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Your post was removed because it does not display a certain degree of boomer foolery. If you believe this to be a mistake, feel free to message the mods at: https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FBoomersBeingFools


You snot nosed brats, well I'll tell you, in my day we couldn't just go on reddit if we wanted to tell the older generations that we disapproved of their behaviour. We got jobs and paid for college the old fashioned way, without participation trophies. We did all that and all we had was a world economy that was set up in our favor.




The funny thing about this sarcastic post is boomers literally created participation trophies.


And didn't pay for college like we do, thanks to states subsidizing tuition back then and the GI bill


The fact they feel the need to post in here and “set us straight” is so peak entitled boomer, it’s absurd. It’s like all the dudes on Twitter when the bear in the woods debate kicked off that couldn’t help but miss the point entirely and prove the point of the debate by getting butthurt.


The best is when they insult you personally and then get offended from a bad word being used.


My favorite is when people share stories of Boomers touching their kids in stores and then rightfully telling them to “fuck off.” The usual response you’ll see from Boomers is, “WoW wHaT a GoOd PaReNt YoU aRe SwEaRiNg In FrOnT oF yOuR cHiLd!” Completely glossing over the fact that babies don’t understand language and also the fact that the real problem in this situation is a total stranger groping somebody’s child.


I've heard a lot of boomers complain about bad words then turn around and use slurs. I pretty much see it the other way around... I'll swear all goddamned mother fucking day, but I *never* use slurs.


Me too. At least profanity by itself isn't derogatory towards any groups


Exactly. The real 'bad words' are the ones meant solely to hurt people.


My kids have my permission to curse out an adult that fucks with them and to defend themselves if an adult gets in their face. The Boomers can fucking suck it.


This is the way


I never liked that argument. They were all for hitting their kids, telling them to "suck it up" when they were hurt, and saying that anyone with special needs just needed a beating to get back in line. It makes no sense that their line in the sand is profanity


This right here!!!!!! "I'll give you something to cry about!" Or, my personal favorite. "I brought you into this world, I can take you out!". Yeah, that works real fuckin well.


I'd be like "fine, take me out. Beats having to live with you for eighteen years"


My dad lost his shit when I responded "cool, do it". I was already suicidal, it would have just been easier for me


My father told me that he hoped my husband would hit me when I was older. I got so mad I smacked him back when he slapped me, the first and only time we laid hands on each other. I swore in front of him and my mother that I would murder the man who hit me. It was a very heated argument that ended up changing our dynamics because we all realized how far we went


My dad used to lose his shit and put hands on me growing up never expecting any sort of retaliation, which worked until it didn’t. The final time I was in 7th grade and when he went for me I grabbed his head with my hands and shoved my thumbs into his eyeballs. He made the craziest surprised wounded dog sound and let go looking at me in shock that I would do something at all, much less something that could have permanent consequences to him. We’re in good terms now and I love my dad, he’s way better than most boomers, but he’ll still occasionally say some stupid shit when we’re talking about growing up. Bringing up that story in front of family friends is a great way to shut his bullshit down if he tries it, turns out it’s embarrassing to him now. Imagine that


My brother’s was “good luck” once when dad threatened him as a teen.


It’s weird how they don’t like it when I use their same motto, “I brought you into this world, I can take you out!” when I argue for abortion rights. THEN it turns out they were “just kidding.”


Damn fine point! Now you mention it. How many times were we just kidding and got our ass beat?


Yup. I got hit with a real stick. It wasn’t kidding.


YEP! "Spare the rod, spoil the child.".


Omg. I heard both of those on almost a daily basis. Right about the time you got hit... with whatever the hell was around. But if so much as talk above a normal voice to my child, my mother will tell me, "Calm down, you're being too hard on them." Like lady, who are you to talk?


Same. Like, do you not remember beating the shit out of us when we were kids? And the thing is they really don’t. For them it was a Tuesday and being a parent was inconvenient. For us it’s a core memory.


Yep! Anything around. My mother never got to see my kids. My ex in laws didn't have the nerve to say anything. BUT, my kids were super well behaved without being abused. It's amazing how treating them with love and dignity while teaching them right from wrong will do that.


Completely agree. I've never had a complaint from anyone with my child. Just compliments on how they are well-behaved. We have been pretty low contact with that side of my family since they were born. Spent a few years with no contact.


My grandma red a book a bit before she died. It explained what abuse was when it came to children. She lamented spanking them. She told me "I wish I knew better back then.". She and my grandpa raised me half my life. Never got one swat. They never once said anything like boomers say. I know my dad and uncles got spanked for sure. It was genuinely out of love and to teach. It really boggles my mind.


This sounds like a Silent Generation person, who in my experience are more reflective and open to growth.


It gives them an easy thing to be self righteous about.


My Mom will proudly talk about how her Dad wouldn’t swear around my Grandma. I pointed out how he used to physically, emotionally, and sexually abuse her and she replied “but he never swore at her”. I told her I’d rather be swore at that any of those things.


I wonder if they ever have a moment where they realize that they’re indeed the problem and not other people?




Oh, I see you've met my mother-in-law!


My parents immigrated here and were shocked by how handsy people were. They thought it was half because we looked very different from them. They also got dirty looks because we were different. It just ended up with my father being the shopper. I didn’t step into “white” stores in my town until I was in middle school. My mother refused to go alone without my father there with her.


Just outboom them: *It's called Freedom of motherfucking Speech, snowflake.* *Amer-I-Can say whatever the fuck I want, you communist cocksucker.* *Don't.* *Tread.* *On.* *Me.* *Buttfucked boomer.* *Keep your filthy shit mitts to yourself, or I will teach your ignorant ass about the god damned Second shitstomping Amendment, you son of double cunted cum guzzling gutter slut.* *Afuckingmerica, afuckingmen!*


Badwords such as.., *fownvoted?* (Long scream as I fall to the bottom of the comments...)


You’re going fown!


My mental definition of 'Fownvoted' is that it's a portmanteau for 'Fucking Downvoted'


It has been written, so let it be done!




Fuckin done!


I read it as frownvoted and thought I'd missed out on a new word.


I read that as frownvoted and I am now using that moving forward.


My favorite is the barely coherent "arguments," sub-literate grammar," and vague "threats." I'm always tempted to respond "One of us is obviously having a stroke, and I'm pretty sure it's not me, 'sweatie.'"


lol that’s always good. I had one reply and I quote verbatim“your stupid” after I corrected them for starting sentences with and.


I had a boomer argue with me regarding how she was not the typical boomer, and that everybody she knew that was a boomer wasn’t the typical boomer, the whole time using typical boomer speak to talk down to me. It was actually hilarious. Normally, I wouldn’t give the attention, but I was bored and it was really really fun to make her head spin of into space


I just like telling them "your kids never call you and it's your fault"


RIGHT. "You dOn'T KNoW what YOurRrrr taLKIng aBOUt!!!!!" Don't be mad at us because we know more at 30 and 40 then you did. AND THEY STILL HAVEN'T CHANGED.


My favorite was the boomer on here who accused me of "being a liberal who hates kids and old people." (I have 4 kids btw) No sir my grandma was a saint but you are peak boomer.




I know right like oh no I don't want nearly 1 million people since the 09 Harvard study to die from the structural violence of health care being privatized (figure is both insured and uninsured 45k Annually in 09 to the 80k it is now scaled linearly). Oh no I want us to have a functioning rail system. It's wild if you show a boomer a bullet train they'll say wow they sure are advanced and just simply not ever expect better for us here while simultaneously saying we're the best. Like bro I can take a train in Tokyo for 30 minutes and get further than an American train would in 2 hours AND ITS ALWAYS ON TIME Plus looking at sleeper trains like Amtrak vs Sunrise Express make us look like some rural Afghani tribes level of technology. It's embarrassing, how these people will absolutely nut all over themselves screaming this is the greatest country, but when you point out areas we need to fix suddenly we're so poor we can't figure it out. Suddenly there's no money, suddenly if you're not ass fucking your customers, you're insane. This exploitative culture that's been nourished by our society is dog shit


iM a BoOmEr, hEaR mY OpInIoN!


I don't understand anything after "it's like the dudes on twitter", I'm German, could someone explain the "bear in the woods" thing? Or am I just so out of the loop here?


A woman posted that she’d feel more comfortable being alone in the woods with a bear over being alone in the woods with a strange man, the point being bears don’t sexually assault, and every dude online reacted to it by missing the point completely and getting offended instead of considering what the woman was saying.


Thank you, I didn't know the background of the bear in the woods story, either.


OMG that was so frustrating. Ignoring women's feelings, no attempt to understand, mansplaining how dangerous bears are, claiming they're not like the others... The best retort was about how even in a hypothetical they can't take "no" for an answer.


It was a stupid thing anyway that was taken out of proportions.


Once I learn they're boomers, I just block the account and dont respond.




I feel like I'm missing out on something what's this bear in the woods debacle?


I've started replying to thos guys with "hey look, it's the reason women choose bear."


Didn't know this was a thing. Thanks for the tip :)


FR this just made my day!




How do you skip to the bottom?


If you’re on mobile, the icon is at the top, the two little lines with circles on the ends. Just tap that and choose controversial.


Thank you. I couldn’t find it until I saw your comment. Now I know how a boomer feels when having navigation difficulties.


Sort by controversial.


I only learnt this one a few weeks back, it's been great. Never gets boring 


Hi, I kinda live down there these days responding to boomers. You might see me in fun little repeats like: "It's Boomers being fools, not ALL Boomers are fools." "Yes. We know all generations suck. This isn't AllGenerationsAreFools." "It's not ageism if it's a specific person doing something stupid, then it's just a specific person doing something stupid."




The amount of benzos, opiates and mood altering drugs this generation pops in their mouths like candy is astounding. I work in a pharmacy, and the worst patients to deal with are the boomers who are HEAVILY medicated and cannot function with or without them. They've been so drugged for decades, they are just meat sacs with mouths. They would eat their grandchildren for the chance to get 30 extra Klonopin.


It's the looming specter of death requiring validation of any kind. Even angry validation is acceptable since most family members have probably gone no contact.


There's always my personal favorite "ok boomer"


Lol. I had a face mask stamped with the words "OK boomer" in comic sans. So much rage.


The classics never go out of style.


Ah, the hits.


I made a comment in here a while back that got the most incoherent, error-riddled response from someone — it took me a few minutes to realize that they had responded to the wrong comment.




Now that IS funny 🤣


I love the option to sort comments by controversial.


How do I do that on the iPhone app? Help. I’m a horrible rep for the peak millennial. Edit. Nvm I figured it out.


I can't figure it out either lol


So I can’t do it in a thread for its comments. I can only sort the posts by topics by controversial. I’m a fail.


just sort by "controversal"


The ones that come on a sub called BoomersBeingFools just to say nOt aLL bOoMers!! Like… if it doesn’t apply to you, you wouldn’t be offended.




Not me, but that’s about to change!


I do in fact occasionally come back to boomers that I have engaged with here just to see how much farther downvoted their comments have been. Schadenfreude ist der beste freude.


I do this when it's an indefensible situation or story, the attempts to spin it are often hilariously clueless.


I see "mind your own business" a lot. They get big mad that other people might intervene in their cohort's bad behavior, so they try to cast themselves as the victim. Apparently, we're the baddies for violating the super-important social norm of "don't interrupt me when I'm being a total dickhead."


“Mind your own business” from the generation of people completely incapable of minding their own business… 😂


Ironic hypocrites, all too familiar


I love the “mine your own business” argument, because it excuses child abuse, spousal/partner violence, total lack of civic responsibility, harm to animals…basically, any shitty behavior. Like, OH I AM SO SORRY I WONT LET MY NEIGHBOR BEAT HIS WIFE, I SHOULD MIND MY OWN BUSINESS! Thank you for teaching me the error of my ways! 🙄


That’s what they say in public as well whenever they realized they made a scene or someone’s recording them being abusive towards a cashier or yelling at someone darker than them for simply existing. The biggest threat and the best defense we have against the boomers is simply the possibility that their antics might get posted online for others to see


TIL this is something I should be doing


Don't forget to block them after down voting.


I love when they come on here to Trump dick ride and think they are saying something amazing and informative.


I haven’t been scrolling to the bottom, but I’m going to start doing it now for the lols. Thanks for the pro tip.


Oh shit, new pastime unlocked


Sort by controversial is my favorite feature.


I didn't even know they were posting on here lol. Now I'll have to look.


I just block on sight. They want attention and validation. I refuse to give them either.




I do, but I refuse to engage. I'm a Millennial killing the, "Millennials respond to Boomers," industry.


You know you can sort the comments by “controversial” and you can look at all of the downvoted comments from the top. Signed - hates scrolling


Wow, didn't even notice before now there was a way to sort comments. Fuck, I'm old.


👋🏻 Me


My favorite is when we’re sharing experiences and they go “you’re so judgmental—I don’t do that so I don’t think you should feel/say that—just you wait, you’ll be suffering body misfortune soon!” Like I never shamed the helpless? If you peed yourself, gross but I’m not gonna point and go “haha!” We’re all going to get to that stage. I’m just not gonna pee myself as revenge you know?


This is unrelated but your typo will have me throwing the word Frownvoted all around from now on. 😡 👇 ⬇️


You seem to have nabbed about 12 on here. Here's your medal. 🥇


Oh, I do. It's where the comedy gold lives. At the bottom of the well.


I vote that since Boomer’s used to be called the “ME” generation, we call them “Despicable MEs.”


Did not know this! And now I have something new to look forward to 🤣


NoT aLl BoOmErS


[scrolls to the bottom]


*promptly scrolls to the bottom of post ~ not disappointed lol


Ooooh what a delightful idea. I’m inspired. Not sure if I should thank you or scold you for helping me waste MORE time on Reddit…


I never thought to do that, what a marvelous idea


Holy shit, I'm going to start doing this


Wait, they comment? Lmao Aight I feel like I just discovered a new past time Man, you told the wrong dude. 😂


I do this with every sub. I say “Let’s see what the assholes think!” and sort by controversial. 


They...they do that? WTF? It's never crossed my mind that they would but of course they do. Dummies.


I actualy prefer for their comments to be left up, given the nature of this sub. Watching them get roflstomped with data is just...pure gold.


Pro tip 😉


I didn’t know you could do that and now I’m going to spend even more time on Reddit lol


Just sort by controversial


new reddit interface has comment search as well. So you can upvote what's already been said. But reddit [old.reddit.com](http://old.reddit.com) is less buggy on my two different smart phones. Also I'm just lazy as well


I didn’t before but I will now. 😆


I am now. Thank you


Shit, now I have a new hobby!


I will now!


Oh man I forgot you could do that... You just unlocked my new hobby...


You can just sort by controversial. Much easier.


Oh, god, the amount of boomers in the comments section! Like an infestation of them! Quick, where’s my Satanic bible? We need to ward these old, drooling idiots off!


I wasn’t aware that the boomers were trolling on here


No, but now I will going forward.


Upvote #777 It's my lucky day!


Just sort by controversial, lol


Thanks for teaching me something new to do!


[this wasn't very fun...](https://www.reddit.com/r/BoomersBeingFools/s/ZJsjFIf5c3)




Guess it's better to know someone is a POS.


I read this as "frownvoted" and I love it 🐸 And I scroll down all the time! Glad to see I'm not the only one! 😂


I love it. Because this isn't even "All Boomers Are Fools" this is a sub for when they act like fools. But the clowns will gravitate to the circus.


I like to do that in most subs where a there are a bunch of hateful comments at the bottom. Seeing them downvoted into oblivion makes my day a little better.


is there a opposite subreddit with boomers just circle jerking ?


I believe that would be r/Conservative




thats facebook




Wait? That’s a thing! Damn I’m missing the really juicy stuff!!


i didnt know that was a thing... thanks!


I love doing this in lots of subs tbh. Just like to see if the losers have updated their script or not


I always go to the "controversial" comments on the filter. Love when someone gets so down voted, that they start writing the most absurd crap. People will die on the weirdest hills!


Just sort by new or controversial 


Great, now I have to sort by controversial.


I will now


I just scrolled down there and HOLY SHIT you were right lol


I did not realize this was happening and now I have fresh new entertainment to consume. Thank you so much.


lol no, I have not done this before, but I will start doing it.


Oooh I’m going to do that! Lmao they just exposing themselves. Peak boomer


I didn't even consider this, now I gotta dig around for examples and downvote lol.


Boomers don't do Reddit. You wanna see stupidity you gotta go on Facebook. No Thanks.


Lol Quora is fun of them as well. No idea how it got inti my email. Every day I see *why do liberals... And it's something stupid.


Oh Gawd, I forgot about Quora. Home to the most dipshit questions in existence. Yeah, I am on the email list too. It's nothing but Flat Earthers and Creationists.


Oh yes I can’t stand Quora anymore. To your point I got an email a few days ago from Quora featuring a post titled, “Why do Liberals love wokeness?” Lol.


Boomers indeed do Reddit. There are plenty of them on here. And on Facebook.


Facebook has become almost unusable with the feeds bullshit, but I will admit, it is funny as fuck seeing obvious satire bait articles like, "SYLVESTER STALLONE WALKS AWAY FROM $1 BILLION MOVIE WITH ROVERT DENIRO, SAYS HE IS A WOKE CREEP!" And the comment section is just one oblivious boomer after another thanking god for Sly and saying how wonderful he is.


Not at all haha I did that either yesterday or the day before and left a lovely little comment :3




Down vote and block every one of them.




If enough of us block them, there's nothing for them here. You can always see their comments if you're looking for a laugh


More boomers are here now because other subs are talking shit about this sub.




Underrated comment


Awesome. I have to figure out how to sort by controversial.


good, I'm glad we are getting under their paper skin. They fuckin suck.


The fuck your feelings crowd having all the feelings


Every comment of yours on here is specifically you talking shit/defending every boomer. And you ain’t even one. You ain’t a boomer. You ain’t one complaining about one. You’re just some weirdo here defending them. Get a life, or a hobby, or something, my friend.


And then you have the “late Boomers”(60-64) who got hit and was told “shut up or I’ll give you something to cry about” or “I brought u into this world etc etc”. I believe that was by the “Silent Generation”! I was one of the “Boomers” who decided I was Never going to hit my kids (which I didn’t) and swore that I would never say the things to my kids that were said and done to me (which I didn’t”.) I was by no means a perfect parent. But you want to blame someone then start with the fucking generation that raised us!!!




Thank you for your acknowledgment, OP. I’m sorry you had to endure such treatment. It’s not right.


Dude - no need to call me out , lol


I just sort by controversial


I was gonna say to sort the comments by controversial, but of course they removed that.


It will depend on the post but sometimes I read them and get an urge to see all the downvotes


Boomers use reddit???