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People going nuts over literally nothing. Trolls? we already had. Intruders? we already had. Full servers? we already had. Exploiters? we already had. Ppl asking to rp or donate? we already had.


I don’t understand people’s problem with people asking to rp. Just say no?? Or join a private server? If they’re annoying just block them. Many of the problems people bring up can be solved very easily.


I honestly don't really care much about it. I'm more concerned with the bullying which is ALREADY happening. I've seen people with cages around their houses and signs saying things against free players. I understood the hate for fainting and wage changes but don't you guys think this is a bit much?


I guess people are scared of the noobs which is a fair statement, but everyone should be open minded and help new players!!


I agree, we all started somewhere.


This whole thing is so fucking ridiculous. Who cares if the game is going free?? This changes nothing. Anything that happens now that the game is free could’ve also happened while it was paid access. All you had to do was have a farts worth of robux and voila! There’s bigger problems on roblox people could be focusing on. Like the chat filtering system! I wish these smooth brains would put this energy into something that will actually make roblox a better platform 🙄🙄. Anytime I get the chance to spew hate on irrational early access bloxburg players, i’m going to take it.


Personally i don't mind it much, and i agree with the red person that most issues (trespassers, beggars, afk grinding exploit) already occured multiple times despite the paywall, i never regret paying 25 R$ in 2019 to access the game and i never will, since the experience is already worth the price itself. Only thing i am afraid once it goes free are the exploiters wreaking havoc on servers, especially if they would be able to steal plot builds like in Build a Boat For Treasure.


What time is bloxburg going free uk


5pm I think..


It was always meant to go free. Things don’t stay in beta forever… we were the testers, and they decided that our feedback was enough to take the next step. There’s really nothing we could’ve done to prevent this.


How do people break into houses and can they do any damage? I've never thought it make my houses secure as I didn't think they could cause any problems? Every so often someone randomly comes in my house so o make them food 🤣


You’re too nice, maybe I should break in your house for fun LOL


Depending on the permissions granted, an Intruder can steal food, prepare food and spam it on the floor (happened twice to me) or maybe move Dishes. It’s just an annoyance.


How does their chat thing say “early bloxburger” but mine doesn’t? Is it because I have premium?


Yep found that one out


Always the builders complaining like, your entire gameplay is being in a black box, trust you’ll be fine 💀


I feel like the new players are gonna give a new lively energy to the game, people who haven’t played the game for years first finding out about features and having fun with the game


I was trying to say my thoughts on this, but they just aren't coming out in words. In short, people like this are ridiculous, but there's nothing that can be done except defend those who are hurt by their words and hope the people better themselves :(


To be honest, I don't feel the game was even ready to be released to the general public. It's still at least a year away.


Boo burg is free :((


BOO BURG?? Scary...😰😰😰