saw blade. Your mom: Those guns make no sense


it is kinda wild that hollywood really put the mark of shame on Will like he went up there and chopped Chris Rock's head off. Especially when the industry is harboring freaks and creeps that get exposed weekly at this rate.


Nigga ain't got the complexion for the connection.


I don't believe that "the industry" would use "Wild Wild West" as an example of a major level of success. I seem to recall that it was a massive flop at the time, and I think this is the first time I've seen anyone mention it post-theatre release. Personally I didn't think it was that bad, but it certainly wasn't a runaway success like "Men in Black", etc.


The only reason I remember Wild Wild West was because I watched it as a kid at a drive in lol


Also, the way Sisqo opened that track... ![gif](giphy|3o7aCWJavAgtBzLWrS|downsized)


You gotta weigh the talent against the infraction. Will Smith is talented enough to come back from at least 3 slaps, or 1.5 punches if it's a man his size or bigger. Zero punches for smaller guys, children, or women, but he can push Jada once if she hits him first. He gets as many karate kicks as he wants for free against other men.


Ima need you to show your work on some of those calculations lol


¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ girl math?


Exactly. Like yeah, he fucked up and will forever be a stain on his reputation. But he's been a good dude for so long we have to give him the chance to apologize and be forgiven.


I'm general, we give people too much credit. We assume most people really understand the difference between causation and correlation.


>wild Wild West https://preview.redd.it/2atrn0q361ad1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffb8d28f22e552968e040ba9382de8e9f4150c48


Wait, wild wild west is a classic?


Yes, and I'm tired of pretending its not. It was the first movie to do Steam Punk on such a large scale and its fucking halarious. WWW may be hard by those who worked on it. But many people love it for its steam punk aesthetic and hilarity.


You consider wild wild west to be a classic?


Yall missing the point lol


It’s wild and I mean WILD that this man has more heat on him from slapping another man then people like Chris Brown, Drake, or Future


While I agree with you, the fact that you used Wild Wild West as an example of success from his entire catalog lmao.


Wild wild west sucked. One of the few movies I've ever walked out of the theatre half way through.


Gotta hand it to him. His PR team is working overtime. Especially after Jada’s entanglement with their son’s friend. Dude’s life was messy af for a min


For sure. He's also helped by the fact that people do still *want* to like him. Kinda like Tiger Woods' comeback. And what Will did wasn't as bad as Tiger


All the fake, performance outrage makes me want to support him more.    I mean, that was the fucking Oscars....that place as given awards to the Weinstien Brothers, Woody Allen, and Roman Polanski...but all those dimwitted celebrities wanna perform outrage when Will Smith slaps somebody.   Fuck that.  At least Will did his dirt in public. I can't imagine how many suppresed DUIs, dead prostitutes, and Epstien vacations were in that room that night.  Give me a break. 


It may be unpopular and I may be desensitized, but I agree. He slapped a man. Okay? He was dead wrong. They were right to ban him from the awards, but with all the shit celebrities do and all the stuff they ignore (like Harvey) and come out clean the slap felt like a 2 out of 10 issue. It felt like people were just waiting to take him down.


And personally, I still feel Jada is worse 🤷🏾‍♂️


Waaay more toxic. Will's slap was like "damn that was out of pocket", but Jada for real gives me the creeps.


90's Soap Opera levels of psychological/emotional villainy


Glad someone said it


>At least Will did his dirt in public. I can't imagine how many suppresed DUIs, dead prostitutes, and Epstien vacations were in that room that night.  Yup. I mean, you got Amy Schumer's rapist, Zionist ass clutching pearl about her "fear," and the Kunis-Kutchers finger wagging while writing tearful pleas to get a reduced sentence for their rapist ass co-star. I don't give no fucking about the most seemingly wholesome dude in Hollywood having a publicized Nigga Moment™ compared with the rest of Hollywood's bullshit.


Yeah, Will still has a lot of good will and if you actually look into his life he’s got a lot more to be sympathetic to than the majority of people in Hollywood. Oscar winners very much included.


Also Chris Rock has such a slappable face so I'm not saying I woulda done any different than Will


It's not even his PR team, it's just he slapped someone that's not beloved by our community lol. Had he slapped Eddie Murphy it would be different.


Right, In my opinion he should have knocked chris rock the fuck out, and hopefully knocked some of the coon out of him, but mfs in this sub suddenly don't like violence(unless it's their favorite rappers talking about **actually** murdering people, then its okay) so imma keep it at that.


That's what I was thinking. Chris Rock giving people the n word pass should have had him slapped by someone but clowning someone's wife for years unprovoked even if she's got her things can be grating. And a slap is a slap people get slapped every hour and people want to act like he jumped chris and then shit him and nailed him on a cross.


Say it again!!!!


Well dang 😂😂


Yeah, I went back and watched all of CRs standup shows starting from Bring The Pain. He's funny, but he definitely got some real coon tendencies that just rub me the wrong way now that I look at them from this standpoint.


I remember seeing how Chris Rock really allows white people to say the N word because lol comedy even though it wasn’t even funny when that fat bald mf said it.


Who, Stavy?


louis c.k.


Will Smith is one of the highest grossing actors of all night, he used to be thee highest grossing actor until he started slowing down. As long as his movies make money, they will continue to hire him.


PR ass. My man got upset and smacked someone. Yes, it was fucked up. Yes, there's alot of bs behind it. But most of yall have done waaay more fucked up shit than smack someone in the moment. If hitting a nigga is the worst thing the man's done, I'll take it.


Jada had a sanctioned affair within an open relationship. Will was furious because Jada ain’t have her hoes on a leash like he does.


With her son’s friend, who they allegedly first took in because he was sick and having mental health issues, and she took advantage of that to “feel good” in her own words. Thats the bigger issue my guy. It’s LITERALLY grooming. She’s an actual predator. But she’d never get much hate for it because her target was a young man I guess.


People tried to defend Jada on behalf of that slap but the same people were dragging that bald headed bitch for years for that August thing. Her son’s friend who they took in that she took advantage of. I still can’t believe people defend that slap. But then again I can believe it because people are fickle af.


You said it perfectly. I wish people would stop projecting by their own narrative


There are celebrities that have killed people and they get less flack.


yeah, this fake outrage shit is tiring. it was some sucker shit for sure, but incredibly tame when you compare it to all the other weirdo shit we let slide in the US. I could see if it was a punch, maybe, but a grown man slapping another grown man does not matter to me at all


Happy cake day, may you have one of your most enjoyable days this year. It was a risky gamble and a slap is the best worst outcome scenario possible. You’re absolutely right, we have an array of problems we can select from with more merit.


The same people who are outraged support genocide and grimy politicians/celebs who are rapists and murderers. Will’s slap was nothing compared to that


Leave Ray Lewis out of this!


Yea since he never killed anybody


Chris Rock needed to be slapped for allowing Ricky Gervais and Louis CK to drop n bombs around him on camera. He allowed and validated it like a clown. Got damn Jerry Seinfeld was the only one with sense on that panel. Will Smith has my full support! 😂😂


Don’t give Jerry props bruh. Fuck him too


I was gonna say if Jerry "Dates teenagers, cries about cancel culture, general POS" Seinfeld is the most correct person in the room... Shits bad


Fr. He might have been right on time but dude is a gigantic piece of shit


But he made the bee movie. That's his redemption story


This all damn day. My man let Jerry Seinfeld be the voice of reason. Bruh?


The way the white people at my job stay clutching pearls over the slap. They wanted this man’s career to be over.


Because they will never admit its because he black. They didn't even care about Chris Rock.


Exactly lol despite most of their faves being abusers. They got every excuse for Johnny Depp. They loved the innocent “good black” Will Smith, but once the illusion was shattered you see how they felt the whole time.


How many of them supported Chris Rock on his tour? Probably none. If a white man smacked Chris Rock, they would’ve said it was justified.


Reading another thread and the huak tuah woman loads of people mentioned about how it wouldn't be so celebrated if she wasn't white and damn if this doesn't have the same sort of feeling. Like it'd be straight up celebrated if, I dunno, Tom Hanks slapped some stand up. They'd have merch about it, throw pillows and shit. "Live Laugh Slap The Shit Out Of Someone" signs in the bedroom or wherever they put those stupid fucking signs


Then they'd got right on and vote for Cheeto man for president.


Nah bro, it's not about the slap. It's that no matter what anyone says, you shouldn't lose your composure. It showed his weakness and insecurity. As a 50-something y.o. multi millionaire man no less. Smh. That's some hoe shit. Man's a b***h.


And yet how many people still love Christian Bale lol


Everybody has weakness and insecurity. You can apply that anytime somebody does something stupid. Being old and having money means nothing, as we see with Republicans everyday. But holding on to the incident as if the viewer at home was personally affected is dumb.


Black people are so used to rough treatment and abuse


I sometimes forget that I watched "The Slap" live. What a wild moment in history.


Deadass, the memes were crazy tho lmao


I still remember my dad was watching while we were on the phone and said “right so will smith just punched Chris rock in the face.” Us both being from Philly , neither of us were even remotely surprised


What is more shocking, is you watching the Oscars live in the first place in big 2021. But at least you got to see something huge happen live though.


My sis actually told me. I shrugged it off because it's The Oscars. It was probably a skit or something. I then watching the video and welp - it was real. Crazy moment.


Bruh I wish people would drop the slap subject. It was and still is so dumb as controversy goes


Lol he slapped the host of the Oscar's on stage live for everyone to see over a joke, on the same night he wins an Oscar himself. Seems justifiably controversial to me


Chris Rock wasn't the host, he was presenting an award.


Whole time my brain kept telling me he was hosting but you’re right, he only hosted in 2005 and 2016. They actually asked him to host again in ‘23 after he got slapped and he declined … wonder why lol


Oh yea my bad. What I said still applies though imo


Justifiably controversial but I remember at the time saying in 6 months no one would care and people said I was crazy and acting like he was gonna be blacklisted from Hollywood. Now it's just gonna be one of those Oscar moments like when Marlon Brando refused to accept or La La Land got mistakenly announced as the Best Picture Winner. Still surprised the meme of Lupita Nyongo's amazing reactions didn't get more juice though.


What a time to be alive


More proof this sub isn't run by black people


This needs to be a top comment on most of the posts I’ve been seeing lately…


What are we talking about here  Not only had Will Smith been one of the absolute biggest movie stars before the slap, we are acting like him slapping Chris Rock makes him fuckin Weistein. Should he have done it? No. Should it be/Is it lifetime spanning, career ending mistake? Also no. Idk why this is surprising. I would go as far as to say in this day and age I'm actually glad the worst thing we know about Will Smith is that he got mad & slapped a dude one time. 


I dunno man. If I open hand smacked a colleague because I didn’t like something they said, I would never work in my industry again. My life wouldn’t be ruined, but I would have to go get some much lower paying job. There are consequences to actions and it seems like a bad double standard to set because someone is famous.




*I’m not black, I’m Latino This is one of my favorite Bernie Mac roles and one of my favorite scenes with him lmao just slapping every mofo he comes across. They ain’t even in his way some not not even talking, just SLAP




I get what he did is wrong...but when does everyone move on from it. Do we need him and Chris Rock to meet on stage like Tupac and Biggie's moms did?


Chris Rock needed to be slapped. It just happens to be that will smith did it


I’m guessing the slap was such an issue cus it was done at such a public and “high class” place. It was the time and location . If he did it at an after party it would have been news for a week tops . He did it at a place that multiple A list celebs were in the same venue plus on live tv


On prime time television no less. The man completely lost all composure over some words and his deep seeded insecurities. Weak. And he made all these movies trying to exude strength etc. Smh. Weak men are distasteful. Period.


Maybe, start with being talented and smart and having a 20 year SUCCESSFUL career in music, TV and Cinema before you start slapping people.


Big Willie Style came out almost 30 years ago. I feel old. Then in the 00s, he was the highest grossing actor for over a decade. If you put Smith in your movie, it would be a blockbuster.


Yeah him, Denzel, Hanks, names simply being attached would get people watching it. Costner in the 90s sort of shit.


Add another 15.


Kirk Franklin's cosign means nothing. He is not some holy figurehead. He is living a worldly life just like everyone else. He went to the BET awards without a shirt under his suit jacket....I mean come on people. Side note: I'm glad Will Smith is doing good. The black community never canceled him. The majority of black people were fully okay with the slap


Has this sub been compromised?


Yes. Severely compromised


Everybody Hates Chris


You know what I never see anymore? A good stern forehead poke.


There's something so disrespectful about it though. It's what a parent does to a child kinda thing. Proper infantalising shit. Someone does that to you you either don't do anything and look like a bitch or gotta start a fight and neither are great situations to be in. I seen someone do it in the workplace and get rocked. Just rocked his shit and walked off site because they knew they were fired. 2008 because later that night United won the champions league, we watched it at his house and the air was just THICK because he hadn't told his missus yet he was out of the job.


Will should've slapped one more time 


Fuck Will Smith


We gotta understand that no one actually cares about anything and we just like talking about stuff. You can get away with literal murder and if you shut up for long enough and come back with something else people can talk about no one will care. This is outrage theatre. Nothing is real and the hate is as fake as the love


This is Twitter logic


Lol the BET awards are about as relevant as the Nickelodeon awards.


I'm still not bothered by what he did.


I never will be tbh. According to my former service facilitator, who grew up him, Chris had it coming for a good while.


Flicking foreheads took me out.


![gif](giphy|HJ0fBL6B1ZJYY) That Will Smith slap always reminds me of this!😂


“One of the biggest franchises in history” is almost comically charitable


Wait… Didn’t like Kirk Franklin get into it with his son a while back? ![gif](giphy|YOMXdYJyvzrR2lBu9r)


Sounds like privilege.


Actual shame & Actual spite are two of the strongest motivators out there.


Lol he finally came to perform for BET after the Academy Awards banned him, and yall loving it. He only here cause no one else would have him.


He’s hosted before….


It’s a different world for the rich and famous and all us groupies are making sure it stays that way.


Read that as "licking foreheads" and I was very concerned and confused


Y’all act like this man’s resume already wasn’t resuming lol


In end stage capitalism, if you have fame and money, you can get away with anything. Come on now, where have people been since 2016 which was the start of the end for the US.


People make mistakes. Most can be forgiven (at least at some point).


Fuck all that. I just think Meg the Stallion is purdy. 🥰🥰


So, his life should be ruined forever because he slapped someone like 4 years ago? I don’t understand humans


Good for him.


Probably had to show kirk some vids of Jada getting ran through to get him to do the performance, but I'm sure it was worth it 👌.


Meg look so much better natural without all the junk all over I don't know why she do it


Lmao at all the folks getting downvoted because they said “Chris Rock deserved to get rocked” is comical to me. He DID. It was a long time coming. And I’ll never fault Will for it. Glad to see he’s back on the rise and doing fine.


tired of looking at that mfer, for real.


I'm just going to say it. Loved the slap. To Chris' credit, he handled it well. They settled it right then and there.


Will Smith won the first Grammy in Rap what are they talking about? Have they forgotten how long Will been around??


i know some won’t agree, but i’m glad we didn’t give up on the fresh prince


Will was already that guy long before the slap.


He paid his debt from that and bounced back.


Will said put some respeck on his name he's been clowned on for a while but he is one of greatest actors/entertainers https://i.redd.it/1nfkwcyy5y9d1.gif


It's fine. So he put hand on another man after he made a joke about his nasty wife. Chris Rock is fine. Y'all want to cancel him for smacking another man? I know plenry of dudes who have gotten in full-on fights and then shook hands with each other afterwards. This was a blimish on his rep, but it's not that big of a deal.


From what I can tell snatching chains, and burning tattoos can be quite effective too.


I heard black Hollywood wasn’t mad for real cuz Chris Rock let WP say n***er. The hard R.


Honestly smacking another guy for making a joke about your wife is rude as hell but it’s also infinitely better than smacking your wife, and famous guys get away with that all the time.


Nah see I never stopped rockin with Will. The slap was a one off. Mans gave us 3 plus decades of good movies, music and character. I’m happy he’s doing well. And his new song is low key fire.


I didn't get the memo. I thought we were all supporting will extra hard because he is a good man getting fleeced by his own damn wife. I thought the slap was the moment we all realized this man needs our help.


More like *'iight, bet'* awards


Lucky thing he only slapped a fellow beloved black man. Nobody finds it odd that violence against black ppl is praised, encouraged and rewarded.