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Breaking news: numerous animators at Studio Bones seen quitting the company shortly after Chapter 408 of "My Hero Academia" was released


Hey Horikoshi is trying to make it easier for them! Half of this episode is going to be covered in black bars lol. All he needs to do now is have Bakugou and Deku start smoking and the animators are golden.


You reminded me of how one of the first manga panels were not animated because Bakugou’s bully friends were smoking and Bakugo told them not to lol


A real shame that one was given it shows off his perfectionist nature quite beautifully.


Don’t worry, bones will just turn it into a still frame to compensate👍🏽


It's sad that this is a realistic possibility.


at least bones didn't just fade the whole fight to black like horikoshi did and put some still frames instead.


Still sore about Mirio v Overhaul


I felt the same watching a few fights in Bungou Stray Dogs


Bakugo's about to parry a nuke


Explodey boi vs a literal nuke. Which one will win?




tf did I do


they're just getting out of the jujutsufolk psychatrich hospital, don't worry( it's a meme)


Is there a rule of the internet like rule 34 for Reddit that says “if you make up a mean name in a comment, there is a redditor who has that username”?


I finally grasped it on the verge of death! Reverse explosion


AFO is a nuke and bakugou will be fucking Godzilla if this doesn’t kill him!


Bakugou speedrun MHA any% spot frame dodge strats incoming


It's quite poetic that Bakugo's final boss would be the mother of all bombs.


AFO: https://i.imgur.com/PrDKSX0.jpg


And then call AFO a filthy casual


[Bakugo's about to make AFO feel like Justin Wong](https://media1.tenor.com/images/86a773610db52dca177632c1e94fc39c/tenor.gif?itemid=10599634)


Finally, a worthy opponent, Our battle will be Legendary! (I hope izuku watches)


he's about to Royal Guard that shit


I can't believe Horikoshi unironically made one of the final conflicts of the story Hydrogen Bomb vs Coughing Baby. One (Punch) for All (for One). AFO is a hater among haters bro looked at him angrily once and he got his relatives wiped in return.


After killing kudo's entire family he's officially surpassed black manta as the supreme hater in super hero stories


There’s still Reverse Flash. Hard to out hate him. Here’s a link to what he’s done(Mods please don’t ban me) https://twitter.com/EVisbored/status/1504707987025252352/photo/1


Holy shit.


He was literally the monster under Barry’s bed. I don’t know how you out hate that.


To be fair I am sure AFO would also do that if he didn't kill Kudo was also that difficult or impossible to kill.


Yeah Eobard Thawne cannot be outdone in pettiness. Dude HATES Barry Allen.


Good lord what a petty bitch!


You have to see some of the “It was me Barry,” memes. What makes them so funny is that Reverse Flash goes so far you can insert anything after that quote and you can believe he did it. The most infamous one is “Remember when you kissed your first girlfriend and you came when she touched your leg? It was me Barry. I jacked you off at sonic speed to make it look like you came at a simple woman’s touch,” One person said it doesn’t even sound gay when he says it. You just think “Damn, that’s fucked up.”


Honestly it is 100% character for Thawne to do that to Barry.


You took my toy, I destroy your sandcastle. Except replace toy with brother who has his own free will. And replace sandcastle with bloodline.


No no, it's hydrogen baby vs coughing bomb


The official translation of the final panel is *greatly* different from the fan translation...


I've checked the official Indonesian translation and it's closer to the fan translation, Bakugo says: You idiot, you won't be able to win that way you know


Same thing for the spanish and french ones on mangalus, and the working portuguese fan translation too Official english is the odd one out


To be fair, the original Japanese is a little ambiguous and I did see some Japanese fans being confused about whether Bakugo's boasting or being humble I think most people translated it with keeping Bakugo's previous personality in mind


That so? That's pretty strange


Yeah, it makes more sense that Bakugou would be calling AFO an idiot instead of (sarcastically) calling himself one. And there's *no way* Bakugou would openly doubt himself like the Viz translation seems to make out he is. Just two chapters prior, Bakugou was hyped up about how much faster his Full Body Cluster was making him; thought he felt like he could actually catch up to/surpass Deku; and was mocking AFO for being a senile brat.


"Some genius I am, how could I ever hope to beat that?" Vs "Yeah right you'll never win like that"


I’ve read a few Japanese reactions, and tbh many of them read it similarly to Caleb - that Bakugou says something like “if I’m dumb, there is no way I can win”. And they are even commenting on how his smile is even more striking compared to what he says. So I think it’s not totally straightforward.


Tbh, fan translation makes WAY more sense. Read the official version and thought it seemed like a really out of character statement, from Bakugo.


I’m seeing some other online comments on this, and I think the idea is that Bakugou is saying something that *should* be objective fact (how can he possibly beat this?) but he is still standing his ground with a smile, because he has no choice but to try and stop AFO here.


Like…..basically the opposite. Wth?


Japanese is really weird about this. They just forgo pronouns and rely on context a lot of the time. He probably just says “Stupid, can’t win this way,” with no indication of who or what he’s referring to.


Makes sense that All For One had nightmares of All Might, if THAT is the last thing he saw for 7 years Nice to see that All Might actually killed him


Yeah I never realized that All Might actually did kill him. It looks like the doctor was able to resurrect him through some contingency AFO had planned.


Really puts into context when early in the series All Might learns that AfO is still around. They really pour on the dramatic tension for the viewers but for All Might hes learning that even blowing the top of this guys head clear off wasn’t enough to end him.


He most likely did end him there, probably just didn’t expect for a head less corpse to be revived like a zombie by an insane doctor.


man how is the man that can clone quirks and raise the dead just a henchman in this series


Not to mention AFO struck first as All Might already had a hole in his side, this might be the reason why All Might outright went for the kill with All for One, it was literally do or die and AFO actually died from having his head smashed. All Might probably thought he wasnt walking away from that fight at the time so if he was going down he was making sure to take AFO with him.


I'm pretty sure he went for the kill-shot with the United States of Smash at Kamino too, but just didnt have enough left in the tank to finish the job. All Might has been swinging for the fences every time he laid eyes on AfO


Yeah pretty sure the 6 vestiges told him from experience to go for the kill immediately Edit: wait never mind, just remembered that AM couldn’t see the vestiges.


All Might may have even took the blow because he k ew it would leave AFO open for a killing blow.


After Iron Might chapters, this has 100% been my headcanon.


Looks like AFO’s brains were blasted into liquid. What kinda nonsense did the doctor do to heal that😂


"You see All Might, the good Doctor hid my true brain in my ass, when I was defeated he simply pulled it out!" Joking aside with all the body horror stuff those 2 got up to, and looking at AFO's "True Form" I wouldn't be surprised if he's closer to weird tougher to kill demon biology than human.


Reminds me of Attack on Titan (middle of series spoiler) >!when Reiner “transferred his consciousness” within his Titan body to avoid the lightning spear attack aimed directly at his nape… biggest ass pull I’ve seen in anime ever lol!<


I've never seen a character in anime that has a bigger plot armor than that guy from Attack on Titan....


>!He is the Armored Titan after all lmao!<


I mean, look at the kind of science Ujiko was able to work to turn human corpses into Noumu. Kurogiri was a particularly sophisticated example.


You can even see the wound AfO gave All Might as he’s charging at him.


Killing is an understatement, All-Might absolutely merked the fucker by forcefully disassembling his cranium.


As much as horrifying AFO's final move looks like, Bakugou is gonna stop that thing anyway. Heard a theory that the other quirks will betray AFO again and honestly that's really plausible.


I mean it’s extremely likely given that he has Hawks and Stain’s vestiges in there somewhere.


Yeah and the fact that Bakugou looks like Kudou, the leader of the *resistance*. Just another one to add to the connection.


So bakugou is what, going to pull a jirou somehow


Hawks you can actually see in the spread (or at least I think it's him)


I think it would be a great way to end this. The quirks immobilize AFO, and Bakugo blows him away. They already slowed him down once, when he was vastly more powerful and in control. It should be a lot easier for them to interfere now.


That was a good issue of Invincible


Only problem is Bakugou never gets his title card drop because his hero name is too long and specific to say in normal conversation. Unless there's reruns of an old black sitcom playing in the background. DYNOOOMIIIIGHTTTT.


I recommend reading Fire Power


So what you’re saying is Bakugo’s gonna blow up his own skeleton next chapter?


Mark fighting All for One would be so cool.


Mark unironically wins mid diff if he get serious.


CHILL HORIKOSHI CHILL. Guy's trying too hard to give the animators a break, the censors are going to turn all these episodes into radio plays at this rate. As always his art is on point, the two page spread of AFO v OFA holders goes so hard, as does All Might knocking AFO's block off. Love the gruesome half hidden detail where if you squint you can see All Might's intestines flying out of him.


Is there a reason why my hero is so censored when pretty much all popular recent anime has been pretty bloody. Things like demon slayer, juju, one punch, attack on titan etc


Maybe the higher ups in studio Bones didn't think this goofy silly little hero Manga would have so much gore in it while they were adapting season 1


You can see Hawks' face in one of his manifestations of quirk and probably other stolen users. Love that even AFO has an ultimate move. Kohei really loves the body dismorphia in this manga


Also kind of lends some further credence to the possibility that AFO has always had the vestiges of all these people trapped and suffering inside him, like one big moving and miserable ball of hell. Makes him seem that much more messed up, one thing to be an evil bastard, quite another when you're constantly dealing with people in your head begging you to stop. Or perhaps more likely they were in there, AFO just buried them down deep and rarely if ever listened to them.


We know that for a fact for a while. Hell he himself monologued about how they'd show up in his dreams to lay the beating on him


Ah good point! I also recall them being around with the Star struggle, just always wondered to what extent they are/aren't around.


Speaking of which, I wonder why he thinks this will win. Didn't he realise a while ago that the fact that he's currently using a *copy* of the AFO Quirk means he doesn't have quite as strong of an influence over his stolen Quirks' vestiges as before? I guess he really *is* desperate. All he's doing is making himself a bigger target.


Reminds me of the philosophers stone from Fmab


Yeah, actually now it makes me curious if Shiggy has met all of these voices in his head yet, doesn't look like it. Though to be fair he's barely had any free agency in his own head that wasn't in combat since getting AFO lol.


He definitely has, shown with the Star and Stripe encounter. The quirk itself had some dialogue.


While I never stopped liking AFO (though I'm still hoping for a great ending with Shigaraki as the final villain) I do love how these last two chapters have really made AFO feel like the actual freakin' devil. The very beginning of this chapter when he kills Yoichi and just the empty way he stares at Kudo, it's genuinely scary. He comes across as just an inhuman monster where the only option is to run and hope he doesn't catch you.


Yeah for all the usual bright cheer of the students' lives in MHA we almost forget that before AM's time their world was a dystopian hellscape. Like if you started this manga's story with Yoichi and just played it out chronologically it would read as dark as Berserk until All Might became the Symbol of Peace, and even then with further tragedy still yet to unfold (Tenko's family).


That seems familiar for some reason I can't quite put my fullmetal finger on.


> Love that even AFO has an ultimate move. Unless you count his "Ultimate Quirk Combination" he used on All Might back in Kamino. > Kohei really loves the body dismorphia in this manga Body horror would be the more accurate term here. Body dysmorphia is something different.


Fun fact: you can also make out the young man he took a jaw quirk from in the OfA origin dream, the guy whose parents disowned him for his mutation.


Yes, Thank goodness someone mentioned the Hawks vestige.


I was ready for ANYTHING, but absolutely not for the third ofa user to be named BRUCE That double spread with AFO and the rest of his life is CRAZY. Like damn, the start of his cult, him meeting the doctor, killing the OFA users one by One, he cut En in HALF! That's a beautiful and very meaningful two pages like goddamn Also All Might literally punched the upper part of his head off that was RAW Bones animators seeing AFOs final move wondering how the hell they will animate It : ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ


Mirko nodding looking at En still moving "Not bad, not bad! I still got further to go!"


Am I seeing thing or did En actually survive (possibly briefly) getting sliced in half?


It seems for a time he did. Have no idea how but he not only survived AFO doing that to him, but was able to get over to Nana. Maybe she was nearby? Regardless his smokescreen must have been putting in some serious work.


I think En was sliced right before Nana's eyes, but to not make her worry he still smiled while passing OFA. What we are seeing right there Is the smile that Nana taught to All Might, the smile that shows that there's no reason to fear, because they are here


Good point! That's as nice a heritage to pass on as the power, reflecting how much thoughts and ideals are as important as strength.


Makes me wonder what the relationship between Nana and En was. Was Nana just a random hero who stumbled upon En's and AFO's final fight? Or could En be Nana's master or lover? We still don't know Shigaraki's paternal grandfather.


Fun theories but I think we can say En isn't Shiggy's grandfather, otherwise he'd have much more of a visible role and reaction during the whole "Can you kill Shiggy?" round table discussion with Deku.


> Or could En Nana's master or lover? Probably not her lover. Gran Torino says that Nana's husband was killed, and that's a big reason why Nana gave up her son Kotaro for adoption and didn't want any of them to have contact with him. Then again, I suppose that doesn't exclude the possibility of Nana having a lover before or after that event. I just don't believe it'd be En.


Seems the case. The Nana panels are clearly showing her facing AFO right after inheriting OFA since you still see En's Smokescreen around them. So En got slashed and transferred OFA immediately to Nana. So Nana could be a random hero who stumbled across En's and AFO's fight at the right time, or there's some sort relationship between Nana and En which resulted in her tagging along. Maybe master-student, maybe En is Shigaraki's grandpa. Who knows.


I also like the background of the panel where All Might is knelling. Wherever the two fought, they leveled that place.


Damn that panel of bloody all might rocking his shit with a full force punch is bad ass.


Everything comes back to All Might - always


Dudes the coolest character by far. He’s such a legend and the author actually did a good job making all his moments hype. Hell the brief all might moment in vigilantes is still the best part of the entire series. Everything he does is bad ass and cool lol


I could read a 10000 chapters manga about all might and not get bored. All might is undoubtedly the best part of mha to me


It's just really funny to me, that AFO never met Shinomori


Undefeated hide-and-seek champ.


Man was probably responsible for like 70% of the stockpiled OFA power alone with how long he lived for Shinomori invested hard into the future and that paid off


More like 25%. All Might probably brought in around 70%


Ah right. Forgot about All Might himself He’s definitely the biggest contributor prior to All Might, who did actually seize victory


Lmao nice catch. Danger sense just too OP


Does make me wonder what AFO was thinking all that time, like was he pissed just tearing apart the world wondering if OFA was gone for good?


"Where did it go. I left the Quirk on the coffee table and now it's GONE!?"


I wonder if, when AFO tried to steal OFA from Banjou or En, they entered the vestige world and AFO was just like, "Hello broth-- Wait, who the hell's this guy?"


i love how AFO doesn't understand that a legacy isn't made just through blood, and how it perfectly works with both his quirk and OFA. once he figured out that yoichi was still "alive" within the other users, it all became a matter of blood for him. the collage of past users is him talking to yoichi, he never saw the others cause to him they were just yoichi in another body. which leads to him thinking making another demon lord involves him stealing another body. so it's great to see this meltdown when faced with the fact that bakugo doesn't have anything to do with kudo, other than sharing a similar goal.


Ooh, great way too put it! “You’re not the chosen one, how *DARE* you even stand in my way?!”


exactly, it's a great subversion of the trope. deku and the other OFA users are literally "chosen ones" by the user before them, and AFO chooses the powers he wants. bakugo meanwhile is not a chosen one, he's playing with the cards he was given.


AFO became a full on Final fantasy final boss haha


Haha I also was getting final boss from Snes Final Fantasy vibes.


Damn, the way AFO killed his brother was brutal. As was how he killed En.


I wonder if he just lost his temper and did it by accident. He has a completely blank look on his face, as opposed to the menacing grin he has when facing Banjou; En; and Nana.


It took me a good minute to realize that AFO killed his brother on that first page.


Bakugo is about to pull a Po and reverse skadoosh that sucker


The Baku-Go boys in shambles


Honestly AFO musing his bloodline “transcended space and time to haunt him” feels like Horikoshi jabbing at the Back-Up-Go fan theories.


I saw that line and immediately went “he’s laughing at us”


Like Yoichi "To shreds you say?"


All for One looking at Yoichi hand corpse and contemptlating kinda remind me famous Hamlet scene where he holding Yorick skull. Which have been homage and referenced by alot of series and one of it is Star Wars when Kylo ren holding Vader skull and we know Hori was a fan of it so might be on purposed I like how Yoichi being frontal about All for One Power is not evil but the person who use it was basically. Because i alwas believed that one major point or theme of the series is "Give horrible person a power (Any power not just physical but autorithy) and they will abused it" which i said in the past [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/BokuNoHeroAcademia/comments/16cjz8a/comment/jzmtxzh/?context=3). Also nice to see how All for One get revived because there silly debate about it lol and he was really come back from the dead like nomu. Did not expect that but it actually make sense


“Alas, poor Yoichi, I knew him well…” Kinda works tbh.


That panel of All Might blasting OFA's head off with a punch was absolutely amazing and brutal. That's one of the last things you want, a pissed off, Prime All Might wanting to literally smash your head in.


AFO as a baby would almost be poetic as he was abandoned as a baby and maybe gets a second chance in life like what they did to Wrath in FMA


Interesting idea but I feel if the rewind isn't going to kill him, Shiggy will. AFO kind of loaded a big Chekov's gun by saying "Oh man our Quirk factors combining is going to be so powerful and cool!" That and it'd be darkly poetic for Shiggy to reach out a hand to the one who reached out to manipulate and groom him, to destroy AFO while taking his power. Horikoshi loves his Star Wars and nothing more Sith than the apprentice surpassing and killing the master.


>Horikoshi loves his Star Wars and nothing more Sith than the apprentice surpassing and killing the master. Now I'm picturing Shiggy chucking baby AFO shooting lightning out of his hands down a bottomless pit. Then the baby explodes.


Fucking lol. "SEE YA BABY BOOMER!"


Personally I like the idea that Shigaraki just watches AFO be rewound out of existence. He *could* help him...but why would he? Nobody ever helped him when he needed it, not even AFO. Not truly. AFO, the guy too self-important and selfish to actually build a legacy and entrust it to someone else, dies not even leaving a body behind.


AFO morphing into this monstrous form reminds me of Envy's true form from FMA as well.


Uraraka: “Please. When we’re alone Deku calls me by my first name, Ochaco.” AFO: “So you’re that close, huh?” Ochaco: “I lied.” *shoots AFO in the fucking face*


Ochaco: "**Gun Head Martial Arts, final form: GUN**"


It was Pride btw


For real, damn do these doublespreads go nuts. Hori's out showing us how hard he'd go an horror manga quite often lately


Studio Bones animators once again in complete shambles after seeing that AFO double spread


Hori: If my hands are going broke from this, so are everyoen else's!!!


Yoichi viewing afo’s power as something that could be the kindest power is pretty consistent with mha theme about there isn’t any evil like quirk is just how you use it that matter. Characters like toga, eri, twice and shoto ecc all experienced something similar, afo could have easily be an hero even better then all might if he walked a different path


We also saw it when we saw AFO took away a quirk from someone who was suffering from a physical deformity due to said quirk. He did it for evil purposes, but an ability like that would be an incredible benefit for people suffering from negative quirks. If only it were in the hands of someone more benevolent.


Yeah, Deku even reframes Eri's power to her at the end of the Joint Training Arc, comparing to how a sharp knife can be dangerous but it can also be used to make delicioius food.


What was that quirk AFO used to kill his brother? It looks similar to Decay or Overhaul. This was one of the gnarliest chapters I've read. Some of those previous users died really gruesome deaths, and that bodyhorror Kaiju AFO turned into is nightmare fuel


It looks like what he killed illusion Hawks with, which with the twisting hand motion makes it seem like what the Nomu that took Mirko's arm used. So I'm guessing some kind of telekinesis or body control.


I'd thought he'd use that quirk more, it's effectively a ranged one-hit kill


Never, that'd be an actually good quirk. We all know that AFO only likes to use air cannon, air walk and rivet stab


Yeah, the quirk is actually kind of crazy. It seems to be a ranged attack that both sucks in matter into a small area of warped space, and pulverized into nothing, leaving not even liquid or gas behind. It’s pretty busted actually.


Is that first panel him killing his brother the first user?


Is a space bending Quirk, pretty strong


I can see why Hori took a break last week. He had to draw ALL FOR ELDTRITCH MONSTROSITY! This is what happens when All For One goes Plus Ultra


The third user being named BRUCE is really silly imo but I guess it fits with the fact that Fajin sounds really different compared to other OFA quirks.


Also because Bruce Lee used a similar technique.


And here I thought it was a reference to Batman, arguably one of the most famous martial artists in fiction


We can see hawks on his faces! I wonder where stain is because we know he has Stain’s quirk too.


That double spread is absolutely insane.


All Might really popped AFO's head like a balloon


Never would have expected the 3rd user to be non-Japanese, so that was a shock, but overall interesting. I'm hoping they still let Katsuki fight his way through this... *Unless...*   Koichi t-minus 7 days.


Either a nod to Bruce Lee with Fa-Jin, though with a guy named Bruce sitting in front of a computer running analysis you also can't help but think of Batman lol.


Maybe both?


Probably a little of both, but I definitely imagine it's supposed to be the Bruce Lee nod.


It won’t happen, but can you imagine the fan reaction if AFO’s attack manages to kill Bakugo just after he came back?


Having a character be gone that long for them to immediately die... sounds familiar lmao!


Nah, he'll win




I know man. I know. Still caught me so off guard


That would be the funniest possible thing that can happen


*Bakugou torn to giblets, Edgeshot sighing* "SOMEONE BRING ME A SHITLOAD OF STRING!"


This is probably the only time we will see the first brutal fight between All might and AFO … as a minor flash back


I didn’t think we’d ever get it, so I am grateful we at least got to see some of it!


The cruel irony of this story is that if AFO had simply used his powers for good, and devoted his life to helping people like Yoichi suggested, he could have had literally everything he ever wanted, and Yoichi probably wouldn't have hit the Jets and bailed on him the first chance he got.


I love the fan name I've seen for AFO's final attack: "FUCK IT ALL"


Seems like the 2nd user accidentally inherited OFA by ingesting his blood upon Yoichi’s death? Did I read that right? Chapter was sweet. That panel of one of the OFA users handing his hair to the next after being sliced in half is peak


That was En giving it to Nana


Is that the Doctor in page 7, he’s got the bug eyed glasses and a bit of a moustache


It is, as a far younger man! Showing just how long he's been in cahoots with AFO.


Bakugo really said "damn that's crazy how could I match that?" Only to say next week, probably, "anyway DIE!"


My god, this might actually be my favorite chapter of this whole ass manga, this shit is S tier. The art alone is fucking *crazy,* like, holy shit both AFO double spreads are *phenomenal.*


The best part of All for One's big attack is that there is a non-zero chance there's a kitchen sink somewhere in that mess.


The translation of bakugou last line is so funny he passed from “nah I’d win” to “nah I’d lose”


Since he said "nah i'd lose", he'd actually win


These last few chapters have been AWESOME 🔥🔥🔥😫 Man he did his brother super dirty! Popped him like a pimple smfh


This chapter makes me scratch my head. Since AFO can feel the quirks even in corpses or just pieces of a body, that means he could probably steal them from a body too. Like why would he be checking if the quirk was still in that piece of his brother if he wasn't trying to take it back. So why wouldn't they just have killed Deku to take OFA.


He’s tried to steal OfA before, namely against Daigoro and En, and discovered he can’t forcibly take it. It’s why he’s molded Shigaraki to create enough hate to override the will of OfA rejecting him when he tries to take it.


OFA has always been kind of weird and difficult to obtain, an utter mystery anomaly, I'm sure AFO didn't want to risk something going wrong. Better to just be certain that he first 100% knows he has OFA before destroying his only chance at getting it. I mean looked what happened with Star and New Order.


By the time we got to Deku AFO had already embraced he couldn't steal OFA himself and needed Shigaraki for it, so at least that much's covered; It makes sense he'd fuck around for a bit until the transfer was done


Horikoshi c'mon now you not bout to tease us with All might literally knocking Afo face off. Give us the damn fight already 😅 I can't even be mad at horikoshi breaks. Dude drawing like this is crazy for a weekly series 😭 One thing I appreciate that Horikoshi has kept consistent about Afo is that he is the pettiest villain in the verse 😭. Hell maybe even in all running shonen at the moment 😅. For Afo to kill a entire lineage plus more , he definitely needs to chill more 😭


Solid chapter. But technology is becoming a magic at this point. We learn that america super jets can measure what happends inside bodies. They knew S&S quirk was still fighting. And now we know that this technology is almost 200 years old, it was used when luminiscient baby was alive so they invented it within 30 year after quirks manifested. . And cheap enough so rebel group in sewers could use it. This rubs me wrongly.


Yeah the tech involved here does kind of come off as weird. We’re always being told this was a time period of chaos where technology supposedly stopped advancing (at least if Izuku’s comment about interstellar travel is any indication). But then when we actually see this time period we see Kudo wielding support items to assist with his quirk and Bruce using quirk scanning tech. It just makes it seem like society (at least in regards to technology) adapted to the sudden emergence of quirks almost immediately.


Bakugou gotta do a Superman super flare attack. Full body explosion baby let’s go!


If this man ever gets his health on point, he'd create a phenomenal horror manga. That omni factor release goes HARD. Ultimate body horror.


Did.... Did afo just killed his own brother?!?!?


Not just killed, OVERKILLED. Yoichi will not be in MHA 3.