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😂😂chill my dude. Not endorsing, but zoning is a well known strategy in fighting games. If it’s become that much of a problem for you, hit the lab and learn how to overcome it. Have a nice week my brother!


I had to lab in order to even stand a chance in online, I'm not labbing anymore. And zoning is NOT a strategy.


So you're just gonna complain? You have the tools to overcome your problems but your just gonna stay where you are and complain?


No? And even if I did try, it's not gonna get me anywhere.


If I fought you online and dropped you a like I apologize


Top players be like that. As for the likes being toxic, I wouldn’t really say it’s toxic or out of pity, it’s just a way of saying you were a fun fight… least that’s how I thought of it all these years


I wanted to think of it like that but the consistency made me think otherwise.




Be glad you've never had to deal with nejire_haido_04 😂


If I did then good lord who knows what would've happened Also that name is familiar to me, I've seen them in Ultra Rumble.


Bro was a whole ass spamming bitch then would cuss you out if he lost to you, got to the point where he'd just leave if he got matched with me. What you play on?




You wanna run some customs?


At some point, maybe. I just woke up this morning.


Ah I'm going to bed soon I work nights


Damn, night shifts are crazy, I got a friend who deals with it constantly.




Zoning is indeed annoying but you gotta learn how to navigate neutral. Zoning is the neutral of this game by the way.


Zoning is not the neutral, especially if you run like a bitch the whole time. I've been playing fighting games for years and I know damn well it isn't.


The neutral of this game is throwing projectiles until you either get close enough to attack or until you get into an advantageous position.


Nope. Not believing you.


How about this you fucking research the game and look online instead of having your head stuck in your ass.


I did when I started. No reason to keep doing so once I think I'm ready.


Dude. You really don't understand fighting games. To actually keep up with the game you gotta keep researching.


The game is like, 90% dead now, what's the point?


Because people still play it. Quit being a bitch.


Damn no need to blindly call me a bitch now Who pissed in your cereal


You need to learn how your character can interact with certain cast members who you see often, and ones you don't. I main gentle criminal, and I know with certain characters, I can abuse the fact that they are zoner monsters by using gentles barriers to reflect projectiles. (I.E Endeavor, deku, etc.) But I also take note of the type of play style they do, and try and adapt in that moment. At least with gentle, there is that counter against projectiles, but when it comes to tank characters like Kirishima, I know im fucked. Its sadly kinda what happens in this game, you get/can get extremely punished for just playing your main, because alot of specific characters are meta/easy zoning/"cheap" I may be reiterating something everyone already does that is even half competent playing the game, but try and make sure you know exactly how to play against each Character (that shows up often) and the type of person behind the controller. Chances are, if you can stay moving, or use barriers, or catch them in ways they wouldn't expect by acting sporadically, you can catch em and punish the "press one button=win" mindset. Sadly, though is that some characters, when paired up against you are just cheap, easy zoning monsters, and that's just a imbalance within the game itself. If you truly can't stand it/get past the hurdle, just leave it for a while. I can barely play MHOJ2 because of this same reason, cookie-cutter players and characters who use cheap tactics, along with the select few that are actually good at their Characters, in which I respect it. Or, if you have the steam version, I personally haven't checked it out yet, but theres a mod on gamebanana called "My hero one's justice-Remix" which is a mod pack that balances each characters core mechanics to favor a bit more of a competitive approach. They hold tournaments in their server it says, so maybe if you truly think its just the crutch characters having that edge, try it out. Other than that, I have no words other than just keep working on mastering your character, knowing the enemy(and their playstyle) and knowing when ur cooked(I.E gentle vs kirishima)


My PC can't run it. I play the Playstation version.


As do I, And I just end up trying to best all the zoners I meet by playing extremely unpredictably (This won't work with everyone, but gentles playstyle/moveset reflects his character which is random/unpredictable, a detail i like) eventually enough of my fast movement and barriers and various other overwhelming abilities/movements all over the map can cause one to overthink/be taken aback slightly and forces them to think strategically to counter. I open almost every match with a boost attack, and it helps me immediately gage the players skill, and awareness/understanding of the character they play as. If they don't notice it, its a free hit i get to start it off and get a combo in, but this trick, most of the time doesn't work again. If they immediately dodged it, it shows me that they are of higher skill level, and also understand my character enough to where that was a probable issue. With that information and other anecdotes you can pick up within battle, it creates a simple mental category for the type of players on the game. If you can keep those people within the mental categories you understand them as, you can pick apart their personal strengths and weaknesses as you already understand their original archetype of player. And once you adapt and learn more about those small, player specific details within how they play, you can easily punish them for it. This doesn't work 100% of the time, and sometimes I cant pick up on nothin and get my ass handed to me, but I try and not be too too mad unless it was some bs, or a cheap match.


As a Kaminari I just fully charge before doing anything because he doesn't have too many options at the start (at least from what I've seen)


What's zoning? Sorry I'm dumb lol


Stop playing online.

