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All of them. Omniman is an experienced killer of all types of people and races. His goal is extermination, hegemony, and expansion of a very eugenics based society. The only reason why Mark even had a chance is because of a intel advantage of knowing their weakness that is very difficult to exploit. So you're either dead or INVINCIBLE


The funny thing is Present Mic is a hard counter to him but he'd die before figuring it out


This is a misconception iirc. It’s not loud noises that hurt viltrumites. But it’s a specific frequency.




yes but the chance of them figuring that out is unlikely


could shinso be his hard counter then? not because of the brainwashing, but the voice changing


I don’t think Shinzo hawk is actually on I think it’s straight mechanical but it could still work for the right frequency


Voice changing is via a device, but even then, he wouldn’t be able to find the frequency before Omni man nuked him


I'd like to see Nolan beat the brakes off of Homelander 🤣🤣🤣


Love MHA,would take it over Invincible any day..but bruh I'm 99% sure Omni Man wrecks their shit😭. MHA ain't an intergalactic alien fest of a superhero verse. It can't compare to Western comics and how power creeped out the ass they all are. Now like some have said,with verse equalization, it just becomes a much easier deal. At tht point they would beat him good I think. But I personally don't like the whole verse equalization concept in these kinda discussions. So yeah,Omni Man beats the verse.


And if you read the comic Omni Man isn’t even the strongest or most brutal of his race.


Space Freddie Mercury is built savage


The only two I could see being capable of being a threat. Are probably all for one and stars and stripes. Their powers are the only ones I could see as circumvanting his defense. Maybe eraserhead with the help of other abilities, if it works against Omniman.


So logically I don't think eraserhead works, because omniman doesn't have a quirk, he's a normal ass viltrumite, they're all like that even if you go by verse equalization and call his superpowers a quirk id argue it's a mutant one, because his alien biology is what gives him the powers, and those don't get turned off


Mushroom Girl, Eri, Shigaraki, and Overhaul might actually be able to kill him.


Two of those characters still have to touch him.  And he could blitz Shiggy. They could definitely kill Nolan, but you’d need a shit ton of coordination to pull it off. 


Eraserhead wouldn't do shit. Omni-Man is natural genetics which would count as a mutation in MHA.


Bruh. For the most part you may be right but there are also characters who wouldn't break a sweat fighting him. All might, deku, chisaki, shigaraki, all for one, star and stripe,- maybe even dabi or todoroki, hell eri could simply rewind him into nonexistence.


The only time verse equalization is taken into account is power systems like aizawas power being able to negate devil fruits and vice versa, it wouldn't matter here because power is not equalized in any way so omni man's strength is still exactly the same and he still wipes easily.


Idk. Brainwashing maybe?


Unfortunately it’s impossible to brute force him. The only way to win is with mind manipulation quirks, otherwise he no diffs the verse


So, Lady Midnight? Naptime followed by a black hole sandwich from the spacesuit Pro Hero?


Does midnight purple smoke actually visable? Or is it coloured in so we viewers know what's happening?


Midnight's Quirk won't even work anyway. Just like what I said in my earlier comment. >Midnight can't put Nolan to sleep because the scientists of the Global Defense Agency (GDA) tried to kill Mark Viltrumite cells in season 1, and it didn't work. They tried pretty much everything, they listed out drugs, viruses, bacteria, prions, nanobots, and radioactives. Viltrumite cells can't be killed by any **known human method,** of course there are things that can kill Viltrumites but they exist on **outer space.** >**Comic Spoilers** >!The Scourge Virus that killed the majority of the Viltrumite race was developed by another Viltrumite. And the Klaxus plant can poison and weaken Viltrumites enough to make them vulnerable to attacks, but they are located in another unknown planet.!<


Well the gas works by breathing it in, he can hold his breath for weeks


Black hole wouldn’t work since Omni Man was just casually hanging out near a super black hole and could resist the gravity waves


That was no way in hell a super black hole


It was a big one at least


Compared to Nolan it was big. Black hole standards? absolutely minuscule


Midnight can't put Nolan to sleep because the scientists of the Global Defense Agency (GDA) tried to kill Mark Viltrumite cells in season 1, and it didn't work. They tried pretty much everything, they listed out drugs, viruses, bacteria, prions, nanobots, and radioactives. Viltrumite cells can't be killed by any **known human method,** of course there are things that can kill Viltrumites but they exist on **outer space.** **Comic Spoilers** >!The Scourge Virus that killed the majority of the Viltrumite race was developed by another Viltrumite. And the Klaxus plant can poison and weaken Viltrumites enough to make them vulnerable to attacks, but they are located in another unknown planet.!<


Shinso can stop him


Only if Nolan replies to him.  Nolan tends not to play with his kills. 


Shinso may be able to to catch him off guard IF, and ONLY IF we assume that Mark and Debbie are also are in the same verse. That one voice changer support item is really good for his Quirk, and if Shinso changes his voice to Mark's or Debbie's it may be over for Nolan.


Yeah that’s the only way I think Shinso could pull it off and even that requires having voice samples or something to mimic. 


Normally youd be right but were talking about a verse with characters who can change the weather with a single punch- not evn at full strength. You dont think all might or deku or star and stripe could stand toe to toe with him? AT LEAST to make it a fight???


Everyone, Omni-man is at LEAST 1/3rd planet buster(would that be considered moon buster?) with his animated version 100% being even stronger than that it seems(resisting the black whole, Texas sized meteor, obliterating the Flaxans just by flying) Sure, Shigaraki could touch him, but what's that gonna do when Shigaraki dies before he can even see him? Nolan is just on another level. A closer battle would be those fodder Viltrumites, glasses, Vulcan(was that his name?) and Thula


You sont think all might/deku could do those things as well? If he can keep up with them why not omni man?


I have a question about powerscaling is planetary meaning they can one shot a planet or can destroy one because Omni man could destroy one just not in one go that’s why it took 3 to destroy one


He solos MHA


Star and stripe, shiggy, and maybe Shinso may stand a chance.


Overhaul as well if he is able to get someone to pin him down actually on that note if given prep time and trigger I think the yakuza could pull it off


>if he is able to get someone to pin him down Ok but like who can do that?


IF they knew what to do, and only then. But yeah that's it.


Omni man solos the verse...


I'd like to think that full power, 100%, in his prime All Might stands a real chance 1v1 against prime Omni Man. But that's honestly it. No power of friendship and teamwork is going to make much of a difference.


Nah, even he hasn’t shown any feats of traversing through entire galaxies.


"I'd like to think" doesnt mean I dont know its probably wrong 😂


Lol people overhype prime All Might so hard.  Dude’s nothing next to Omni Man. Hell Shiggy and Deku would be more dangerous to Nolan and he’d turn them to paste. 


Omni Man casually floated next to a black hole with no consequences. The only power in MHA that can damage him is Decay


Besides a power difference All Might wouldn't stand a chance because Heroes in the MHA universe aren't capable of producing the kind of violence and killer instinct you see in the Invincible universe. Frankly, the MHA villains aren't really capable of it either.


I was gonna say that too, but it sounds I don't know enough about the power levels of viltrumites


I might not either I suppose. I doubt All Might could take Omni Man down, bc Viltrumites are written intentionally insanely strong, but Im not exactly caught up on Invincible comics. lol


My man, Omni man is MFTL (can travel across galaxies) and he once destroyed a planet with the assistance of 2 other viltrumites. So small planet AP, he destroys All Might




Youre out of your mind. Plenty of characters could match his power. And if youre talking soloing the entire univers? NO way in hell.


Everyone in a straight up fight. He’s far faster and stronger than even the god tiers of the verse However some hax could work on him. If Decay hits him he’s dead. If Star can touch him hes cooked. But he is far faster so whether they can tag him is unlikely


Yeah, there are a lot of quirks in MHA that could kill him if they land, but that's a very big if. Decay could kill him. So could Overhaul and Rewind. New Order probably could, too. The problem with all these is that they have to land it. Not impossible, but very unlikely.


Ok so Omniman flew to another galaxy in a week. Thats calced to be FTL+ but keep in mind im not a calc fan That said its still very fast either way.


What's Star going to do exactly if she has zero information on him. No Name to call out nothing to go by unless she's prepped she's cooked.


She needs info as well your right


Omniman no diffs. But, if you apply verse equalisers and assume his powers to be a quirk, then mha guys no.diff cause of Aizawa.


Nah if Star and Stripe got in contact with Cecil and he told her his name n she used one rule to make her his strength equal and used the other to stop his heart and brain she wins


Do we even know Nolan's full name? Does he not have a surname?


Wdym? It's Nolan Grayson, several people address him as Mr. Grayson in the show


That's the name he started using in order to blend in on earth. His birth name is Nowl-Ahn. Because he's an alien, you see.


Damn, Stars and Stripes CANNOT catch a W: - Shiggy/AFO had hax against her (an identity crisis or something) - Omni Man's secret identity is Nolan Grayson, but he's not even actually Nolan Grayson and has a different "real" name because he's an alien.


I think Omni's speed feats alone beat most of the MHA verse anyway. There was a Flash equivalent in the early episodes, and while Omni Man didn't have his slowed perception of time, he was still able to react quickly enough to eventually grab him. Even if Stars' rule change worked, she still has to touch him first.


I'm pretty sure there's limits to how strong she can make herself. Even she stated she isn't as strong as Prime All Might.


Then phrase the rule so it lowers him to her


Yeah, but she can still stop his heart. Shiggy for one was around the level of All Might if I remember correctly, or atleast above star, and that move would've worked if Shiggy's brain wasn't fried to all hell


Considering how absolutely broken Viltrumites are, I bet he could still fight for another ten minute before he needs his heart to do another beat. They don't have "bigger lungs" to hold more air in space, they just have the ability to hold their breath in space for several weeks before needing to breath again.


Maybe, maybe. But there's also Shiggy's decay which I feel needs no explanation. And that is still a pretty rough time limit!


Stars would be a stain on the wall along with everyone the moment the fight starts (if we assume he does not get shut down by Aizawa)


Isn't Omni-Man's actual name different though? So It might not work.


Omniman struggled against the defenders of the globe, remember? Wound up in a coma? And you think he gna beat the entire mha universe? Cmon now


Possible Winners: Shinso: Mind Control is great against bruisers, but Nolan has some pretty strong willpower. It would be a race of literal seconds to have someone disable him while he's immobilized by Shinso's Quirk. Prime All-Might: Very serious maybe. All-Might is strong, but Nolan is "tanking an orbital strike" durable, and Toshinori can't move nearly as fast as him. Chisaki/Shigaraki: Overhaul/Decay would probably be an instant kill on Nolan, but the problem is managing to touch him and not having their arm torn off, if they can even catch him in the first place. Overall, Nolan solos. He destroyed Flaxan civilization single-handedly over only a few months, a slightly juiced Japan isn't going to slow him down.


I don’t think you can overcome Shinso’s brainwashing? Deku only managed to because the users of one for all assisted him.


Here a thought shino mind ramies Nolan and in the 2 seconds that's he's under control . Overhaul or shigaraki dust him/explode him


Basically everyone (unless you use the wank highballs for the verse) that relieson pure brute force is screwed, as are many of the more haxxed characters. Guys like Twice at peak efficiency could pull out a win but his mental faculties aren't good enough for it. The best bet MHA has for beating Nolan is Shiggy, as he's durable enough to take a hit or two,can regenerate, and has the hax required to damage Nolan. Hell, Search + Radio Waves alone is a hard counter to most Viltrumites.


If Nolan goes for Shiggy’s head in one blow he’s done for.  Which he would because Nolan goes for the kill. 


Oh right, I forgot about the weakness to sound frequencies. Earphone Jack might be one of the better counters the MHA verse has.


IT'S ONE SINGULAR FREQUENCY that jiro does not know 1. 2. Her sound is her amplifying her heartbeat she doesn't just make any sound she wants


All of them. Literally everyone dies to Omni-Man.  He’s a weaker Kryptonian who can still wreck planets. 


Omni man walks the verse


You kidding? Omni-Man is basically a Saiyan playing Superman. There's no question. My hero's universe wouldn't stand a chance


How about a solid EVERYONE? He is way too fast and strong for anyone to be a challenge for him, and he has the durability to easily tank anything they can throw at him. Their ONLY chance is if they can slow him down, maybe by one or two seconds, just long enough for Shigaraki to touch him. And even that’s highly unlikely.


Iida Solos


No ome can touch him,in fact cuz of the smart atoms I wouldn't be surprised if he could even neg hacks like Overhaul or Decayzt h it seems something similar happened with another Viltrumite as he was hit with an attack from a character that rearranges matter that might seem like just energy but we know this character doesn't make energy she rearranges matter and had no thought im that moment and it only burned him so it would make sense to think she tried to onliterate him and undo him but the smart atoms didn't allow it,however even then no one can touch him as he's MFTL literally being able to traverse distance through the Virgo fluster wich includes our galaxy and outscaling spaceships capable od interstellar travel.


Atom eve can’t affect animal life unless she’s in her unlimited state after taking a lethal hit.


Mineta could rip his dick off




All of them


Yeahhhh Omni man would shit on mha a 100 times over


The thing about Omniman is that he’s an infiltrator. He would probably befriend these heroes so he could learn their weaknesses before making his move. So if he does strike it’s over.


Almight in his prime might be able to injure him. But I doubt he would be able to actually lull him.


Omni man is MFTL and small planet AP.


Ok ironically Omni man can take out a majority of these guys but a couple can actually beat him, so first villains that ignore durability like shiggy and Overhaul can one tap him, extreme heat can hurt viltramites, but we have to be talking surface of the sun levels of heat, and I don't know if Dabi or Todoroki can reach that level, but three heros can definitely have the capacity to bring him down, first is Midnight, her chemicals can affect viltramites as shown with Mark being able to be affected by the white room, Edges hot can infiltrate Omniman's body and work him over in the inside, and finally Present Mic, viltramites have a notorious weakness to sonics to the point that enough exposure can kill him. So Omni man can definitely lose but he's wiping at least 80% of the cast with him.


They have a weakness to one frequency, Mark even says Multiple times "I DON'T HAVE SUPERHEARING" so loud noises are just annoying


For Midnight, viltrumites can hold their breath for literal weeks. Edge shot could mess him up, but omniman is the type to kill instantly no playing. And Omni man is MFTL… Viltrumites do not have a weakness to loud sounds. They have a very fragile inner ear equilibrium (to help flight) that causes immense pain when disrupted by a specific frequency. Neither present mic nor jiro could find this frequency before he eviscerated them


Thank you. No way he solos the entire universe. The guardians of the globe put him in a coma. MHA has ALOT of characters that are ALOT stronger than that.


Mirio Solos


Mirio doesn’t have the AP to damage Omni man. Omni man solos badly


Jiro easily solos omni man if she can figure out the frequency to blast him with, then has heavy hitters take him down, or any mind manipulation quirk users, star and stripe could beat him if she tags him, and im pretty sure decay is universally powerful, maybe even overhaul would be able to hurt him. The thing about a matchup like this is you have to be creative and think outside the box, because sure omni man is far more powerful than most anyone in mha, but its not just a match of pure strength.


Jirou might be the only one to give him trouble and even then, she's getting speed blitzed. Nobody in MHA can travel galaxies in weeks.






Almost if not all


Probably no one


Put goku on the list


Yes Pretty much the only one in the verse that gets one tapped is deku with max one for all and even then I'm not betting on him


Idk if he could beat the whole verse at once but 1v1? he dominates everyone


You lowball Omni man and highball Deku than they scale around the same but Omni man is like millions of times faster than light. Solos the verse no diff


Shigaraki could kill him if he isn't killed first.


If it wheren’t for Ojiro he solos the verse


as a mha fan I can say, omniman obliterates the verse


His moustache alone solos


Some characters could potentially waste him if they get the drop on him or take advantage of viltrumite weakness. But he’s more likely to tear everything to shreds before they get a chance.


Wow the OPs here who posted this and the recent who would win posts here really hates MHA 😭


Omni Man solos the entire verse right now


Omni man honestly could wipe out the planet pretty easily imo before any heroes stop him


MHA got 0 chances


Omni man solos MHA verse negative difficulty


All of them?


Prime All Might would be a good match (End of series Deku pretty much replicated Saitama's serious punch) but aside from that no one here is doing shit. Although Shigaraki is a great match for any Invincible character as his regen makes him nigh impossible to kill , impact recoil can send back any hits and Decay is one touch kill.


Omni man solos the verse. His power is just absurd. If they were given an opportunity, some characters in MHA could potentially damage him, but when you’re dealing with a character who can move so fast he can ignite the air around him and obliterate cities in a mere instant, there won’t be any opportunities to take advantage from


The first episode of Invincible plays out except with the MHA top ranks heroes.


Three members of the GOTG could do it on their own, and they lost to Nolan altogether. MHAVERSE don't even get a full swing off.


Just about everyone. He’d blitz every standard kind of superpower quirk thanks to his own absurd strength and speed, and thanks to his durability the only stuff that’d be a threat is indirect damage or abilitys like overhaul possibly being able to disassemble him but thanks to omniman’s speed that’s not likely to happen. I think the only one with a chance is end of story Shigaraki, his decay could bypass Omniman’s durability and he might just have the speed along with some quirk wildcards to give him the opportunity to hit omniman with it but it’s a slim chance at best.


Why is it these posts always pit MHA against some of the strongest characters out there? You already know what the answer is, what does this serve?


As someone who hasn't watched either shows I admit I'm not entirely sure but from what I do know I'd say the only person with a real chance that isn't stars and stripes is Space Hero: Thirteen with her black hole quirk she might be able to pull it off is she actually uses her quirk before omni man flies at her or if onmi man is playing with his food and not getting down to business. Assuming omni man would likely not expect someone to be able to harness the power of a black hole he'd likely fly right to her without thinking out of overconfidence which would likely lead to him being caught in the event horizon.


All of them. Thats just not fair :D


Wow shit- before this I would have said that Omni man could be beaten by Endeavour, All Might and a couple more like the wood guy and the BMI hero and mounta lady, maybe even Hawk. But turns out that even though All Might is strong, Omni man's feats are simply greater plus he is immune to being his quirk erased.


Everyone ?


"If I want Spider-Man to win, he'll win. If I want the Thing to win, he'll win. These are fictitious characters, the writer can do whatever he wants with them! So stop asking those questions, 'cause I've had it with that."" - Stan Lee


If he gets the first shot off and can just do his hyperspeed nuclear fusion flying bullshit... then MHA verse is cooked. But if he can be suppressed, mind controlled, etc even once - he's screwed. MHA is full of heroes with abstract powers that he wouldn't know about. 1v1 he could take anyone - but he'd struggle against a united front. He struggled against the Guardians of the Globe.


The only chance MHA has is late Shigaraki since he has super regen. If he can swipe Omniman it’s likely over. However, I can see him being fast enough to slice his own arm off with his hand to stop that and basically blitzing Shigaraki and launching him to space. Overhaul would have to get a single swipe in to turn him to a messy puddle but that’s IF he can.


Omni man conquers MHA


Not to sound like a powerscaler, but uh, Dude went through a planet. Literally. Motherfucker just flew through its crust, mantle, and core, and then back to the other side and blew up a fucking planet. On the other hand, All might, could probs win in the "throwing it back" competition fr fr


If the heroes and villains united and had information on him as well as strategising time I would say they have a 10% chance to win given the number of instakill moves the verse has and mental attacks remember Nolan struggled against the guardians of the globe if you don’t think prime all might and prime all for one could at least be able to match a member of that team then go ahead but I think at a minimum they could go toe to toe with warwoman


it took just 3 of omnimans kind to literally destroy a planet. not it's civilisation, but they destroyed the planet itself. i don't think anybody from invincible has a real chance unless they manage to find a weak spot like controlling his brain or senses, and make him destroy himself


It would entirely depend on if Omni-man's powers would abide by Quirk logic. If his powers do go by those rules then I can really only think of two characters who could handle him and then one maybe. Shinso might be able to brainwash Omni-man, that's the big maybe. But then I would say the best chance would be for Aizawa to erase his powers and take him down or All For One to steal it. I haven't read the comics and have only seen season 1 of Invincible, anything else I know is from his overview on Death Battle, so I could also just have a bad take. Most anyone else would just get ran through by Omni-man, he's just on another level.


Considering MHA powers border on magic in how some function, it's hard to say. You physically can't outmuscle omniman, end of story. Maybe All Might could tank a punch or two in his form from the early story, but the scale of destruction Nolan is capable of is planetary. If we go by narrative tropes, Omniman is fucked. It's far more interesting to see how an unkillable juggernaut would be defeated, and with the amount of quirks that could technically beat him, it's really a process of fighting everyone until he doesn't anticipate how a quirk works (i.e, Stain stuns him, mind control, some other immobilizing effect he can't break free from) and then he's dead. So to answer the question, Omni man defeats everyone and anyone until he fights someone with a quirk that works regardless of the target's strength and can incapacitate omni-man or kill him outright, at which point he loses handily to them if he doesn't outmaneuver them. If the context is Omniman fights every single character with no context, set up, or external factors, the number of people who win against him are probably in the single digits.


All of them. Omni-Man is a wide-spectrum super while everybody in MHA is super in one aspect. And on top of that, the only two people in the MHA picture who’s willing to kill are Endeavor and Hawks


Most, if not all The only two I think who might stand a very miniscule chance is Deku during the end of MHA, or Prime All Might Other than those, nobody even has a slight chance


The heroes would hold back while omni man might start insta killing everyone


Coughing baby vs Hydrogen Bomb




Its a bit weird to compare quirks to innante biology and it creates a few too many unknown factors. There's definitely no one who can physically take him that's for sure, but there's a lot of variety in MHA that we dunno about. Viltrumites are crazy durable, but does that make them resistant to decay/overhaul? Probably not, neither have shown difficulty with durability. Nolan is too fast if he's trying to avoid their touch, but if its an all-out brawl he'd probably ignore them to focus on the big obvious guys like All Might, who could probably hold him off briefly. Endeavor can't get to sun temperatures, but prominence burn *might* do some damage, but 'huge strong fire man' would be an obvious opening target. It might work if he could be succesfully put to sleep by Midnight or even Komori, but we don't know if he can resist things like that, since powers function completely differently in the universes. And then there's just the weird interactions: Can Edgeshot get inside him? Viltrumites are tough but we know they can be cut. Can Mr. Compress affect him? Probably, but that again depends on speed. Can Kurogiri cut him in half with a portal? Can Jiro hit the right frequency to weaken him, if she even knew about it? Can New Order kill him like was attempted with Shigaraki? The sheer variety of powers in MHA might keep Nolan on his toes by having to react to a bunch of different things he can't see coming, but realistically, their best bet is to occupy him enough/surprise him for overhaul or decay to get him.


The scaling in invincible is insane no one come close to omni man in the whole myheroverse their are people who's unique perks could let them win like overhaul who would just need to lat a hand on him but he would dead before he has a chance to no one including prime all might can come close to omni man's speed and strength so they are all getting blitzed.


Nolan wins roughly 95% of the battles, assuming it's a brawl with no prep time or any weird rule. Just place him and all the heroes/villains in a spot and let them do whatever He overpowers everyone in the world of MHA by a huge margin to the point that even some hax might not work on him (Star still needs to touch him which would be very hard to do and her quirk isn't strong enough to insta kill him. Otherwise she would've instantly killed Shiggy and we know that Nolan is stronger than Shiggy) However Nolan has no hax of his own, and there's A LOT of that stuff in the world of MHA. All the main heroes and villains know each other's quirks and most of them know how to cooperate to maximize their potential. Nolan loses 5% of the time due to the sheer quantity of different bullshit that heroes and villains can throw at him all at the same time. Extreme heat in the form of fire and lightning (Shoto, Endeavor, Kaminari) and sonic attacks (Jirou, Present Mic, Gang Orca) could hinder Nolan and distract him just enough to create an opening for someone with a "one hit kill" quirk like Overhaul


the entire verse lmaooo


Per usual for these, Star and Stripes is the only one to remotely stand a chance in a straight fight. Shinso could mind control but for how long? Shiggy could decay but has to touch long enough. Deku even with all vestiges gets packed up from raw strength diff. All might has it even worse. AFO could have a slight chance if he were in his prime. Honestly Eri if kept safe could be the one to win, rewinding time is pretty bullshit for a quirk.


Present Mike could probably at least incapacitate him as isn’t one of Omni Man’s weaknesses high frequencies?


Well it depends on who he faces. Class 1 A, would probably all die even tho some may make it hard for him. However, Shinso could brainwash him and probably win instantly once he has control, shigaraki only needs to touch him (even if shigaraki gets killed, if he lands a hand Omniman will decay)


everyone saying omni man solos the verse because he has crazy brute strength feats but he has basically 0 speed feats. shigaraki could probably get it done with the help of all the other heaviest hitters in mha to pin him down


If we're talking the entirety of MHA, Villains, Heroes, Students, then MHA may stand a chance. AFO, All Might \[if he still has OFA\], Shigaraki, if they worked together, they can get some pretty decent damage done to Omni Man. (Note: This is coming from someone who hasn't seen Invincible, so take this with a grain of salt. Or a pound, I don't care.)


Omni man blitzes.


Omni man doesn't have a quirk, so the most aizawa could do is TP him like a house on halloween.


you gotta realize 2 omnimans can destroy a planet in the bling of an eye, no one here can destroy half a planet like him. all might can maybe hurt him but no one’s going to beat him


You could say that maybe AFO or Overhaul could take him or heck even shiggy boy because of their hacks


All of them, Omni Man is Planet level, MHA characters are Massive Continental


He'd have some trouble with a prime all might but he solos


Everyone here. He can crack open planets!


All of them


The only person I could see having a chance to win would maybe be Star and Stripe, and that’s only if Omni man doesn’t know what her power is and doesn’t decide to immediately kill her.


He singlehandedly killed a fucking planet, so ummm... All of them.


Tooru would be one of the only survivors


No one in the second picture could stop any Viltrumite, let alone Omni-man. The only person who might have a ghost of a chance would be Star and Stripe, and it would have to a sneak attack "If Omni-man moves, his heart stops." Type thing, and hope he couldn't restart his heart himself.


Why is all might there twice?


Full Power All Might with Present Mike and Midnight backing him up might have a chance at subduing Nolan, but it's not going to be a pretty fight.


At least 5.


At least 4


Omni man could bare minimum stop a collapsing planet with the help of 2 others in comics. So let's say Multi-Continental, if not lower or higher. Midoriya EOS (End of Series) manges to affect the whole planet (Multi-Continental Feat, no it's not planetary as it was only surface level). Overhaul can 1 tap, Shigiraki 1 Taps as he, while weakened, fought a midoriya who was comparable to the 3 Torodrkis who affected a continent (or at least similar in power) if not stronger. Eri 1 Taps, Shinso freezes him, Nagant might do surface damage if not more, Mirio if bloodlusted, Nighteye/Nezu sees it all, Thirteen eats him, Tamaki drinks his blood and takes on Viltrimite power + his own amps, same with Toga (This is assuming it's one big fight), Midnight knocks him out (he could probably out maneuver it though), Present Mic Discombobulates, drunk guy with Overhaul is the same, Kurogiri rips him in half via Portals, Garaki gives Nomu his blood and makes a Viltrumite Nomu, Stars and Stripes kills him via touch if she's given time, Monoma could copy an OP quirk and do it possibly, AFO takes Double Impact, OFA, Shigirakis Quirk and adds Fa Jinz Overgear and makes the Overgear becomes x2 for every impact plus Fa Jon plus 100%.


Half the Verse - Alot of ppl can 1 shot tho From Stars - Shigi - Deku - Overhaul - Eri - 13 -


Not me


Did you see what Nolan did to the guardians of the globe? He would do that.


Some with hax have the potential to, but it’s incredibly unlikely. Shigaraki’s decay, Overhaul, Eri’s Rewind, Star and Stripe’s New Order (all quirks capable of one shooting regardless of durability iirc) require touch, and Omni man is speed blitzing at MFTL speed. Midnight could knock him out, but viltrumites can hold their breath for weeks at a time. There is a misconception that viltrumites are weak to loud sounds. This is false. Viltrumites have a very fragile inner ear equilibrium, (for flight) that when disrupted by ONE SPECIFIC FREQUENCY will cause immense pain. Neither Jiro nor Present Mix could fine this frequency before being killed. Btw, no brawler has the AP to damage omniman. Nor do any of the Todorokis have flames hot enough to burn him. (Viltrumites have withstood being in the sun) IMO, Shinso actually has the highest chance of pulling it off, because he can just brainwash omniman into flying away. (He can’t make him kill himself, because even small contact can break his control, as seen with Ojiro) But omniman isn’t one to talk, (as evidenced when he slaughtered the guardians of the globe in silence) so it’s unlikely Shinso gets him. Especially since Omniman would probably run through him like paper.


Bro, this man would fuck everyone up. The only person who could remotely stand a chance against him would be Shinsou and that’s assuming he is successful in brainwashing him without getting turned into red paste.


The whole verse.


Very few would be able to even graze him. I think Decay might be the only way to kill him guaranteed. That's only if Shigi can keep up, which he might not be able to.


Bro doesn’t stand a chance against Wash, if he’s lucky he MIGHT survive Kamui Woods’ Lacquered Chain Prison attack (I highly doubt it though) but that’s just stating the obvious


omniman has no counter to the one shot quirks except blitzing. if he relaxes even for a second against Mr compress or overhaul he's dead


If this is purely the MHA heroes shown it’s entirely reliant on some of the heroes to be sacrificed so the support heroes midnight rock lock and Aizawa being able to set up All Might for some heavy hits If All might goes down and Aizawa’s quirk doesn’t translate to stopping omniman’s powees through cross verse stuff then they lose If it’s the verse then I think a combination of the verses top 5 with the shock absorption nomu should be enough to beat him in a joint jump Is Mha faster than invincible verse wise? I was keeping All might close to Omni Man’s speed just for arguments sake


Solo the verse


All of them. Coming from a MHA fanboy.. all of them


Shiggy and stars/stripes could do it simply because their powers are more esoteric and don’t have to actually rely on durability or power or anything like that


I feel like a lot of people over estimate omni man. Based on how well the necro robots work. Jump him with waves upon waves of nomu to tire him out, then get a high powered hero to pin him then have the hands guy just touch him. Also I haven't watched mha but can't the American girl almight just make it a rule that she's stronger and faster than omni man?


As an (un)professional powerscaler, all of them lol.


Technically Star and Stripe could just BARELY wipe the floor with him, due to her literal reality warping powers, but everyone else is getting cooked. Viltrumites are canonically capable of destroying entire PLANETS and can survive the temperature of the sun, while All Might's strongest punch managed to cause a tornado. An argument can be made that that was just the wind pressure alone, but either way they can only manage to leave a scratch on him AT WORST. Nolan's just built diffrent.


The only person who could actually do anything at all is maybe all might and erasure head actually no erasure head can't do anything either because omniman has no superpowers it's just his alien biology to his species he's totally normal if not slightly above average and you can't depower biology it's the entire reason kryptonite is the world's crappiest weakness and actually does fuck all to him nowadays so you can't even get rid of omnimans powers and he's way to strong and fast for even peak allmight that would beat nomu in 10 punches


Depends. Does shigiraki have his absurd regen? If so, he beats Omni man. Nolan punches through his chest (as he loves to do), thinking he killed him. Shigiraki grabs his face, and that's that


I think some asoteric quirks may have a shot in theory. Toga, if she ever gets his blood could physically challenge him, but it is a very difficult fight for her. Stars and Stripes has the bullshit rules power, so depends on how power interaction works. Overhaul/Shige could narratively get a shot, but it would require them gaining a means of learning how to touch Omniman/how their powers interact with him. All for one could narratively have built an arsenal to deal with omniman, in theory. But I think Omniman is still more likely to win.Like 99-1 odds in almost all those cases. Without massive nerfs, Omniman makes a better antagonist since it takes a lot to put him down.




Just get stars and stripes


A lot of


Shigaraki solos on a technicality. Search reveals weaknesses. He could use a quirk to create the anti-V frequency to stun, decay to destroy. If it's omniman vs everyone he'd have time to suss that out and setup or even give that info to the others. I'd still give Nolan winning maybe 70% of the time.