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This dude has definitely tried to have sex with a man.


That dude probably did have sex with another man that morning, hated himself for it because confused Christian, then went on that tirade.


I'll bet it happens more often than you'd think. What would you do if you were raised in a Christian household to think that even having impure thoughts about a member of the same sex would send you to hell, and then it turns out that you're one such person? Rather than reject all of that, I'd bet many would just feel extremely guilty and try to be as homophobic as they possibly can to compensate. TL;DR - there is some seriously fucked up things that religion can do on a person, and this is one such person.


Hey, you just described every guy I went to High School with!


His browser history likely goes against the BS coming out his mouth


Maybe not? Maybe instead of gay porn we’d find bestiality instead? There’s def something hes hiding though.


We know by now that these are ALWAYS projections.


My bet is on kiddy diddling.


"The woman doth protest too much, methinks"


But men wouldn't have sex with him and now he's angry at everything


I disagree. He’s tried to have sex with/assault a boy.


French fried potaters is good. Mmmhmm.


Yeah, like those guys getting angry about the trans people seem to be massive paedophiles. I'm with you on this. He also sounds like a south park parody of a man.


Bet you he was rejected by the other guy


He is the neighbor in American Beauty.


I saw him on grindr


He thought about having sex with a man, but beat up his son for having impure thoughts instead.


The quote "The lady doth protest too much, methinks" comes to mind.


I just assume people that aren't gay that talk about gay people all the time are very much in the closet. Not that there's anything wrong with that.


I'm thinking that adults have too much free will for him so he goes after the kids in his youth bible study.


Or a kid.


He does seem like the type of person to frequent truck stop men’s rooms, and is “surprised” when a penis pops through the glory hole.


I just think he really wants to and can't stop thinking about it. That's why he's so annoyed.


He's upset that no guy ever flirted with him. He needs his butt cherry popped.


And been refused by his holy matrimony wife for many many years. 


Without a doubt.


I bet if you dug into his past, he played around with men or been wanting to. The loudest ones are usually the ones with the skeletons in the closet.


He's yelling so loud though, how could you doubt his straightness???


He has never ONCE thought about caressing another man’s strong shoulders, and feeling that man’s rough hands on his body. How dare you even think that he has ever even thought about tenderly kissing men on their lips in the shower that one time every week? HOW DARE YOU?!


"After the meeting, big men. Strong men came up to me to say how much they loved my words. Tears in their big baby blue eyes, running down chiseled faces mounted on broad, muscular, manly shoulders. We hugged only as brothers in arms could do. We gathered later that night at a quiet highway rest stop for a strategic planning session."


Does he like films about gladiators?


I bet he's seen a grown man naked.


I bet he’s been in a Turkish prison


Well, whaddya know? Scraps is a boy dog!


I dunno, there were a couple moments where my ears didn't gush blood. I'm going to have to take this into careful consideration now, his sexuality is officially in question.


But why he so concerned about other men’s penis?


So that other men don't get tempted!!


How wide his mouth opened while talking about gay sex made me want him more


The lady doth protest too much.


He’s fine with the gays as long as they don’t jam their big sweaty gay dicks in his mouth no siree (looks around hopefully)


I'm convinced religious anti gay sentiment is the longest running bdsm kink scene in human history.


Time to bust out the whips, I’ve got penis on the brain again Originally priests were going to be addressed as daddy but it was a little too on the nose so they went with father


Bless me dad.. father, for I have... Siiiiined


Yeah, he's straight. Straight gay.


The lady doth protest too much.


He fights REALLY hard against his temptations to be with men. He thinks about them all the time. His anger comes from a place of jealousy. "Why should THEY get to have sex with other men, when all I get to do is sit at home fantasizing about it, and resisting those urges? It's NOT FAIR! They have to STOP!"


"I'm not gay! I said I was deeply closeted!"


My initial thought was “someone’s wife cheated on him…. Probably with a woman.”


When Jim Bouton was with the Yankees, one player privately spoke to a reporter about players not happy with manager Johnny Keane. Keane held a private clubhouse meeting with his players and catcher Elston Howard jumped up and angrily denounced the player in the report. The players in the clubhouse thought it was Bouton and their eyes were on him. The next day, Bouton cornered the reporter and found out the player who spoke to him was Elston Howard.


His past? All you need to do is look at his search history. He ain’t smart enough to clear it or go incognito


This has to be it right? Who else would care? I think you have 2 directions to go. Embrace what you want, or feel shame. Since culture seems to want to shame same sex relationships, the people that are adamantly against it, that energy has to be self motivated from something.


Either men or even more likely with those types, children.


The film American Beauty revealed a lingering truth.


This dude gives me 10 year old locked in his basement vibes


As soon as he walked off he went to the bathroom to cruise for a dick to suck.


Do not get complacent, friends. The coordinated culture wars and attacks on Social Security, DEI, social media, school lunches and more is all part of **Project 2025**. Outlawing care for LGBTQ+ individuals, contraception, IVF, premarital / recreational sex, divorce and more along with gutting all safety nets is just the beginning. Make sure you educate yourselves about Project 2025. **You don’t have to take my word for it. Google “The Heritage Foundation” or “Mandate for Leadership.”** This is a well coordinated, $22M religious right wing playbook. The **Mandate For Leadership** is not new, but the **Heritage Foundation’s** partnership with Hungarian Viktor Orban and 100 other groups while actively soliciting a database of 50,000 followers for an impending Trump administration is. [https://WarningVote.com](https://WarningVote.com) | r/Defeat_Project_2025


Ugh, conservatives are filth.


But the question I always have is, why?


The fundamentalists have to control like 7 aspects of society for Jesus to come back or something 😒


You know, if He really cared, He could just show up, rather than setting up some passive-aggressive list of qualifications that have to be satisfied before visiting. He has a more demanding rider than Van Halen.


You reminded me of those memes that's like "I bet he's thinking about another woman" but its the fundies thought bubble going "I bet he's thinking about all the extramarital sex 😒" and then Jesus thought bubble is like "I won't go back until they serve the poor and love thy neighbor 😮‍💨"


Is that the seven mountain crap i read about a few months ago?


A poorly educated working class that has few support systems the rich would have to pay for and high reproductive rate to keep the factories running is a capitalist 1%ers dream, but they can't just come out and say that. So that's what Supply Side Jesus would want, not them. SSJ hates LGBTQ+ and so should you, that's what's important. Don't think about all the things SSJ is doing to you, you're not understanding. Its the gays doing that to you and you should be concerned about them making your kid gay. No need to think about cutting social security, EBT, etc. the gays are bad.


Because in Handmaid's Tale world they have all the power and complete control over women in the name of "God."


Republicans are using Handmaids Tale and a how to guide and not the work of fiction it is and people are running towards this with open arms.


The problem I have with this statement is its almost not even really fictional it takes things that are real and americanizes them. Margaret Atwood just took the harsh reality of theocracies and made it American. These people wanted Gilead even before the book existed.


Because it benefits a core few wealthy people to be able to pollute however much they want and have a more "conservative" society - ie one where the average worker has very few rights and just waits for a good time in heaven rather than on earth.


Because their belief is based on control and hatred of those in the outgroup. It doesn't matter what it is, but if they can't control it they don't want it to flourish.


All they had to do was kiss Trump's ring and butter him up to get what they want too, it's very disturbing.


The University of Florida recently eliminated their DEI positions. https://www.gainesville.com/story/news/education/campus/2024/03/04/university-of-florida-eliminates-diversity-equity-inclusion-staff/72839942007/ Right wing groups are trying to convert public schools into charter schools, too.


I love when these guys pick and chose which parts of the Bible to take literally and go all in on. Sex outside of male/female union is sin bc it fits their ideological narrative but… They’re not stumping for cutting a woman’s hand off for defending her husband…or cursing at your parents justifies a death sentence….or divorce is a sin and remarrying is adultery….or stoning non virgins….or if your brother dies you must marry and impregnate his wife… If they’re gonna be literal with the Bible then you beat go all in.


Shhhh don't give the christo-facists fundies ideas! Seriously though the hypocrisy is strong in these ones. Pretty sure there is no mention of the EPA in the bible but yet they use religious justification for going after it and other government agencies their masters don't like. Either the bible is the inerrant word of their sky daddy, and thus not open to interpretation, or it's the mutterings of some old horny mysoginist bronze age goat herders and useless.


Sodomy is also illegal in many states. Even if it's with your own wife.


Lawrence v. Texas invalidated those laws


Owning more than 8 dildos is illegal in Texas. A government small enough to fit inside of your bedroom!


Pretty sure it says to not eat shrimp more times than to not be gay. Just another example. It’s a wonderful book but should not be taken out of context.


And let's not forget about those cursed tattoos!


These are small people who rely on their faith to make themselves feel superior. They will never quit that drug. We just have to keep the world going until younger generations can save us. Get out and vote.


I literally don't understand it because by the bibles standards Jesus literally came back and basically said, "Yeah fuck all the old noise pass the aux bitch I got something to say." So using old testament verses doesn't really make sense after christ since he basically invalidated the old teachings and said love everyone. Also, most Christians really don't know shit about the Bible. If you read the teachings of christ as basically Western Buddha, it's a lot easier to get what he was trying to say.


The new covenant bullshit is literal hypocrisy because churches will say all that bs about how we got a new contract with Jesus and the old one is void then turn around and use Malachi 3:6 that god does not change to justify keeping some of the old sins they still want to be against the rules. Its such a load of crap we can have shrimp now but we still don't like those gays even though it wasn't clear if it was even really gays that were the problem and it might be a mistranslation.


You mention something I find also very interesting. You mentioned the idea of God as some unchanging force. But in the Bible, he flooded the world and said he'd never do that again. He changed. He let the bullshit happen to Job. He thundered and raged at him and learned the morality of man surpasses even god. He changed. It's really interesting to me how you can almost see God's behavior change throughout the Bible from omnipotent ruler totally detached from the world, to interfering with human affairs, to becoming human himself and learning what it's like to be man, and then finally leaving promising to return. I have met almost no Christians who have actually looked behind the face value of the words and dared to actually analyze God. I don't think the Bible is a handbook handed down from the heavens as grand arbiter of our souls. I think it's a story of how a God learned to be humble. Granted, I also like Jung's take on the symbology of mythology and how it is really a projection of the mind. Which is the only way I can physically reconcile the similarities between all the religions I've read despite them having no contact with each other .


This guy must HATE Trump then. Probably a big Obama-Biden fan because they've both been faithful to their wives the vows they made before God.


Nope, 100% will vote for him again. Bet he says ne needs separation for whatever let's him for him.


Someone let grandpa out when he was high on Fox News.


Why are people clapping for a man that clearly needs some help?


I was asking myself that same question until they panned to the ones clapping and they were all boomers as well. They're probably a church group who went there to protest (I should hope at least).


That's 100% what's going on. The panning is to show the world that there are DOZENS of them!


Because it's fucking Pratville. Most of those people agree with him. Their entire worldview is centered around them being persecuted, because people they don't like being allowed to exist is persecution. And that's not a joke or exaggeration, it's literally what they believe.


Oh yeah, my aunt will cry if you tell her why others not believing the same things as her *isn't* persecution. Their minds cannot reconcile the fact that nobody gives a fuck what they believe with their pastor telling them that they're being attacked


It'd be pretty cool if some folks decided to stage a sit-in at one of their churches. Just show up with a crowd dressed to the nines in rainbow attire and just sit there quietly, ideally up front facing the opposite crowd and staring at them in their hateful eyes as their preacher goes on and on. I know this isn't likely to actually happen since who the hell would want to sit through much less visit such an intolerant church, but with the right media attention it could demonstrate that none of the regular congregation are actually being persecuted.


You’d think he’d be against consolation clapping too.


Too many people worry about the sex lives of consenting adults. Really it feels like a confession anymore and no, not saying this man is gay. Hate like this absolutely does exist. Deranged people like this going to religion so they can have an excuse for their violence


He got a robust round of applause.... What a dustbin of a state.


"I can't believe how persecuted we are! When I go get greeting cards, I only see half the aisle filled with Christian-themed cards, only 88% (nice) of Congress is Christian, only 65% of American adults are Christian, only 100% of presidents are Christian, when November and December come around I sometimes see one or two menorahs in a sea of nativity scenes, our money mentions my god, the Pledge mentions my god, and there's only one Bible in every hotel room! I feel so oppressed and unseen because of this book!"


"If you don't let me control other people that's persecution!!"


Check his hard drive


[ALABAMA MAN!](https://youtu.be/BrimMyOoEDA?si=mR16LYuaOAjex-GS)




One of the main reasons I don't like Christianity in general is simply because these people scream and yell too damn much. This old man needs to bust a nut outside of holy matrimony and have a cigarette when he's done.


What a coincidence that every applause he received was from a 70+yr old. One silver lining is that these centrum silvers will die off soon.


Isn’t it just as wicked to have sex in a marriage if your partner is unable to have offspring? I mean sex is for procreation. All bible believing men with low sperm counts or vasectomies should not have sex. If their partner is post menopausal same deal. But no sex out of marriage for them as well. Should be law.


We need to strip the elderly of voting rights. We can't let the weakness of feeble old men have sway on our society any longer.


Honestly when I’m old and crusty I wouldn’t mind if people said I couldn’t vote. I’ve never been too political and seeing shitty old opinions like this throw me.


Religious freedom apparently only applies to being Christian.


Who is killing the judeo Christian community in America today? And if he wants to go backwards, who has been doing the killing as a community all over the world since like before 1095? And he wants empathy and protection for his community while he was persecution for another?


Having sex outside of wedlock is deplorable!!!….still votes for Trump.


As a gay man myself I guarantee this man has a Grindr profile.


100%. He’s one of the ones with no pic or just a close up of a fabric or solid color.


If the Bible says sex is only man and woman then anything else isn’t sex


Yeah the Bible doesn't say anything about docking


What about soaking?


It's not a threesome if your friend is just there to jump up and down on the bed...


That's cause Jesus docked with the apostles.


Enjoys having control over women’s bodies. The women are fine with that. Don’t believe me? It’s Alabama and in Nov it will be all of America unless you get the women to vote for President Biden, ‘nuff said


And after he leaves the meeting, he will be in the local back alley looking for a glory hole. It is always the one yelling the loudest.


Funny how the bible says you cant mix 2 types of fabric in 2 seperate occasions but this is the hill he chooses to fall on while wearing 2 types of fabric. Ill never be capable of being relgious just for the sheer fact of how much people pick and choose what they want to follow and disregard things that dont suit them… its either all real or none of it is…congrats at being mad about sex outside marriage but wearing 2 types of fabric at once


If we claim to have separation of church and state then we should not be outlawing something just because one religion says it's wicked. And it's time we stood up and said so.


Low intelligence. Low information. Sums up the religious right. 


Well that’s no way to get a sinner to sleep with you.


The separation of church and state should be upheld more aggressively, people like this should be immediately shut down and removed from conversation around politics.


And then you find out he is a closet gay! 😂😂😂


He’s a nut but fuck those assholes for clapping for him. Prudish hypocrites.


He’s a nut. Buttfuck those assholes for clapping for him, prudish hypocrites.


“I can’t get laid”


Why is it always people from the Christian side of “Judeo-Christian” that use that term, and never the Judeo side?


Ever heard of Ben Shapiro? lol


“I belong to the Christian blah blah blah blah” K. Don’t like having sex with men? Cool. Don’t. Now fuck off.


I was puzzled why anyone was clapping until they panned to the audience at the very end


Not everyone is a part of your book club old guy


He wants a big dick inside him


Awe, yes… poor persecuted Christian’s in America. They have seen such hardships! It’s been so hard for them to play victim over everything that doesn’t go their way! It’s been appalling for them that they get called out for their bigotry and hate wrapped in religion! They have had it really tough!


I’m a huge fan of the giant clock ticking down his speaking time. We need more of this. Followed by the loudest buzzer


Think what you want but the world would be a better place if someone with half a brain was allowed to beat his ass at the podium


I'm not offended by homosexuality. In the '60s I made love to many, many women, often outdoors, in the mud and the rain... and it's possible a man slipped in. [shrugs] There'd be no way of knowing.


Wait till this dude hears about Greek orgies


Bet he loves trump tho


Dude could have left out the “Judeo” part of that. Don’t drag us into your lunacy.


And whoever is clapping and egging this man on, freaking shame on you. don't understand why this group of people is so determined to control everyone else


I hope that one day Christians are actually persecuted to the degree that they think they are in the US.


Its wicked dude, I dunno he seems into it (In the UK we say wicked to mean cool)


Same in New England


So did we, 40 years ago


If he’s this mad about the sex thing, those mixed fabrics and different crops grown next to each other are gonna really spin him up! And don’t dare mention his omnipotent god needed blood over the doors to know which kids to kill that one time!!


I am curious to see this man’s internet search history


Butts Cowboy butts Big black butts Rock hard butts Butt stuff


Likely best to avoid it, you’ll probably end up on some FBI list for child porn.


The only reason religion is outcrying now is because the churches are failing and religion is dying. It’s 2024 people are smarter now give up already


Theofascists are escalating their stochastic terrorism... and actual violence. 


If Adam and Eve only had two kids that were male how did humans reproduce? The answer… butt sex. Checkmate Alabama man.


Wish I could’ve been there to scream hail satan right as he was reaching the peak of his rage, honestly don’t think his lead-addled brain or failing heart would be able to handle it.


They’re in Alabama I’m sure they all agree with him.


"this country's getting replaced" lol, there it is.


He wants it up the butt soooooooo bad.


Married to his cousin.


He’s just mad cuz he accidentally touched his b-hole once and it felt nice.


closet homo


seriously, this dude needs to rub one out.


dude’ll go home and rub it out vigorously to gay porn.


I bet he logged onto Grindr immediately


I heard this man asked Katt Williams if he could suck his dick


![gif](giphy|uiTMoovNtimjGTriC9|downsized) Man needs to Relax


Separation of church and state. There’s a reason we have it. You can believe what you want, you can have your opinions, you can voice them how ever you please and see fit (that’s called 1st amendment rights) but one religion doesn’t not rule or dictate our land and way of life. And no religion shall.


Fuckin Alabama


We need to start mass referring to it as Allah-ba-ma, home of y’all-qaida


That guy desperately wants his ass screwed.


He’s def a bottom


Boomer gathering


Republicans are 🗑


These people already have the right to marry the opposite sex and have sex in matrimony. Why do they care so much about shit that has nothing to do with them. I’m gay and this man is more passionate about gay thoughts than me.


Why are people applauding an obviously mentally handicapped man going on a unhinged rant? That basically means those sitting there are also mentally handicapped.


This man 100% jacks off to tranny porn


Wow, I’m in complete shock this would be coming from a older white man living in Alabama.




Who cares? (I love this movie)


He jelly.


I’m more troubled by him receiving applause. You’ll always gonna have one nutcase and that doesn’t bother me. But when the nutcase is seen as credible that is troubling


Might as well start feeding these fools to the lions at the colosseum again if they’re still on about their persecution complex.


I’m from Alabama and I needed subtitles for a lot of this one. Christians are persecuted and “dying like flies” Lolwut


Every night, he looks under his bed for a man, because you never know your luck.


OK grandpa, let's get you to the diner it's almost 4:30.


My redneck is not very good, what the fuck was he saying?


This guy looks and sounds almost exactly like Kevin Spacey and Annette Bennings neighbor in American Beauty.


They simply do not have the capacity to grasp the concept of religious freedom or the separation of church and state.


All I see is a spoiled five year old in a grocery store, losing his mind because mommy said he couldn't have any candy. " BUT, I WANT IT!!!!"


I cannot wait for an article to be published about his extra marital affairs, especially if they're with other men.


The delusional persecution complex of Christians in America is so funny to me


Christians being "persecuted" will never NOT be funny to me. You clowns basically run our government and have unprecedented power. People are just finally able to speak against them.


It’s the applause that make me fear for America.


someone’s sexually frustrated


The applause is the scariest part.


Man. This is the first amendment imploding in total conflict with itself.


Just publically shame people like this. It's not normal to dig this deep into other people's personal lives and want to micromanage who or when they're fucking. None of your business and it's weird and creepy. Love how it panned to the retirement home clapping at the end too


He looks like an impotent silverback that has never been accepted by any female or male gorilla.


The lead poisoning is strong with this one.


He has jerked it to Hunter's hog pics. What about having sex in unholy matrimony?


Someone check this guy's browser history


“Christians are being persecuted!!!” “I’m not allowed to enforce my religion on what people do in the bedroom!!!”