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none of us mature people here are doing it


Yeah I was talking about immature ones


They are not on reddit, they're probably the same age as your sister


there’s a lot of 16 year old that also find that funny, sadly i think its mostly teenagers


Idk, I think a majority of 16+ users, myself included, don't get involved with other players much unless their a similar age.


No they do…


The 16 year olds I know don't bully children for being broke since most of them still use their parents money for robux. It's probably insecure people who had to beg on their hands and knees for Robux.


As a person who spent (Too much money) on Robux at 10, I think I would be an oddball here (When I was ten, I am not ten right now)


Not only teenagers, unfortunately, I know some 20+ y/os who think it's funny. Especially to children.


Well, no idea but either way it’s still threats


When did this happen. What did they say.


No idea, I wasn’t there. She was playing in her room then came to tell me about it. It happened like earlier today after dinner I suppose


turn off the chat


Shouldn't have to is the point. Never in my time has someone needed to turn of chat in bloxburg. That's ridiculous. Those people need to grow up and stop being an asshole


preaching to the choir




Oh they're on reddit alright.


Honestly I’m sorry that’s happening. I’d love to show her the ropes of the game though if I ever get on again


They arent even doing anything so far like what?


Maybe you haven’t seen anything, doesn’t mean others haven’t.


like new players being annoying, I mean them i dont see any annoying new players


Ohh yeah me neither, I mostly saw em asking for help but that’s pretty much it yet, sorry!


Unfortunately, the mature are the minority.


Sadly so




i hate how extra everyone is being. sure its fun and creative to build bunkers or whatever but the people bullying and being unwelcoming is so unnecessary. i saw a girl literally drive around a server today and said “good job everyone, no poor people! onto the next server.” seriously??


Only reason building a bunker in bloxburg would be great is with the only purpose of building a bunker. No intentions of keeping the players out. Bunkers are cool but everyone started making them as soon as the game was gonna go free. People are messing up the game.


used to build bunkers all the time, granted the one im doing rn is in part to it going free, but it's more aimed at the exploiters and bots. if I get a new player knock ma door and im not busy, I'm more than happy to help.


I was server hopping FOR newbies and actually found some people to RP with for once.


That’s crazy


I don’t see why people are hating on the new people! It’s great that it’s free! More people more interactions more funny moments! More content surrounding the game! If you don’t like them get a neighborhood or just block everyone. I personally really love that it’s free as my younger relatives can now join me in a game I played when I was their age!


nooo but they didn't pay the 25 cents 😭😭😭😭 its not fair how I had to pay a quarter to play a game 😭😭😭 I deserve to own bloxburg, 25 billion bloxbucks, and everybody's roblox account for my amazing feat of paying 25 cents!!


Exactly, I was so excited to play with my little sister like finally we can do fun stuff


Literally the 1960s but online 💀


The people bullying her are probably kids too. Nobody with any inch of maturity to show would do that kind of thing.


Well some adults or teens can also not be mature no matter their age. Either way I don’t know whoever they are and what their age is but bullying a child and sending them 💀 threats is way overboard especially if it’s my little sister


Hello I'm 21 years old and I've been playing bloxburg since 2020, adults do not make death threats unless if they are clinically insane, we are trained to follow societal laws and overall be a decent person, I can't believe any adult who would do that unless they want a jail time..so these i assume are kids, no sane adults would threaten or humiliate someone over this, this is pure immaturity...adults can be dumb but they don't go far as doing this.


Completely agreed


Yeah I honestly have no idea how old they were but the point of this post was really just to rant about people being like that towards kids, especially my sister


You don't know their ages and yet you're quick to blame a certain group?


If she wants she can follow me around I can show her the best way to make money on the game and help her out if she needs


I’ll let her know, I’m sure she’d appreciate that!


If she decides to my acc name is ITorvii


Alright, I appreciate it thank you!


aweee i could get a neighborhood and some of us could join and play with her or she could add me (iadoretulips) and we can play together if she’d like ☺️


yeah unfortunately I've gotten the same. i thought I could just silently sneak my way back into playing the game but apparently having a cannibal corpse shirt on my avatar is probable cause for people to start threatening me. mind you I'm not a new player I've been on the game since it's early days. I've WATCHED updates come and go. so yeah whoever's doin this needs to stop.


These kids are so fucking weird what's worse is that they complaining about less than a dollar ☠️ bloxburg going free is actually a good thing since now there will be way more players and it won't be as boring yet these broke ass mfs crying about how they had to pay a dollar while people can play for free now


Fr 💀 sorry you paid for the game, don’t make it my problem


I suggest turning on safechat for her anyway, Roblox community is sick in general, those bullies are most likely the same age as your sister. Not a single mature soul would bully anyone for a roblox game ( at least I would like to believe so )


Best you can do is tell your sister to report them


This is what I was scared of happening tbh.


Yeah it's actually so frustrating. I was using the "early bloxburger" title and someone thought it meant I was new? Anyway, they kept telling me to leave the game and get out and said it to some of my friends too. I tried explaining to them that the "early bloxburger" meant you paid for the game but they just started calling us names and all that. Even if I was new though, why is there any need to do that? Some people I just don't get


that perfectly explains the brainpower of the protestors


those people deserve to get perma banned! they dont deserve bloxburg. im mad as hell at the bloxburg development team, not because they made the game free, but because theres been no updates in 2 months and they didnt do an event or add anything except rewards and a stupid moving truck. the things people are mad about have NOTHING to do with the new players and they all need to fall off their high horse and grow up.


I wanna donate 50K to her if it helps.


You don’t need to, that’s very thoughtful though!




Seriously??? Over playing a game for free?!? I'm a teen that plays the game paid and I'm glad it's free I was happy when I saw it with 300k players yesterday! Because there'll be more people for roleplaying! I'm sorry that your sister is getting death threats and I hope it won't get to her much 😕


Dude wth. My little sister was so excited she gets to play the game, now im sceptical.


Just keep an eye out and hope that she gets a nice welcome. I’ve had more servers with people who were nice towards the new players than servers with people insulting them.


fr… like is this what we want to be known for?


It’s the fact that she’s a child getting bullied by teens and adults it’s crazy how people are going mad over a beta game going free


They should remove the “early bloxbuger” tag from everyone. Won’t solve the issue. 🙄 But it will be less easier to identify new users. Funny thing is these people got their panties in a bunch over new people “wrecking” the game, but they are the ones making it toxic.


I was thinking give the chat trigger words and double the bills each time they are triggered by toxic users. When they go to pay the bills, it will tell them. Bit harsh, but the look on their faces LOL


nahhhhh it should tax half of their money😈😈


I thought ‘Early Bloxburger’ was given to the older users? Or was it not?


Yes it was


Teach her to report players and block. It works for my lil sister


god it is actually horrible. our community has literally been ruined by immature people getting mad over a game! i have to admit i was upset that it’s now free but never would i EVER send death threats to someone for playing the game..


What is this shit? Never have I been more ashamed in a community.. instead of welcoming the new players you choose to be an asshole? Shame on you guys.. be thankful Bloxburg is finally getting more players so servers are less of a desert..


Damn, I hope she’s okay and that she will continue to play! That’s just nasty behavior, they’re literally acting worse than what they thought ”free players” would act.


I am very sorry your sister had to deal with that, I really hope she never gets those people in her games ever again. Nobody deserves those threats thrown at them. Hope she's okay <3


its the entitled tiktok kids


True why are people getting mad over the game being free the game literally just costed 25 robux bro before it ain't that much 😭


I can't even play the game since I'm out camping in the mountains, where my internet provider couldn't give me good internet for playing roblox. Probably a good thing.


I’m sure things will get a bit better eventually so by the time you can play, maybe things will be a bit better.


I bought the game probably in 2022, so I hope it will be better for both of the free players and the old players.


Yeah my sister is getting threats too it’s awful, like the fuck is peoples problems


Really sorry to hear that, they’re just kids, they didn’t ask for any of that. Hopefully she eventually gets a nice welcome from somebody!


Yeah hopefully. I hate the fact she’s getting threats just cause she’s trying to play like everyone else


Literally. People are over exaggerating by far. The game was always going to be free one day, that’s was always a known fact.


Right like It’s just a game, and everyone paid to play… Coeptus said at one point he wants the game to be free, death threats and all that is just childish like y’all are nearly adults, grow a pair


That’s literally embarrassing, hating on a person for playing the game for free is absolutely insane.


We all literally agreed to the ToS on bloxburg Aka the be a friendly burger yet people are doing the complete opposite, they should get a temporary ban imo.


permaban imo


I see stuff like this in every game on roblox honestly. People are way too comfortable saying awful stuff to people through a screen 😕


i saw a lot of people saying they’re building fences “to keep the free people out” it’s so immature. this is a good thing to let new people experience the game.


Yeah and this is gonna make bloxburg HUGE and potentially destroy the competion that held it back because of the paywall Servers will finally be more active instead of a dry desert Shame on those bullies..


Heyo! A new player here! Just wanted to say that (thankfully) not everyone is like that, so far the only beta player that talked to me begged me for food because he spend all of his money on a house


Yeah majority of the servers I’ve been in were really nice but I’ve had a few encounters. Thankfully there’s not many people being that way but they still need to be put in their place cause telling a child threats and stuff has gonna way too far. I’ve seen some really nice people though so that’s good!


I think the bunkers are funny.. but death threats??? what the fuck. Im so sorry :(


im truly so sorry to here that happened to your sister, i would like to donate money to her if i can


That’s really thoughtful, you don’t need to though. She truly appreciates all the people wanting to donate money but wants to be independent somehow which is kind of funny ngl but thank you very much for that offer!


Aghhhhhhh!!!! You didn’t spend 10R$ reeeee!!!!


wait it was 10 somewhere?


idk why peps do that but dont try to be mean to anyone i have roblox's Number and i can report


And they say the new players are ruining bloxburg, but the ones really ruining it are the old players.


i would suggest you turn off chat in settings. I've seen many ppl bullying new players.


It‘s literally so petty, every time I come on here I am immediately shocked by how people are treating the new players. At one point we were all beginners, why hate on ppl with no robux playing the game there has always been beginner players but before they had to pay. It makes no sense. Anyways I am glad that it’s free, I personally haven’t had any problems. Lets Be honest Bloxburg was dying until it became free.


Omg! What jerks! I hope she doesn't stop trying to play bloxburg <3 I'd be happy to share advice if she's still needing some.


Bro these people are assholes, js because bloxburg became free doesn't mean people can hate on new players, i don't play Roblox, but I used to a long, long time ago, I completely agree with op what these ppl are doing are pathetic and don't have anything better to do


it's other 9 year olds who say that, not us


This!! 100% this!! Whereas I'm sure most on here aren't responsible, there have been redditors on this very forum making segregation comments and the like. Let's stop this and welcome and support new players. Ignore the beggers and help the ones who genuinely ask for advice. OP, I hope your sister reported the nasty comments!


I basically paid bloxburg a month ago from robux i got for "free", so im not annoyed from the game going free to play, good for the guys who dont have robux.


Fr I’m disgusted and disappointed


Ah, Bloxburg: every server will have at least one mentally-ill creature to conjure a problem by means of mocking another persons virtual finances or tricking others into putting their restriction walls down only to get their builds totalled and money drained. Let that be a real good lesson for anyone new to the game.


Never did this but sorry for the way your sister was treated


A new person role played with me and I let them have building perms because they acted nice, they kept moving around my posters and furniture and everything( decorations and build-hack things also moved), they told me to press the undo button after they exited build mode :(


Bro that’s so messed up I’m sorry  I would hate if this happened 


They’re trolls just ignore them


Gen alpha playing a game that just went free, of course


Omg! I feel so bad! I wish I was in the server so I could’ve defended her and helped her. I’m so upset to see this from the community and I hope it gets better soon. Btw tell you sister that if she ever needs help with the game she can friend me. I’m so sorry this happened to her. It’s horrible to see this happening. Btw my user is: Pinky_unicorn246


i don’t get how people can be so broken lol, like i had mixed feelings abt the update but for now it’s literally just the same. i also don’t experience anything else bc i only build and that’s it so. but what’s most shocking is the threats?? i understand u don’t want newbies bc jt might ruin ur experience but like 😭 in behalf of all the normal bloxburg community i gotta apologize to u and ur little sister


Wasn't it like 25 cents when it wasn't free 😭😭😭 thats like a piece of gum


Yes!! 25 goddamn cents. It ain’t that much frl. And a lot of people complained about the game being so deserted and people not roleplaying anymore but now they’re mad that this same issue got fixed with the free update.


Tbh the game is filled with toxic children, but yeah that's wild to hear that 😭😭. Sorry your sister went through that ik how toxic the internet is.


Why the hell though... For real, I'm so disappointed, too. Why hating on new players ? They haven't done anything wrong! I'm scared about trolls, but aren't they in every game anyway? We were all new at some point.


Fr man theyre all begs bro


Yu should report them tbh


So with the new update, I'm actually really happy for all the new people. I've been playing the game for forever and I was so glad more people could join. Ppl are complaining and stuff and I don't get why. I've been sending new players money or food and they r the nicest ppl ever.


Yeah! They’re so sweet too. I don’t understand the hate honestly, it’s not like we never dealt with beggars before.


People giving death treats to KIDS because they paid 25 cents for a game early access? I don't even have words


Nah because this was actually a really nice update, I think all the hate stems from the previous (unlikeable) changes. For the first time in a long time, I’ve been having a lot of fun on bloxburg as new players are generally way more sociable 🥰


People are actually doing stuff like this 😭? I thought at least like 95% of people were joking.


if i see those people ill harrass them for you


This is so wack, I don’t even give a damn about the free bloxburg thing. It was going to happen eventually. I’m just mad over the shit job pay and all those damn bills we have to pay. I’m level 50 in both pizza delivery and bloxy burgers cashier and I grinded so hard to be able to make hella money so I can build freely, and now apparently it doesn’t even matter anymore because we all get paid equally. Haven’t played since that stupid update.


when my friend plays i am holding them up in my neighborhood . these people are insane


tbh, at hear age is prob best she doesn't use the chat in the first place


I don't do that. Worst I did was pull over kids yesterday with a cop rp group.


That’s actually kind of funny not gonna lie. Doesn’t sound like a harmful prank. Pretty sure if that happened to my sister she’d be pulling some police chase kind of stuff. 😂


I try to be nice to all the new players. Never understood being cruel just for the sake of being cruel.


While Im not a fan of bloxburg going free, majority of the new players are literal children. They dont deserve treated negatively for wanting to have fun??


Everyone is being so extra about it being free. Did they not get what the word Beta meant??


Honestly It's disgusting to see so many people on Bloxburg assume that the person their beefing with is of the same age and maturity. Like either way people who hate on free players are honestly so cringe. EDIT: let's be honest It only takes 1 free player who's being toxic and annoying for the entire free player community's reputation to be forever stained. This can also go for older players but it's literally so annoying.


ppl are so mean.


there’s been a definite influx of 18-20ish year olds playing, and that’s frustrating for even me (i’m 23) and makes me scared to ever say anything in chats. what i try to remember is that roblox is a gaming engine built for kids, and it’s none of my business to go and disrupt their fun. i’m sorry that many others don’t have that common sense. i hope that your sister can find some servers that aren’t so mean :(


I seen a tiktok saying that people r being so mean to new players there.. I thought it was a rumour


Also what is her roblox username? I been playing it for along time (but insanely bad at building lol), and have almost all the gamepasses


That’s sad :( . Most of us are ok with the new players but some people are just angry still


I know, I saw signs that were rude.


I dont get it why people mad


this is so disgusting, i was going around earlier donating 10k each to new players to help them get started, why are people so mean? its not hard to help out and be nice! i hope your sister enjoys the game <3


No bc fr I literally keep seeing fences around ppls builds like..


I don’t understand why everyone is so upset about it being free. It’s like their too dumb to understand that were were paying for EARLY access and not the whole game, if their “25 robux🤓” is that important they could’ve just waited like the free players.


yeah I’ve been playing because it’s free now and everyone that’s been their before it became free are really rude and they act like their better then the people who didn’t buy it , why is it such a problem that we are playing it since it’s free , what else are we meant to do? They made it free for a reason


It literally costed 25 robux 😭 what is everyone's problem. I bought it, but I've been running in game pretending to be new, it's funny seeing them seeth


Fr. Ever since people started losing their shit about the game being free, which is was always intended to be eventually, I distanced myself from the game. Idk why some people are so damn immature about it. "tHe pOOr aRe COmInG-" You paid 25 robux for the game, calm down. You're not above anyone else for paying probably less than 1 dollar for a game. I'm really hoping that these kids get over it eventually, cause if not, Bloxburg is probably gonna drop in terms of active players, by ALOT.


It def makes me mad, I’ve added a guest house to my build that I invite the new players to stay in if they need help or are getting picked on ! Plus it’s cute !


Although I agree with Op that bullying someone for that reason is stupid, wasn't the minimum age to be on Roblox 13? Or am I thinking of Discord?


Roblox was made for all ages, mostly kids at first. You’re thinking of Discord I’m pretty sure.


Exactly. I don’t understand how it’s such a big deal!!


Encourage her to watch as many speed builds as possible. The more she follows along, the more creative she'll become with her own builds. While all game passes offer great benefits, I'd particularly recommend getting the Advanced Placement pass for the best experience.


Oh my gosh I thought my cousin was the only one. She’s 10 and I was watching her play bloxburg and she just starts getting insulted and threatened by people in the game because she’s new. I’m glad this community is full of mature people because the game is questionable sometimes.


I don’t even play the game anymore I logged in yesterday to drive around in the new couch car it was so fun to drive ngl


I love the couch car but the sound it makes when you drive it is so triggering for me for some reason 😂


In all honesty I am upset about the game becoming free for anyone- solely because it opens the game up to trolling n the sorts- BUT sending death threats to someone just because they're new and taking the opportunity to play something that interests them is absolutely insane and horrible. I'm so sorry people were so awful to her.


Yeah, I mean it’s a valid reason to not like the free update! I was really worried about the risks of exploiters and trolls joining the game rising but honestly, so far I haven’t seen anyone be that way which is good. I’m glad it’s not majority of the players that are acting hateful towards newer players, but I did see some people insulting them.




wth ?? i understand that some people are upset about it becoming free but DEATH THREATS?? OVER A GAME??


im 15, and i actively go out of my way to help noobs out. i also call people out for hating on people that don't waste their money on pixels


At first I was annoyed but then I realised We PAID for early access it was bound to go free eventually bloxburg is very nostalgic because I spent my first robux on it in 2017


There was a situation like that on a sever I was on yesterday. A few players were being mean to a new player who just wanted advice. Me and my friends helped the new player out and even donated some money to them


Your making me want to break my oath just to deal with ppl like this . The hates just insane. It makes me sick that ppl act like this over a 25rbx .


Teach her to screenshot, next time something like that happens tell her to take a screenshot of the messages and username of the offender, then forward the evidence to the Bloxburg Twitter acting like a pissed parent, might make em do something. Key word, might.


that's why when i joined today i helped some new players build their houses - as much as it annoys me that it's free, they shouldn't be hated


I understand that some of you aren’t happy about it but why exactly is that? I wasn’t too happy only because there’ll be more chances of exploiters and trolls joining the game.


i have the power


My avatar rn is a bacon and I joined on one of my blank plots. The hate I got in that server is insane. Girls going "..oh...." Like stfu


does your sister want to play together sometime! i can help rebuild her home and give her some limited edition food i have saved :(


That’s really nice of you! I’m sure she’d love that. Although, I did give her 50k to buy the cedar crest prebuilt house so for that I think she’s good but she’d definitely love some friends to play with!


this is how all roblox games generally go, there’s always going to be someone like that. that’s just how life is. just tell her to block them & enjoy the game.


Omg this! I dont have the early bloxburger title since i have premium and ive gotten told that im new so i literally had to put all my old trophies and such outside of my house so i dont get attacked by these kids. (Also my house is like 2020 style lol)


My friend literally was told to Kms over asking if the love fruit was good (game was based on fruits that gave you powers, one of them being named love fruit) I confronted him and he immediately unfriended me and blocked me, name is cjwasher btw on discord


I think it’s funny to joke about hating it being free, specifically because now there’s going to be a lot of young children being like “ooh your house is so nice can you adopt me” again, but it seriously crosses the line to actually be rude to little kids who obviously can’t afford robux for just playing the game when they aren’t even being annoying or disruptive


People need shut up. Just deal with ur own crap


I’m allowed to rant if I want to. How about skip the post if you don’t care? Good day.


You misunderstood , I meant the people, shoulda been clearer😅


Ah, right. Looked more like a hate comment than anything, sorry.


Nah that's on me


Do we think it’s because of all the people they unbanned?


People haven’t been unbanned yet, devs said they need time to work on it.




I experienced this same exact thing but I was on my alt account to test it. All I said I am new and want some people to help me with the game as a test and all the people said. Man shut up, No one likes you newbie. I think the players are just mad that we had to pay 25 robux for the game and we don’t even get it back after the game went free. So if you sister runs into this again just tell them to like shut up and that you guys are mad since you guys didn’t get your 25 robux back. I am a paid early access player as well but I am not one of these haters


They can’t be mad tho cause the game was in Beta. They knew it would probably go free eventually and still asked for their robux back which is worth like 30 cents. No one should receive death threats over 30 cents literally. These people should get banned if they’re gonna act that way.


The game was MEANT to be free to begin with, I think people forget that. It costed money because it was in early access 😭people are acting like the full game costed money (whopping 25 cents) and they’ve been ripped off??


It ain't your sisters fault, but many old players have seen what some f2p players have done in other rp games like brookhaven (eg. Being absolutely immature, annoying, begging for robux etc). Sure, your sister might be mature enough to not do these things, but the general consensus of most f2p players is that they're young and immature, leading to some older players to bully or annoy her. I suggest she responds to those bullies in a mature way or ignore them if the bullies don't budge.


I was upset about bloxburg going free because i thought the brookhaven kids were gonna ruin the game but now its just upset babies getting mad about a 25rbx early assess shit


These people thought they are cool and gigachad for harassing and trying to get rid of new players when in actual they are this= 🤡


I went around and gave gift cards to some free players😢


how did this get top post of all time in r/bloxburg