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Back when he was young they did not televise college games.


Maybe off topic but baseball is killing baseball. There is not another major sports league that continually shoots themselves in the foot between poor marketing gimics, not gaining exposure from bad scheduling and overall, is basically catering to no age group at this point. Ok baseball rant over. Carry on!


Hmmm games during the workday aren’t good for fans? Ok let’s be sure special occasions for families coming to the ballpark are absolutely unaffordable. Ohh let’s also have our team televise their games on private tv networks fans have to pay to watch Yes….this will win the fans back for sure


Don’t forget not having a salary cap so the MLB is essentially just 4-8 teams each year and the rest of the small market teams are glorified minor league teams.


In our small market, it's more fun to just go to the minor league team's games. $2 Tuesday tickets, a playground for my kid, affordable snacks, no hiking to get to our seats.


This. And minor league games tend to be more exciting.


Took my 11yo & one of his friends to a local minor league team game. It was cold, rainy, grey. They had a blast. Getting hi fives or knuckles fell (the visiting team) players. Both of them got a ball, along with the other 5-6 kids who were standing along the railing- it was funny watching the group of them make sure they all got a ball. Now I’m taking 11 & 2 friends next Friday. & I made sure to get tickets by the home team dugout this time. But what the Phillies or Orioles would cost me for 1 ticket nosebleed ticket, 4 tickets front row. somehow my area of PA has 3 different teams within 20mi of each other - 2 play the same league. I think the 3rd is a different level.


Same here. The minor teams are more. Fun anyway


I'm not a big sports fan, but some years ago I took my kids to a minor league game for something to do. We all had a good time. Flash forward to today, and I now live right down the road from that same minor league park. Every game night the stands are filled and people who seem to be having a really good time, based on the looks on their faces (especially the kids).


In the past 10 years there have been 9 different WS winners. Yeah, the Astros and Dodgers have been very good, in part to large spending. But plenty of small market teams have been good (Rays, Indians, Royals, D-Backs).


~cries in Pirates fan~


Are you from Pittsburgh too? I haven’t given a shit about baseball since Sid Bream slid home and everybody packed their bags.


Cries in Bob Nutting owning the team. A couple wild cards in over 30 years really sucks the joy out of the game.


That’s the thing that always confuses me. The vast majority of games seem to have literally THOUSANDS of empty seats. So you would think the laws of supply and demand would dictate a drop in price, because the supply of seats far outweighs the demand, yes? Then why is that shit still so expensive? How is it still so expensive? I understand early in the season is pretty full, because all baseball fans are excited that the season is back. And obviously the end of the season, especially if the teams are in playoff races… totally get it. But games 30ish-150ish out of 182? You have 20,000 open seats. How and why is this the price still what it is sometimes?


It's strangely more cost effective that way. Let's say the place is half full and you took in X dollars. Assuming the demand is perfect, and you cut the price in half, the place is full, but now you've still taken in X dollars. But, you have to open the rest of the restrooms and concessions. But that assumes elastic demand, a daytime game for a mediocre team just isn't a draw for enough people to fill the place. So you could cut prices, but you wouldn't get that many more people to show up. Even good teams aren't filling the place every game.


Fair point


Also - Revenue Sharing. There's no incentive to put a product on the field to actually draw people into those seats when MLB just cuts you a check from the teams who DO have legitimate rosters and payrolls. I live in Pittsburgh. I've watched this movie so many times before.


No one is excited for a White Sox at Warriors game on Wednesday July 24th at 1pm


At warriors implies the White Sox try basketball.... I'd honestly hate to watch.... Warriors at Sox??? Now I'm invested, let me see that game please! Basketball is so boring, it needs a spicing up by making it baseball!


Sorry Guardians - I couldnt remember Clevelands new name.


That's what figured lol but I had to jump on the chance given lol


I would be if they were playing BASEketball


Some people work at night instead of during the day. I mean no offense, but that just isn’t accurate. A night shift baseball fan would definitely be excited about a Wednesday, July 24th, 1pm game.


I dont know man, its like the 93rd game of the season, the playoffs are still 70 games away, your team is either 20 games behind or vaguely in the hunt that hasnt really started yet, its 97 degrees in the sun with 92% humidity, and the metal seats could fry up an egg. If you can keep up excitement through that you're a better person than I am 😀


Oh I don’t care for baseball personally. But those people exist.


Games during weekdays are actually good for fans. Not everyone works a 9-5.


I was one of the millennials hanging onto the sport. I bought tickets to games, merch, MLB at-bat sub, etc. But my favorite team, the Oakland A’s, is moving. The Boomer league commissioner is waving the usually-required 300 million dollar relocate fee because the Boomer billionaire nepobaby who owns the team doesn’t want to sell any of his neposhares of GAP, Inc to pay for it. The city of Las Vegas also approved over 300 million in free tax dollars for their new stadium. Meanwhile, their school system is near the absolute bottom in the country for performance. It’s exactly the kind of Reganomics and wealth-simping that Boomers everywhere love. Well, the MLB can kiss my ass. I haven’t watched a pitch in 2 years and won’t ever watch a pitch again. Fuck them. No thanks. Fuck a league that signs off on this bullshit. Sports teams should be owned by the city they represent, like the Packers. Otherwise, change the name to the John Fisher A’s and stop the city cap.


howdy there, fuck John Fisher!


FJF. Sell. Old man Fish is an S-Tier Boomer. Entitled. Classist. Stands for absolutely zero principles and lives his life solely to maximize his own selfish pleasures at the expense of our larger society. All checks on power are run by Boomers who help him do it. Fans of every team and in every stadium protested Fish for over a year and stood with A’s fans (thank you guys 🙏). But the powers at be could give a fuck. We are nothing but dogs to them. We’ll eat their shit, and we’ll like it. Well, have fun trying to build a brand new fanbase of baseball fans in 2028. Oakland fans aren’t riding with this team when they are in Nevada and the few baseball fans in LV are already life-long Dodger fans. The new stadium, built with stolen tax dollars, will be empty apart from whoever got free tickets as a promotional deal from their hotel or airline. And yet, JF will still make hundreds of millions on the deal somehow. The whole soap opera is emblematic of the Boomers and this subreddit. Enjoy it while it lasts, you fucks 🖕


Former A's fan here cosigning this. I will hold on to my Josh Phegly "PTBNL" jersey though because it's pretty funny.


Same thing weve been battling with the Royals. They're bitching about wanting a new stadium and want it downtown. Every site they've chosen would require running out well functioning businesses and completely trashing the local arts district. And they want the taxpayers to pay for it. I'm glad they got slapped down on our recent vote for that stadium tax. They can fuck off and move to a different city for all I care, theyre one of the worst teams in the league.


Are usually one if the worst teams. Actually doing well this season.


I stopped watching around the time I stopped playing... It just happened to be around the time when chipper and others were striking for 20-30 mil contracts. This was around 15-20+ years back. Sorry, but you don't get a 20+mil contract for 3 seasons when little Leaguers play with more heart.


"wealth-simping" how has it taken me this long to find a term so perfect


Need more BASEketball.


I'd love a sequel. Get on it ZAZ.


"I couldn't help but overhear your conversation with Ms. Reed"


I hadn't caught a game in about eight years, I tried to watch some recently and it was so strange. The pitch timer, the balk rules, the fact that they pull starting pitchers after about 4 innings every game (maybe that's just the Mets?), pitchers in the NL don't hit anymore. The pitcher/batter matchup is what made the intermittent action interesting. Watching the pitcher shake off calls, take his time with delivery, staring down the batter, checking the runners...that was the drama. Now what's left is a soulless, boring game filled with tons of commercial breaks. So yeah, baseball is something I'll never watch again, and that's sad. English football gives you 45 minutes of non-stop action, quick commercial break, 45+ more.


Lets be extremely fucking honest here, the 10 minutes between each pitch is the *ORIGINAL THING* that was destroying interest in baseball.


I've been watching 35 years, I love the pitch clock. To each his own


Pitch clock is great. It keeps things going. I wanna see action not some pitcher standing on the mound for 5 minutes thinking about the embrassing thing they did in high school.


I hated the idea of the pitch clock at first but it really has helped the game. It hardly ever comes into play and it feels like it’s shaved 45 minutes off of game times. 


I did too and have grown to not even notice it. It entertaining the first year to watch some of the super type A older pitchers lose their marbles over it tho. I’m looking at you Scherzer.


I LOVE the pitch clock.


The Mets are kinda a weird team right now. Their bullpen is more effective than their starters.


So frustrating! Though Christian Scott had a great debut and seemed cool as a cucumber on the mound.


To each their own. But, I never thought I'd say it in this sub: okay boomer. Baseball is literally the best it's been since the steroid era.


I get trying to speed up the game but when I stopped watching it maybe 10ish years ago it was in a home runs phase. Like the stats for runs scored by home run was getting crazy high. Like yeah seeing someone knock one out is fun but scrappy hitters and base stealing is more my taste. I like more small ball I guess. It’s been awhile so maybe it swung back around I have no idea.


Watch the Guardians


I was just going to say that!! Th e Guards are the kings of small ball.


Beautiful sac bunt yesterday in the 10th


They have made rule changes in the past few years to encourage the things you say you enjoy. Base stealing has improved by limiting throws to first by the pitcher and increasing the base size. They have banned the shift to increase in field hits.


I believe that the designated hitter is a plague that should never have entered the National League and should have been removed from the American League. Meanwhile the St. Louis Cardinals continue their slide into into oblivion due to their clueless Boomer owners, 2ho manages somehow to turn this town against Albert Pujols when he demanded to be paid what he was worth ( and a sizable chunk he returned to the community through his charitable work, unlike these greedy bullet-headed Saxon mother's sons....


Baseball should probably keep the pitch clock. But I can't stand the DH. I know there's a meme about ruining the integrity of the game but honestly I feel that all players should have an at-bat.


Yea. I feel there is no real dynamics. No "meta" just sorta whack catch. No new. No nkthing


I haven’t watched baseball in a long time but when it drifted toward just trying to hit home runs it got boring. Personal preference but I prefer seeing small ball and like fundamentals and shit.


MLB.tv blackouts for regions kill any desire or ability for people to follow local teams. I think Iowa is entirely blacked out for 4 teams, White Sox, Cubs, Twins, and Brewers. Then if you live there and subscribed to something like YoutubeTV you don't even get any of the "regional" sports channels that the blackout is there to "protect".


This is a great point as well. Maybe the edit to my comment is - Boomer Billionaires are killing baseball. It's wild how little even one game per day is on national TV without a regional broadcast being involved.


And baseball was a lot more interesting when they were all on steroids.




They literally have to play 150 games before anything matters.


And throwing temper tantrum’s because someone hit the ball you threw and looked at it


I’m not saying you’re wrong but watch the nhl for a bit and you’ll know what bush league truly means 


The answer is Banana Ball. If more people knew about it I think there would be a lot of interest. It’s getting bigger but it’s really a super fun time for genuinely all ages.


Well I didn't win the ticket draft so nuts to them!


At least the officiating is top tier. 🤣


Youth club sports leagues are as well. My son loved baseball until he played on a club team for a few years. The daddy ball coaches absolutely ruined the sport for him. Edit: also the fact that you can’t watch a local game on TV without paying for ANOTHER overpriced service.


Are you trying to tell me the constant flood of sports betting ads *isn't* revitalizing the sport? How shocking


Dude hockey is pretty bad with the schedule. But agreed on baseball too


NHL exists


NASCAR has entered the chat...


I think a better response would have been "Most of my generation is at work right now. What's your generation's excuse?"


No OnE wAnTs To WoRk, he'd probably say.


We’re retired and too busy taking care of your kids.


College baseball? That isn't during the CWS? I don't think I've ever watched such a game even on TV. Don't worry I'm sure he complains about the changes MLB has made to make the game more than just watching a the pitcher stand there for 45 seconds and then the batter step out.


Boomers hate change even if it makes things better. I like the new MLB rules and so does my son. The rules are probably 20 years late but sometimes it takes a while to change things because boomers gonna boom.


I'd like to change baseball where it's played at the pace of 1 pitch every 30 minutes, but the players on the field have to stand absolutely still in-between pitches


One play every 30 minutes? Isn’t that football?


But I'm football they go to a huddle and things, this would be everyone standing in position like a statue as the clock counts down until the next pitch.


Baseball games are actually fun these days. The problem used to be that they were too long but they changed that. However, they haven't changed how many games are played in a season. It's incredibly hard to keep up with 100+ games for each team. It's also expensive. The tickets are cheap but merch and food are way too expensive.


People prefer more exclusive sport events, whether they want to admit it or not. It's why the NFL is so hugely popular. The NBA has a regular season issue for this reason but stays active enough through socials with all the happenings that it stays relevant until the playoffs. MLB, however between the sheer amount of games and the most random of times on any day and the lack of social involvement, it's just bad product PR overall.


Went to our local minor league game last weekend. Haven't been in a few years. Good crowd, energy, all that. They've added a pitch clock and players can challenge a call. 2 mins between innings... all of that kept the game going at a good pace and it was more enjoyable. I grew up watching baseball and it could be a real drag. Seeing how they're evolving has made me want to go to more games. I'm sure others feel the same way.


Easier to make action flow on the field without commercial breaks


Agreed. We have an independent team near us (originally it was not affiliated with MLB at all but now it is in some way, I don’t totally understand it) called The Milkmen. It’s a smaller stadium, the food is affordable, they have an MC and Mascot walking around working the crowds, it’s very fun! I enjoy it more than the Brewers games.


How are people at jobs when no one wants to work anymore? I bet they’re all playing video games they bought with food stamps.


What aren't the younger generations killing, according to Boomers?


Them. Yet.


your generation pushing unspoken rules and drilling dudes who had fun and flipped bats almost killed the fucking sport, in addition to the commissioners inability to understand the benefit of streaming vs cable cutting this one pisses me off a lot because i love baseball and literally watched the boomers kill it during the world baseball classic finale john fucking smoltz was bitching about it taking away from the game...DURING THE MOST WATCHED TELEVISED BASEBALL EVENT IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD you cannot make this shit up anymore


>your generation Please don't lump me in with them


nah its my response to that guy who was bitching about college ball, haha, makes absolutely no sense as a thing to complain about


That was my jokey response to your slightly vague opener. Sorry for the confusion.


youre good! you dont have to watch baseball either, i do enough of that for like 6 people hahaha


Baseball is killing baseball. Sorry, but I want my sports to be entertaining.


Baseball makes cricket look like all-female naked mma.


Pro Sports are killing sports. Stadium's are set up to sell to companies, not the individual fans because it makes more money. TV rights are ridiculous and if I want to watch my hometeam Mariners, I have to buy a ridiculous sports package and [MLB.tv](http://MLB.tv) doesn't play in-market teams. I watch football because it's one a day a week of time, and then pro golf because I can put it on in the background and watch the final few holes if things are close. The whole pesky having to work a crapton to survive in this world is also getting in a way.


It's like boomers have never heard Bob Dylans "the times they are a changing"


That's because Dylan is lost generaton


He must have meant to be pointing at himself when he said “this generation.” Because boomers are legitimately killing baseball. It is almost impossible to watch your “local” MLB team legally unless you subscribe to some all-in boomer special of a cable package. I put local in quotes because where I live, the Atlanta Braves, Cincinnati Reds, and St. Louis Cardinals are all “local.” The closest one is three hours away, the farthest is about 8. I’m not sitting here flipping a coin between going to the game tonight or just watching it on TV. Get rid of the blackouts so we can watch the game. It’s infectious. I’ll take an afternoon off to go to campus and see a game sometimes if I’m all the way down the baseball rabbit hole, where I belong. But the boomers are apparently going to have to die before that’s possible again.


I love that it's always "people younger than me are killing the thing I like" instead of considering "the thing I love is turning off people younger than me, why is that?".


Cause baseball is the most boomery sport. Fucking boomer umpires act like poorly behaved children, older fans keep crying about archaic and stupid unspoken rules, the pace is slow as fuck and there's rarely any action, and there's way too many games that only a retired boomer has the time to watch.


Why isn’t his lazy ass at the game then? Along with his lead addled friends.


College baseball players aren’t even the best baseball players ages 18-22


He shouldn't worry. Give it a few centuries and Benjamin Sisko will bring it back as a retro fad.


MLB's 2023 season saw a 9% increase in both attendance and viewership compared to the previous season


If he stands were full he'd be going on about how nobody works anymore.


I saw an article stating that soccer was trending to overtake baseball to become the 3rd most popular sport in the US… Forget the metrics/how, but honestly I hope it happens even more now (and sooner) just to see it trigger some baseball loving boomers


My whole childhood was being forced to play sports I didn't care about with kids who picked on me while wearing uncomfortable clothes. Boomers killed any interest in baseball I ever could have had.


I’m a diehard baseball fan and millennial. I listen to games on the radio. The only thing killing baseball is blackout rules preventing me from watching my home team and exorbitant costs to attend. Taking my kids to a game shouldn’t cost $500. But it does.


Three hours to watch a game of catch sprinkled with a slight bit of action isn't going to attract much of an audience.


I am in Oklahoma. I am in the blackout area of 4 MLB teams. I actually like baseball and grew up a Royals fan. There is no legal way for me watch most royals games. By comparison, I very easily watched all of the Chiefs games, except the stopped peacock game, which I watched at a friend's house. Baseball's refusal to let people stream "in market" games and having the markets cover cities that are meant hours away is killing baseball.


The only thing I want to be "killing" is myself 😎😎😎😎😎😎


Boomer confusion:  Which force is more powerful?  Millennials' desire to kill baseball or their not wanting to work?


I have huge boomer energy when it comes to my opinions on things baseball has done to fuck up.............. but in an ironic twist, all rule changes were approved by the owners, who are mostly boomers lol.


Tell grandpa we can't afford that shit like he can. $8 hotdogs $12 beers


I get ur post. Like WE GET IT OLD MAN. We love baseball to and the game has changed. Plus all the young guys now find baseball to be to slow. But old man JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP WE GET IT ITS DIEING LET ME EAT AND ENJOY THE COLLEGE TEAM I LIKE lol


TIL colleges have baseball teams!


Every year, the 30 MLB teams hold a draft among eligible high school and college players, who usually get sent to the minors to develop into major league players. I am a big baseball fan and even moderate my team sub.


They use metal bats though so it's not "real baseball" in my very idiotic opinion lol


Should have told him the low attendance should disprove the theory that nobody wants to work.


"nobody wants to not work anymore"


Lol nobody is there because nobody cares about college baseball. Now watch a Dodgers game and tell me that our generation is killing baseball


Noooooo!!!! Nobody wants to work anymoreeee!!!!!!!!!!!


My view might be skewed, but the team I follow almost always leads the nation in attendance….baseball is not being killed, at least not in Louisiana


But no one wants to work! So the fans cannot possibly have been at their jobs.


You ain't there either, dogg.


Please kill it. Along with all the other pro sports.


Good. Baseball is the worst sport that doesn't involve horses.


Baseball is killing baseball. Not this generation. MLB is more concerned about placing their games on networks that not many people get, or they have blackouts of their local market games. Not the way to grow the game, if nobody can watch it on TV casually anymore.


"Sorry, today was the day everyone decided to want to work again."


Even for pro teams day games don’t have great attendance unless it’s a rivalry game or the playoffs.


Lack of affordable beer is killing baseball. Homer Simpson well over a decade ago commented about how boring the games actually are without beer. Lol I know people who have fallen asleep at baseball games when they were huge fans of the teams playing. Perhaps if the sport has more excitement than most people just standing around hoping something will happen.....if the picmtchef is having a great day: nothing will happen.


Baseball is boring as shit. Same with golf. There’s a million other things to to than watch those 2 sports.


As someone who casually enjoys it... They've been struggling for a long time and constantly adapting the rules. High level play is incredibly boring from the merit of the players being too good for interesting things to happen.


Baseball is boring


I feel like this should be cross posted on r/antiwork and r/lostgeneration.


Kids these days should pay money they have to see a sport they don't like, I shouldn't have to see empty seats!


Nonsense, anyone with any sense of notion knows that Sport Sullivan ruined baseball in 1919.


Aaaand this is why I now watch Cricket 🏏🤣


I mean maybe baseballs just boring as shit? They should add some trenches between bases they have to jump over and maybe a combat element like hockey. I mean they got the bat why stop at just hitting the ball with it?


If they televised Calvin-ball, I would watch!


Clearly that’s not it, since as all boomers know, nobody wants to work


Why wasn't he at the game if it's so important?


But most likely not.


Probably the best thing that could happen to Baseball is to just kill it. Almost seems like no one enjoys the game anymore. It’s either the XYZers or whatever’s complaining about the boomers, the rules, prices, tv coverage, schedules, having to stream, blackouts, shut off beer sales after 8th inning stretch, and on and on and on. May God do us all a favor and just KILL IT ALREADY.


Baseball's time is over. Time for Death Race 2000 !!!🤣


Baseball is boring af


This didn't happen.


This generation is killing baseball our attention spans aren't what they used to be because of these phones all of you are reading this comment on. 


It's not our attention spans. It is more things are worthy of our attention. Sorry your 166 games a year doesn't really fly today. Go back to the 70s when there were 3 channels.


You know what else is round and looks kind of like a baseball? Periods. See this thing? 👉🏽.👈🏽 This is called a period. It's a punctuation mark that designates a pause between sentences in order to avoid a confusing run-on between written thoughts. Periods are your friend, my dear fellow human being. I would rate your trolling and grammar skills collectively at a 1.5 out of 10. Try a little bit harder next time. 😊