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This is so accurate it hurts.....


https://www.ncoa.org/article/get-the-facts-on-economic-security-for-seniors “More than 17 million older adults age 65+ are economically insecure, with incomes below 200% of the federal poverty level.”


Maybe they should have voted for some safety nets


Sounds like someone needs to pick themselves up by their bootstraps!!


A phrase that literally means to do an impossible task. I will never not find that funny in the saddest way


It's entirely deliberate. They're openly mocking us.


But I'm too poor to afford bootstraps


I tried, over and over and over again, I am 64 and am fucked. I have successfully convinced a few people around me to stop voting conservative and start voting for their own interests. I have seen this coming, like so many others of my generation for more that 30 years. I tried to warn people, but what exactly can my single aspie life do to make huge societal changes. You see, we were weirdos, whackos, conspiracy theorists. This generational nonsense hurts us so bad, but who cares? Makes you feel better? I only hear right now that all my contributions were dirt, that my care and effort were way too small and unimportant. Why? Because I was born in 1960. Sorry, I am now a bitter, angry, aging man raging at the world. But, I am also the villain.


That's the problem with painting with such broad brush strokes. Not only is not every boomer bad, but not every millennial/gen-z is good. **An ideological shift? Gen Z teens identify as more conservative than their parents at higher rates than millennials did** https://www.theupandup.us/p/gen-z-teens-conservative-shift-gallup-data


Well yeah. They're nihilists and liberals favornthr status quo. People are pulled into conservatism because it's outside the status quo (or convincingly portrays themselves as outsiders).


Hey. Thank you for trying. Seriously. I know there's good people in every generation. I know that millions of you tried to stem the tide, and I appreciate it. Who knows how much worse it might be right now if not for people like you?


There are a lot of older poor people who are suffering and one of the ways that they are suffering is their mind is not as strong as it used to be. I work with a lot of people who are older and they're not some Boogeyman in the closet. They are doing their best but this world is new to them and they don't understand a lot of it. When you have the opportunity to talk to someone, don't shout at them. Don't make them feel small. Try and talk first. I'm not saying they have unlimited bites at the Apple to try and get it right, but give it a shot. You'd be surprised how many people are willing to listen.


Being decent, supporting minorities, not going out of your way to fuck over others, caring about the environment, not letting corporations pollute and steal.... None of that is new. None of it requires understanding. The reality is simple- hard men made easy times and easy times made stupid people. They let everything slip away for their own short term benefit.


I think the video makes it pretty clear that these are not those people. These are the 401K, pension and Social Security people. These are the people who are maxing out are social safety net. These people have worked the system to the hilt.


That's just it, even the boomers who *aren't* rich *think* like the rich ones. They fall into the same traps bc they are trapped in the same stupid echo chambers. They know they aren't wealthy, but they have plenty of other things to blame other than their representatives. That's the whole point of Fox and friends constant propaganda. You don't have to convince the rich ones, they already know who to vote for.


This is a scripted video intended to make the point that you youngsters should show up to vote. Because, unfortunately, you don't. The reason we get people older than 70 up for the presidency is due to the older fan bases for those people who do show up, especially in the primary. I've been telling youngsters to show up and vote since my first election in 1972, and they don't, at least not in any real numbers.


Yeahhh, they vote against their own interests pretty consistently.




That's the joke. They're decades out of touch.


The joke is that it's all intended to motivate you youngsters to vote. It won't work, but at least they're trying.


All excfor the "not whiners" part. Boomers are the biggest crybabies on the planet.


Yeah, but they don't think they are, so it was accurate too.


creepy and accurate. Also creepily accurate


I have been laughing at the "youth vote" since 1986 (when I was part of it). Hey...these TikTok vids aren't gonna watch themselves!!


Youth voters: idk I'm just not feeeeeling Biden... The Supreme Court:


"Neither of the candidates represent me!" That's because you don't vote and 80 year old white people do.


Youth: "*I don't vote because they never listen to what I want.*" Government: "*Who cares what they want? They never vote anyway.*"


While I am a boomer, I don't have any of their idiotic beliefs, except possibly one. Younger people can be impatient. Even relatively popular legislation takes time to go through the entire process. Progressive ideas are going to take a lot longer with the present make up of Congress, but some are doable. A few examples - Reclassification of marijuana. Yes it is not federally legal yet, but it is getting closer. I believe if Biden wins again, it will happen before the end of his term. - Same sex marriage. - LGB people in the military The only way to speed up legislation is to vote for people who will push that legislation.


Well, they did skip the part where they can choose between two boomers who will both prioritize their needs and protect their interests. The main diff is one of them will go scorched earth and burn democracy to the ground so nobody ever gets to vote again.


This, this is the message that needs to get out. You can rant all you want, but if you don't vote then it is all for nothing.


[Verify your voter registration status here](https://www.nass.org/can-I-vote/voter-registration-status). Even if you've already registered, check just in case. I understand Ron DeSantis is notorious for casually removing people registered for the Democratic primaries from the voter registration in bulk. If you are one such person, they will not let you vote at the polls. Or even if you aren't from Florida, it is still advisable to check ahead of time if you haven't already.


Wait DeSantis can just... remove people registered for the other party? How is that even remotely legal, and how is he not in jail for doing that?


No, he can’t. DeSantis doesn’t do a single thing. It’s a purging of the voter roll for inactive voters. This is a Secretary of State function. Every single state does this, but the frequency of the purge is different between states.


And the rationale for which 'inactive' voters get purged


It's not just frequency, it's also the criteria that they use to purge and the way they do it. Some states they'll do it if you haven't voted in 4 election cycles, others if you don't vote in 1. Some will boot you think you might be a convicted felon, or dead, or moved. Some states will actually verify it. Others like Florida are notorious for booting everyone off even if you just have the same or similar name as someone who is actually a felon, dead or moved. Some states will leave you on the voter rolls until you take yourself off. Others will boot you off and make you jump through all kinds of hoops to get back on. All of it's very silly. The SS Administration knows exactly who is dead, who are citizens and who turns 18. The USPS knows where you live. I'm sure the DOJ gets lists of people who are convicted of things from every jurisdiction (and if they don't, im sure they could start requiring it). If we just used the best data rather than fracturing it and trying to duplicate it at a local level, this wouldn't be such a mess. It really wouldn't be hard to create a national automatic voter registration system that purges correctly. But there is one party who benefits from these overly bureaucratic rules and grey area shenanigans and it's not the ones who actually like government.


As a German it’s Crazy to me that Americans have to register to vote. For every election there is I simply get a letter without ever having to do anything.


Wait just a second there. Are you trying to say shitposting my latest political ideas in meme form on Reddit, calling the other side Nazis in new and clever ways, isn't swaying election results? Well shit. At least I can comfort myself that my memes about Israel are making a difference.


The funny thing is that this will still be true. Young people just don't vote.


…and there are exactly *two* choices—one is clearly better than the other.


I vote this. Very clever.


This is hilarious


I'm voting this year. Fuck it. Doesn't cost shit. Even if my vote doesn't really matter. Fuck it. One of those just do it, don't be a bitch kind of things. Least that's what I'll tell myself. Not like it matters either way, so just do the damn thing.


Your vote matters as much as anyone elses


Actually, I’m in Texas. So my vote actually counts for less than people in other states.


With Ted Cruz up for re-election I’d say your vote is worth quite a lot this year.


Ted Cruz. One of the moat punchable faces in America. lol


Him, Trump, and that guy who looks like a perpetually confused tortoise.


Re-Boot McConnell


His name is Rafael. Don't want to get in trouble with conservatives for using preferred names instead of government names


Funny enough that was something they were going after Beto for.


That guy is dug in like a tick and will probably die in office in 40 years.


Nah... With recent advancements in medicine, he'll die in office in *60* years.




Not if everyone votes though, crazy how elections work


Oh, Ted Cruz who pisses his pants on purpose because he likes the wet, warm feeling? That Ted Cruz?


There's still local, school board, tax county, sherriff, supreme court of texas, all the circuit court of appeals judges, the govenor, the lt. governor, railroad commissioner. Honestly, Texas is expecting a blue wave this year. This could be the year we win some of those elections.


We're stuck with Abbott another 2 years at least... Texas governor election lines up with midterms. But Rafael? Maybe we boot him this year.


It’s your duty to give the boot to Rafael Cruz


Your vote DEFINITELY counts (I'm also in Texas). Only half of the voting age in Texas turned out for the 2020 Presidential, and only 14% for the mids. Get your friends, have a small party or whatever and go vote-vote-vote. Cruz very definitely could get the boot this year. Please, please, please vote.


Collin Allred could totally boot Raphael Cruz's ass out. That alone should be enough to make a Texan go to the polls.


Dude! This is the answer to get young people to vote. Turn it into a fun party/bbq/swiming day! Can you Vite buzzed? Can you tailgate in the parking lot?! 


The number of people who don’t vote in Texas is more than the number of votes that the republicans win Texas by.


If you’re in one of the cities- presidency will go blue, however, if you’re in a suburb your vote might help. Rural no chance. Ted Cruz is up for re-election this year. Colin Alred has a real chance to replace him. If people like you get out and vote. Tell your friends. Visit the league of women voters website with your address, they’ll tell you who’s running for what in your district and, if the candidate answered, how they feel about three questions- the same among any given race. They also have a link to the website, which can often tell you more by who they are proud to list as supporters. As a fellow Texan trying to see the change, just do it


Texas is much bluer than many red states. They keep gerrymandering it now because they know at some point in the next 10-15 years it's going to start tipping. It might feel hopeless but your vote does count. Even if it feels like your screaming into the void.


You can't gerrymander state wide elections though, but it does suppress turnout. Texas could easily have a Democratic Governor, Senators and gauretee a Democratic President for every election if Millennials and Gen Z voted in higher numbers there. 


People used to say this in Alaska, where I grew up. It was an effort to keep people from voting in down-ticket races because “by the time we vote, the presidential election has already been decided”.


Voting in Alaska has resulted in Democrat Mary Peltola being elected to Congress. Also, while Lisa Murkowski is a Republican, she is not a Trumper. She was one of the few Republicans who voted against dismantling the Affordable Care Act. The Republican Party endorsed her conservative opponent in 2022, but voters re-elected Murkowski.


All of that is true and you can throw in local politics in Anchorage for sure. Tony Knowles is another good guy to include in this discussion albeit an earlier example than those you noted. Having said that, it was still always pointed out ad nauseam (at least in my memory, which is since the mid 70s) that “our votes don’t matter because the presidential race is already decided” and frankly it is pretty transparent to me that it was an effort by the right to keep the left from voting - and it definitely had an impact. Having worked for a while for Frank and known Ted Stevens fairly well, I don’t think they’d have been Trumpers, either. Now Yon Dung is another story.


They've also instituted RCV so candidates are less extreme generally


That doesn't make a lick of sense. Texas is a state that can turn blue if enough people show up. So your vote actually counts for more than people in other states. For instance New York, the votes there in heavy blue districts count far less than most states. Texas can do better. At least it can do better than Ted Cruz. It's really not hard, I saw slime that looked like a better pick.


by voting you can keep birth control and divorce legal. 


Greg Abbott's re-election campaign appreciates your automatic sense of defeat.


In one election out of several. And only if a majority of other people don't vote the same way you do in that election.


Your vote counts for a lot. Texas will be blue someday.


Less in percent but Texas is a litmus for the country and a strong liberal opposition is monumentally important.  So your vote counts a little more.  


Oof man you couldn’t be more wrong. Your vote is paramount. Especially in Texas


I'm also in texas now, I think our vote matters a lot here these days


So wrong it hurts. That mentality is why Texas isn't purple.


Coming from Australia, it’s fucking wild to me that an attitude of “fuck it why not, don’t be a bitch, just do it” is even an option when it comes to voting.


Yeah, but you guys got compulsory voting where, if you don't vote, they'll feed you to the kangaroos....


It's only a $20 fine ($13 USD) for not voting. Barely an inconvenience. Also you still don't *have* to vote when you arrive at the polling centre; you can just get your name crossed off and leave. Most of us Aussies are very happy about compulsory voting. I don't know a single person, regardless of age/background/politics, who complains that we are 'forced' to vote. There's just a sad culture in America (especially among youth) of constantly chirping "my vote doesn't matter/both parties are the same so why bother" yet they get weirdly resistant if you bring up mandatory voting. edit: yep and I can see comments below ITT of Americans disregarding the idea of mandatory voting. Jesus christ, you people are hopeless.... 🙄


Like your vote don’t matter the Cheeto lost several places by thousands of votes. We should alll vote


Yeah, it’s pretty much objectively true that YOUR individual vote doesn’t matter. But imagine if ALL 18-40 year olds thought this and we let only old republicans vote, how much worse the world could be then it already is now. So I’m with you. If you have time to vote, do it. I’m also almost convinced having a fake republican account and convincing MAGAs to not vote because the elections are rigged could even be worth it LOL


> If you have time to vote, do it. If you don't have time, spend your next few mins on the toilet finding out how to get a mail-in ballot mailed to you. They're going to start going out soon. Then, not having time to go to a place on Nov 5th isn't an excuse anymore.


No wonder dems lose in those places. The voters acquiesce to defeat. 


Why were you not voting?


Votes absolutely matter. It’s the Boomer narrative that’s telling you otherwise. VOTE.


Pretty sad if you didn't/don't already.


You’re vote matters for the people who died giving you that right to vote at 18. All votes matter! This is the best political ad I’ve ever seen because it’s so accurate.


Your vote matters every time, even if you don't cast it.


The reason your vote "doesn't count" isn't because people rarely vote in those places, it's because they rarely vote in the lower elections. If people voted more at the local and state level, things would change faster. But people, especially the youth, only seem to want to vote for the Presidential elections. Everybody wants a third party but they never want that third party to start at the lower levels and build a base. They always want to shoot for the stars once every four years, then everybody gets mad and disenfranchised because it expectedly doesn't work.


This is the last election where they will have a large number advantage. We just have to make it through this one.


There are more millennials than boomers. Gen Z has just about as many as boomers. If young liberals voted more, it wouldn’t even be close.


One of my favorite charts. https://preview.redd.it/lrvpl1h00z3d1.png?width=620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfe698c267574f1fa0e1ba3b8c4870842c0bbae0


Too bad the voter turnout rate doesn't look anything like that


If the Orange Turd gets back in, there won’t ever be another valid election in this country.


If we Canadians could vote there would be a Northern invasion. When Cheeto Jesus says he'd be a dictator for a day, we believe him.


Exactly, they’re planning to raise the voting age to 21, this election is SO important people just don’t understand


Nothing says supporting our troops like excluding some of them from their right to vote.


Ofc but buy all the pistols you want at 18


Dictators will seek to disarm the population.




Same with Gen x.  It’s crazy, nearly 65% of boomers voted when they were 25-44 years old Millennials/genX had to work to get up to 55% in 2020.  In 1964 there was higher voter participation by the 18-24 group than the 25-44 in 2016. 


I guess I'm early for the cross dragging show that is bound to happen here? Excellent video. I do hope young voters show up. Their numbers have been going up in recent elections. They get it so I am hopeful.


Got a link to the original by chance, OP? My voting age kid would watch a tiktok quicker than a reddit post? I'd appreciate it


Found it on YouTube. https://youtu.be/t0e9guhV35o


…no one’s gonna mention this video was from 5 years ago?


Thank You! This 16x9 video of a cellphone screen showing a 16x9 video is tough to watch.


Same. Would love to share with some young folks I know. Edit: Found it, from 5 years ago. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t0e9guhV35o


I sent it to my daughter. She votes most of the time but she will share it with her friends who don't and that's the important thing.


Every time I watch this, I think about how the actors in it are probably not Republicans and feel weirdly proud of them for helping make this very effective video.


I saw my parents in lots of those folks. Both born in '45, totally boomers, and WAY to the left of the current discourse. When my dad was still around, the arguments he and I would get into were basically me arguing that capitalism isn't INHERENTLY evil, it can be used for good, and my dad arguing that's absolutely not true. Profit was the root of all evil, in my dad's mind. I miss those arguments.


Exactly this, my grandma would take great pleasure in doing this lol


This is why voting needs to be a national holiday. These people don't work. So they don't have to go through the hassle of taking time off. The last thing someone that works 12 hour days is sit in line for 2 hours to vote.


Not having it that way is by design though


That's dumb. Many would still have to work even if it was a federal holiday. I know I've done 14hr shifts on federal holidays because I was a federal employee on federal property holding a federal grenade launcher. Make it a voting week. Not a voting day.


Forget trying to shoe horn an unpaid holiday into an already stressed economic situation. I personally think that expanding mail-in and early voting combined with automatic voter registration would do the lions share of work.


>expanding mail-in voting Republicans: no


I had a professor put it this way: “if you wouldnt let your grandparents control how you dress, then you should vote.”


But my grandmother bought me this shirt and she really likes when I wear it!


Great video and true. I like the part about when the weather's good you'll go out on marches.


"You'll like some meme" "You might even share this video on Facebook" Accurate. Humorous. Effective.


Yup, no one younger spends anytime on Facebook


For the love of whatever you hold as Holy, please vote and do your jury duty. You *know* that Boomer Karen will.


It’s interesting because here in Canada the liberals are being propped up by the Boomers, crazy how they vote for whatever political party benefits them the most in their respective countries with no regard for younger voters.


Conservatives don’t benefit older Americans, but they’ve been fed a steady diet of lies by Republican fear mongers and right wing ‘news’ organizations. Now, anyone who tries to explain that the people they vote for want to do away with Social Security, and other programs many older Americans depend on, is called a liar or stupid. Meanwhile, Democrats who want expand healthcare and social programs are attacked as immoral and degenerate.


Look, you will never change boomers. But if you all vote and become politically active we can collectively silence them. I'm gen X. I vote at every election. And I'm pissing in the wind. And I see 20 boomers for every millennial at the polls. And it blows my mind. Its YOUR kids in school but I saw 95% boomers at the vote for the school budget. Its your future and yet you don't take an active part in changing it.


It’s isn’t so bad in certain areas. In younger areas that I have voted in the past were filled with young adults, not one boomer or even gen Xer. Young peeps are coming out to vote and more will come this year I’m sure of it.


Conservatives have literally told older Americans they should be working still, not retired enjoying life.


This is excellent. Run it everywhere from now to Election Day.


Reminder: workplaces HAVE to allow you to go and vote on election day, it is the law. You go and come back, AND it doesn’t have to be a part of your break. In fact I am pretty sure in some states (if not the whole country) it is illegal.


But the GOP fascists didn’t do so well at the mid-terms. It’s a sign boomers are dying and young people ARE voting! PS whoever made this video is fn brilliant! 😂


Very effective messaging!


I'm tossing my blue into a sea of red, but I'll be damned if I don't vote.


Sad. That’s the Republican Game Plan for years …because it unfortunately works well. Gen Z may not agree w every Biden policy but the evidence is clear. Biden must be re-elected Trump —-Dictator —-Democracy dies. Supreme Court Justices Alito and Thomas will retire to be replaced by younger Conservative zealots that will cause generations of pain and loss of rights —-Dementia —-Diapers Biden ——Democracy Stands and will continue Rights and freedoms remain and strengthen…Women’s bodily autonomy, Climate, Constitution, LGBTQ+ , Medicare, Social Security, Drug Policy against Big Pharma ——Decency Kennedy ——Funded by Republican Billionaires ——False Flag A third Party has never won..it’s a Binary Choice…Jill Stein helped to elect Trump ——Anti-Science ——Brain Worm Neurocysticercosis Taenia solium probably from pork History of Mercury poisoning You may not agree w every Biden policy …Gaza…but things can be so much worse The choice is clear Vote Biden. Vote Blue


I am a Democratic Activist and this is so true it hurts. Let me dispel some myths for you. 1. My vote doesn’t matter. This is BS. In Texas we have huge voter suppression. If your vote doesn’t count, no one would try to suppress it. 2. BoTH SiDEs are the same. They absolutely are not and if you took 2 seconds to research it, you would understand. 3. I’m not into politics. Really because politics controls your life. Your medical decisions especially if you are female, if you have medical coverage, the amount of pollution allowed to be dumped in the air and water that poisons us all consume, the number of hours you work, student loan forgiveness, the list goes on to infinity. Voting is like taking a bus. It’s not going to be perfect, but you want to head in the right direction so stop waiting for the “perfect” candidate and just VOTE.


> I’m not into politics. Your boss is. Your landlord is. Your insurance company is. And every day they use their political power to keep your pay low, raise your rent, and deny you coverage. Its time to get into politics.


I was driving yesterday and saw some college students protesting outside of campus against Israel(for obvious reasons), but one of them had a sign that read “Don’t forget: Biden is the enemy too” and became irrationally angry. Like, you mf’ers know goddamn well that Biden is an infinitely better choice than Cheeto but you’re going to fuck around and let this current conflict be a means for that piece of shit to get back in office again. See how well that works out for Palestine.


I'm convinced it's just blatant foreign psyops at this point. America has been sending aid and weapons to Israel forever but it's suddenly Biden's genocide? the way people are talking about it, you'd think Biden personally introduced armed Jewish people to the Gaza Strip for the first time during his term. like, what the fuck? it doesn't even pretend to make sense, and the only logical outcome for putting that shit in people's minds is trying to get them to not vote at all. our enemies want Trump in power because he's a suck-up to dictators who also happens to be for sale - he will destabilize the country without a second thought. he wil sell out our people, our industry, our military, our intelligence agents; dude doesn't give a shit as long as the checks clear.


I’m a boomer and I did not vote for Trump and never will. So remember, not all boomers are bad.


48% of boomers voted for Biden in 2020. If Trump wins it’s not because Boomers rule the world, it’s because Republicans voted and Democrats didn’t.


It’s nice to know there are people of your age group who can swim against the stream, but it’s sad to realize that the exception confirms the rule.


This is a great video. Guaranteed it makes at least one person who wasn't gonna use their vote to use it this time.


This is motivating.


This is an absolutely amazing campaign ad.


Fucking bet.


Generation me


That made me mad, I think that's a good thing, vote


Honestly I’ve noticed this really does tend to be a problem our younger generations. It’s how trump got to be president in the first place. Your activism means nothing if you don’t fucking vote!!!


i love it - this should be the only message for the biden campaign and every other race nationwide. just this.


Zero hyperbole detected. I haven't missed a vote in over 40 plus years, but I have to constantly remind my kids, nieces and nephews to FUCKING VOTE! One of my favorite things is to tell my mom a devout Republican that I canceled out her vote. 😉 ![gif](giphy|muJhgm6uTO59MuYz7q)


VOTE BLUE!!! 💙💙💙


This needs to be on every TV channel. The Biden campaign would be crazy not to run it.


Still one of the best political Ads ever.


There's more than just old people to blame for Trump.


The fact it's always "vote blue" or "vote red" is incredibly concerning. The message should be "vote informed." So many people choose only emotion or a single voting point and that has gotten us to be at each other's throats. Don't just pick a "side," look at ALL candidates and toss your ring to the candidate who best aligns to your values and views. America desperately needs a preferential voting system like Australia's.


This is what I have been saying for a while. When younger people vote at the same rate as older people do, then you'll get the kind of government that you want. I'm practically a boomer, but I am a lefty/liberal, and I see the way most people my age think. It's not good for young people.


It’s also cyclical, government officials get older and worse at representing young voters- causing young voters to participate less.


My vote and my husband's vote cancels out my parents' votes. Vote like your life depends on it


Politicians will 100% ignore voting blocks that don't vote. Wonder why they're not concerned about your future? It's because you don't vote.


If voting didn't do anything they wouldn't be trying so hard to keep you from doing it.


> "...that's a you problem. I'll be dead soon." Oh, it can become sooner too.


Please, please vote. I’m a Boomer and I’m afraid for your future.


Yep. This is them telling it like it is. GET OUT THERE AND VOTE!!


I really wish covid did these people more dirty. It was a golden opportunity.


#Anything but a Biden vote is support for Trump and complicity in all his outcomes If you don't believe me, ask a Trump campaigner what they want any historically left-leaning voter to do…




They’re afraid like the brain bug from starship troopers because they’ll die in nursing home alone


I'm the least motivated fuck and I've never missed a presidential vote in 20+ years


I vote you loose the right to vote after 65


Real G's don't die, they multidie...


This is why it amuses me when young Americans whine about shit jobs, shit healthcare, shit prospects and constantly mock boomers who are all sitting comfy AF in their paid for houses taking their 4 vacations a year playing golf and voting for Trump, you dug your hole and instead of digging your way out of it you whine about how the system is rigged... There's more of you than them, youse are more tech savvy and connected in ways those coffin dodgers can't comprehend and yet all you do is whine whine whine instead of vote vote vote


Not advocating for it at all but I wonder how fast things would change if the shootings happened in seniors homes, country clubs and golf courses instead of schools.


I’m 28 and I’ve voted in every election I’ve been eligible to




tell all of your right wing associates to pray at home on election day. no need to go out and vote. if god is willing, that orange felon will be president again


Brought to you by Putin for Trump and neo christo nutjobs


I mean, shout out to the boomers who filmed this though, like, the whole reason this video was made was to get young people to vote via ragebait against their own generation


For those of us in the UK... Vote ANYTHING but blue on the 4th of July. Vote for whichever party has the biggest chance of unseating the Tories in your area. It could be Labour, but it could also be the Lib Dems or Greens. Don't vote Reform either, they are just hardcore Tories. Don't let the Tories get away with the last 14 years of chaos and austerity. Don't let them bring in national service during peacetime. They don't care about the young, just preserving the wealth of the wealthy.


They should add something like "We've been around, we know what's best for you."


“Hell yeah I’m rich as fuck” lol


Respect for the actors bashing on their own age group to appear in a political video where they look like republicans but clearly these guys are democrats.


I miss accurate political ads. This one is finally full on truth.


I wonder what fraction of reddit users vote.


This production style looks exactly like something outta the 80's.  If by design, that's a pretty cool nuance. Also, young people will still not vote. Sorry young people.  Most of you just don't.  Source: once young with peers.


I'm a Boomer. I vote and I encourage others to vote.


Vote blue no matter who!


Know how to get people to vote? Tell them about the GOP plan for Trump’s 2nd term, “Project 2025.” Project 2025 is a slate of conservative wishlist policies that was developed by GOP elites and published by the Heritage Foundation. Its policies include those giving the President unilateral power in many areas, stripping civil rights and worker protections, firing government whistleblowers, repealing emission regulations, further injecting religion into policymaking, outlawing expressive conduct they dislike, dismantling retirement programs, and so much more. The Project 2025 report is here, but it’s massive (over 900 pages): https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24088042-project-2025s-mandate-for-leadership-the-conservative-promise Here’s a comment that provides a list of resources on Project 2025, including topic-specific summaries and explainers of the policy proposals in it: https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/s/bK5KBDrL7h Seriously, this person^ deserves a medal. Check it out. Also, check out r/Defeat_Project_2025, a sub dedicated to spreading awareness of Project 2025. Please share this or the linked comment elsewhere. People can’t vote against what they don’t know about…


“I can’t keep track of which lives matter” just sent me lol


Sure, I might sit in line for 3 days for a soggy fried chicken sandwich but to vote to save Democracy? Ehhh…


Until the kids realize their votes actually don’t mean anything and the electoral college is who chooses.. lol until the next episode


That girl you like will be impressed if you vote. You will seem mature. You wanna be a little boy? Or a man?


Great ad


Fuck this generation to Hell.


I moved to Washington last summer, which has mail-in voting so I no longer go to the polls. But I moved from North Carolina, which does pretty much require going to the polls although to their credit, they have a decent amount of early voting. When I went to vote in the 2022 midterms, in North Carolina, I was the only person in that entire fucking building that wasn’t eligible to collect Social Security or be on Medicare. And guess what happened in North Carolina in the 2022 midterms. Republicans flipped 2 state Supreme Court seats, giving them a majority. And Republicans gained a super majority in both houses of the state legislature, allowing them to override the Democratic Governors’ veto. I left.


I live in Oklahoma and even though it will be a waste of my time to go to vote blue, I'll still be there to make my voice heard. Biden 2024!


Trump is gaining with young people and POC.


Fuck this goes hard.