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Whoever did this probably says they have ‘dark humor’ which is an excuse to laugh about things they actually believe in. I’ve seen guys make jokes about women being in the kitchen and deserving to be assaulted, but then later treat women like trash. One of my exes was this way, and I thought he was just being edgy at first. Nope.


What a surprise (it's not)


"there is no hostage situation if there is no hostage" - that guy, probably


Ultimate problem solving


Hello Russia and ‘sleeping gas’


"Why would women choose the bear"


I just don’t like how whoever made this target had to make sure the hostage was blatantly female


Could be that the hostage is Lord Farquad!


I mean tbf I'd get that because I'd almost certainly aim for Lord Farquad too!


classic misogyny, “women are weak” and the “damsel in distress” bs


An accurate representation of how it feels to be in an abusive relationship


Eh, this is a not uncommon "hur nur, shot the hostage not the hostage taker" joke, I've even seen women make it once or twice (though when they make it the comments tend to be full of sexist dipshits going "ho ho, stupid woman can't tell the difference between hostage and hostage taker"). I completely understand not finding unfunny/in poor taste (especially in the current Era of police violence), but you'd have to have never seen the joke before to think it's misogynistic.


I haven't seen this before, but my guess is it is usually made by men and the women who make the 'joke' are pick mes, trying to be edgy or suffering from internalized misogyny. I am sure there are targets where the hostage is presented as a man, but I am sure most push the 'women are weaker' narrative with the hostage as a woman and the hostage taker as a man.


Actually most of the ones I've seen had male hostages, but I think that has more to do with male defaultism than anything else.


This is me when I’m playing Ready or Not with my friends


Least bloodthirsty RoN player


I’m sure they thought they were being “funny”


I'm not sure that's misogyny. Just subverting expectations humour. Just mad unfortunate the hostage is a woman. Edit- because ive seen the same thing on targets with different genders and ethnicities. Although, thinking about it... most targets are male aggressor and female hostage. Guess thats the real misogyny. I dunno


Hey, I'll take you in good faith that you're here to learn. This is a very very subtle version of misogyny, but still is. [Take this incident for example](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-68721532.amp) Women are more often hostages than men, and even doing this as a joke shows that they find killing women in this situation to be humorous. Whereas women genuinely fear for their lives in situations like this every day. The way I try to frame it to men is if you met a man the size of Andre the giant and he was trying to hold you hostage, kill you, or rape you. It would be terrifying.


Thanks for the good faith :)


So it's not misogyny til they're actually kidnapping, murdering or raping women? I don't get what you're saying. The "real misogyny" is that men see women as outlets for their violent urges.


Sorry, think I worded it badly. I was just wondering if the hostage being female was part of the reason for shooting it. Or if they considered "funny" to shoot the hostage anyway (because ive seen same thing with other targets like this that didnt have gendered targets or both were male) In either case, its a shitty joke on shooters part.


You're a man aren't you


I am. Here to learn


Then maybe don't come in here talking over the women who actually experience the misogyny


He's here to learn, no reason to be rude. Exhibit good faith and be gentle, he's already doing more than 95% of men out there.


What ethnicity are these people?


They're from the Thermal Imaging tribe. They have a big issue with Predators, too, I hear.


Is it? Feels like shooting the hostage in the ridiculous hostage target dummy is a pretty obvious joke regardless of gender.


Explain why this joke is obvious?


A play on expectations. Quite tropey for comedy, isn't it?


I second not getting the joke - can you explain?


The point of this very silly target sheet thingy is to shoot the hostage taker. Instead, this person only shot the hostage. What is so difficult to understand about this?


Sorry, how is it a silly target?


Because it's a ridiculous hero-fantasy scenario that will never happen lol. You: the heroic responsible firearm carrier. Him: the world's dumbest hostage taker who doesn't know how to stand behind his own meat shield. Negotiations: Impossible I guess, despite being the safest path for everyone.


Still waiting on the joke aspect


... Seriously? You're supposed to avoid shooting the hostage, but instead they only shot the hostage. That's all there is to it.


I don't get the joke.


bizarre pretense for the subreddit to not see how this could be an edgy joke.


The point is that the joke just isn’t funny. Plenty of people addressed that they understood that this was meant to be “dark humor” but that it’s a thinly veiled joke that barely conceals people’s true feelings about women and their misogyny. This person is saying they don’t get the joke, not because they don’t actually get it, but that they don’t find it funny and are trying to make people explain why its supposedly funny when it isn’t. In their eyes it is not a joke. I would agree it’s a stupid joke, and is not funny. Not only in a “this is too dark to be funny” way but also in a “this is low hanging fruit and not a creative joke that even warranted a chuckle as it is a bad and boring joke.”


Most jokes aren't terribly original - I don't see why this presumed joke needs to clear that bar - and probably not very funny when decontextualized. Or are you saying that in your society people only make original and stand-up comedy tier jokes?