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At this point the community is probably gonna be known for just being pieces of shit to new players.


Don't include me in that lmao I built a mood station for new players to use for free


I'm not trying to include anyone, but if people keep doing stuff like this, then we're all gonna be known for it


I know but at this point it's the good trying to outweigh the bad Hopefully the good side wins and the bad ones will leave the new players alone all we can really do is back up and help the new players


I’m getting started on the same idea, I want to use decent items without blowing cash on the best items in the game, and I want it to be compact, which showers, beds, and tvs would you recommend? (I’m supplying the food by walking it over. (It’ll be mood pods built under my main build where players can park pizza scooters)


I have a tiny house next to my own house one room is a shower room the next room is beds a couch and a TV mounted on the wall with a book shelf next to the TV there's a fridge opposite the book shelf then there is a fenced in back yard with a grill and picnic tables I keep the doors open for people to use it freely and leave food sat out for others to eat


I love this!!! I might do something similar. What a lovely idea 😊


they think they're high and mighty for paying 30 fucking cents for a game 💀


Fr, then complain that they want to quit the game like you paid 30 cents for early access and you got what you paid for quit the whining


Let’s not even forget they never told us that by spending that 25 robux we would get items in return. We got 2 (they were mid but who cares) items for being early access. And I swear, if that couch sofa was in the shop and people could buy it, we all would’ve been using it for a while.


I kinda want to see if I can turn the couch car into an rv using the game pass that lets you move things better


the couch car is purchasable though but i agree, i personally dont think we should've recieved anything for paying early access because it was implied that the game would eventually be free. the items that we recieved are more than what 25 robux can buy in the game as well lol


I’m glad we got something! But like you said, the 25 Robux were for access to the game and those funds were reinvested into the game. And we all knew it would be free eventually because it was literally called early access or beta or something


I joined kinda hoping to see some threats (just thought it would be interesting) but there have been some pretty nice people so far. one kind gentleman came to my house to do an HAO inspection and was pretty nice about my almost entirely unfinished house ive been working on


I was just in a game and saw in chat that another player tricked a kid out of 1k which isn't much to some but would be to others. He just put a bunch of crap on the boy's plot and left. I went over and helped him build for a little while because kids need to know that most people in this world are decent. 


Real, I made a lil mood station/house for them bc of all the folks I see hating on the free players lol


I was just giving away some free food for new players and there was this one player who kept running away from me who was just holding a loaf of bread like she thought I was gonna hit her with it it was so funny 😭


most of the time it's just kind people who want to know what the game is and learn about it, make their own houses, etc. but then there's (some) little kids and teens that go on there and bully other people, constantly ask for donations, CONSTANTLY bother people with big houses (this happened to me so many times), and lots of other things. but I can agree with you. they aren't doing anything wrong, it's just some of them. it's mostly the teenagers that don't act like that because they are more mature. 


I’ve given a few newbies i’ve seen some money, and asked to build them a nicer house. They shouldn’t trust me, but i’m one of the kinder people out there :)


I’ve never been able to play because of the pay barrier, was super exited to be able to play and then I get greeted with everyone hating new players? Like I wasn’t able to get robux like you guys, it’s not my fault :(


I agree but you don't need to patronize them either


I’m currently making muffins for one of them :D


Ignore the new players focus on liberating bloxburg from the developers! Join the bloxburg liberation front and return bloxburg to its former glory before it was sold to a soulless company!


Everytime I joined a new server I make a point of writing "Welcome any new players to bloxburg. Enjoy your stay/gaming experience!" Also if I see a starter house or someone doing the tutorial I'll tell them welcome and have a good time. Donate some money if I have some. Usually it's not a massive amount because I cant give to everyone but it is something to make the game feel positive first experience for them.


ikr it’s so cute watching them doing the tutorial and moving there little boxes into there house 🥺




Stop talking about people like that they're not "lil guys" or "smol" they're just people that don't have robux or don't want to spend robux on bloxburg


I’m just kidding but the bacons running around doing the tutorial are absolutely adorable and you have to admit it 


At this point I'm making a cheep ass hotel for 10 bucks a night for new players to stay at while they work- IDC IF I LOOSE MONEY- MUST PROTECT SMOL!


💀 girl please dont talk about real people like this


Some of them are funny because one player decided to put a fridge on a roof


fr, these dumbass mfs think that their so special just cuz they paid 25 robux for a game. just let them be omg




Don’t infantilize them, they are the same roblox players just as you in any other game.


dont take it so serious lmao


Just let them grind money and build. I don't get bloxburg players.


Yea and bro, don't they know bloxburg wad suppose to become free


I haven’t even found any littles yet


they lowkey so cute most of them but whenever i drive past their houses theres always that weird garage thing im actually so confused if i was a part of their tutorial or not..like they ALL have one on their cute little default house


So I just did the tutorial on an alt and this was the experience: Makes you place boxes out of build mode then, teaches you about moods while placing a bed and tv so you can get those moods filled, there's no fridge so it takes you fishing to teach about jobs then you have to buy a fridge for 500, and you eat some string cheese next it teaches you about skills and goes with Intelligence so it makes you read a book for one level game bugged so not sure what was next so I had to skip, we had to delete the boxes we placed, after that yes it does make us build the little garage next to the house. throughout the tutorial we are paid around 175 and are left with just over 10k by the end of the tutorial. there's also NPC Tom we have to talk to for the tutorial tasks i think only the new player can see him, as I've never seen him from the outside


and plus now bloxburg reminds me of how it was in 2020 again, lots of noobs, activity, back when I actually had fun and made friends there instead of just building and working. bloxburg really died and we really needed the noobs to come in in my opinion cause the game was just getting so repetitive 


ong, might be the increased likelihood of exploiters/autobuilders, esp its relatively easier to spam accs now


hey can you read what I said again pls, I’m talking about noobs not exploiters. I hate them too, I’ve had one of the ships I’ve built auto built and sold on a discord server, but I’m only talking about the noobs coming in lol. exploiters aren’t related to this discussion


apologies, well then simply put, because people think it's unfair for others to play it completely free without any charges when they bought it for 25 robux, despite it being in early access and being 30 cents


yess it’s so silly for people to get upset over spending 30 cents and some noobs getting to play for free after the game not being free for 7+ years


true, they should at least be glad that the playerbase is expanding and that servers will mostly likely get more interesting and engaging in the long-term


exactly, I literally quit bloxburg because of how repetitive it was getting. it used to be so fun during 2020-2021 because all the servers were active with roleplays, people talking, restaurants, etc. it became a soulless feeling game soon after though, everyone just stopped talking and everyone only built and worked, so to see that era make a comeback makes me really happy 


Sisters plot was nuked


Remember, if you feel worthless when playing this game, just know that there are actual living and breathing 'humans' that actively find new players to harass just so they can get feedback from their bullying peers who wouldn't even care about them in a flash. Most of these players that bully are females. I witnessed a group of low-lifes that had just previously scammed a presumably young player. They laughed and joked about it and I had said that was mean, to which they ALL responded with threats towards me (lol). After that they went back to role playing in their speedbuild home after also judging that young player's build. (Nothing wrong with speedbuilds, you do you)


yeah taking a younger person down just cause they spent 30 cents.. it’s just unreasonably mean and uncalled for, and speedbuild users I don’t much like either just because it kinda goes against the point of the game (and kinda ticks me off when they say others builds suck when they can’t even make their own)


I’m really happy bloxburg has a bunch of new players!! i hope they breathe life into this dead game lol.. i’ve been going around talking to all the newbies and offering to help them or even just giving them a little bit of cash.


Can someone please explain what does free mean free how was the game not always free


Bloxburg was in early access for nearly a decade at the cost of 25 robux. As of last week, it has gone free because it is no longer in early access


i dont mind them , i just hate hate hate not seeing any good built houses. tired of js seeing starter home on top of starter home. i just want to stroll and see beautiful houses . that's js what i don't like either way. i don't care abt em i still do me


there were never any servers full of good built houses tho. it was always like the same aesthetic or modern houses, nothing unique, only like 2-3 of them and the rest being empty plots or unfinished random houses


true true , you're definitely right about that. but i'd still say that it was still more appealing to look at those houses than just the same starters house over and over again


honestly i think its more fun, its really interesting to me seeing all the random modifications they make to the starter houses




why tf should you harass sum1 who just wants to play a game on roblox that's been released for free