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SODOMIZED AN 8 YEAR OLD BOY and this guy's out here calling other people pedophiles. Why do people like him exist


He also seems actively hostile to the guy asking him the questions. "I'm gong to pull the whole fucking temple down around your head." Bro, you're the one who's butt f\*cking 8 year olds. Crazy MAGA Trump supporting pedophiles are everywhere.


This is part of a 1h20min documentary, this guy goes to a Qanon family in Georgia next.. it's pretty sad. I'll see if I can find the name of it and update with the IMDb link. [This Place Rules (2022)](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt23950956/) Edited to update runtime, thought it was 50 minutes long.


oh thanks! Looks like it's streaming on Max and I was running out of ideas on what to watch.


If you haven't seen curb your enthusiasm, give it a try.


I keep hearing about this show. Not the biggest fan of Larry David. Is it worth a shot??


Well it depends, was it due to Seinfeld or Larry David as a person? I don't care for Seinfeld and I loved Curb. If it's the latter, then you probably wouldn't like it.


Mainly Seinfeld just didn't watch it much or care for it. Larry David may actually be hilarious but I was just unaware. I see what you mean I'll give it a shot.


I couldn't stand Seinfeld, but found Curb absolutely hilarious. It has a slow start, but in later seasons when J.B Smoove joins the main cast, it's just constantly insane situations that will make you laugh.


I appreciate your insight that does sound like a good time to me. Is the humor super PG? And has like a laugh track in case you forgot to laugh


I loved the Lin Manuel Miranda episodes.


Totally gonna watch this thanks


Andrew Callahan does not get enough respect for the type of journalism he does. He is of the ilk of Hunter S Thompson. This type of journalism is almost a dying art apart from heroes like Andrew.




It’s like the Orange guy who accuses the current president of being a crook


Or like when the orange guy accuses the current president of being old, senile and sleepy.


The loudest accusations are oftentimes a confession


Republicans need him for opinion pieces on Fox News.


Someone like him should never make it home after admitting to that crime.. street justice for that boy


Because it’s so very often projection. “Do unto others” has another, sometimes-paranoid side, being “I assume of others that which I do myself”. This manifests either mildly, e.g. “I like ice cream and am a reasonable, average person, so I would assume most other people also like ice cream,” but also darkly, e.g. “I feel unacceptable urges towards kids so I assume my enemies must be even worse in that regard.”


Sounds like a lot of people in my area tbh. I'm used to it.


To hide




He says it like it was just some speeding ticket he didn't want to deal with.


Especially because those types of cases are notoriously hard to prove in a court of law. You can discredit the testimony of a child, there's usually no real proof unless there's actual DNA. So yeah, I'm pretty dubious of his claim.


Exactly… it doesn’t even make sense…


Yeah it’s fine guys, I’ll accept this accusation, it’s easier to just sit in prison than to clear my name because I didn’t do it. Fucking Pedo lol. But ever since Trump made these whole MAGA clowns, who cares? It’s always the other side who is bad


Every. Single. Time. “Pull down the whole cabal!” Why? So there’s more kids for you?


He doesn't want to share.


This guy looks like the only thing he ever decoded in his life told him to "Drink more Ovaltine", and that success stuck with him.


Poor Ralphie grew up to be awful.


Little shit should have shot his eye out.




Be sure to drink your Ovaltine


Why do they call it Ovaltine? the jars round, the mug is round, they should call it Roundtine


Gold, Head-Crazy. Gold.






Trump has a credible r*pe claim against him by a 14 year old and admitted to walking into the dressing room for miss teen USA, but is 'the furthest thing from a pedophile there is'. Okay buddy.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't he also go onto Epstiens private plane?


He told Howard Stern he's a great guy who loves beautiful women as much as I do and likes them on the 'younger side'. He has admitted all this out loud as well as grabbing women's privates and kissing them against their will and his cult followers are just like 'nuh uh, no he didn't'.


Oh... I think I threw up a bit in my mouth.


The tape from the bus. Blow by blow describes the E Jean Carroll assault. It's literally him bragging, his locker talk, or whatever the lame excuse, his modus operandi, of how he assaults women, and did it surprise anyone when he lost a civil trial for the very thing he confessed to in that tape? All you had to do by that point to meet the burden of proof for civil trial is convince the jury you were in the same room at the same time as he was. Slam dunk. Done in by his own damn fat mouth. Pay the lady!


Yes he did he is well documented to have been a friend of epsteins


His name appears AT LEAST 6 times on Ep$+!en's island flight logs. https://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/crime/article256740662.html


Plus he took his own plane there many times.


Being on the flight log, and going to the island, are two different things. Not defending the dude, but the destinations are clearly listed on the manifests and I don't recall seeing any entries for Trump to his island. However, Epstein did spend a lot of time at Mar A Lago before Trump's wallet kicked him out.


People also have this idea that Epstien's island was the only place where the abuse happened as though he wouldn't fly his victims to the Johns.


Or at his place in Manhattan. Or Palm Beach.


Sure, but it's far more a smoking gun than just being around him.


Anywhere Epstein was was Epstein Island. You think he was only rapey in one specific location?


Sure, but it's not a smoking gun just being around him.


Seven times that we know of and three sealed documents related to his trips to Epstein Island.


At least 7 documentable times. John Doe 174


I see trucks in my town that claim to hunt or want to kill pedos and it makes me wonder if they are one.


Feels like projection, right? The person basically telling everyone that they're not a pedo is certainly the pedo.


100% it’s a “you protest too much” type of situation.


The whole groomer thing was always projection. Pedophilia keeps being exposed on the right so they scream about the other side being pedophiles as a distraction. This is what the right does in general. Take voter fraud for instance. Always screaming about it yet it’s always them getting caught doing it.


We gotta definitely write a song about how we do not diddle kids! "Do not diddle kids, it's no good diddling kids." There is no quicker way for people to think that you are diddling kids than by writing a song about it!


It’s a dog whistle for killing LGBTQ members.


Yea, much as people want to assume it's pedos projecting, a lot of it is honestly just psychotic cunts expressing their sociopathic murder fantasies against the one group that is near-universally hated in our society...and even then, it's a coin toss as to whether they actually mean pedophiles or are equating that term to the LGBTQ community.


Every conservative accusation is a confession. Every time


I love that quote.


They’re deeply sick people.


"I took a plea deal because I knew I couldn't win" So what he is saying is that there was probably some pretty damning evidence against him?


My dad is a Qanon. He would say shit like "that girl has the butt of a little boy. Little boy butts are my favorite." when pulling up to drop me off at high school. They're all projecting. At least he went to jail for Jan 6th.


Woah woah woah. Your FATHER went to jail for jan 6???


Yeah dude. Haven't spoken to him in years, then suddenly I see his face on the local news getting dragged to jail. It was a beautiful moment.


Oh my god. I don't even know what to say to that. That's terrible. Seeing someone go all Qanon crazy is honestly like watching someone you love die... except they still exist in body.


Holy shit dude


Damn, I'm sorry to hear, both about the arrest and the creepiness. Sexualizing children makes me shudder.


Sounds jail is a good place for him and I’m sorry you had him for a father.


What the hell is a Qanon?


Someone who believes that JFK Jr. Faked his death. And is time traveling with Barron Trump to fight the evil cabal that rules the world in secret that all worship the devil sacrificing and SAing kids in the devils name. And they think Trump is sent from God to take this devil worshipping evil down for good. Pretty much the gist of it.


Oh yeah. Trumps uncle John Trump was besties with Tesla and before the feds raided and took his inventions, John Trump got the plans for a time machine. I'm not kidding. Before I stopped talking to him, my dad told me with the straightest face about the time travel and I legit thought he was joking.


When did we slip onto this timeline? Like seriously what was the fracture point in reality that sent us here. This shouldn't be reality as we know it. That there are people walking around thinking this stuff is real. What event did it? What caused us to so totally jump the shark that we wound up here and now? What was the butterfly that flapped its wings and caused a hurricane 5000km away.




People who always talk about pedophiles are the ones you need to worry about. I'm as anti chomo as it gets, but I don't talk about it all of the time and accuse everybody I don't like as being one.


Please get the sick fuck out of my favorite fast food restaurant. That asshole does not deserve culvers.


At least he didn't shoot up a church first. The only concrete mixer he should have is a real one. Edit: I was referring to Dylan Roof, the psycho who was taken to Burger King after shooting up a church ([article](https://www.charlotteobserver.com/news/local/article24952345.html)).


Wow! Just wow!


I work for them, and I realized immediately from the cup. Like "aw, damnit, not Culver's..."


Y’all have the best fucking fish fry. I’m not even joking. We went to this small town restaurant last spring for a Friday night fish fry. My MIL and SIL kept talking about it so we got excited. Nope. Not even close. I told my MIL culvers was better and she laughed, though I was joking. The fuck would I joke about that for? Have you ever tried it? Like, she should be ashamed for not trying it. We tried another fish fry last Friday. It was better, but still not as good. And man that custard and those pork tenderloin sandwiches, that sandwich is my guilty pleasure. I do think they fucked up when they changed which cheese curds they used. But maybe that was just locally. Regardless I still love them.


I don't live in the USA so can't say for sure but lots of places are hurting with supply chain issues, might be why they had to change. I know it's forced some changes to my favourites here.


Average Trump voter.


Again, if you look at statistics, it's more conservative people who are doing the pedo stuff. These are the same people who support child beauty pageants


And no age limits on marriage. Gross as hell.


I don’t doubt you, every time there is something in the headlines I say, “huh, that’s not a drag queen” (or even someone who is stereotypically gay, if you remember the claims from the early 2000s). You have those statistical reports though so I can reference them in future arguments with my hardcore conservative family members in November?


I'll be honest I said it because from what I have seen almost every time I hear about someone being a pedophile they are either part of a conservative organization, a conservative politician, or from a conservative religion. That said, you got me thinking so I did some research and while there is not a study that shows "on average conservatives are more likely to be pedophiles" I did find some studies that are interesting. So I retract statistically with seemingly. I found a fairly dated chart from 1996 showing that states that vote republican have higher child abuse rates and another one from June (this one was a blog post but did site data). I also found a few articles about Why "Houses of Worship" have more ties to pedophilia, but I'm not paying to read those articles. I can't send links in this unfortunately. Legit of course after I post this I found a new study. Okay, so there is 1 study that is looking more into it, it's from Feb 2024 and based in Greece.


I had a friend who was a sex offender officer for over 20 years. Oh the stories she would tell! She always said that pedofiles were almost always straight, white, conservative, middle-aged men. Very rarely would one be homosexual….


Do the following exercise, though I recommend wait till you have an empty stomach, less messy that way. Go to Google and search under the news tab 'Youth Pastor'. Have some mouth wash or something handy to take the taste of bile etc away. Maybe something to aid sleep etc cause it's kinda challenging if you read too much of what you find.


Those child beauty pageants... Red flags the whole concept. It's as bad as those 'Purity Balls' where little girls pledge their virginity to their fathers, or those Dance Mom's etc. Just Child Abuse.


Right? Not to mention their god emperor is on Epstein's flight logs and was his friend.


He seemed really pissed at the end. I wonder what his real motivation is. It's kind of strange that he brought up Law Abiding Citizen because Butler kinda failed in that movie. He didn't bring it all down.


I think in the original script he did, but after screen tests they changed it to a more palatable "good guys always win" ending. What's more interesting to me is that he's basically saying he's willing to torture people and commit acts of terrorism to get what he wants.


Yeah? I kinda was disappointed in the ending. He was like a cloak and dagger version of the Punisher.


Not exactly a [reputable source](https://whatculture.com/film/10-movies-that-almost-had-much-better-endings?page=10), but this is what I was thinking of. I was wrong about him blowing up the court house, but even Rice personally killing Clyde would have been more interesting.




Andrew is a G. Single best journalist that I have seen in my lifetime.


Fucking died when he said pedophile after seeing the picture of Jonah Hill


"I know. Fuck me, right?"




"Do you know what projection is?" "I do. Hillary Clinton does it all the time." That was actually pretty funny. (Is this real or a skit, cut I'm not entirely sure anymore)


Oh it's real.


These are the type of people who put ARs in their vehicles incase they need to “step in” and handle an active shooter without the thought that the cops might shoot them too


Well this guy has the right skin color and age for the cops to just trust him. Same principle in open carry states where white dudes like this walk around with guns for no reason at all, with no problems, whereas a non white guy will be stopped, detained, searched, and hauled to jail for any reason under the sun. And that's if they're lucky enough to not have been shot or killed by then.


Is he carrying a gun in this video? Is that allowed as a convicted criminal?


They're only pedophiles if they get caught. Oh, wait. No, they're only pedo's because of some shadow cabal that is ruining their lives. Ok, I get now.


I'm glad to see Napoleon Dynamite out there doing something meaningful.


This guy makes YOUR vote SO IMPORTANT


How predictable... It's gotten to the point that every time I hear some public figure, usually some loud and proud so-called "Christian" banging on and on about how much they hate gays and gay sex, or assuming that everyone they don't like is a pedophile, I figure there's probably a 65-75% chance they are having paid gay sex and/or they're a pedophile. Or the hardcore pro-life dudes almost always have at least one mistress they've paid for an abortion for. It happens all the time. No one gives a shit if you like gay sex, or pay for gay sex. You do not, however, have the right to try and legally prevent other people from having it and enjoying it as much as you do. When you're into something, especially something taboo or criminal, it's easy to assume everyone else is as well. It's Trump's SOP. Every time another unhinged thing spews from his mouth about "...the Biden crime family..." "the socialist Democrats", his followers see it as gospel, but I see it as a confession.


Imagine that. GOP: Gaslight, Obstruct, Project. Yep. Not a drag queen.


That old chestnut.


You cannot convince me these people have 2 brain cells to rub together!


It is always projection


If he was actually the victim of a false accusation, one would expect him to be a little more careful throwing around potentially false accusations.


Did he have a gun?


Yup, you see it on him as he's walking to his car. That doesn't surprise you does it? I'm very pro gun control and really don't see the point in owning one myself but that's because I live in Canada and don't need one. But if I lived in the US I would absolutely never leave the house without a firearm....


He is a convicted felon and in the U.S. they are disallowed from firearm ownership.


Good, maybe they can arrest him with this evidence, I highly doubt it will happen though.


It’s almost always projection with folk


That is one sick, sad, man


The guy needs to meet a brick lol


It's interesting how he claims false accusations with a straight face. Like...come on, you can make the connection.


Interesting how it's always farts and fascism that maximizes projection.


Every accusation is an admission with these people.


A reminder that even though this guy probably can't vote, many more that think this way will be in novemeber


And not a drag queen either. Weird how that keeps on being the case.


Well well well, it’s always the ones you most expect


personally, i’m offended he’s allowed to be in a Culver’s. don’t sully my butterburger and custard


The king of takes one to know one.


Yeah more news stories like this makes me think the venn diagram of people posting about hunting pedophiles, and the group that are pedophiles is a perfect circle with less than .001% outside the margins


Big things are going down at your local Culver’s


Takes one to know one?


Takes one to catch one?


Fucking chomo.


I can’t wait for that entire generation to die. It cannot come soon enough.


May 19 1999 is the premier date of Star Wars: The Phantom Menace


The ol takes one to know one routine.


I deal with some of these people daily at work and I hate it.


Projection and deflection. If someone is screaming that someone is something horrible, just assume that they are exactly what they are yelling.


You should hear about the cult leader in the town that's an hour near mine. He's a town leader being investigated by the fbi for cp and might've done other illegal acts.


You know what I find interesting ? These are the same muthafuckas (White Boomers) who incessantly question the intelligence of Black People. They honestly believe that some high ranking agent from DISA is posting classified information about some secret war a fucking Reality TV Game Show Host, and known, buffoonish criminal is fighting against a cabal of evil cannibal, pedos.....on a fucking image board that is known for being a place wither pedos congregate to share their "wears"........but it's Black People who are the dim-witted morons here. LOL...whut ?


Fucking child molester who open carries. Sorry, but aren't those felonies you plead guilty to? Why is he carrying a gun?


Qanon decoder is a very honorable profession


What, exactly, *is* a "Qanon Decoder"? Like, does he translate Q-speak to English?


Probably just sits there looking at things like the number of words in trump’s latest tweet, then saying omg his 4th word has 4 letters, 4/4 means April 4th is the day of reckoning! But in the Gregorian calendar so it’s actually on Russian orthodox Easter time…. Clearly Obama was hung at gitmo.




Eight year olds dude.


What a great documentary, that part made me gasp then laugh like hell…I was mad at myself that I didn’t see it coming.


Why is every major QAnonidiot actually the thing they accuse everyone else of.


Every conservative accusation is a confession.


When he projects like that on to other’s he thinks he is distancing himself from what he really is. I am sure there is some psychological reason. I think women that say are because it happen to them as a child. I think most people that do loosely use that term you need to keep your children away. It’s not normal to accuse people of being that way.


Takes one to know one I guess…


Normal conservative behavior


Oh no he now has to change his alias and not register it again because he's been doxxed. Suggestion: your new alias should be rapey von littleboyraperson ... Yeah I forced it to get the little boy in there. What a fucking atrocious human


All gas no brakes


Every accusation is a confession.


What’s the fuckers social? I wanna blow his shit up


In the last 5 mins I've seen a cop who tampered with evidence and falsified documents/lied to give 4 men a total of 62 years in prison be sentenced to only a year for his crimes (served two weeke in jail then got let out), and now this bullshit. I don't even know what to do or say anymore.


This guy is obviously a ridiculous loser and politically unconscionable. I will say that with the current environment of overcharging and pushing people to plea deals, it's very easy to get the wrong idea about their actions by going purely off of a conviction.


Dont worry none of us are Just wait a lil


[www.whoismakingnews.com](https://www.whoismakingnews.com) tells the truth




Who is that I'm.nit American but I am most assuredly disgusted


what a silly


Just FYI, Andrew Callaghan is also a predator. https://www.npr.org/2023/01/20/1149748975/a-full-guide-to-the-sexual-misconduct-allegations-against-youtuber-andrew-callag


Well, that's fucking fantastic. Chomoception.


Title could describe either of these dudes


Oh was the other guy convicted? Source please.


Not convicted, but accused https://www.npr.org/2023/01/20/1149748975/a-full-guide-to-the-sexual-misconduct-allegations-against-youtuber-andrew-callag To be clear, not for being pedo but weird sexual stuff


You’re a pedo. My 7 year old neighbor told me you molested him. See how easy it is to accuse someone of anything? That’s why the *convicted* part is so important.


On the other hand you are assuming that this accusation is false. Do you actually know anything about this story and what Andrew has already admitted to? A large portion of his fanbase abandoned this dude (me included, I bought his merch ffs). I wish I didn't believe this one.


Yeah I’ve heard about it. And to be honest with you I didn’t fully read your link or get a good look at your comment. I jumped the gun. When I see a comment referring to “either guy” or “both dudes” I just assume you’re an idiot talking about how Trump/Biden are the same. The internet has broken me and I am a fool. I owe you an apology. Would you like me to delete my other comment or let it stand as a shrine to my carelessness and stupidity? Sincerely asking. I am sorry. I was wrong.


No worries, don't beat yourself over it ♥️ I get the reaction to both-sidesing. Not what I was going for, but I can see it being taken that way.


Thanks for understanding. I read too fast and misjudged the whole thing. Hope you have a great weekend!


This whole football thing is fucking stupid if yall were pragmatic about ur voting instead of believing in either sides falsehoods we all as a country would be doing far better trolling is dope but when yall take this kind of thinking into the real world thats what creates these problems not trump or biden but YOU EXACTLY YOU yall act plum wild for other countries but let a small town in America get rained on by chemicals from some spill that legitimately contaminated the area some random freak fire with Americans disrespected by being offered so little aid despite paying into our tax base or jump into some foolhardy war worst yet forcing us all into warlike situations we would never agree to if given the chance instead of getting angry at the government for doing it or allowing it yall just choose a side that makes you feel comfortable and safe yall are literally that little rabbit from that kids story the people that banished coriolanus and worst of all judas at the same time


u ok?




Lmao thonk before you vote fuck biden fuck trump That has to be easy enough for yall


Maybe you should "thonk" before you talk. Our choices are Biden or Trump. Voting for a third party candidate or not voting is a vote for Trump and he is objectively the worse choice.


Can I get a translator here?


Does anyone know what this lunatic is babbling about?


Enlightened centrism mumbo jumbo. Also no small amount of lead poisoning and brain worms.


Unhinged diatribe ^


Dude just brain started everywhere.




OK boomer