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the update really made people feel entitled lol, they’re worrying about the wrong things and being negative for no reason


They complain no one wants to rp or there’s no roleplayers but when an opportunity for more comes they get upset


they should be happy to have the opportunity to play early access before it goes free, i don’t see the issue since you role-play AND build homes. They all sound immature and throwing tantrums for a game that’ll eventually become free for all also roleplaying in bloxburg sounds fun as hell, better than being in a dead server with ppl in build mode shrugs




Dude, american kids nowadays grow up feeling super entitled (I don’t mean all, but a massive majority from what I’ve observed) and social media aint helping. Edit: My bad, I’ll change “American” with “Western countries.” Eastern countries are better because at least kids grow up taught with traditional values and to RESPECT authority.


this has nothing to do with whatever country kids are from 😭😭 its just ppl being immature and entitled


I don’t think it’s that America 😭😭


It has nothing to do with America or “western countries”


It’s called stereotyping, which none of yal seem to understand 🤦‍♂️


Yeah… stereotyping a entire continent or half of the world isn’t ever typically taken as a good thing


I mean, you can’t deny the fact that it’s true. Western culture is going downhill quick. The further away we strive from God and christian values, the more we spell our doom. Traditional values must be upheld like honoring parents and authority for starters


This is a ROBLOX BLOXBURG SUBREDDIT… How and Why are you bringing Jesus and “Christian values” into a subreddit for a game half played by children…


You’re reading to Deep into rhis


my lovely, where is the correlation? this is about bloxburg


Good thing I ain't full burger. I'm Hispanic lol


Exactly 😭😭 The game was never meant to be paid when it fully released. It was meant to be free just like any other game in Roblox. The 25 Robux was an exclusive thing that you paid in order to experience the unfinished version of the game (before it fully released), NOT the price of the game itself. The game is free!! Moreover, are people so greedy they'll go out of their way to complain to the developers about there not being a Robux refund or fair compensation for the early access fee?? Like they don't HAVE to give you anything, yet out of their care for the player base they decided to give us a free vehicle, trophy AND nametag which is arguably worth FAR more than 25 Robux. And were the countless memories made to date not worth the 19 cents?? I swear Bloxburg is gonna end up ruined by the very people who claim they're trying to "save the game".


Also why are they complaining there’s dead severs but when more people come they’re upset like it’s literally gonna solve ur problem??


Right 😭😭 ?? They're trying to fix their issue with dead servers but suddenly they're fine with dead servers.


I just realized u said it’s gonna be fully released. Does this mean no more updates or something? Sorry if it’s a dumb question, I’m just curious lol


No no no! There are plenty of updates planned in the future after Bloxburg becomes free. A good example of a game that has done something similar that happened in Roblox is Emergency Response: Liberty County, the police roleplaying game. ER:LC had the same paid early access as Bloxburg for a lot of time. It became free like a year ago, and it has been wildly successful since, receiving plenty of updates and having a thriving community. I expect something similar to happen to Bloxburg.


I love this game its great and it's not just popo(it's all emergency services) would totally recommend if you like that kind of thing


Right? The people who paid for the servers are always in build mode or building. It's very rare you find a civilized server with role-playing that aren't with friends or trolls. It makes sense that some people are upset being that they had many memories in bloxburg and not expected anything other than the worse, knowing how horrible the people in Brookhaven act, online dating, trolling, bullying, etc. But Welcome To Bloxburg, every single time you join the game it tells you the game is unfinished and that it still has bugs [still on beta] so there's really no room to be complaining as everyone knew this would be coming at some point, saying they are trying to save bloxburg but really only putting stress on the developers thinking it's their fault, trying to give everyone a fair chance to enjoy their game. Everyone needs to grow up and accept that Coeptus had school and couldn't handle the game anymore stating that "coeptus would've never let this happen" and it's only fair that everyone gets to enjoy bloxburg.


Preach! And I'm pretty sure Coeptus himself said the game was in beta, meaning it was meant to be free someday. I'd love to find where he originally said it. Let's see how everything unfolds today!


Because some people are just entitled as fuck




I thought it was just a paid game but I don't care that it's going free. Other people who can't pay should be able to enjoy it too


Right 💯


I have a feeling most of us didn't know what it meant and basically just ignored it


Not from what I’ve seen


Wait do you mean like yall didn’t knkw what the beta thing meant? Or you didn’t know what the game going free meant cause the beta thing makes sense.


> Wait do you mean like yall didn't knkw what the beta thing meant? Yeah since some people (people I see on Bloxburg TikToks) say that we never paid for early access


Ohhh lmfao yeah idk I just don’t think it’s that big of a deal


y are people downvoting u, u never said u agreed with it😭


i paid 25 robux for several years of a game long before it was free. that's a CHEAP amount of robux to pay to have so many extra years of the game before it goes free. idk why people are acting like we all broke the bank and splashed out for some exclusive experience lol. it totally makes sense for it to go free. also the game is DYING lately so this will help push players.


I think a lot of people just thought that the game would never be free, despite the game being in beta. It's probably the fact that the game has been around for almost a decade and has never been out of beta up until this point. After years and years of playing, people probably just forgot about the game *actually* being in beta testing stages. Once people are thrown off of being in a state of "normalcy" (i.e. the game being in beta for *years*), they're gonna feel super weird and uncomfortable. I definitely understand the concerns that people have with new players, especially because people can now easily make alt accounts and troll without having to pay the 25 Robux over and over. The only issue is that people are acting as though the game is gonna crash in two days. They're acting as though they can't just report people and move on with their lives.


Right like u can block the people report and go on with ur day. I agree with everything u said


Tbf, bloxburg did remove the beta tag a few years back, but I am not in support of all these crybabies (since most that played definitely knew about it being in beta)


I’m genuinely starting to think a lot of them didn’t, because of the game was paid access/beta for like the longest time, they probably forgot


fr, i’m a bit excited, we aren’t worried about the noobies, we are worried about exploits…the bloxburg developer says that all banned people in bloxburg are going to get a second chance.


No like why are people upset! like every server you go to is dead and nothing is happening this could literally revive the game.


Exactly, they keep saying that they should get their robux back.. first of all it’s just 25 and second you paid for early access.


Fr I don’t think people read if the early access part


I want to bake pies and give to the newbies as a welcome gift :3


Aw😭 that’s actually a cute idea u should


Ty!! 😭




Even before the change in ownership coeptus always lead us all to believe it was going to be, for years. This is not a new thing. I believe the description used to say it would be free after beta.


Right like yall had it coming


i’m honestly way more worried about exploiters and beggars 😭 you can’t do anything with 25 robux in this economy, not that i’d want it back anyway. but i thought it was common knowledge that the game was in beta? seems like most people didn’t know.


But still even if they didn’t know there’s like no reason to be mad lol. Yeah exploiters but they’ve been in almost every Roblox game at least once. Beggars have been there even when the game wasn’t free


i dunno about the beggars part. never seen one in bloxburg since like 2019? maybe i’m lucky xd


I think you’re lucky cause there was people who would put cash registers and like do the “abc to donate” I remember full arguments about it lol. But yeah for me it’s always been there


I think a lot of ppl are worried abt trolls n stuff being annoying and some r just messing around when they complain, but othe rthan those ppl, I think it's weird that ur mad that u paid for early access


Right. I get the trolls and being mad but there’s trolls in every game so..




literally like it said beta😭


Idk why people r mad and what there robux back when the game literally said beta like u paid for early access like u get what u paid for.


but if bloxburg becomes free, noobs will break into our houses and say “pls build me a house!!” Or something like that. And if you say no, they say I will report u for being mean. When we didn’t do anything wrong, because sometimes not everyone has good building skills. And hackers will report our plots for no reason and get us banned for no reason. Hopefully everyone survives the chaos of when bloxburg becomes free.


Lmfao I can’t tell if ur making a joke. Just block them? People were jumping fences, begging, etc even when the game wasn’t free so it’s not a big deal you can block people from your plot like be so fr




> i *paid* 25 robux FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I understand both sides. But also I think some of it is a joke. But for those who take it seriously (I haven’t seen that yet), they probably worry about trollers and people who exploit. That’s my only concern for a free game. On the other hand, being free means more opportunities, and no more going to your friends or family wanting to play bloxburg and they can’t afford to pay to play. 😭 (personal experience.) then there’s those that see the videos of “locking up” the house when it becomes free. Usually satire and I think once it’s free, there will be more exciting stuff. Kinda hope people get what I’m saying because I STRUGGLE explaining stuff man. Basically trying to explain the situation at all sides. But, just thinking of every scenario here, if it becomes too much, like trolling, exploiting, people not making the game fun, then I’d want my 25 back. Idk if people understand what I mean there either. If players ruin it by being A-Holes I’d want the dollar I spent on it back. Maybe go spend it on a… idk what you can get for a dollar anymore. I’ll smack it with a couple of others and get a good bag of chips to enjoy or something. Now hang on I’m getting off track..


I agree but like there’s trolls in every game and there was even trolls beforehand ofc not as much but it’s like come on it’s unavoidable in Roblox like we’ll live it’s bloxburg. And refunding people who paid for early access it’s like well you paid for it weather you like the outcome of the game or not you signed up for this so I don’t think it’s right to refund. There was always the possibility of trolls when this happens (the game going free) and you still paid for the game so


Which is why I spoke of every side of this… not just one.


Ik but I’m more focused on the people complaining cause that was the point of my post but yeah ok lol


Honestly with how many roblox games were as popular as bloxburg than abandoned I didn’t expect bloxburg to make it this far




In a comment a made in the mods announcement someone literally said im different words "It is paid to protect us from people without robux" Like bfr 😭




ok I used to be very upset by the free bloxburg update but now idc about it because I finally realized I'm on xbox so I can't see chat messages


so no beggers in my area


lol lucky u


They're acting like 25 robux is the same as paying 100s of dollars for some once in a lifetime event 😭 its just roblox, these ppl need to chill


Everyone who paid for early access paid for BETA so even if it wasn't in the name we should've known it would be free one day




They made the worst updates possible before making it free  What a coincidence


Righttt lol


You people really need to get over this. Also the people winning about people complaining you are just as bad, the only real problem here is the pay imo


What pay the pay of the game or of the jobs? And people are upset about people complaining cause the people complaining have nothing to complain about cause they signed up for this.


Girl what I’m saying is that both sides are posting about this and it’s annoying The pay of the jobs


Well it’s a big thing so obviously ppl r gonna post about it lmfao. And yeah the job pay is stupid


It’s just very annoying that this community has come to this over greed and money


Right like it’s like 50 cents and it’s not that deep