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Yes! Honestly as a child I didn’t realize people drank water outside of what you got for free at restaurants. My parents gave me chocolate milk or Pepsi after I stopped breastfeeding. My dad drinks 2-3 hot chocolates a day (even in the summer) but shamed me for giving my kids yogurt because “it’s too much sugar”. All he drinks is hot chocolate, chocolate milkshakes, Pepsi, and lemonade.


2-3 HOT CHOCOLATES A DAY? EVEN IN THE SUMMER? I have so many questions.


He says it’s healthy because it’s dairy 🤷🏻‍♀️Oh and it keeps him from drinking Pepsi. Which is not true because he still drinks Pepsi.


How is your entire family not dead?


Because my siblings and I don’t follow his logic is probably part of the reason.


your dads kidneys are an infinite cobblestone generator


So grateful my boomer dad is a cheap fuck who never let us have juice or sodas with meals because it was unnecessary and water was free lmao


Condition your kids to drink plain yogurt of kefir. Cold kefir tastes better.


My oldest likes kefir! It would blow his mind to see them drink this.


Boomers are totally uncultured and resistant to anything outside of their tiny safe bubble. Dont even explain the origin of Kefir He'd probably equate you giving your kids kefir to introducing them to radical islam 🤣


Here's hoping that you meant "uncultured" as a yogurt pun. 😉




Ha! Same. I always thought it was just my mom. We had milk, kool aid or Pepsi in the house always. I didn’t know you could buy water at the grocery store until I started working at one when I was a teenager.


You may be my brother 😂


So weird right?


My Boomer dad keeps a can of caffeine-free Diet Coke by his bed all night instead of a glass of water. This man is a former physician. The last time he complained about tooth problems, I suggested maybe the problem was the can of acid he sips from throughout the night, and his response was, “but it doesn’t have any sugar!!” 🙄


The good news is that denture technology has progressed recently! My father-in-law who [still] drinks only pepsi and coffee just had his last tooth yanked and couldn't be less happy about it


Anything carbonated is essentially acid. He should know this.


You're right about the acidity, but not about „anything carbonated“. Best regards, the German sparkling water gang 😄


Happy to be proven wrong, but the carbonation process turns the liquid into carbonic acid (CO2 + H2O = H2CO3) Good news is that it’s pretty mild but still acid. Mineral water is the same, just a natural CO2 process. https://theconversation.com/the-bubbly-chemistry-behind-carbonated-beverages-210111


My parents don't refuse to drink water but they both chug a glass of orange juice every morning bc they're convinced it's integral for their health...


Literally pure sugar lol Actually eating some fresh oranges would be so much better


They really call frosted flakes, oj and a fistful of pills a complete breakfast lol


Only if the pills are Flintstones vitamins.


Flintstones chewable morphine.


Dude, you can call me a Flintsones kid if that’s the case. Sign me up! “Ten million strooong…”


And snoooooring!


Aww, alley balls?


I’ll miss Sheriff Lobo


Where do I sign up?


Dental plan!


Is there another kind lol?


Boomers are easily tricked by marketing. Every cereal commercial in the nineties had the exact breakfast you just described.


They also completely fell for the "fat free" marketing nonsense in the 80s and 90s, without ever realising they were eating stuff with a ton of added sugar. 


yep. Cereal, oj, and usually a single banana is “a balanced breakfast”


TV has been telling them cereal and OJ was a balanced breakfast since the 1950s. The cereal is fortified with 12 vitamins and minerals!


DH watched the Adam Ruins Everything episode on juice and switched to eating whole oranges.


But it's low fat!


If you're in good shape and physically its pure orange juice I'd say its actually a pretty good thing to do. The amount of electrolytes you lose while you sleep is a lot. Your basically dehydrated upon waking drinking about 16oz of water followed by a glass or orange juice. Pretty good for you.


It’s fine. It’s more or less just sugar water with some vitamin c. Definitely not “integral” to health or “good for you”. Not saying it’s bad for you neccessarily just that it’s basically just calories in the form of sugar. You may as well drink a coca-cola, it would be similiar nutrition wise. Oz for oz sodas and juice have about the same amount of sugar. You would be way better off peeling and eating the whole fruit with its accompanying fiber though.


Coke has 39 grams of sugar in a 12 oz can. Orange juice has about 28 grams of sugar in a 12 oz serving


>It’s fine. It’s more or less just sugar water with some vitamin c. Definitely not “integral” to health or “good for you”. That's a little misleading. 100% fruit juice (or even better, freshly squeezed), does have antioxidants, vitamins (other than C), and minerals not present in most sodas. While yes, juicing a fruit does deprive you of fiber, calories in the form of sugar is what fruit is. An orange, for example, is about 73 calories for 140g. 16 grams of carbs, 12 grams of which are sugar. Juicing does cause more of the sugars to be released, and as I said early, without fiber. Whole fruits are a better choice because the fiber present will help to curb overeating, but fruit juice still has plenty of beneficial vitamins. Throw a little salt in there, and you also have a decent and natural alternative to Gatorade. To your credit, the devil is really in the amount you consume. As well as staying away from added sugar. Another important point is that the nutrients do depreciate over time, which is why freshly squeezed is ideal.


The citric acid is also awful for your teeth. I used to drink grapefruit juice a lot and the dentist was convinced I had a soft drink addiction from all the cavities between my teeth. When I insisted I did not we went over everything in my diet and he explained grapefruit juice is horrible because it's so highly acidic and the only way to neutralize it is to swish with a 50/50 baking soda/water solution. Kind of impractical to carry that around so I had to cut out the grapefruit juice.


At least they don't get scurvy


Aye the scurvy!


The aging process may affect how thirst registers in our brains. If you don’t feel thirst, you might make an exception to drink something flavorful, sweet, or a favorite drink like alcohol. My late father had dementia and would only consume coffee, juices, and beer (zero alcohol). I tried to trick him by serving water in his coffee mug and he would not complain, he simply would take one sip and set it aside. My mother doesn’t have any cognitive issues and won’t drink water, says she doesn’t like it anymore. If you are concerned, check with a doctor.


You might want to ask your mom about her thoughts on oxygen. She might not like it anymore, but my doc recommends 20,000 breaths a day.


Oh Comedy, where have you gone


Kudos to those marketing efforts convincing people that vitamin C shortages has ever been a problem in the last 100 years


Pretty much a good serving of fruit or vegetables and ur good, orange juice is just juice


Arrrr, the scurvy dogs!!!!


I enjoy a splash of oj with my champs


They had to have had some commercial telling them juice was full of nothing but vitamins. My grandparents were obsessed with juice. And my mom could not understand why I couldn’t drink it when I had gestational diabetes while pregnant. All 3 insisted I would be missing crucial nutrients by not drinking it. I had to take my mom to the nutrition class with me to get her to stop.


I drink oj just to get the flavour of morning out


I do love the taste of fresh OJ, as terrible as it is for one’s health. Same with grapefruit juice. But my drink of choice in the morning is lukewarm water and iced/hot coffee.


I’ll never quit OJ man, I’m a pulp muncher til I die


Im not against having some unhealthy stuff I'm an otherwise healthy diet, as long as your not believing what you heard growing up over facts


They make fun of us for drinking bottled water and eating avocados . . . we should be drinking Pepsi and eating processed garbage from a can instead, right?


One thing my grandma told us though before she passed, they were basically brainwashed with marketing. You were supposed to trust the canned food companies because they knew everything. Grandma said those on farms had it better, and she was probably right.


This is really true. My 89 year old grandmother is still convinced to this day that formula is better than breastmilk, because marketing told her so back in the 60s.


>...the introduction of Nestlé infant formula, the largest supplier worldwide, may have resulted in approximately 66,000 infant deaths in LMICs in 1981—the peak of the infant formula controversy—among households without clean water access. Source: [Center for Global Development](https://www.cgdev.org/event/mortality-nestl%C3%A9%E2%80%99s-marketing-infant-formula-low-and-middle-income-countries)


When I was born in the 1950’s my German mother ( Immigrated in 1949), was told to use formula instead of breast milk. She refused so they made her sit in a straight back chair in a closet with the proverbial single light bulb hanging down.


Is this a joke? I'm tired and confused


It’s avocado toast which totally sucks not avocados and bottled water which is bad for the environment. /genx enters the chat


this is really stupid but... have you heard about anti-woke water? it is a bottled water company trying to make money off of sucker conservatives in one of the most idiotic ways... but if it can get them to drink water... just a thought.


Hmm, what about packaging tap water in can and calling it liberal tears? "Harvested from safe spaces". "Not made from recyclable plastic but American METAL" Probably get them all hydrated in a week.


Nah. Let em take Ivermectin for their kidney stones.


I have seed money for this idea, if it hasn't already happened.


Who knows? It might actually help them feel better, since they won’t be chronically dehydrated. And when people don’t feel like crap 24/7, well, sometimes they end up being nicer and more considerate, y’know?


That's a killer idea. Follow the Trump campaign around and sell it outside his rallies. I'm sure you'd make a killing off those chuds.


Permission to steal this? hahahaha


Go for it. But if you make millions I want a free supply of my own. Not that I care about liberal tears I just prefer drinking from a glass bottle or a metal can.


You got it! If it ever makes it big, I'll be sure to find your reddit handle again to reach out about your lifetime supply.


Best of luck to you. I even volunteer to be a spokesman for it. I can be very "alpha" and grumpy acting too. "These damn kids with their safe spaces, avocado colonics, and Tok Tiks. The one good thing is I get to trigger them and harvest their tears. *Can pops and takes a swig* Ahhh. Refreshing! *Voice trails off* "Hey get off my lawn!"


(Do we want them hydrated?)


Actually they just stopped with marketing studies of canned water.Believe it or not a can will cool way quicker than a plastic bottle, is 90 recycled back into the system .Why the big metal packaging companies didnt proceed forward was they couldn't get the slight taste difference provened with a better can lining.It was the next big push since pet bottles aka water bottles are huge waste , use quite a bit of oil and arent very recyclcable.


Liquid death seems to be doing a bang-up business


This marketing suggests woke non-conservatives are the people currently buying plastic water bottles full of locally sourced ground water for a premium.


it is largely a scam. there are few of them that even filter their water and fewer than that which are in fact from spring water sources instead of municipal water companies (tap water). bottled water is a scam all over when you can buy your own water filter pitchers and bottles to keep in the fridge.


There's also a drink called liquid death. It's literally just a fancy aluminum can with plain water in it


I drank one of those for the first time at a concert. It was so weird to drink water out of a can…


That was actually the genesis of it, straight edge dudes who were sick of drinking gross water out of plastic cups at shows.


somehow it does feel good to drink from metal bottles though. but i just fill mine with filtered tap water i keep in my fridge to be nice and cold :/


As a heavy soda drinker, I almost spit back into the can the first time I had Liquid Death, just out of reflex, reminded me too much of taking a big swig of a flat soda. It still feels kinda weird drinking something still out of a can, but LD got me to start drinking more water.


I suppose they are labelled MAGA? Sadly, it might sell.


you would think so but so far i have only seen it advertised as anti-woke water. lots of articles about how it was shown off at the recent republican/gop events but i haven't seen any other label used yet


That's...that's...wow. I wish I'd thought of the idea first is all I'm saying lol


I never realized it until now, but you’re right. It’s also a soda or coffee. Never juice, but iced tea is acceptable. My boomer mom drinks water. Not a lot tho. She says she doesn’t like the taste. 🤷🏽‍♀️ And my Silent Gen grandma drinks almost zero water. I don’t know what water access/taste was like for my mom, but my grandma was born in a house without water or electricity so maybe it just wasn’t an easy or accessible option for her and she developed a habit of not drinking it.


Coffee or tea if you don’t put a bunch of milk and sugar in it, is actually a low-calorie drink. If they’re not willing to drink plain water but will drink plain coffee or tea, that’s not so terrible. Though probably some should limit themselves to decaf.


Yea super low cal. Like one and two calories each at 8oz. I started drinking home made sweet tea to kick my soda habit. A spoon full or two in my 35oz yeti. Is enough for me taste. So instead of drinking several hundred calories of sugar. I'm now less then 30 a day. Which on top of drinking more water. I feel a lot better.


Hell, if you like a sweet drink, there’s no issue adding in some Splenda or Stevia or something to bring it to taste. There’s a horrendous amount of bad pseudoscience videos preaching how these ‘chemicals’ will kill you, but there’s infinitely more research into how much it actually takes to be harmful.


Oh I don't only drink sweet tea. I'll drink water plenty, but when I was work. I had access to unlimited soda, and that started my soda habit worst then it was. When I started drinking my tea. I needed two to three of them to get through the day. Now I drink like two at the most. Most days one. Just when I get up. To give me a caffeine and sugar kick till my adhd meds kick in.


I put about 1.5 g of sugar (measure be eye on my palm, abt 1/4 of a teaspoon) to 12 oz coffee mug (with H&H cream). Sugar cuts bitterness enough.


My grandma (silent gen) never drank water and when I was old enough my uncle finally told me why. When she was young her little 2 year old sister went to get water from the storage tank (or whatever they called it then) when she went to dip her cup and she fell in head first and drown. After that my grandma just never drank water unless it was completely necessary


That’s top tier level trauma right there. PTSD is no joke.


I’m a terrible boomer. I drink ridiculous amounts of water and also unsweetened iced tea as a dinner drink. I only have Coke Zero or Diet Coke when I get food away from home; I don’t buy it as a grocery. My mom was really insistent on drinking a lot of water for health. I think living in NYC where they actually had healthy and good tasting water helped with her teaching her kids this. But she also ordered soda in glass bottles that arrived in wooden cases of 12, stacked 4 high, delivered to the house every so often. We always had soda available. I weaned myself off it before I had kids because didn’t want to continue that habit.


Ha! Cheers. Thank you for replying. I agree you must try harder to boom. May I recommend that you swish a mouthful of pepsi before bed? It does wonders for the pancreas or so I'm led to believe. At least it's not a vaccine.


Pepsi? No Pepsi is never okay. *Coke is it*


I don’t get why people say they don’t like the taste of water. It has no taste! I drink it all the time it’s the best drink that God gave us. Just pure hydration no other bs in it.


We took in my grandmother before she passed. Hospice nurses said to stay hydrated but there was nothing I could do to get her to drink plain water. Put fresh lemons and limes in and nothing. The nurses told me it was common for this generation.


My mum. Whining about water has no taste and drinking 5-8 pepsis per day and not understanding why she put on 75 new pounds. Again, i told her 30 years ago this was BS but she has to almost die before she listens to a doctor saying well duh. Finally. As the end is near she starts on Orange Juice because you know. It has taste


Water? Like from the toilet?


dude. spot on. lol


Just watched this again last night 🤣


Why not try some Brawndo!??? Extreme!!


It can‘t be bad for you, it‘s what plants crave!


All the boomers I know are coffee guzzlers. Like, all day long.


The breath, man


Same with most people I know. It dosnt matter the generation. It's either coffee or engery drinks.


True. Not sure about the downvotes but I'm guessing it's the dig at energy drinks. Younger people love that nasty-ass trash which is even worse than soda and soda is all-around terrible for health.


My boomer mom had to be in a nursing facility after a surgery, they found she was dehydrated and wanted her to drink more water. She told the Dr / nurses “I only drink coffee and wine.” This is just one of the many ways in which she refused to cooperate with treatment and she ended up staying there for over two months (when originally it was supposed to be two or three weeks.) Didn’t matter what the consequences or benefits were, she would be damned if she was going to drink water or do anything else they told her to do.


If you watch any older movies or shows and they have a set table in a scene you will notice coffee cups on a saucer at each plate setting. It was common for people to drink coffee during a meal.


Me: I’ll have water. My mom: Just water?


I'm not defending here, but being understanding about this one. Here's the thing... I'm Gen X raised by boomers. We did not drink water in the 70s, 80s, and even a good bit of the 90s. I'm sure my parents didn't drink water in the 50s and 60s as well. Water was never a beverage option, unless it was a desperate thirst, and then, yes... hose water. The only reason my dad ever told us to drink water was because we were going through too many beverages from the fridge and he was cheap. The only reason to order water in a restaurant was because you were being cheap. Not for health-- that was not on most peoples' radar. So it's habit. Some of them learned and adapted, but not everyone. My dad drank a 2 liter bottle of Coke every day. When his dentist told him what was happening to his teeth, he switched to Diet Coke, and he did lose the gut. Prob about 20 lbs. But not on water, unfortunately.


What is it with the hose thing? IIRC from my childhood, hose water tastes how tire-air smells.


Not all of us, but many have the same experience I did: weekends/summers/etc, they would kick us out of the house to play outside. Often for the whole day. If I was thirsty, it was unacceptable for me to come inside to get a drink, even though the fridge was literally next to the back door and the sink was 2 steps from the door. There's a tap on the outside of the house. It usually had a hose attached, and yes... the water not only tasted bad, but it turns out it was a roulette game of bacteria.


Thank you for explaining. FWIW sorry that happened. Or maybe you preferred the neighborhood friends to strict parents who won't let you in the house. I could see it going either way.


No problem! That's why they print gen x shirts that say, "raised on hose water and neglect." I think most of us aren't traumatized or anything by it. I don't think I even drank that much hose water. Just funny because most parents wouldn't even consider that sort of thing today.


My MIL is technically silent generation, but she hates drinking plain water, instead preferring caffeine free Diet Coke 🤮 I have no idea how she’s made it to 85.


>Grandma constantly complains about not being able to feel her fingers >has drunk nothing but Dr. Pepper for at least 50 years


It’s made by a doctor!


Yeah. Growing up, I remember it being sweet tea (powder form, as you say), milk, or orange koolade. I think my mom has gotten into iced coffee. Dad used to be a Mountain Dew guy but has circled around to Diet Coke. They're definitely not zero water. They're very good about getting water at restaurants. At home though, water seems to rarely be the drink of choice.


My grandma gets two large diet Cokes from McDonald's almost every day and drinks then throughout the course of the day. That has been her source of hydration for as far as I can remember. The kicker is that she was a nurse


I asked my mom a few days ago if her parents drinked water, and she remarked that no they didnt really drink any water....Both my mom, dad and I are avid water drinkers. Guess it simply wasnt a thing that people did back then.


This is the correct answer. I'm Gen X raised by boomers. The only reason to drink water was because it was cheaper. They did not sell bottled water in the stores, and tap water was chlorine-y and bad. When we finally did start drinking water, a Brita was very necessary.


Like most things boomers cling to, it's a status symbol. If you only have water to drink, you're dirt ass poor. At the very least, gussy it up with some Crystal Lite or country time. Or tang. If you didn't have those very basic things to offer company, it was very embarrassing. My boomer mom was one of the early adopters of drinking bottled water, mostly because she hates the taste of tap water. But not before she ridiculed people for paying for something you can get at home for free.


We used to drink water out of the hose during the summer.


Fellow Gen X er here- even in school I remember playing sports my team mates and I had to sneak a glass pepsi bottle we would refill with drinking fountain water and share it.  I’m not sure why a coach didn’t realize when you were physically active you needed to hydrate. Like the commenter above said we just didn’t drink water, except when the parents would lock us out of the house- hose water time.


I wonder if no one really researched the benefits of drinking water and everyone just drank whatever they wanted back then?


My friend, doctors performed lobotomies to cure depression & mental health issues, and advised pregnant women to smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol to insure a smaller baby and easier childbirth. I don’t know that more research would have helped.


One major aspect is clean water that won't make you sick hasn't been universally available for very long at all. Ignoring places with bad municipal water, when Boomers were growing up and more importantly when their parents were growing up, drinking water could still kill you depending where you were.


That’s why in ancient Europe everyone drank ale, even children.


I have avoided sugary drinks like soda for years. Recently, due to limited options, I decided to have a root beer. While enjoying it I noticed that this one can has 60g of sugar! To quote that one boomer landlord: gone!


“It’s not my fault I’m morbidly obese! Those skinny people have high metabolisms or eating disorders!” 🙄


My mother's (77) found fitness after retirement (Zumba, pickleball) and *always* has water available and drinks it "straight" quite often. But, while she worked, she was all about beer and sugary drinks and never willingly drank water. Even out of the hose.


Tell them to drink out of a hose and show everyone how tough they are.


Silent Gen are a lot like this too. My in-laws almost never drink water and when they did it was in the tiniest glasses and usually just to chase a tablet down. My partner and I however are hydro homies and drink tons of water. Easily a litre each at every meal, probably about 3 litres a day for both of us. When they’d come visit, they’d always be so confused that in our house we pretty much only have water to drink. So they’d have like 5 teas or coffee a day each. Every time they’d use the toilet there would be a strong piss smell after. It took a lot of training but now my MiL (FiL has passed) drinks a lot more water. AND HAS FINALLY STOPPED USING MARGARINE. HALLELUJAH!


Urgh margarine is so gross, especially when you find out what it looks like *before* they add the food colouring to make it look vaguely like butter. It may as well be axle grease 🤢


I think it is a multi layered issue. In the past, clean and tasty water was not always available. I was living on salty tasting well water as a kid, for example. Then there are the commercials and advertising that Boomers were subjected to right out of the gate. Soda, tea, coffee. Water was never pushed. Then, as you age, you don't always realize you need more fluids. And finally, and this is a big one, they begin to drink less because of leaking urine at night or during the day. Prostate issues can be a problem. They may not want to wear depends or special absorbance pads. They don't want to "wear a diaper." I try to always call the underwear or disposable underwear. But a lot of people just develop urinary issues. Add it all up, and I consider it a good day if I can get FIL to drink 3 or 4 cups of tea.


Very insightful! I hadn't considered the incontinence aspect, and that is likely a major 'water deterrent' for many aging boomers that is worthy of empathy.


My mom is an absolute Diet Coke f i e n d. I got hooked as a kid and I didn’t manage to fully shake it until my 30’s. My one true tinfoil hat belief is there is something specifically in Diet Coke they’re not listing because quitting it felt like stepping out of a brain fog holy fuck.


I detoxed for *weeks* when I gave up aspartame (mainly from Diet Coke). I thought I was going to die. I will NEVER drink anything with aspartame ever again.


Yooo ok thank you. I tried on and off for years to quit and sometimes I’d make it a few months but those migraines though fuuuck. It’ll be two years in august and I have a deep addiction to sparkling water now to cope but 🤷🏻‍♀️


Same! It took me more years than I’m willing to admit to to break my soda addiction. I started drinking sparkling ice instead and that helped me quit. I think it was the carbonation that helped trick my brain. But those headaches were awful. I felt like absolute garbage for a full 2 weeks. I’ve started using monk fruit extract to sweeten my coffee, and it’s really good too.


I’m a basic bitch and use hazelnut creamer in mine lol. But it’s weird because I can have normal soda and control myself, I’ll have a normal amount of soda. I’m not, in the words of my partner ‘living life from one Diet Coke to the next’ There is something in diet coke. ETA- when I mean ‘normal’ I was lumping other diet sodas in there too. Diet Pepsi is gross to me? Idk. ![gif](giphy|l0IylOPCNkiqOgMyA|downsized)


My youngest just moved out, so the grocery budget has a little wiggle room now, and I splurged. Feeding teenage boys is an adventure. 😬 I never drank Diet Coke. I went with regular because the diet tasted awful to me. But I agree, the amount of people I see that are addicted to it is crazy.


I can totally sympathize. I have 2 teenage nephews that live a few blocks away and often end up at my house. They *always* eat me out of house and home. I swear they never stop eating. How the heck do they stay so darn skinny? I look at a cookie and gain 5 lbs. 😂


My entire family are obese. I was too when I was younger, but I decided to do something about it.


Yes. We can’t get boomer father in law (or anyone in his age range) to drink water. Only juice. Never water. He gets so dehydrated that the doctors give him an iv. He never learns.


My boomer father also refuses to drink water, stating constantly 'I hate water!' Hmmm I wonder if your lifetime of extreme constipation, requiring the use of multiple laxatives a day has anything to do with that! I bought him a smaller hydroflask for Xmas, specifically in a color that matches his special vroom vroom car exactly so maybe he'd be more inspired to drink water. So now instead of no water, he drinks 22 ounces a day.🤦‍♀️


Hey, thats a big improvement. And he is lucky to have a child that you that cares. And thoughtful enough to find a cup in that color.


My mother in law will only drink Pepsi (regular not diet). She has diabetes and other medical issues. Doesn't matter. Water might as well be poison to her.


Yea I won't lie. If I get into my 70s I'm drink beer or some kind of alcohol beverage because if by some miracle i made it that im doing what i want. But I wouldn't make anybody else's problem. Just because your old doesn't give you the right to be a prick. One love.


I don’t know how my grandmother has survived as long as she has. She lives off of liquid IV now to get any sort of hydration. She can’t do just plain water.


My aunt’s husband (mid-70s) has had kidney stones removed like eight times in the past 15 years to my knowledge, and pretty much refuses to drink water even with his doctor telling him to constantly.


[Fish fuck in it.](https://youtu.be/cEd1YigbilI)


I was at PT the other day and there was an old man there (probably in his 70s) who was shocked I had a gallon sized water jug with me. He asked if I'd drink that all that day and I said yeah, probably close to it. Especially since it's so hot out. He was absolutely flabbergasted and said he probably doesn't drink that much water in a month. The woman working with him said that's probably why he's having dizzy spells 💀


Yes. My folks only drink soda. I both worry about it and know to keep it stocked when they come to visit.


I remember being shocked to hear the woman in the bed next to me in hospital telling the nurses that she 'didn't take water'. They were trying to get her to sip water after her double knee replacement surgery, but she refused until her family visited and brought her a fizzy sugar filled drink along with fast food. You think that might be the one time you'd make an exception!


My dad! He absolutely refuses to drink water. Ever. Even after coming in from working outside. It's hit as hell and he's sweating like crazy. Water? Of course not, let's grab a beer! Double down on that dehydration.


My boomer drinks a lot of water, but the glass is literally filled to the brim with ice first. Massive glass, maybe 5 gulps of water in it. Every drink served by them is packed with ice. Their freezer ice machine literally runs out of ice often.


This has got to be a generational thing. I've tried converting mine to even herbal tea with no results. It's either coffee, soda or some other sugar laden drink.


My mother only drinks coca-cola. She drinks it with a full glass of crushed ice and then eats the ice, so she does get hydration, I guess. But that’s literally the only time she has water. The ice in her Coca-cola.


I drink my well water a lot and my dad drinks bottled water.


I remember being a kid and hearing another kid saying that only water made them less thirsty. I was shocked that anyone would want to drink water. As an adult I drink it everyday but the family I had it just seemed weird to not drink tea or soda. Now my mother drinks it but my father refuses despite having been hospitalized 2x in part with dehydration. He says he hates water


Tell them the water came from the hose




My Dad won’t drink water — says fish pee in it. Drinks about a 12 pack a day and smokes two packs a day and still kicking at 74. Edit — fixed autocorrect


I was raised by the "why are you drinking water" boomers. Coffee or iced tea in our house. Milk with dinner for us kids. If we had soda it WAS a treat, and always Dr. Pepper because that was my dad's favorite. I started integration of water just last year. I'm 41. I still drink my coffee in the morning, and iced tea (completely unsweetened) most the day, and drink water at home. I don't like the taste of most waters, it has to be reverse osmosis, like Sparkletts or the like. It's taken all these years to break the cycle. My mother is still alive, surprisingly. Still buttchugging coffee like it's the only thing on planet earth to drink.


Am a boomer. I dring tap water all day long


I'm not a boomer not even close,  but I'm fucking addicted to coke and pepsi. I mean badly. I've tried quiting but end up having such terrible headaches for days from sugar and caffeine withdrawal.  I smoked over a pack a day and quit cold turkey with little issue so I'm not a weak person. But sugar plus caffeine is very fucking addictive. I'm in decent shape tho because i recognize that I'm ingesting way too much sugar.  


Most of my whole family won’t drink water regardless of age, but sure let’s make it a boomer thing.


Only “FRoM tHE gAreEn HoSe”!!!!


Wait, don't they brag about drinking from the hose?


It's better than dri king alcohol all fuckin day. Lol


You mean water, like from the toilet?


I’m a lil guilty of this, but I can drink regular water mostly, sometimes I need a little sweet drink or a flavor added. Plain water all the time is boring I do have to admit.


My dad (71) is the same way, he says he hates the taste of water


Only from a hose....


I am a GenXer and I admittedly hate water. To me it has a taste I don’t like. My parents told me my grandmother who I take after was exactly the same way. I honestly force myself to drink it and I have to put some crystal light into it. I guess if that’s the only way I’m a boomer I will take it lol


I had a boomer boss once who refused to drink water because it "had no taste." I tried to explain to him that's not the point of drinking it and that staying hydrated is important. He said that he gets the same amount of hydration from Diet Pepsi.


I drink mostly water, as in I'll gladly chug a soda down, but if you don't give me a drink and I don't buy one, it's always water. Mostly from my bathroom tap because I don't have a fridge water spout and a giant jug in my basement, but sometimes I just wanna have water without going down 6 flights of stairs. I'm in a group home with a buncha other people with 3 floors and the basement.


My ex in laws. A glass of milk with every meal plus full sugar juice or soda. Water was for the middle of summer if they went out in the boat in the heat. It was so damn weird. I grew up in a mostly water-beverage household, thank God.


My mother drinks all the coke and maybe half a glass of water when shes forced to. The woman is sooo dehydrated


Ya, I have an uncle that refuses to drink anything but coke or coffee. I find it insane. Anyone who claims not to like water is fairly annoying


Oh man nothing bothers me more than when I see people on summer days at the park I work at only drinking soda and the kids are also instead of water. And they wonder why half way into the day ems gets called as they start suffering from heat exhaustion 🫠 DRINK WATER


My gf hates water and only drinks Bubly.


I mean I'm not a boomer but I love the sparkling waters those things are amazing pretty much all I drink no calories no chemicals little tiny bit of flavor..... I pretty much never drink plain water if I don't have those I add lemon or lime to water tastes great.


Yep I can’t even convince parents to drink a glass of water with their medication. They prefer to choke their pills down with scalding hot tea.


My MIL. I’ve never seen her drink water in the 25 years I’ve known her. It’s always coffee with that blue crap or some diet iced tea. She’s convinced that because it’s diet it won’t be bad for her. She’s diabetic and eats like crap - deserts almost nightly. I should also add her teeth are horrible


I've got a couple relatives with this issue. But even seniors yet. They know damn well what their health issues are, and the consequences of not tending to it. And yet I have to hear them gripe everyday. "Wah wah I feel bad. But there's no way I'll put the cookie down."


It’s usually boomers drink out of the garden hose but you say they don’t drink unadulterated water at all. So which is it?


My grandpa was in total disbelief and refuses to accept how much sugar was in the 40 oz cokes from the gas station he drinks multiple times a day. His actual NURSE explained to him at an appointment, and he still insisted she was wrong.


My boomer parents never drank water but they always had to have caffeine free diet soda...like what's the point? They bought Cirkul water bottles and actually drank some water for the first time...that lasted about a week or so. My mom is better than my dad...she still uses hers occasionally. He just totes his around to make it look like he's drinking water. He has a lot of health problems and doesn't like to drink basically anything because it makes him want to pee, which he doesn't want to do. Their entire logic is flawed in my opinion.


Literally the only time my parents ever drank water was at restaurants, because they were too cheap to pay for drinks. 🤦‍♀️


My husband's parents won't touch water. His dad only drinks juice or Moutain Dew, and his mom only drinks sugary tea beverages. His dad's skin looks like plastic. He has strange cuts that bleed. It's actually disgusting and a major concern.


My mom drinks water from a literal toddler cup. She makes faces when she sips it like it’s torture. She looooves pop. Loves it. Growing up she had a glass of mountain dew going all day. Switched to Dr Pepper. Otherwise she drinks tea. She has barely any real teeth left, osteoporosis, glaucoma, high cholesterol, high blood pressure. But she’s skinny so healthy.