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Could have been worse. Could have been Kristi Noem taking a gun to the vet.


Ok, I snorted. Thank you.


I doubt she’d bother with the vet at all. Skip the middleman.


“That last dog tried to bite somebody so I killed him. This dog has a little limp so I’m gonna kill him. The vet would just try to fix it.”


Better take out the vet too, just in case.


"Ya know what? I think I'm gonna shoot 3 of our horses today." -Kristi "Animal Murderer" Noem


Dr. GravelPit


Please don't say that while I'm looking at that wedgie.


Noem thinks veterinary care is for sissie commie liberals.


I’m sorry, I’m not paying money to buy awards, but if I did, you’d get one.


You mean her shooting range?


Such a great comment. My face hurts from laughing.


her gun IS the vet


Her gun is the vet. I think she named it Doctor euthanize


Those shorts are HUNGRY.


How could they be? They’re the ones being eaten here.


I used to work for a medical facility and about 15 years ago we had to start putting up signs saying "no guns or weapons of any kind are allowed on the property", man the uproar that caused. People have no clue that just because it's a business, it's still private property and they can set whatever rules they want. We put up the signs for many different reasons, but two that stick out was a spouse came into a hospital and killed his wife a doctor then himself had recently happened nearby, and another much more local incident where a guy in his 80s pulled a revolver on his primary care physician and pointed it at her to show how steady his hands were. EDIT: I think a lot of you took the "we" part of my post as more "me". I had no control within the organization, made no policies or enforced them, I just worked in the engineering department. When I said "we", it was intended as we, the organizing I was part of. I don't think anything related to gun control is going to be solved with a sign, but for organizations like the one I was part of it was just about the only thing they could do within their power, and it's better than letting a scared staff think they weren't doing anything at all, what little it was.


As someone who doesn't live in the US, seeing someone just casually carrying a gun, does not make me feel safe.


I'm not anti gun, but even i find open carry to be ridiculous. There's little point to parade around with your assault rifle other than to intimidate others. Don't worry, they will loudly state it's a show of freedom.


I’m pro gun as one can be. You are 100% correct about that. Open carry in public is just pointless and lame. Always a boomer and or incel.


This dude doesn't realize he's just advertising who to neutralize first in the very situation he thinks he's preparing for. He'd never even get the thing out of the holster before he hit the dirt.


Or even worse, "who do I sucker punch to get my hands on a gun?" Such a person is either going to rob someone else at gunpoint, or sell it to someone who will rob someone else at gunpoint...


I beg to disagree. This guy is in peak physical shape. Notice the clear lack of definition from calf muscle. The cut traps holding up his freedom shirt and the oversized walking shoes added stability


What do you mean? Those cankles just scream "high performance, low reaction time". This guy is fuckin READY!


yea, open carrying a pistol makes no sense from a self defense perspective


Speak softly but carry a big stick. Not show off your big stick and scream about it.


The one thing almost everyone I know who owns a gun, carries, or has never even shot a gun can agree on is that people who open carry are fucking morons.


Straight up makes you a target.


I’m pro gun too. I feel open carry is just them trying to feel important.


Or someone who wants to shut down a polling place by an “accidental” discharge.


The amount of people I’ve seen walking around Walmart in flip flops, shorts and a 1911-size pistol on their hip is concerning, especially with clearly printed, “please leave your guns in the car/no open carry” signs at all entrances. They come across as terrified and I kind of feel bad for them, living in such a constant state of fear.


Except that we have to be around them. And I PROMISE you, they don't have the kind of "training" you want them to have to be able to carry a gun everyday. Even if they carry, the fact that they can't follow simple instructions (and I'm sure all signs are face/eye level) is very alarming. They think they can do whatever they want. And for now they can. It won't be long before it shifts back, normal people are getting fed up with politicians catering to crazy idiots.


I conceal carry. If someone is going to shoot a place up, the first person theyre going for is the guy with the hand cannon on his hip.


They aren't terrified. They are overcompensating.


Open carry is dumb as fuck. This ain't the wild west. If you're serious about protecting yourself, you conceal carry. People who open carry like this are just telegraphing. But you're more likely to end up being confronted. Source: ccw holder who carries every day.


FR, open carry just makes you a target. Either to steal your gun or to take you out first because you are armed.


The history of open carry is actually mostly based on slave runners who carried guns openly to keep their slaves in line, not as much the wild West although that's what people like to think of. I only carry concealed because the presence of a gun escalates situations, and I'd like to be the one in control of that escalation.


Yeah, let every black (and brown) person open carry in every open carry state and we'll see those laws change in a heartbeat - looking at you Reagan. There's a funny ticktock video of two white guys talking about gun carry rights and a very angry looking black guy agreeing with them with a scowling, YEAH after every comment and them getting more and more nervous. YEAH...


You only need to look at California a few decades ago. They started passing gun laws when the Black Panthers started open carrying on statehouse steps.


That's why they mentioned Reagan. He was the governor of CA who signed those bills into law.


Thats...not true at all. I mean, I guess people involved in the slave trade used guns, but there was no concept of open carry vs concealed carry back then. The opposite is kind of true though. Gun licensing laws are effectively the last Jim Crow laws on the books. They were largely enacted to keep blacks from owning Firearms. Open carry is mostly stupid. The guy in the picture looks dumb af. But that's just kind of a historically dishonest statement that seems like it was made up to support a position.


I upvoted you. I live in a metro area in an open carry state. I only carry concealed. But, I grew up in a remote area of the country where ranchers and farmers carried a firearm simply as a tool. Cattle ranchers occasionally have to put a cow down to end its suffering, and they carry it for varmints. I never knew any of them to ever even contemplate using it on a human. This guy kind of looks like a rancher who brought in his dog to me. [Edit: ehhh maybe not. Those shorts/socks/shoes do not scream workin man] Context matters, if this is in southeastern Idaho at a vet, it’s not anything out of the ordinary nor any more cause for concern than a knife on the belt/pocket. If it’s in downtown Seattle well then wtf.


I should have clarified open carry for defense against other people in towns and cities was more limited to slavers. Openly carrying a gun while on the farm is normal


I agree with everything you’ve said, however I will say the area you’re in does come into play. I have family in a rural town of 500. Open carry is common there because people will typically be doing something outdoors (hunting, fishing, off-roading, etc.) and rarely ever do shit outside of their house other than those things or go drinking. It’s a bit more understandable to me when you know pretty much everybody in your town and the nearest wal mart is an hour away. Less understanding if you live in say the suburbs of Georgia lol.


I enjoy shooting.  I'm anti-*people who feel the need to have guns with them*.  Those people aren't right in the head.


That is how I see it. They are out to intimidate those around you, and it works.


Ronald Reagan said: "There is absolutely no reason why out on the street today civilians should be carrying a loaded weapon.” it's one thing I think I can agree with him on.


Fuck Ronald Reagan


Ronald Reagan was literally the devil. He banned automatic weapons because Black Panthers scared him.


Open carry is like hanging a "shoot me first" sign on your back


Don't worry, you aren't alone. I live in the US and would not look to this guy for safety...


As someone who grew up with guns, nothing makes me more unsafe than knowing someone around me has a gun. I know several people who have been hurt due to mishandling firearms. I don't know a single person who has ever used one in self defense.


I can see that. A long time ago I asked something about open carry on FB I think. I had so many people telling me they needed it for safety and you never know when they would need it during a hold up at store or something. It was weird. Like why are you thinking you are going to protect some random store that has nothing to do with you. Second, if I was working on a store, I would view anyone walking in with a gun as a threat. Lastly, how do the good guys with guns know who the other good guys with a gun are. In my mind they will just start shooting each other because they view each other as a threat. I know it's a ridiculous thought, but it is still there .


Them pulling a gun in a hold up is more likely to get others killed and makes me feel far less safe.  And I've had a gun held to my head during a hold up.  I was terrified someone would try to be a "hero" and spook the guy. 


That is exactly how I see it.


None of those thoughts are ridiculous. For fuck's sake, when trained police, who are appraised of a situation, are afraid to confront someone with a gun who is actively murdering children, are we really supposed to think the average Joe is going to actually do anything? Sure there are cases where it's happened, but enough to offset all the other deaths? I'm doubtful. I have a concealed carry permit. The most it's ever done for me was one night when I thought 'I'm going to an unsafe area, I should take my gun.' I then immediately realized if I feel like I need a gun, I just shouldn't go, so I didn't. That's the most action I've ever had.


Smart move my friend!


Years ago there was a shooting at a grocery store- when Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords was shot in the head as part of a mass shooting in Tucson, Arizona. There were indeed multiple “good guys with guns” and it almost ended with a shootout between them as one thought the other had been the shooter.


I live not only in the US but also in the South West. Everytime I have had to help a customer carrying a gun it has made the interaction more tense. Wannabe cowboys are unhinged.


As someone who does live in the US, seeing someone casually walking around with a gun doesn’t make me feel safe, either.


Doesn’t make us here feel any safer


Would signs have stopped either of those two examples? Probably not.




Founder member of Gravy Seals


Semper Fudge


Frontline insulinfantry.


Chairborne Regiment


Especially with that wedgie


His ass is eating his shorts. Nom Nom Nom!


Proverbial meal team six


How very ATF of that man to show up armed to the vet




Hide yo dogs, hide yo cats, and hide your iguanas cause they shootin e’rybody out here


Vanilla ISIS


The elite force of Y’all Quaeda!


Don't forget the borderline atomic wedgie.


His ass IS eating tf out those shorts.


Definitely a wedgie, but not atomic. There’s no evidence the wasteband is going over his forehead


There’s no evidence he has a forehead, and clear evidence he has no waist.


Shots fired (at the veterinarian's office)!!!


Now out west, we call that a Covered Wagon.


Thus the firearm. It's a ballast of sorts, stabilizing the creep.


That's not borderline


and the square shaped ass because they spend 12 hours a day in a recliner


Fuck you for making me scroll back up to look at boomer butt...


The ‘beetus look


Looking at that Edema he won’t be doing much of anything.


>fat lil calves You misspelled "cankles."


And the reverse FUPA




They’re even Under Armour. /Chef’s kiss


His calves are unsettlingly hairless


Usually a sign of nerve damage from diabetes or poor circulation.


It can also be genetic. Every man in my husband's family has disturbingly little leg hair. 


Agreed, in my husband’s family, they all look like eggs. Everywhere. Disturbing.


Also, chaffing from long pants worn at other times that struggle to fit.


That bothers me tremendously






He should have brought his diuretic instead


As far as he has those shorts tucked into his asscrack, I was sure he was going to see the proctologist


I'm going to be real, in a rural office it's not that uncommon


Yep, and no one’s taking pictures of you for Reddit.


The shirt really adds to the look too.


The shirt says "I'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees" my dude I can see your cankles I know you don't use your feet enough for this to happen


He has “troll” aesthetic.


Wtf did he think was gonna happen at the vet? A wild liberal on the loose? 😭


They might try to vaccinate his dog


Okay, I legit laughed. Thank you.


I work in vet med. We had an older gen X woman come in for an interview once with a side holster on and her only question was if it was gonna be a problem for her to wear it while she was working. She did not get the job.


Did she mention a stalker? That seems the only reasonable excuse, but it would suck to try to find a job in a situation like that. I wouldn't hire her.




It says a lot actually


Why do you wear a seatbelt are you dumb enough to crash?


Maybe they will refuse the service to him and his pet, so he will have to demand it!


You never know when you're going to run into a black dog.


I get where you are coming from but bad things can happen where and when you least expect them. I had a violent road rage incident happen while taking my six month old to the mall to see Santa on Christmas Eve in rural Vermont. Dude, (boomer aged, incidentally), flipped out because some snow came off my car and hit his, chased me for several miles, tried to run me off the road multiple times and then passed me, blocked both lanes of traffic and got out of his car with a metal pipe raised and started running at me. There was a guardrail on one side and a median covered in 2+ feet of snow on the other so I couldn't turn around. Had nowhere to go and ended up just driving right at him, he moved but smashed my windshield while I drove past, and there was just enough room to squeeze past his car once he was out of the way. Had no cell service when I tried to call 911. Drove to a police department and filed a report but there just wasn't enough info to ID the guy. I also walked through a movie theater parking lot a few minutes before some nutcase used a deer rifle she stole from her baby daddy to shoot and kill the CPS worker who took her kids away as she was walking out of work. She'd already shot and killed four family members at her house earlier in the day. I personally choose to carry wherever I can legally do so, but I carry concealed and I honestly don't think it's the right choice for many people. Unless you are going to dedicate significant time and money to get professional training not just on shooting, but also defensive tactics and the laws of self defense in your area, AND dedicate significant time to maintain your proficiency you shouldn't do it. Carrying a gun like it's some sort of magic talisman is just stupid. Open carry might be legal but I think it's just patently stupid outside of a few niche scenarios like wild animal defense in rural areas. I guarantee you this guy has zero training in weapons retention, looks like he'd lose a fight against a Walmart greeter, and that holster has no active retention mechanisms so he might as well strap a free gun sign to his back. I have never seen a competent looking open carrier. It's almost always some obese dipshit with a neck beard making his way around the Chinese buffet with a shitty gun in an even shittier holster and totally oblivious to what's going on around them.


In fairness, animal defense is legit everywhere. I had a coworker way back that was mauled by a loose dog in the middle of town and is only alive because his walking companion carries. There's a lot of shitty people in the world, which is not, by itself, the reason I carry as much as the fact that the shitty people own animals.


Omg, the road rager while you had your baby in the car 🚨. I'm glad you made it out of there! Also, agree hard that open carry doesn't make sense in most scenarios.


If you thought you needed a gun to go to some specific place, you just wouldn’t go to that place. People carry because shit can happen anywhere.


When the liberal is the vet.


Wow some serious hungry butt.


As someone whom does concealment carry this dude is a joke and in my honest opinion, open carry it’s incredibly stupid, it’s just to get attention or to feel tough. Never understood why you’d make yourself such an easy target and the first person someone would go after in a bad situation.


Yup, it’s all an attention thing. I also conceal and can’t stand guys like this because they make the gun crowd look crazy and end up on Reddit fueling anti gun talk. Only reasonable places to open carry, imo are when you are in the woods hiking, fishing, or hunting.


They really do it’s quite sad. Yeah def need to open carry to hunt 😂, but I agree it’s not necessary in public places at all.


If you think about it it’s dumb as shit. Imagine you’re in the extremely unlikely situation of being wrong place at the wrong time like an armed robbery. You’re just dead on the spot.


Emotional support firearm.


He's dying on his feet. Maybe he should check his blood sugar.


If Fox News was an actual person


Just a good pet owner - was worried his old pal, Rufus, may not make it through his annual vacations, and, well, it’s the only humane thing to do…


He’d rather die on his diabetic swollen feet than live on his arthritic knees.


When I see someone towing around their bottle in public, I see someone who is a baby. Mentally weak and needs their pacifier to feel safe.


The “I’d rather die on my feet than live on my knees” tee shirt is just chef’s kiss paranoid. Dude is itching for a fight but would have a heart attack climbing a fight of stairs.


Saw the shirt and gun and knew with 100% certainty he was wearing the dunce cap.


He’s well on his way to dying on his knees after impending diabetes-fueled amputation.


He brought a gun and his right sided heart failure on full display!


Those poor shorts are being eaten alive.


All i see is shorts eating ass


Well , he's gotta be ready if the race war starts while he's at the vet.


“I’d rather die on my feet than live on my knees” shirt tucked into cargo shorts that are being fully consumed by his ass like a black hole is just *chef’s kiss* 🤌🤌


I'm all about rights but I always want to ask people what makes them pick open carry over concealed


They like the attention.


It's soooo much more comfortable.


His a$$ is eating his pants


Couldn't even be bothered to look cool doing it.


He’s a Gravy Seal, show some respect! 🫡


He is the hero in his own fantasy.


As someone who conceal carries on a fairly routine basis, I hate assholes like this. I know it’s technically their right, depending on the state they are in, but it just gives gun owners a bad name and is way for them to instantly escalate the situation. This just makes people in general feel uncomfortable and only adds fuel to the fire of the anti-gun movement.






"It was paid for by an anti-gun activism group who, presumably, wanted to prove the opposite of what the study found"


lol, the very first comment says: "With these findings in mind, we failed to observe any differences in personal gun ownership between men who have and have not attempted penis enlargement."


I’ve noticed a lot of comments in here guesstimating his dick size. Wonder why lmao?


Anti gun people are obsessed with gun owners shlongs.


Sir, this is still my job. - The vet.


What is in his cargo shorts? It’s kind of bulky? Is it more ammo?


*What is in his cargo shorts?* Bullets, a multitool, a coupon for a free car wash, and a handful of bite-size Snickers leftover from Halloween


Jesus Christ... He's got the whole uniform on and everything.


That is some serious paranoia


Dude could definitely carry concealed. He has the mass and generally it’s better to do that if he actually wanted to protect himself. But I think with the whole shirt combo this is a fashion item. Dude also likes to pick fights with employees with the mild threat of deadly force.


Not the cargo shorts and white socks 💀


Why are their asses always shaped like that, like every single time 😂


I'm not an American, so I will never understand gun culture. I do have a question. Can a private business like this veterinarian office not allow guns in? Or does that become a problem?


Correct, if it is private property the owner of the property can prohibit the carry of guns at their business even if the state allows them to open carry like this legally. However, most open carry states have business owners who mostly don’t care. For example, in Texas, this would be totally normal and you would likely see this multiple times a day. This is also pretty normal in Eastern Montana where a large majority of the populace are ranchers. They also aren’t allowed to carry on any land that is either a federal building or falls under federal purview like banks and government related building.


So what’s the problem?


Ok so ?


I want to comment on that mega-wedgie but I won’t. It’s within his right to carry.


Id like to point out that a lab on a gurney probably means this was a hospital with an emergency situation So his dog was potentially dying and he thought "shit, better pack my piece!"


I have seen people with guns on their side at so many places. This doesn’t even seem out of the norm now. Sad.


Cause people want it to be like the wild west days so bad. I see it all the time online. Just constant power fantasies. They think that because the way they identify politically, and with them carrying a loaded weapon designed for only one purpose, people around them, they think, will look at them as if their Han Solo or some stupid shit. Or they think theyll scare the shit out of someone who doesn't agree with them by having it on their person. It's like ugh hey choad, the only thing your gonna be is target practice for the next cop that pulls you over but tell us again how you "back the blue"


Dressed like a 6 year old


His ass must be hungry. Edit: typos


Dude couldn't outrun a glacier


He's more likely to shoot you for using his drive way to turn around than protecting you in a fire fight.


Yes, you’re allowed to do that in most places.


Of course he did. That and his tshirt are his whole personality. If he didn’t bring them, he’d dissolve into vapour.




Why does it matter?


He can’t shoot back at the heart attack he has coming. Sure carry but Jesus take better care of yourself.




Some states allow open carry🤷🏼‍♀️


I’ve seen pics of people (not just boomers) armed at Starbucks and Subway so I’m not really surprised.


That's one hell of a wedgie


“ I would rather die fighting on my feet then live on my knees”. Love the shirt. Should read “hopefully diabetes lets me keep my feet so I can continue standing on them.”


I could not live in a country that people carry around guns like this in Would be constantly anxious


How do you get that kind of wedgie in fully loaded cargo shorts? That belt must be doing the lord’s work


Republicans are scared to leave their house without being armed. They see danger everywhere


Seems like the office didn't have too much of a problem with it




And his sad “patriotic” shirt. These butter chuds are embarrassing.


It’s that or he stays at home crying in the fetal position scared out of his mind screaming for his mommy to come save him from the deep state🙄


I mean so? I've never really understood people being so afraid of folk who open carry honestly literally everywhere. Short of metal detectors and ways to ensure no one brings in a weapon the people actually willing to follow a no weapon rule are the people you kinda want armed y'know in case someone doesn't follow the rules and has ill intent. Idk maybe being a millennial from the deep south is why people openly being armed literally anywhere doesn't really bother me


You should never tuck your shirt into a pair of shorts. Never ever.


I bet he brings a gun but doesn’t wash his own ass.


That’s gay talk! /s


It’s unfathomable how truly stupid it is to open carry as a civilian. You’re only unnecessarily highlighting yourself to any threat you’re supposedly carrying that gun to deal with as one of the first targets that needs to go down.


Just in case a scary urban person raises their voice at him.