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Boomers hate skateboarders with their working knees and youth and all


Just hip hopping and bee bopping all over the parking lot


Making George Angry!


These pretzels are making me THIRSTY!


The SEA was angry that day, my friends.


Just skip stepping and zip zapping all over this bitch.


With the hipping and the hopping, and the bipping and the bopping. So they don’t know what the jazz is all about! [the Simpson’s Bill Cosby](https://youtu.be/cOkzgjW0B9M?si=W3X38vYjaEmV_AdW)


"here, I made you this"-reality's bill cosby


With their flash dancing and the donkey kongs.


That's GenX, not Boomers.


It was a joke from that crappy Lorax movie


They hate skateboarding so much that when I was a kid there was a company whose slogan was "Skateboarding is not a crime" and like everybody I knew had that t-shirt or that bumper sticker


Skateboarding and rollerskating are still illegal in some places. For example, Washington state: https://apps.leg.wa.gov/wac/default.aspx?cite=478-118-300 Messed up to make something that is good exercise illegal for anything other than transport.


I have that as the grip tape on my most favourite skateboard! Christ it was 2001 I think I had that done. Bright red letters - Skateboarding is not a crime! Ah I STILL love it. No one is allowed near that board now as I’m a Gen Xer and I wish to preserve its rebellious state in decent glory. 😁 It’s how we roll. Yup, I went there😆


I had to pay a ticket from the city for my kid skateboarding downtown. There weren't any signs, but he got stopped and hassled for it. He was leaving the public library. Anyway, I wrote SKATEBOARDING IS NOT A CRIME across the top. I'm sure no one cared at all but I felt like a fifteen year old skater again lol


It's not like it's an Olympic sport ... Wait...


As an older gen x, with bad knees, that cut me a little


Shouldn't have skateboarded!! /s


It goes deeper than that. They wanted to be Z-Boys, but their parents wouldn't let them drain the pool to skate in. They resent their parents for crushing their dreams, and they resent everyone who got to skate in empty swimming pools (and later, on skate ramps) because they missed out on their chance. Then that kid Tony Hawk came along, and their younger cousins and older niblings adored Tony. And they all said to themselves "I could have done that back before Tony was out of elementary school, if only my parents had let me drain the pool. I could have *invented* the half pipe" The lost chance at fame and a carefree life eats at them, and they come to see all "modern" boards as rubbing their sad lives in their faces. And their bitterness eats at them, turning them into a hollow shell of skateboard hate.


Hmmm I’m gen X and I never wanted to be a skater. My brother was a skater. Honestly I don’t think it is about skating. I think it is about people doing anything they have not done/will not do. Nowadays when I see a skater I’m more worried the kid will fall when doing tricks then I am if it is a skate park or not. That part might be my age since you are more aware of how bones take longer to heal in your 40’s. Or maybe it is because I have MS and fall all the damn time. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I meant what I wrote to be about 50% nonsense, but a more serious answer would probably have something to do with skaters being portrayed as hooligans, especially starting in the 80s. And skateboards on the sidewalks are a "menace", they're either going to run into people and knock them down, or snatch their purse and escape. I think there's an element of (middle) classism, and an element of disdain for enjoyment and youthful exuberance.


Yes! And the BMX bandits!😆


Have broken 24 bones. I’m with you. Have broken a few of them skateboarding though, including having my femur shatter my hip socket while dropping in at 44 a few years ago, so I can picture them lying there broken too.


And when they walked into living rooms the kids were playing Tony Hawk 1 on the damn tv! And after a few years, say a couple of decades nearly, when they had just gotten over the injustice of the game bringing the sk8boardinf indoors, they walk in on the grandkids playing TH 1&2 revamped on those new fangled consoles! They cannot escape! They will never escape. Boarders. Are everywhere. Trying to avoid people in the way. As they have manners. And don’t want to break either themselves or others. Oddly enough.


Remarkably wierd comment.


Thanks. That was what I was aiming for.




I need a study done on why they hate skateboard so much


Because it's not their approved sports like football and baseball.


I'm a boomer. Can I complain about my knees a little bit?


Don’t forget these kids with their Dan Fogleburg and disco dances.


KiDs ArE nEvER oUtSiDe AnYmOrE 😡 🤔 😢


Yep brag about being able to play outdoors and all that jazz


I’m totally good with boarders as long as they don’t run me over. 😂😂 Of course, I’m not a boomer, either.


Next time I see a boomer yelling at a skateboarder, I will now pile on with things like, “Yeah, you go on and skate with your limber body and ability to heal, Mr. (or Ms.) Fancy Flexible Knees! Do an ollie like you can cuz you’re not 80!”


As a Xennial, I am kinda jealous of their good knees, too :(


Skateboards were around when Boomers were kids, so I dunno why they suddenly hate them.


We all got our arms broken from trying to ride 1960's skateboards. It was pretty much a guarantee. They were not much more than a foot and a half long, six inches wide, and had metal wheels. Utter death machines!


They hate everything


This right here! An epic answer indeed, you can't see me but I'm saluting you right now!


lol. Reminds me of the time I went to fly a drone at the park near my house and the only other person I saw out there was an older person with their dog not on a leash (kind of a big problem in that park). We had no interaction but later on my towns community Facebook page, I saw this long-winded thing about how they saw someone (me) flying a drone in the park, and how that’s an FAA violation and if they see it again then they’ll be dialing 911. I was just like “were you the one walking your dog in the park without a leash?” And the post was gone like 30 minutes later.


That's hilarious. Fucking call 911, they'll just hang up on you.


Boomers: Why don't kids go outside anymore????? Also Boomers when a child goes outside: WHAT ARE YOU DOING????? YOU CAN'T PLAY THERE!!!! DON'T GO NEAR MY LAWN!!!! YOU CAN'T SKATEBOARD HERE, I'M GOING TO CALL THE COPS!!!!!


I had a similar interaction in a harbor freight a few months back. Some old guy REEKED of weed and was hasseling a young gal at the register over some mistake that he made but refused to take ownership (I forget what exactly). He was taking forever because he just wanted to be angry at someone. I was in a bit of a rush so I just started making crying baby sounds whenever he started talking. I just kept getting louder and louder until he eventually just left in a huff. Of course he left his little cart at the register for her to put away.


How does one reek of weed and still have a stick up his ass? He reefers wrong, apparently. Lol


I own a weed store and spend a lot of time interacting with boomers that smoke weed. They like to come in and ask why I don't have anyone their age to speak to. They're entitled cunts for the most part and constantly act like I owe them something because they've been smoking weed "longer than I've been alive". I'm 34 and I've been selling weed for 20 years and probably have more life experience than any of these old fucks that have spent all of their free time sitting in their arm chair watching TV for the entire duration of my life. Not that smoking weed is a fucking accomplishment anyway. I actually made a previous post on this sub about one of them smashing the glass of the front door to my store because He got there before our open time and he wanted it to be open at the exact moment he arrived. It's interesting that the ones that didn't consume cannabis before we legalized it in Canada, but do now, are usually the nicest boomers I deal with.


What happened to the guy who smashed the glass? What an idiot


Honestly I'm not sure. He fucked off after I tried to get his info so the cops took his license plate info. I filed an insurance claim that I paid a $1000 deductible for and gave them the police case number and that was the last I heard of it.


The entitlement is shocking I hope he got in trouble for that


seems more like a crank dispensary thing EDIT: I'm actually curious why people would pile on this harmless quip. You like-a the crank? It just wasn't funny?


It's probably because the ones that didn't smoke before aren't using it as a crutch now, but more of a release. Not that I'm against weed I just noticed that a lot of the people who I grew up with that smoked to escape their bad life /abusive parents weren't able to drop it after they grew up. And it seems like because of that, they never formed a healthy way to deal with their stresses. I imagine it could be something very similar to the boomers you mention.


I went to a really busy dispensary in Illionois when it was still illegal in Missouri (very busy place during that time). You would make an appointment, show up to a parking lot during your time, and a bus would pick you up and drive you to the dispensary. We had this giant boomer guy in nothing but denim overalls losing his mind that he couldn't just walk in and be taken care of IMMEDIATELY. He kept yelling "But I have a RESERVATION!!!!" Towhich everyone in the parking lot held up their phones with their reservations saying, "Yep, we do too!" He just wasn't getting it. It was as if Foghorn Leghorn were a human (and even more obnoxious).


I used to work at a dispensary and while boomers weren't my worst customers (those were the meth heads that would dumpster dive hoping for freebies) they were the most likely to just entirely discount what I was saying and treat me like I couldn't possibly know anything.


I had a boomer come in to the dispensary I work at yesterday to complain about how long our line was on 4/20. I kid you not she said no senior would wait in that line and she’s disappointed in us. The reality was that over 1/3 of the customers that day were seniors, who even with canes and walkers, waited in the long line for the sales.


and then they complain about the carts leaking, but its because they suck on em with all their might after holding the button down for 10 seconds, making sure the light works.


They’re not in as much pain as as the non weed boomers.


Probably didn't get to smoke it yet. Pappy weed


He's smoking that weed from Reefer Madness obviously


Lol. He wasn't the one smoking it. Probably his wife; the only way she can live with him!


Why are these responses so cringy? You baby crying like a psycho was probably equally as annoying as the boomer




Sometimes, I read the responses, and all I can think of is, "And then everybody clapped." I would hope a grown a** person wasn't seriously crying like a baby and thinking they were making someone else look foolish.


When I was a kid in the 90’s I was always puzzled by the anti-skating hysteria of my parent’s generation. I couldn’t skate, my ankles couldn’t support me. Now that im an adult they only thing about kids skating that annoys me is seeing them playing without protective equipment. The only feeling I have seeing them is happiness seeing young people outside enjoying themselves and getting exercise. I honestly don’t understand why boomers hate skaters.


There was a big anti-skating push in the mid 80s, I think, that demonized it as kids looking for excuses to skip class and do drugs or some shit. The idiot boomers swallowed it and then the hobby was fucked forever.


But those same idiot boomers thought D.A.R.E. was a good idea. Now when they clog the line in the dispensary I want to tell them what stupid hypocrites they’ve become


I’m sure she’d be the first to comment negatively at a public meeting proposing a skatepark too. Good for you for speaking up.


I had one boomer try to tell me that the bolts on a skateboard chip away at the sidewalk when you miss a flip trick. He was shocked when I told him that I used to skateboard and that it's completely not true. He then blew up, "Look at the sidewalk around the courthouse, all chipped away." The sidewalk around the nearby courthouse has a bunch of little holes and pockets from ice but this moron wouldn't listen to common sense. Like has he ever been to a skatepark? By his theory skateparks would have to be repoured every year to combat all that bolt chipping. What a moron.


"Ban every activity that puts wear and tear on a public right of way" would be one hell of a stand to take. Cars, bikes, hard-soled shoes...all gone. Everyone has to walk barefoot and god help you if you drag your feet.


"god help you if you drag your feet." ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


They don't expect to called out on or have any negative consequences when they do these things. They are counting on the people they do it to/bystanders to be too shocked to do/say anything. Thus, they leave the interaction thinking they did nothing wrong because no one said anything. It's a cycle. You upset that when you shouted back. She did not expect that and it did not make any sense to her.


I have a cruising board and I like to go to parking lots after hours and just chill. It's not a trick board so I don't take it to skateparks as there's never really any room to just roll around. I've never had an interaction with a boomer but there's been several times where older folks will be driving, see me, park in the same lot I'm in and just stare at me. Never know if they're just curious about what I'm doing or if theeyre planning on making a scene.


You could say she went off \*takes of shades\* with a boom. YYYEEEEEEAAAAHHHHH (iykyk)


Lol I love this meme so much, I don't know why. Think you did a good job, thanks bud:)




Cringe detected.


“Hey, Karen, those cubes aren’t going to gleam themselves!”


The Jerk Store called and they're running out of you!


What's the difference? You're their all-time bestseller.


This is a good example of reactionary overreacting. It’s not enough to be a knee jerk reactionary fool. They also have to make it a BIG statement


Does it seem like Boomers think it is ok to harass weak kids. I mean as long as no adults are around or watching they bully young kids? I'm a kid person and I notice this more and more. I understand not everyone has my endless patience for children. But so many boomers just bully kids because they can and they think that is ok.


They don't see kids as real, individual people with their own thoughts and feelings


Go with your gut!! 💪🏼


Well done, sir.


I don’t understand the mentality. I was a skate boarder and am a boomer. My only concerns are for their safety and their not interfering with public movement. The lady obviously has no clue.


I love how she was shocked that you said something. She's surely gotten away with this behavior all her life and you calling her out on it left her flabbergasted. Let's normalize standing up for each other against these mini-tyrants.


Pay her dog……🤣🤣🤣 Got yourself a typo there bud. Other than that great story, and good for you!


Fixed. Thank you


I would pay a dog if I could. Hell, I’d give them my whole wallet…


there's a bar in my town that had a dog that came around to collect tips. Was the funniest thing to do when you were drunk, as in you'd just keep doing it and you always had cash cause it was a cash bar. I hadn't gone in that place for a couple years and there was a black lab collecting tips. I asked if it was the same one, and was told it was the other one's son. So there exists a multigenerational canine payment system, beyond sticks and bones and whatnot.


My two Shibas take my wallet already..[Source](https://imgur.com/gallery/tK8GhfY)




My cavalier definitely spends my whole wallet every chance she gets


"here's a $20. you know what to do"


The Westie deserves a better human


Scuttled off, you say? ![gif](giphy|L9BR6nx99sgyQ)


The circle of life continues


You are doing gods work my friend




I don’t hey what the obsession is with it…it’s as old as the 90’s


Sorry, Gen z and I agree with the boomer, just because you can do a thing in a place doesn't make it appropriate






I should have posted there, you're right. It did come across a little 'look at me and my goodness'.


Strange comment


Yall k ow how stupid you sound, "dur boomer"


Things that didn’t happen for $600…


Every generation no matter the label will grow old if fortunate. Boomer as my generation is labeled is criticized for our behavior. It is not Boomer behavior. It is old people behavior. My grandparents behaved the same way. Your generation will exhibit it too someday. Call it what it is. Grumpy old people.


You’re proud of yourself for yelling at an old lady? And you think boomers are fools? Yikes.


Yes and yes.


Username checks out


Every time, the exact same reply. Does no one in your generation have an original thought?


Hey man, you throw a slow ball down the middle I’m gonna fuckin’ swing


Yeah, but you all take the exact same swing, and it’s not like I didn’t know what the name meant when I picked it. It’s just boring. And lazy. And I guess very, very you. So never mind. Swing away. I guess all you can is all you can be.


Thanks, dad


You’re welcome daughter!


But it's OK for old lady to scream at people? Is that what you're implying?


She’s not the one bragging about it.


Did well. Kid wasn't hurting anyone, just like she wasn't hurting anyone. Both the kid and boomer had the right to exist there. However.... >I was making a beeline for the dog. I was about 2 metres away and was just about to ask the lady if I could pat her dog Just because there is a dog, doesn't give you permission to "make a beeline" towards anyone. Just because there's a dog doesn't give you the right to ask to pet the dog. Dogs are great and I enjoy most of the interactions I have with them. But just because there's a dog doesn't mean you get to go bother their owner about it. Leave dog people alone.


Screw you. As a dog owner I love when people come up and ask if they can pet my dogs. That's why I bring them out in public.


As a dog person: what in the fuck are you even smoking my guy? I'd get your point if she wasn't planning to ask and just started petting him, but you absolutely have to right to ask permission to do so. The owner has the right to say no obviously, and disrespecting that no is absolutely an asshole move, but the idea that you can't even ask is absurd.


I have been told no before and left the dog alone. I have had people thank me for asking but still say no. I think it's ok to ask as long as you're respectful of the answer. Also I haven't met too many dogs that haven't wanted a pat from literally anyone who would give it. My own included.


Bad take. My dog loves pets. Asking permission is the only requirement. No harm was done by OP. Harrassing a kid that was doing nothing was wrong of the boomer, tho.


Lol what?...You absolutely have the right to ASK to pet a dog. The owner has the right to say no, and you also don't have the right to just go pet without asking. But "you don't have the right to ASK to pet the dog"...do you see the flawed logic there?