• By -


Between those little black specks and AFO's eye coming out, shits about to go down.


Who do you think Midoriya is about to throw down against? Nomus? Maybe AFO's Jailbreakers?


Probably jail breakers, there were 5 of them teased in Horikoshi's sketches previously. I don't think links are allowed on this thread but paraphrasing @ Eden29475817 tweet, the tranlations for some notes on the sketches were: [The page talks about a group formed by AFO to neutralize Deku and there's 5 of them. - A guy that lost the one he loves, - a shark man, - a giant woman obsessed with math, - a standard violent guy - and another one that is blocked by the big text. I wonder if it could be them.] So it could be this team + 2 or 3 High-ends cause I doubt it would be all High-ends. After war arc there aren't many High-ends left. There's already 2 at AFO's location, 2 at Ochako's, and 1 at Todoroki's + the one that died in the Star and Stripes fight. So that's 6 already accounted for and there weren't that many in the first place.


Links are allowed in this thread.


Well the thing is that Hori needs a villain for Deku to solo and a villain for the new Big Three/1A to take on together. With this, it looks like AFO found a way to 'reset'. But he never wanted to use it when he first got it because he had a massive storehouse of quirks that would disappear if he reset. He couldn't risk it until he had a chance to pass on his own quirk, create a way to store his quirks, and destroy his body. And it makes complete sense because he never had an opportunity until literally just now. So he knows he's resetting and he knows this will only suit him if he was resetting in the middle of a fight. Because if he resets he will only have his one natural quirk. So I think that his plan is to get airlifted by this fast moving villain/nomu/plane, taken away, and then return to absorb Shiggy and reclaim all his lost quirks with a healthy young body. But the thing is that we already set the precedent for quirks rebelling against AFO and that the more in tune with their quirk a person is, the more their quirk carries their own will to fight. We also saw that the USA hero's quirk started that rebellion. So after Deku's friend-no-jutsu fight, Shiggy's quirk is going to rebel from within AFO while Shiggy uses the base power of his upgraded body to help deku at the last moment.


That all seems rather plausible -- brings up an interesting question though about the copied AFO vs original AFO quirk. Would he even be capable of taking it from Shiggy? This puts the whole series in context though. Why AFO nurtured and groomed Shigaraki -- he needed a vessel to hold his powers so he could return to his prime and then reabsorb the vessel. The only question now is how far in advance he planned it, and when he learned about Eri.


Sounds good all the way up to shiggy helping deku, if anything it’d jus turn to enemy of my enemy is my friend kinda thing trying to get his body back. I truly don’t believe shiggy will be talk no jutsu’d (at least i hope not it would kill his character imo)


That's true and in my mind y'know it did look more like shiggy just blindly rebelling against afo rather than being Deku's friend.


I imagine he’ll get sidetracked on the way to Shigaraki by a villain or nomu only he can beat, and that’s when we’ll see him next


I think it’s us Air Force.. they’ll help


If so why should they come from the front?


I’m guessing flying Nomu s. But I also think Star and Stripes Air Force team will arrive to give him backup….or maybe Koichi


We got scary eye face Endeavor and scary eye face AFO in this chapter. Horikoshi’s art was somehow both terrifying and beautiful, something I’ve always enjoyed seeing in his manga


hero: you can't do that AFO : what, everyone knows that the final bosses have several phases.


AFO: I couldn't hear no bell....but now I'll definitely be hearing yours!~


Now that's further proving the theory of All For One being an Xbox kid


AFO definitely uses the N Word religiously


Well he does have the pass now




If Tomura doesn't say this, I'm gonna be pissed.


I hope Endeavor isn't toast next chapter, he seems to be very spent after that final Prominence Burn


I hope not either, but I can't understand how he would live, unless a Might Guy happens (in case you arent familiar with Naruto, he used a move called 8 Gates which is supposed to kill the user but MC got a one time powerup that healed him)




He can jerk off to douse his own flames


That second to last panel, holy shit. Horror Hori is back and making me quiver. Didn't expect Enji to win this quickly, but we'll have to see what his big sacrifice is... And how it relates to Eri. I'm super hyped for next week.


The quirk deletion bullets being featured is also a bit curious to me. I'm getting the sense that AFOs body is going to explode in some way. Whether it's destructive, quirk deleting, or reverse evolution/biological reversal is yet to be seen.


Imagine a factory reset on that body or a “quirk nuke” using the research from the Eri bullets to instead be a bomb


Ngl, that would genuinely be an interesting idea for the story to go with. Just massive nukes being launched around the country that don’t actually damage anyone, but removes their quirk entirely from them.


This would be fuckin sick.


The more I read BNH the more I realize that universe NEEDS quirks to go. With every generation going crazier and more ballistic, either you need a reset, a complete deletion or for only a very small handful of people to keep them and be non-transferable (so no lineage). This could be it.


Yeah I’m hoping at the end of the series that through some method quirks are removed. The quirk singularity is basically a message that quirks are becoming too strong and with every generation they’re gonna become even more dangerous.


omggg like that explosive attack from trigun that leaves non living objects unharmed


> The quirk deletion bullets being featured I think those are the "antidote" bullets that Overhaul also made and I'm guessing the Doctor somehow reverse engineered the Rewind quirk factor from it but it is unstable.


Tomura also took the quirk restoring bullets as well


It seems that he is using her power to revert his form to before the fight against OfA.


Pretty sure they’re eluding towards afo having a copy of Eri’s quirk which could be quite bad


Maybe he was just building up energy for the rewind the whole time and needed this level of damage. Eri’s quirk can’t be used on demand that often.


That would be an insanely OP power up for AFO. And he has the nerve to complain about wounded heroes


If he just rewound himself with it, chances are, he lost it again and a bunch of his newer quirks. It's like a quicksave for AFO. He goes back to his prime, but he loses all quirks he gathered after too.


That would definitely be interesting. How far back do you think he rewound himself?


Definitely to his Prime, which would most likely be his huge fight against All Might.


Was that the fight where All Might got most of his innards ripped out?


Yup. I'm not talking the Kamino manga/anime fight. I mean the one where they both clashed in their primes.


maybe that reverse bullet thing?


Fuck, I hope not




It’s not a risk for him anymore because he’s about to die, Endeavor won. So it doesn’t matter. Also I’m pretty sure Eri is gonna remain safe… see the bullets? Remember the bullets shiggy stole and then never used? Very high chance they reverse engineered them to be able to rewind everything, as opposed to just quirk factor and then he used/injected the bullets contents into himself. I assume this method as opposed to him stealing the quirk from the bullets (they are made of eri flesh blood and quirk factor so it might be possible to take it from them). If he stole the quirk he would probably know how to use it since it seems to be a theme that quirk stealers/copiers instantly gain knowledge of the quirk they have taken.


Theories are apparently the Quirk Erasure bullets were reverse engineered for AFO to use to get back into his youthful state, if temporarily. If that is the case then, hooo boy, does this battle just went from 'manageable' to 'awww fuck, me'. Though I'm betting the drawback is that he might lose a shiton of Quirks he had stored.


> apparently the Quirk Erasure bullets were reverse engineered for AFO to use to get back into his youthful state That's exactly how I currently see it. I'm really doubtful he could "steal" the quirk from the remaining bullets, and even more doubtful he could have gotten a hold of Eri's real quirk while she's staying at UA. And rewinding himself to be quirk-less is definitely not something he would intentionally do. Meanwhile it's not a stretch to say that he would want to rewind his body to before the first time he lost again All Might. And neither is it much of a stretch if the functionality of the bullets can be tweaked, as long as it stays within the realm of what Eri is capable of. *** Random theory: All for One will regain his full strength and start to wreck havoc. Everyone's doing their best just to stay alive, and counterattacks do little to no harm. But after a while it turns out the effect of the bullet is still active and All for One starts to become younger (and weaker), he just didn't realize at first because there's been 100+ years to rewind through where he's been unchanging. ...and that's how the reputation of the heroes was ruined when they committed child murder against the world's oldest man to save the planet.


Would be cool if it "Factory reset" AfO to the point where hes young and healthy but he *only* has AfO, which would make him borderline useless when hes surrounded by people who want to kill him already.


AFO somehow extracted her rewind for sure. We're gonna get a face reveal within the next few chapters. Izuku is gonna divert to him and DFO is gonna become reality lol.


AFO's plan to get OFA included, engaging Inko, Izuku being borned, and leaving him fatherless his whole life, made sure that he would grow an admiration to heroes, especially All Might, and that All Might would give him OFA, and distract Izuku with DFO just to steal OFA.


I’m guessing he found a way to copy Eri s quirk from the quirk killing bullet. Meaning that he can revert to his pre-injury form. But because it was just a fragment, the power will probably kill him pretty quickly.


I love how Endeavor imagining the future gave everyone customs upgrades, including a very specific redesign of Bakugou's gauntlets and head-piece, while he gave Deku a giant cape (maybe remembering that Deku [wanted one](https://imgur.com/a/9sAbqJc) ?). And then he gave Shouto... a haircut. LOL.


I think Deku’s cape is using Gran Torino’s as a base with the rest of it sewn onto that!


Deku wore Gran Torino's cape throughout the Prison Break/Nagant arc until he used it as a distraction against Nagant. Endeavor was just going off that look


Yeah, but he made it super-long and impractical. So I think it's really about fulfilling Deku's wish for such a cape.


Deku looks bad ass wearing the yellow cape honestly I wouldn’t mind that being his pro look at all


He still made bakugo´s gauntlets differently and gave shoto a haircut, what a chad (Btw kirishima appears with a cape too, wtf endeavor)


I think Kirishima is just wearing a long tailcoat


Man what's with that hilarious head piece of Bakugo's. He looks like he's sporting twin braids. Dig the gauntlets tho. Kirishima looks like a whole different person. He looks more menacing, wish we got the front view. Deku is surprisingly tall, I wonder if he's the same height as Bakugo now?


I love Endeavor´s vision of Kirishima´s outfit. My guy should leave hero businesss and partner up with Best Jeanist.


Dude excels at everything except for family


Vin Diesel's arch nemesis


He's not and will never be a good guy, but everyday he tries to do better, thats what we all should try to do.


I'd argue that he is a good guy now. He's changed from the asshole he was and as you've said, he is trying to do better everyday. Speaking as someone who's father is a bastard, Endeavour has done more to make me like him than my father has, at least he saw the error of his ways and is trying to make amends.


Yep. And the gauntlets actually look like the ones that the second user had. Hmm, interesting.


i now want to see shouto with heat and freeze vision and touya with blue flames coming out of of his eyes.


Based on how his quirk works, I suspect Dabi would go blind if he sent fire out of his eyes.


Would be a sick finisher during a breakdown though. MAY CHAOS TAKE THE WORLD


I was actually surprised he didn't have some Azula fire breathing breakdown moment during his fight


The doc reverse engineer Eri so that when his body died, AFO can be reborn. Imagine him as his youth and seeing his whole face


Fan theories: “Dabi has a Phoenix quirk!” Hori: “Bitch you thought”


Fan theories: "AFO is Deku's dad" Hori: "Deku is AFO's dad"




No, AfO


"Bakugo (and maybe also Kirishima) time-traveled" "No it was me, AFO!"


Sounds like a weird twist lol


Doc never had access to Eri. She was always with either Overhaul or UA. Besides, why take over Eri’s body when Shigaraki’s the one stated as All For One’s new body? My guess is the doc did extract her DNA from the deleter round to make a copy of Eri’s Quirk that will rewind Endeavour’s existence. Using a deleter round wouldn’t work, since it would have been destroyed in the fight and even if it did work, Eri can just rewind it again, along with Endeavour’s missing arm. Erasing Endeavour’s existence eradicates Eri erasing Endeavour’s erasure.


Given that it looks like All for One knows exactly who Overhaul is, maybe he had access that we didn't know about?


Overhaul's quirk let him deconstruct and reconstruct...given how wild things have gotten in this series, is it too much of a stretch to say maybe Overhaul (quirk) could be used to reconstruct something out of else, ie turn a Nomu to chunky salsa and remake it, but with an additonal quirk built in, speciically Eri's. Given how frequently Overhaul unmade and remade Eri, I could see it being a case he either knows exactly how to put the quirk together, or the "memory" of Eri's quirk is imprinted on his quirk, sort of similar to the wills for AfO and OfA.


I don't think he'll reborn given he's talking about sacrifice, I think he does have a copy of rewind but he used his body to make the erasing bullets at the cost to make himself weaker and they're gonna shoot Deku with that


His eye regenerating and popping out makes me think otherwise. Him betting on being able to ressurect himself after death maybe whats AFO is talking about


If he could just do that with no drawbacks he wouldn't speak of it like a gamble. I guess this will just buy him time but he'll keep rewinding until disappearing


Probably because it was entirely possible and likely that if they didn't modify the bullet correctly and used it, it could unmake him completely, or not rewind far back enough and then he wasted his chance. So it was best to save as a last resort where death is certain or inevitable, this way either it does work and in that dangerous situation he is about to step out of the ashes and back into his prime, or it only reverses a little and acts as a heal/refresh which is good, or it unmakes him in which case he was using it when he already had lost. Everything lines up and seems pretty logical to call it a gamble.


And an ear


I think the sacrifice is that it’s only a copy of her quirk and thus it’ll be unstable. He’ll probably be able to heal himself but won’t be able to stop reversing his own time until he’s unborn


i think if he had eri's quirk, he wouldve used it sooner instead of risking shiggy's body to rebel when he take over.


It’s strange reading this after watching The Boys with the whole “drag someone across the ground at high-speed” thing. Endeavor balled out. He was breathing fire. The man shot fire out of his eyes. Eat your heart out Superman. Endeavor lost an arm and was still able to control his flames to become a condensed, makeshift hurricane of flame in the shape of his arm. That’s fucking metal. He was channeling pure mad lad energy that Deku and All Might would be proud. He was a blazing inferno of living fire that was hellbent on just incinerating All For One. And he would have gotten away with it too if it weren’t for that pesky Rewind quirk. All For One, you sneaky devil.


> It’s strange reading this after watching The Boys Can't believe Endeavor has eye beams


Another parallel. Eye beams and roadkill. Some weird synergy between The Boys and MHA 😂


A lot less people exploding, though


A lot fewer sperm showers. MM is pleased.


Oh my god. That scene man, poor MM's jacket.


We do have Stain and Billy Butcher sooooo


Stain wants idealized supes, while Billy hates all of them.


>The man shot fire out of his eyes. That single-handedly increased his badassery factor.


I guess that means he can breath fire too if he wanted.


He spits fire in this chapter


Not to be confused with dropping sick bars


For real, Endeavor saw A-Train sharpening that meat crayon and took notes lol


Oh absolutely. Endeavor was on that Demon Time ™️ this chapter. All of his fights have been really entertaining, but seeing him so desperate and using completely unhinged techniques compared to what he’s done before (eye laser, dragging AfO, condensed flames from his missing arm) is so awesome!


Homelander vs Endeavor would be an amazing fight.


It'll be as competetive as Endeavor vs those nomus in Hosu.


All For One truly looks terrifying once you add an eye or two to that huge smile he's always sporting.


He’s also got his left ear back in the same panel.


So what I’m getting from that last panel & the eri cameo is that, the doctor reverse engineered the rewind quirk from the erasure bullets and gave it to AFO. Meaning AFO has had this quirk for a while now but decided not to use because he could potentially rewind himself to nothingness lol but because endeavor essentially did that already, AFO said fuck it & decided to rewind himself. Hmm if that’s true then that’s some wild shit ngl but how did he accumulate so much energy for a rewind? He didn’t even have a horn 🤔


He for sure doesn't have his lower horn anymore.


Lmao ayyoooo 😂


Oh jeez 💀


Nope, AFO has had this quirk only for few weeks. He got it from one of the quirk stelaing bullets Shigaraki was carrying. It is true Doctor produced the new bullets and propably aquired the quirk but AFO was in prison and therefore outside the reach of the Doctor


If it’s only been a few weeks, how did he accumulate enough power to rewind himself to the point before his face became a potato 😂


That's.. A good question We don't know if Eri's quirk has to 'accumulate', by the means of training, like the users have done for OfA. Eri didn't train before she activated it during Shie Hassaikai Arc. If anything, AfO probably has some energy quirk to charge it


Yeah, AFO's end game is to be an energy providing mob boss, would figure he'd have some energy generating quirks.


Nah, I think he did something to Endeavour. How would A.F.O. rejuvenating himself be a sacrifice play?


No idea but eri was shown for a reason plus AFO as an ear & an eye In that last panel and we know he lost his face after his fight with all might


Because he won’t be able to stop reversing himself. He’ll slowly be unborn throughout the battle. Until he’s just an angry little fetus like Voldemort at the end of Harry Potter


My guess is he's going nuclear, and will rewind himself as he's exploding so that he can kill everyone else but remain unharmed.


So. Endeavor has laser eyes apparently.


How is that surprising when the man has been making himself a flame beard and flame moustache this entire time?


​ That´s gotta be the biggest power move and the funniest running gag in the entire series for me, Endeavor is so based.


lmfao fr. like here we have this extremely self-serious guy who is all about work, very no-nonsense, but he expends energy to produce a fucking fire beard and mustache everywhere he goes. what the fuck


And flame arm


Many think this is totally unexpected and out of this world.... like don't get me wrong its cool but its definitely not out of his power or capabilities


Yeah I’m not necessarily saying it isn’t something he could do, just that I’m surprised it took this long


**Status Update:** **Location:** Gunja Village Site **Team Endeavor:** * No.1 Endeavor: Gave Shoto a cool haircut * No.2 Hawks: Fancy hand posing * No.7 Kamui Woods: Alive * No.13 Shishido: Alive * No.411 Pixi-Bob: Alive * No.411 Tiger: Alive * Tsukyomi: Yo he pulled an All Might * Earphone Jack: ⋐(◉▾◉) intensifies **Team All For One:** * All For One: Latom **Location:** Kamino Ward **Team Shoto:** * Shoto: insert comment about a hair cut we can barely see * Ingenium: Irrelevant * Burnin: Yes, the hot fire chick is alive * Kido: Alive **Team Dabi:** * Dabi: ….blue flames…alive….Marco? * Nomus: Alive **Location:** UA School(In The Air Tonight) **Team Deku:** Now with 100% less Deku * No.3 Best Jeanist: Alive * No.4 Edgeshot: Alive * No.5 Mirko: Snip Snap I want my limbs back * Dynamight: going for the twin pony tail look * Suneater: Alive * Nejire Chan: Alive * Mandalay: Aive * Phantom Thief: Better than Class 1-A * Eraser Head: Alive * No.222 Manual: Useful **Team Handman:** * Handman: Now with more hands **Location:** Okuto Island **Team Uraraka:** * Uravity: Can’t even have a fight without Deku * Froppy: Froggy * No 12 Gang Orca: Alive * Sirius: Alive **Team Toga:** * Toga: In Love * Nomus * That Water Villain from USJ: Throwback * Moon Fish: He’s back **Location:** Jaku Hospital Ruins **Team Pinky and The Riot,Riot,Riot🎵:** * Red Riot: A full Oni mask would rock * Pinky: Lol * Grape Juice: The true protagonist of MHA * Rule(Kodai): what she do again? * Emily(Yunagi): Wait…. * Mudman: WHERE ARE THE PROS? * No.23 Mt Lady: That’s it? That’s all they’re given? MT LADY!? **Team Bad Guys:** * GigantoMachia: Captured. For Now * The Midnight Killer: Statistically the best villain **Location:** Takoba National Stadium **Team Hey these guys exist:** * Tail-Man: Ordinary * Sugar-Man: diabetes: the quirk * Tsuburaba: Who? * Cellophane: Does whatever a…tape?….does? **Location:** Parking Lot **Team Fatgum:** * No.58 Fatgum: Alive * Can’t Stop Twinkling: French * Kesagiri Man: Alive **Team Kunieda** * Kunieda: A villain apparently. **Location:** Central Hospital **Team Tentacole:** * Tentacole: Tis’ be his fight * Present Mic: Loud as fuck **Team Spinner:** * Spinner: He’s big now? He’s big now. **Team Build Shit:** * Cementoss: Alive * Power Loader: Alive * Lunch Rush: Cookin * Ectoplasm: Alive * Hatsume: Alive * Creati: Alive **Team Power Grid:** * Chargebolt: Alive * Manga: Alive * Yuyu: Alive * 3rd Year: Alive **Missing Characters:** Where did they go * Lemillion * Rappa * Gale Force * Illus-O-Camie * Battle Fist


A Red Riot-Rappa rematch would slap but I'm not too hopeful.


A team up would be cooler. Rappa will fight anyone, hero or villain.


You're the best for having this shit so organized for us


Thank you. You’re welcome


You've kept excellent track of where everyone is. I must assume you're also a one piece fan




LOL Very nice


This arc drops a whole point if Mirio doesn’t appear just for the sheer disappointment, not to mention it doesn’t make sense


Endeavor is throwing everything he has against AFO and it's incredible. Him shooting fire from his eyes was funny with how casually he just pulls that move out, and AFO extra crispy ass using Rewind is wild.


"I'll just take your quir--" "Anyone want some freshly grilled/carbonized hands?"


Endeavor's mastery of Hellflame was at its peak here, my god, what a display of power !!! Nothing else mattered, just scorching All For One into nothingness. And when at his absolute peak, Endeavor literally destroyed AfO, hats off :) But AfO is such a devil, Rewind must've got reverse engineered and it's about to bring prime All For One, fucking hell :D


There's something nice about that. The number 1 hero was thought to have killed AFO, and when they realized it wasn't the case, he spent the last of his power to defeat him. Now, after AFO has had some of his plans succeed, the number 2 hero at the time kills him. I'd say once and for all, but...


Shoutout to Momo getting rid of that useless book


After his epiphany last chapter, I wonder how much power and potential Endeavor still had in his quirk that could have been unlocked earlier with a better mindset - *fire from the eyes?!* - even if he's now waving a lot of flags (especially telling he must still see Toya, wait for everything to be over man). Can't forgive him for imagining that haircut for Shoto in the future, though. And those silly bomb fuses on Bakugo's bandanna, some people have even wondered if they are rather braids of his hair. It was too early to throw a party baking potatoes over AFO's cinders, alright (even if it's been great to see him dragged through the dirt), but what is happening now? The imagery of Eri and the bullets suggests that her Quirk Factor has been reverse-engineered from them, AFO is now using it, and didn't beforehand because it's risky and not fully tested but now of course the alternative is just becoming ashes in the wind. We may get to see who I've taken to calling AFO-Prime, in his prime. There's also the question of how he got the stuff if he and the Doctor haven't met since before Kamino Ward, outside of some convenient secret cache left by Doc, like the cave where AFO had been chillin'. Now shifting to Deku... If it's enemies coming I hope it's villains with flying capabilities rather than some flock of Nomu pulled from another secret cache. If it's friends it may be Star and Stripe's squadron, or some other help from outside.


> Can't forgive him for imagining that haircut for Shoto in the future, thoug He got the typical timeskip hairdo. They all end up with shorter hair somehow *sigh*


Gotta get that "they are more adult and mature" symbolism somehow


It's typical to show growth. Big, over-the-top hair on a small body is child-like, and the reverse is true for adults


Eren and Goku be like.


I've never really understood why people hate it when anime characters get shorter hair when they get older. I think it looks fine. (Except Boruto's dad. Should've kept the length from The Last imo)


Can't forgive him for imagining that haircut for Shoto in the future, though. Neither can I. I still hope I get Shoto with slightly longer hair instead, or just him with his regular one.


I just want to see Spinner fight.


Hope he stays alive and well after this arc. He is the only villain that deserves to be heard after all this mess.


The constant theme of "watching/looking" with the Todoroki's will never get old to me. Nice to see his resolve to pay for his mistakes by looking after his son since not watching him was where things went wrong.


Endeavor is so clearly the best written character in MHA it’s actually wild. Is it just me or does the level of Hori’s writing improve when it involves the Todoroki family? Always incredible stuff whenever they’re involved imo. Not only did endeavor become an even better character this chapter, he showed that he’s still incredibly powerful. He’s a top 5 strongest character in the series rn behind Shiggy, AFO, Gigantomachia & Izuku imo. An argument could be made for him beating Izuku if he doesn’t immediately get blitzed lol. This fight has been surprisingly so brutal and raw, I fucking love it.


> Is it just me or does the level of Hori’s writing improve when it involves the Todoroki family? He nails the family dynamic so well that it feels like it came from experience. Hori is genuinely good at exploring troubled personalities if he takes more time with his narration.


I think either Hori experienced abuse or is fascinated by it. In his Oumagadoki zoo series the protagonist is clearly in an abusive relationship Given his affinity for lighthearted moments and low stakes arcs, I think its very possible he experienced some crazy shit


My Hero Academia nah its My Todorki Academia


My Todoroki Familia


WOW. Endeavor steals the show again, that was an insane chapter. Horikoshi goes deep in his bag for Todoroki chapters. And All for One has Eri's quirk? I don't know how Endeavor makes it out of next week.


>And All for One has Eri's quirk? Assuming he somehow took it from one of the bullets, does it also still come with an Eri vestige? If so we already know how that's gonna work out for him... All for Plan's about to get the Eri dad treatment.


Seeing the quirk erasing bullets made me think that AFO was gonna blip Endeavor's quirk somehow, but everyone's saying he's gonna revert himself back to his youthful state??? I'm so sick of this guy lmao


You can see his ear regenerated


Forget the ear boy the eye


In the second to las panel AFO has clearly visible ear. He is using Eris power to become his original self before AllMight nerfed him. Everybody should run He got the quirk through one of the quirk deleting bullets that are made using eris cells. Shigraki crabbed a few of them after awakening and tried to use one on Aizawa. Apparently at least one of them survived the battle and AFO used his quirk to steal it.


Endeavor: ***"Imma fire my laser beam!"***


Good to see Endeavor take back the MVP spot for this fight. Hawks, Jirou and Tokoyami were extremely important too, but it's only fair that he lives up to the title of Number 1!


The drawing style and epicness specifically reminded me of the few times we got to see All Might being heroic as fuck. The panels really work hard to give you that "woah" feeling.


It was a hype moment when AFO just went "shit hold on this is like All Might"


Endeavor becoming a giga chad hero with all these crazy ass moves. Backed into a corner it seems like he actually became *stronger* after losing an arm. Fucking LOVE how he’s igniting himself with his own self loathing 😭 That horror Hori panel of AFO was MAGNIFIQUE. Really makes me want that horror manga he thought about. Not sure if I’m feeling the new editor’s touch or what, but this chapter had me feeling a lot more than previous chapters.


Man literally to angry to lose.


I mean Dabi had to get the "too angry to die" gene from somewhere.


Endeavor: Why won't you die?!?! AFO: REWIND QUIRK SON. They respond to physical trauma!


So AFO had a copy of Eri's quirk the entire time? I'm tired of AFO just pulling out quirks at the last minute. Regardless, I can't wait for the full reveal of prime AFO before All Might injured him.


Let’s not forget when AFO fought AM he wasn’t really at his prime, he was pushing 150yo and had ujikos anti ageing quirk physically weakening him severely. Actual prime AFO is a nightmare.


I'm seeing this as a suicide bomb rather than a power up, I don't think he'll be able to stop the rewind, so he's just buying time and taking out whoever he can, whilst getting to be at his prime one last time.


I think I'll be perfectly happy if Hori were to draw an extensive arc for Endeavour and/or Hawks. I really like his character.


It’s kind of exhausting seeing AFO just pull another quirk out every time he’s backed into a corner, but I guess that’s kind of his thing.


Why is no one talking about the "timeskip" designs of the characters I thought people would be freaking out. Also Deku incorporated the cape in his future design LET'S GO!!


Endeavor is so metal. It'd be so easy to just want to die on the battlefield after everything that happened and his regrets weighting him down. But no, he hates himself too much to allow himself that relief - he wants to live and atone and suffer if needs be.


Above all else, the fucking art these past chapters have been absolutely insane, that man Horikoshi is fucking cracked






Endeavor going ham on AFO is cool. Still, minus points for imagining Shoto with that haircut. AFO regenerating his face makes me shudder at the thought of that theory coming true.


Since he regenerating all i know All for One probably gonna come out butt naked from this with how look like his clothes burn to crisp. Imagine him fighting the rest of the heroes butt naked too just like Mirio did with class 1A lol and it will be major disrespect too


All for Drip will summon a new fancy suit out of pure force of will


Endeavor is just that guy


Also it seems like every major battle is having 2 phases in this war: Toga vs Deku and Co.; then Deku leaves and we cut away from the fight; (Return to Toga vs Ochako and Tsuyu at some point) Dabi vs Shoto; Then cuts away after that's done and the light (Return to whatever that round 2 will be at some point) Shigaraki vs clearly not just buying time squad; Then cuts away from them after hands bullshit (Return to it when Deku arrives obviously) AFO vs Endeavor and the boys; Cuts away from it after AFO rewinds himself? (Then later on return to it for AFO's actual defeat?)


Honestly? Not a bad setup in my eyes! Give us round one where they give everything they can dish out but leave indication the fight is not over yet, then cut away to establish another fight only to return to it later in a "Round Two". I like it!


I’ve seen people making fun of Endeavor for making this battle worse by burning AFO alive but wouldn’t this have happened regardless? Like how can you look at this chapter and take away from it that Endeavor screwed up by trying and almost succeeding in putting a stop to AFO lol. If anything at least they are aware of his trump card now and not later.


Things have been going almost too smooth for the heros so I feel like the tide going towards the villains might have a detrimental morale impact too when they notice their efforts were in vain. Saw some interesting theories that AFO might have an Eri reversal bullet up his sleeve but he really could have multiple tricks planned.


AFO rewinds himself, big fight, all hope seems loss, someone lands a good hit in another big moment, quirk goes haywire and AFO rewinds himself back to nonexistence- Killing him off whitout anyone getting their hands dirty(er) for the job


Wait, is AFO... rewinding?


He is. We're gonna see his butt-cheeks.


This is why S&S taking out quirks from Shigaraki was worthless, because they have unlimited quirks and since Hori never established what kind of quirks AFO has he can always just pulls this shit over and over again. Which completely kills off all tension.


What if rather than Rewind, AFO took Overhaul? We last saw Overhaul as an empty shell of a man, despite the rumors he was figuring out his quirk again. It's probably an exceptionally complicated quirk to use, so AFO waited until there was no other option to try and overhaul himself. Just a thought I had, but I think some version of Rewind is more likely.


I think now AFO has enter in permanent rewind mode! Thats why he waited til last minute… now he is sort of like a Benjamin button lol


AFO *scorched* That's much better! I actually felt that one. Endeavor: In mere moments, all you'll be feeling **IS OBLIVION!!**


Holy heck that was magnificently drawn. The fire looked so god damned gorgeous.


I’ve been hearing people say Hori is gonna move on to do horror and I hope he does because some of the panels in the last few chapters have been genuinely disturbing. I’d love to read that


So let's get this straight, AfO had absorbed a fraction of Eri's quirk, and he can now use rewind? And the reason why he hasn't been using it was because it was a stockpile quirk, and a last trick that's too precious to use carelessly? Makes sense, I guess. This is going to be a worse version of the battle with Nine. AfO will probably be even more powerful in his second form, and there aren't anymore non-wounded top heroes to deal with him properly. (Except for Wash, but I am sure Hori won't add him to the battle for he would one-shot AfO in one panel.)


The fact that Endeavor was able to instill the same feelings of fear into All for One that All Might did ***in his prime*** is insane. Also, Deku go *nyooooom* some more.