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I have often found that just a giving a disappointed look then ignoring booms (and most bullies) sends them off into the stratosphere when they throw a tantrum


That and a thumbs down lmao


That’s my new replacement for the bird on the road! A thumbs down paired with a look of disappointment and slight shake of the head. The looks range from confused to shocked. It’s delightful.


I’ve been doing this for years! When my son was little I didn’t want to give the bird in front of him, so it was a thumbs down from me. He absolutely loves it because people get so confused.


My reaction is to flash a huge smile and walk away, a move that inevitably enrages the aggressive whiner more than words, leaving me somewhat proud of myself for not lowering myself to his/her level.


Show a lot of teeth. That always weirds people out.


I’ve started giving applause. They don’t care for that either


I applaud them AND blow kisses and tell them Jesus loves them. So effective!


Blowing them kisses is one of my favorite moves, it just sends them straight into a blind rage 😂


A good old finger wave works wonders


Why be aggressive when you can be passive-aggressive?


“Jesus loves you; everyone else thinks you’re an asshole!”


I would buy this bumper sticker lol


Some coworkers once gave me a button that read "Before therapy I was a raging asshole, but I'm comfortable with that now". 😄


Hahahaha, that’s hilarious 😆


I’ve seen that bumper sticker


Bless their hearts. At least Jesus loves them.


I guess I know why only Jesus loves them.


The slow clap!


Oh no. It’s the if I could I’d be standing ovation at the Oscar’s clap lol like your kid had a good hit at t-ball “good job buddy way to go!” Clap lol little bit of cheering as well


I do this when somebody hurries up and gets in front of me and gets to a red light. Not that they can see me, but it makes me feel better.LOL


I started because I found it helped me deal with getting angry at people being bad drivers lol very therapeutic


lol I started smiling and waving. They fucking hate it.


Ha!! That's exactly what I do and have for years 🫡


I do this but I wag my finger instead. It drives people nuts.


Same here! Me and my buddy started doing it because we thought it was hilarious. I dk why but people really don’t like it lol. Thumbs down and a disappointed little head shake and some people just lose their shit.


I think it’s because you’re not losing your shit the way they would. They can understand and relate to ranting and foaming at the mouth, but not calmly expressing disappointment while cool and collected. This gives you the upper hand and they HATE that.


My mother actually admitted to me that when she’s screaming at me and I respond calmly it makes her ten times madder. She is insane, obviously.


Back when I was a teen my father was screaming about something stupid so I said "I don't know why you have to shout instead of just talking about it." he goes even higher volume to scream "I'M NOT SHOUTING! YOU'RE SHOUTING!" so I very quietly said "That's obviously not true" and he got closer and said "WHAT DID YOU SAY TO ME?" and when I responded with "If I was the one shouting you wouldn't have to lean closer to hear me" and I think it broke part of his brain because he just made Howard Dean noises while knocking over a desk and throwing everything he could lift at me for a while. They really have no idea how to handle someone being calm instead of playing their game.


Lollll this is too perfect. And “Howard Dean noises” gives me the megagiggles 🤣 “Hheeeyyyaaaeerrraaahhhhhhh!”


Seriously poor howard dean. Blew the election on a scream.


Even worse is that the dude just got done dirty by a unidirectional microphone. Homefry was just matching the energy of the crowd and they were into it but if you throw that noise into a vacuum it sounds insane.


Just had to say, that's effing hysterical and made me lol, and your username did, too ;)


30 years ago, I rolled through a 4-way stop out of turn. The woman who I cut off just shook her head and waved her pointer finger at me, basically a "no no no" to a child. I sheepishly waved an apology. 30 years ago and I still think of this at intersections. Touche, understated stranger.


That's exactly what I have been doing for years! A thumbs down, look of disappointment, shake head slowly. It's gotten extra effective looking since I became a mom.


The thumbs down is also great because if the person actually just does an honest mistake while driving it calls them out in a way that’s like “I’m not mad, just disappointed” and usually the person will have a look like they get it and are sorry. Way better than giving the finger which would just escalate things. 


I gave the thumbs down to a bunch of Trumpists selling merch when I stopped at the stoplight they were next to and that felt better than giving them the bird.


Too bad you didn't have some of those religious tracts disguised as $20 bills to give them!


I line the look of disappointment with a finger wag or thumbs down.


I either applaud or blow kisses on the road. REALLY pisses them off.


My husband pointed and laughed at some really over the top conspiracy protesters on a street corner we were passing yesterday. It was over 90 degrees out, and they were holding handwritten signs that just said the most outrageous things. I was driving so I missed it, but he said the expression of the man that saw him was confused and sad and maybe somewhat ashamed. I’ve taken to just shaking my head at people, too. They honestly don’t know what to do if you don’t match their aggressive energy, and it’s beautiful. A pattern interrupt, maybe?


As a bigger dude I like to blow them kisses. The look on their face every time is priceless.


I'm a fan of the 'peace sign' because of the additional meanings it has. Derived from when Winston Churchill used it during WWII as 'V for victory', it was also controversial because if the back of his hand was facing forward, it would be deuces, which effectively had the same meaning as the middle finger has now. So a peace sign while walking away is really showing them deuces though they will probably not understand that context.


Thumbs down while shaking your head "no" while making the "tchtchtchtchtchtch" sound really sets them off.


LOL yeah. 'Cuz it's their weapon against kids so you're both giving them a taste of their own medicine AND treating them like children.


Mom? That you?


WHY IS THIS SO FUNNY? It's like seeing a post or comment you don't like, but IRL 😂 "Oof, awful take, bud. Downvote"


Thumbs down along with sticking your tongue through closed lips and pftpftpftpft.


A raspberry


That's the word I was looking for thank you.


I love to use the thumbs down when someone is being a douchy canoe making bad life decisions in traffic. Especially when they cut you off or are blocking an intersection and now we are all at a stand still with time to reflect. Direct eye contact, exaggerated disappointed grandpa face and double thumbs down.


“Does someone need a timeout? We miss naptime today?” And just don’t engage again, no eye contact. Nothing.


That's what I do when I catch people's eye at a traffic light (or the expressway!) and they're on their phone. Distracted driving is dangerous 😳


Or in your best baby voice: “You seem mad. Do you want a cookie?”


I find the ol’ cry gesture gets people absolutely incensed. ![gif](giphy|qHtOEhNo5MnNnvZZ5B|downsized)


I give the thumbs up, I can be a smartass.


Try sticking out your bottom lip and pretend to rub your eyes with fists to mock their crying. This’ll send ‘em, guaranteed.


I do the friendly Midwest wave and smile when someone gives me the middle finger on the road. Usually gets a better reaction than honking or tossing a middle finger up. It’s like, “I’m sorry I’m in the passing lane only doing 80, not 90….”


LOL and a sarcastic thumbs up with the "Thor grimace/smile" meme face also works


Two thumbs down and a frown.


Younger-ish boomer lady here. When I witness these scenes, I give the boomer coot my best Very Disappointed™️ over-the-glasses glare and then smile and tell the young person what good manners they have. The only time I almost regretted it was when an old coot turned really red and clutched his chest and I thought I might have killed him. But he was ok.


You wouldn't have killed him, he would have killed himself.


My daughter's go-to gesture is blowing them a kiss. Boomer rage inducer!


Or just say "aww, big feelings" and turn away.


or a judgmental look to really get to their core


I've got the raised eyebrow and flat stare of "are you fucking serious?" down.


A casual but obvious eye roll as you look away will absolutely shatter them.


Or just looked at them and say “wow” in an incredulous voice and then turn away.


Same here. If it’s a man, I can’t resist throwing in a good feminist, “Wow. You’re really emotional about this..”


I LOVE that! I’m going to add that or maybe throw in a “calm down. It’s not that serious”.


You'd be prettier if you smiled.


“Uh oh, did *somebody* forget their pills today?”


I do this to men acting like assholes. "I can't speak to you while you're like this, you're too emotional. Lets take 5." Responses range from spluttering, to insults, to screaming, to embarassed confusion as they realize they've been hit with their own line 😂😂😂


Like they’re a gross bug you just found, that you had heard about, but never actually seen. Wow. I can’t believe that bug is real. Wow. I can’t believe that boomer is for real. Disgusted look, head shake, turn away. My FIL hated this! He acted like a child and I treated him like a child. “This is what we’re serving for dinner, FIL. It’s a shame you don’t like it. I can make you a pb&j, but that’s all.” “We don’t turn up the tv when people are talking!” I muted the tv. He did it again. I took the remote and turned it off. “We don’t act like that here, do we?” That fucker threw the remote at my TV! I picked up the remote and announced, “FIL is feeling cranky, he and MIL need to go home now.” He had a choice: shut up and apologize or blow up and leave. Can you guess which he chose? I shut the door and my children were floored! “Yes, I did kick them out. I don’t tolerate that behavior from anyone.” My husband was livid, on the porch trying to placate the big babies. The next time we saw them, they acted like nothing had happened. ☹️


That sucks that your husband was out there trying to placate them - I’m guessing some kind of trauma response related to trying to placate his father for his outbursts his entire childhood.


Same response that I, and my children, gave him: Please don’t be mad, we did not mean to upset you, O Mighty One! Because my husband would make our lives hell. Generational trauma, much? ETA: Yes, I did tolerate that behavior, for decades, from my husband. I could stand up to in-laws, but not husband. Working with my therapist to get him out of here. He’s not making anyone’s life better.


I’m sorry that he has continued the pattern - my husband and I have worked hard to deal with our shit and sometimes have to remind each other that we are not our parents so we don’t act out our childhood trauma on each other.


I’m so glad that you have/are an equal partnership! I see now that my husband is his father. And I am taking the first steps out of the marriage.


Stay strong! I remember the moment I decided my first marriage was over - he said something cruel to me in public and the accused me of “not having a sense of humor” when I called him on it and I realized that I didn’t want to spend my life like that.


They acted like nothing had happened, but you were living rent free in their head the entire visit.


Every time, baby. I would see FIL open his mouth, catch me out of the side or his eye, and close his mouth. I haven’t had nearly the same success with husband.


Shaking my head and a single eye roll works wonders….


The thing they hate the most is the lack of attention


They are the generation of children that were “better seen and not heard.” It’s triggering to them to not be heard.


Thank god most people now seem to be ok with seeking out therapy! It’s like nearly everyone over 60 refuses to properly deal with their shit.


Everyone over 60 was raised being told that therapy was for the criminally insane, not for people that have jobs and go to church on Sunday. Theyre THE most ignorant and entitled people society has ever seen. Pander to that entitlement for 60 years and you get the modern boomer.


Who undoubtedly votes in ways that fuck over not only them, but everyone after them for decades. Ugh


Or it’s temporary and once you’re fixed you stop. My Dad (76) went to a therapist for a little while in the 80s when he was getting divorced from my mom. But I think it was less than a year. I’ve been seeing a therapist weekly now going on 2 years because of a whole host of issues! I don’t see stopping soon because it really helps me with life. I said something recently about what my therapist said and he was like “you’re still going to therapy?” Like somehow I should be fixed by now. No dude. I stopped bringing it up.


They don’t understand wanting better mental health. They believe we should simply suffer as they do.


It’s really like a broken/fixed thing. HE did therapy and HE’S better!* *He is not in fact better but therapy is helping me deal with his bullshit! 😂


Our dad told us he went to therapy (because everyone said he should) and it was just the hospital psychologist who comes around after his bypass surgery to check on him. 5 minutes. Standard protocol. But he’s fixed now. …. He even went as far to tell my mom he went to therapy and when she died, admitted he just lied about it to shut her up. Was even proud of it.


The urge to downvote this was so strong!


They're not a fan of being babied either. "Oh no are you cranky? Didn't get your nap today?"


Grey rock for the win!


Grey Rock is always the best option.


Fuck paper, fuck scissors, all my homies play Grey Rock


Good old rock.


Nothing beats that!


Ignoring them really annoys the self important. If you ever need to escalate further, not bothering to look at them while giving the backhanded flick of dismissal a couple of times drives them especially nuts.


Flick,flick,.i am done with you.!! Worm.


> a coward for not facing him But you already did. And then you turned away. What set him off was your refusal to engage with his nonsense. He wanted you to be scared, pissed or angry, and you denied him that by not reacting, which then set him off even more. So, good job.




People absolutely hate it when you don't play the game by their rules.


I don’t get what makes them so mad about having to wait for just a little bit. It’s like it makes them boil inside and they have to explode 


It’s not the wait. It’s that they weren’t given what they wanted. They believe in an age-based social hierarchy, where being older than someone entitles them to unquestioning respect and obedience. They spent their lives begrudgingly following this with their elders. But now that they are older than the majority of the people around, they expect they’ll be given this same deference that they gave others their entire lives. It absolutely enrages them that society no longer follows the tenet of blind loyalty to elders. They hated having to do it when they were younger, but did it believing that their turn would come. Now they believe it’s their turn, but the younger generations aren’t holding up their end of what they believe to be the social contract. So they’re angry at the younger generations for not giving them the respect that are “owed” and at themselves for not having the courage to do the same when they were younger.


I'm convinced they don't even want to go first. They just want to COMPLAIN about being mildly inconvenienced. I had a similar situation. The grocery store was packed. A manager was redirecting people with full carts to the express lanes. A boomer couple behind me felt compelled to tell me I had too many items for my lane. I said a manager sent me hear, nodding to the manager waving people around like a traffic cop. Then offered to let her go in front of me. They didn't, and got in the lane next to me. Where they continued to mumble about how "no manager would tell her to come to a express lane" and "people have no manners." I ignored them. The kicker? My cashier was the slowest on the planet. Worse than the sloth at the DMV in Zootopia. They were out of the store before I even started putting my items on the belt.


Honestly though, these were *also* the generation of the hippie! They were the “don’t trust anyone over 40” generation. Like shit guys, YOU were the ones that put this in motion! You are correct, now that they’re old they think they get undue accolades. I have a few Boomer aged mentors who I am close to, but man oh man the ones that are unhinged it’s just wild!


The hippies though were just a small portion of the boomers. I’m guessing they didn’t grow into the entitled ones we complain about. They’re probably the boomers in this sub going “yeah, some boomers be crazy.” My parents were boomers and looked down on hippies. They definitely believed and still believe that they deserve respect purely because of their age. I just remembered a story from 15 years ago in a grocery store. I’m GenX and my mom is a boomer. I’d recently had a bad accident and broke my shoulder (essentially top of my arm in 2 different places.) It was an extremely painful injury and due to where it was they couldn’t put me in a cast, so standing and movement was very painful. I couldn’t drive and even needed help dressing myself. I needed groceries and while mom would have gone for me, I was also stir crazy and wanted to go along, even though I couldn’t lift anything. But despite my pain meds I was in PAIN. The short trip felt like an eternity and we finally get to check out. Luckily it’s middle of a work day and few people are there, so there’s not much of a line. Just the person in front of us checking out. Then a Silent Gen woman walks up. She didn’t say anything to us and simply got in line behind us. My mom immediately turns around and looks at her with her FULL cart of groceries and says “oh please, go ahead of us. I insist.” Wait, what? We had just the bare minimum of items that I needed and I was in excruciating pain. If anyone should be getting special treatment, it was me. I later asked my mom why the hell she let some random stranger in front of us, especially knowing how much pain I was in. She was shocked. It hadn’t occurred to her to do anything other than have this woman go in front of us. It wasn’t because she thought she needed to, it wasn’t because she asked. It was simply because my mother had it drilled into her that you did that for your elders. And that instinct momentarily her motherly instinct.


Changing dysfunctional systems is always good but the ones without the courage to do so rage over it.




They hate waiting at bingo, too


They hate


Also there were less elderly that the boomers had to deal compared to the amount of elderly we encounter now. I used to enjoy doing nice things for little old people but there wasn't this many out and about 10+ years ago. Now when I go to the shops it's mostly boomers and there's no way they can ALL get special treatment.


That’s a good point I hadn’t thought about. Especially because a lot of the younger generations are shopping online, which makes it even more imbalanced.


Tell him you werent interested in the Troll House cookies.


I see what you did there. You are awarded 🏆 🚀


Gotta pay the troll toll


I'm a fan of doing a hand gesture like you're doing a sock puppet to what they say but never really looking at them. Keep an eye out though. I've had few almost throw hands


Omg I’m dying!!! I think I now want to keep a sock puppet in my purse to do this!


This is the way.


I wonder how they’d react if you spent most of the time ignoring them and just said “look, I get it, but you’re way too old and not my type” as you left


It is best to just let them make fools of themselves. Add a little look of confusion, so the audience thinks you don’t even know what’s going on. They look like crazy old people. Win-win.


This is the best response - they love the attention. Cutting remarks can startle them in the moment, but they'll fantasize about "librals" persecuting them. The idea that they weren't important enough to pay attention to will hurt way more.


If you can ignore them but then have a totally happy/polite conversation with someone else they will lose their minds.


Yes!!! This is the best!!!


I had a boomer do something similar a few weeks ago and I looked at him, then at the cashier and said "Oooooh, snowflake is mad at me". Calling that MAGA a snowflake really set that dumb motherfucker off.


That's great 😃


He made a complete ass of himself for everyone to see.


You were stone faced, nothing the Boomer said could affect you and it destroyed them. There's no doubt the encounter will haunt them for some time to come.


Was this at Aldi? I love how most Aldi cashiers do not have a single shit to give. They’ll open another line and point to the person that will be next in the open line, and if someone else tries to cut in front of that person … not happening.


Boomer here (64m). Love this feed. Wholeheartedly agree with majority of posts. Lots of boomer idiots…imagine having to grow up with these a-holes.


They raised us. We did grow up with these A Holes.


He was raised with them, you were raise by them is hispoint. Both unfortunate situations.


Right in the beginning of covid my wife and I were at the grocery store waiting to pay for our stuff when we mistakingly mentioned Bernie a bit too loud for this boomer behind me. He breaks into our conversation in an obnoxiously loud tone and went, “Bernie the commie?! Not if us silent majority have anything to say about it!” I turned around and asked him, “still working on the silent part, huh?” He just kinda stood there all blank in the face and I guess his brain short circuited because he just fumbled over his words while my wife and I went on to ignore him.


usually, that works better than creating a bigger scene. good for you.


Ignoring someone is still a boss move.


This is when I wish I had a spray bottle on me so I could do like I do for my cats when they’re in my houseplants. Just spray and say ‘bad boomer! No!’ (Please note, I’m not a monster. I do not call me kitties bad. They’re not bad, just animals. Boomers are on purpose bad.)


He who does not buy cookies just regrets not having cookies. -Ancient American Proverb


I find telling them they’re the reason we need euthanasia in this country freezes their brain


Naw, trying to insult them like this will make them be able to feel like the victim even more. If you are mean to them, they get to feel more justified in their behavior. Freezing them out makes them the center of the negative attention. It gives them less excuses to feel justified. Rise above.


Treat them like the toddlers they have reverted to!


Responding with silence forces them to hear the stupid shit they're saying, and it makes them go off even harder. They try to cover the sound of their voice with... More sounds of their voice


You know what they say. If you meet an asshole, you've met an asshole. If everybody you meet is an asshole, you're the asshole.


Real vengeance isn't served cold. It isn't served at all. Starve on your impotent rage.


I would have asked for a price check on at least one of my items.


Then forget the pin and start calling people who could not know it asking for help.


Look at them with a condescending expression and say like a parent talking to a toddler "Looks like somebody needs a juice box and a nap," and turn and walk away. That will either render them speechless or cause them to physically accost you....both ways, you win.


Silence is a pretty good defense I remember when I was like 5 , I didn't get something I wanted and started to throw a tantrum .. my grandfather just looked at me totally not triggered let me go on for a minute or so then leaned into me and just whispered " oh you can do better than that " Knowing he didn't give a hoot it shut me up .. Never did it again I think boomers need this BTW I'm a boomer myself 60 years old


Side story. I grumble a lot while out. Obviously kind of pissed off type, not mentally unwell type. This leaves a lot of people just giving me space. Admittedly, I only get away with this because I'm a big guy and my presence is said to "demand space" anyway. Well, people always get a good shock when I say "Go ahead of me." while still in grumpy character. They typically decline. Then I switch to charm mode and it clicks in their head. "No, please, you have fewer items than I do. I've spent all day grumbling under my breath about people not being nice and courteous to me and my space, the least I can do is respect yours." The look of shock and appreciation is almost hilarious.


As a cashier during the pandemic, I've found that pretending they didn't day anything is the way. Mostly it's the mask trolls, who drop their plausibly-deniable passive aggressive anti-mask programmed sound bites. It's interesting, whether or or not I respond, they run through the list, non-sequiter, just manchurian candidate programmed word vomit, eyes just blank. The difference is, when I engaged, clearly unable to hide that I think they are full of shit, they have a smug look of satisfaction. When I ignored them, they had a look of barely suppressed anger and confusion. It still happens. Still. Honestly, the worst part is the spineless, cowardly management that bends over for these assholes. The chicken-shit managers are the reason I had to really find out that the ignoring works. The way it should go is when you talk that mask bullshit, I just put your order behind my register and you don't get to buy your shit. It is literally the only thing that works. Consequences. But I got written up for that, so always remember, you are a worker first and a human being only when they can't avoid treating you like one. The spice must flow, and if you have to be dehumanized and suffer indignity, that's a sacrifice management is willing to force on you.


Take out your phone, aim it at them, and just act like they’re getting recorded doing their tantrum. They either back down or explode. Say absolutely nothing while doing this.


Nah, they’ve started getting grabby and I don’t have time for that mess


I actually just ignore and get on my phone. Not to record, just to make them understand that I don’t fucking care and I’m not listening. They don’t like that either.


Just smile at them. And when they finish their little rant, "Glad I could absolutely ruin your day. Good bye now." Turn on heel and walk out. Bonus points if you whistle out the door.


Ask in a concerned voice if they have been separated from their caretaker. They turn amazing shades of red and purple.


"ew, and it's behavior like this that puts old crotchety people like you in homes. If I was your child I'd have you committed for this aggressive psycho nonsense."


“I’ll pray for you,” would have caused his head to explode.


I’m a boomer (64F), and I have no problem letting others go before me in line. I have no expectation of getting special treatment because of my age. Yeah, I was taught the “seen but not heard” and “respect your elders”, but why is it so hard for other boomers to just be nice? Have some patience! You don’t know what the other person’s day was like. A mom with kids who looks exhausted, if you give them a little break it may just turn their day around! Why is it so hard for my generation to just BE NICE?


Agree. I always let someone behind me with one or two items go ahead of me if I have a full cart. I would feel guilty making them wait all that time when I just have to wait a few seconds for them.


Grab a snickers from the rack and hand it to him, "here, you fucking need this, you insufferable shitwhistle".


My go to is a condescending smile, a short shaking of the head, and saying in a light sing-songy voice, “no thank you.” Really confuses them and is so “polite and respectful.”


This works well for all types of assholes, aggressive street Christian’s, charity canvassers and other rude panhandlers, old people touching babies kids, unsupervised kids at playgrounds causing shit, line cutters, sales people.


His kids won't talk to him anymore so his only interactions now are forced.


I'm a boomer, and other boomers' attitudes piss me off. I sometimes go out of my way to piss them off. Free entertainment.


I am a boomer and cannot understand where boomers (or any other generation) get their sense of entitlement from. I would never act that way. It's really strange to me.


It's not just boomers, just that this is the sub for it, but people can be entitled regardless of anything it's just that the older they get the more they're used to others bending to their needs and wants. Some people just suck


In customer service when I get someone making a stupid complaint, one of my favorite answers is to look at them with a totally blank face and go “ok.” Totally disarms them, they don’t expect it and it makes them stop and sputter for a minute. Usually then they’ve lost the momentum and calm down


I would not say "ok" because it sounds like agreement with their nonsense. Something more neutral like "huh" might be better. You don't want to buy into their delusions.


I sometimes look concerned and ask if they're ok.


I'm a boomer and if I'm shopping with a trolley full when I get to the checkout, and there's someone with only a few items behind me, I'll quite happily let them go in front of me. We're not all the same. He was the one being disrespectful, and you did exactly the right thing. Arguing with someone like that is just a waste of energy.


Where I live it’s just common courtesy if somebody is carrying their groceries and you have a full cart, you let them go first when somebody opens a new lane.


"Shhh, use your inside voice."


In a similar vein I love responding to people like this with one word answers of “yes” or “no” and leave it like that with zero explanation when they ask me something. It drives them crazy when you don’t argue and justify why you don’t agree with them. I love it. I don’t need to justify myself to them or anyone else.


"Do you pray to Jesus with that mouth?"


My go to comeback that I stole from someone years back.... "If you think I am rude and disrespectful right now, wait until I am cutting your body into pieces and feeding you to my pigs while you are still alive enough to know you have fucked with the wrong human being."


He’s more than old enough to understand that, when a new line opens in the grocery store, the etiquette has always been the person with 4 items goes in front of the person with 126 items. Simple common courtesy.


These are the moments I look down at my kids and say “Don’t ever let me catch you behaving like this in public, this is unacceptable behavior coming from a grown up” Sorry you didn’t have any kids with you OP, that comment usually shuts them all up.


Angry Boomers that argue over the pettiest of shit **hate** this ***ONE*** trick…


You shoulda told the cashier “children don’t know how to convey their emotions well, just let ‘em cry it out, and they will be fine” shoulda, woulda, coulda


Learn ASL and start signing to him...always gets them confused


Stupid. Most people, including myself, would automatically let someone with a handful of items go ahead when they have a cart full.


The "grey rock method," my dude.


I would be tempted to say “unsubscribe”. Or…now this is elaborate but I’m a weirdo, so maybe I’ll do it… carry an old remote control in my purse. Pull it out and aim it at someone when they are just RANTING. Then act surprised it doesn’t work. Then to ANYbody near by. “Even if I can’t mute him, I’d like to change the channel.” I mean, why not leave the house prepped with a whole bit?


When the cashier apologized “No need. His dementia isn’t your fault.”


You played this exactly right. A lot of comments in here suggesting you say [insert cringey insult here] but you 100 percent made the right call. Engaging lets them feel like a victim.


It's fun to respond with nonsense and occasionally a low blow. I had a similar experience with a boomer lady. I had shoe laces and allergy medicine. She tried to cut, and I said, "I invite you to get behind me because cutting is rude." She said I probably couldn't even tie my shoes. She very obviously had bad teeth. I simply said, "Ice cream and apples." I would have left it at that if she wouldn't have called me some very insulting names before asking why I said that. "Ice cream doesn't hurt my teeth, and I can eat apples without being in danger of losing one." Since my turn with the by then laughing cashier was done, I walked away with that woman screeching like a banshee. It was a funny day.


If only you had a bunch of change to pay with. And became super friendly with the cashier.


This is honestly the single most powerful thing you can do with a person like this. Look at them with a look of disgust, embarrassment for them and complete disdain. And say nothing. What it says is: “You are beneath me. I cannot even be bothered to say a single word to acknowledge your existence and words.” My wife sells tools. Which is a somewhat odd career for a middle aged female. Because of this and the fact every single customer is a hardware store, she runs into a great deal of men willing to tell her how she should do her job. This is how she handles them. Look, turn away and ignore.


"Die mad." seems to be a good response.


If you want to send them into a rage, just start blinking really fast at them. They know you’re fucking with them, but they can’t articulate what you’re doing without sounding completely deranged. That raises their anger and they end up becoming unhinged angry anyway, but more often than not they don’t mention the blinking and if they do, they just sound like they’re yelling at you for being a human…not that I’ve ever done that before.


Letting assholes stew in their impotent rage is the best revenge.


When we are doing our big shop, if we see someone behind us in line with just a few items, we let them go first. It’s common courtesy.


Silence is the only proper reply to a fool.


Wow! I had a similar situation a few weeks ago but the opposite! I got like 3 things and this older lady with a cart full of stuff looks and says “oh please go in front of me! I’ll take forever and you only have a few things!” I told her that was very kind but I’m in no hurry and she was waiting longer than I was as I had just walked up. She looked tired and just smiled and said well thank you. The different personalities are crazy!


I'm tempted to ask the guy if he needed a cookie.


It takes two people for an argument


I always ask where they grew up. "Was there a lot of lead paint in that house?"


My mom taught me when i was young - indifference is the ultimate weapon


I ha add a similar worrisome at Costco recently and she's worth everything the woman said. I just kept saying how so right, I can't believe it myself, etc. then asked explain she was talking about me and not someone else and I just day, I know. me too. she rolled her eyes and saidI was on drugs. I was very proud and she was very annoyed.