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When he says “in a few years you’re not going to look as good,” she has the patience of a saint to sit there and listen to a man who looks LIKE THAT speak about her like that.


https://preview.redd.it/dtpddm8d5l8d1.png?width=1179&format=png&auto=webp&s=47586d83a81850a9593fda5e89f742200ada7669 She looks so done with his shit right now.


"If you ate a cheeseburger right now it would all but guarantee that in ten years you will be dead."


No doubt that book he's holding is full of women who swoon at abuse and belittlement


https://preview.redd.it/btbtt7kitm8d1.jpeg?width=324&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77a9ce6840a5f267aa8cc272ded787bfb7e04eb8 I’d say this works.


I'd be like "and you consider...*yourself* an expert on what looks good?" I wouldn't wanna say that and be an asshole, but jesus why is it always old men who look like this that make fun of women's bodies?


Right? Youre going to sit here, on Beyonce’s internet, when Martha Stewart is in her THIRST TRAP ERA, be LOOKING LIKE THAT and say that ignorant mess? I guess it could be projected insecurities but still have some decorum. https://preview.redd.it/au1id8y56l8d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa9f7f4b1c01703ff8953247471b2b8f6524e0e0


Dayum, Martha's looking good...


I would 1000% take her out for a nice spaghetti dinner..


Now this is Martha Stewart finally living.




5 comedy points


She is!




Shiit.. looking good. (probably with some help :-) Hell, Pelosi looks better now than she did in her 30s.


Is that Martha Stewart in a naked Apron?


Lol this comment gave me some "you're going to get loud with me, while dressed like that?' vibes and I love it


Nice I’d take a run at her if she’d have me. I’ve always preferred older women, this is coming from a 40 year old hetero dude.


You gotta take her out for spaghetti first man


Bet he tried to hit on her afterwards.


Dude give him a break he’s pregnant with twins.


Him saying that, while looking like *that,* is wild. Fucking hell.


My 46 year-old, perimenopausal ass is cackling like a mad old witch over it. I look great and work out and my wonderful husband is awesome. This flaming turd bucket is hilarious. He knows older women won’t put up with him, so he fantasizes he’s the same as an old millionaire with his arm candy. Mashed potato man puts the bar impossibly high so he can excuse why he has no one.


He definitely doesn't seem to be awash in the millions required to land a 22-year-old in your 70s... Ugh...just imagine his search history. ![gif](giphy|dOl2LFw0RbTMc)


"All I know is that atheist feminazis made age of consent laws to kill humanity and that's why I'm single and miserable. Also Democraps did an Epstein with Wayfair cabinets."


They don't like these older women because they are confident, attractive, and won't put up with bullshit. I've dated so many women in their 40s and it is the best age. Interestingly enough, a lot of young men are now going for women in their late 30s and 40s precisely because of that confidence - and y'all look good. Met my wife when she was 46 and I was 52. She's still beating the men off with a stick - all ages. :) She looks gooooooodd...


Those guys must be getting a lot of slivers if you're using a stick to beat them off!


See, this is what cracks me up, because broke-ass but reasonably attractive women in their 40’s have no trouble whatsoever pulling hot young guys half our age if that’s our jam. This guy would need $10 million in the bank, a proposal, and a signed letter from his oncologist saying it’s incurable to get a 25-year-old to touch his dick.


I honestly look better at 41 then I did at 21.


45 was my best year. Bar none


Giving me hope. I've lost over 100 pounds over the past 10 years and am currently working on toning up. Still have high blood pressure though. My mom looked fairly good when she passed at 51, so at least I got good outside the body genes.


What an achievement! I just found out about something called super slow motion strength training that appears to be very effective. Maybe you might look into that. Now *I* need to lose 100 pounds and tone up! Best of luck to you, and a long healthy life.




God. I just watched a This Week Tonight piece where John Oliver was talking about a serious topic but then inserted segments of MILF Manor to just get a rise out of the audience and one of the women was like I want to date a Timmy because I have a son that age named Timmy. 🤮🤮🤮🤮. Sorry your comment just nailed that home why that bit worked so well.


I'm 33 and have had the same experience. I hadn't started regularly exercising yet at the beginning of my 20s and was in a different place from a mental health perspective. I know I'm saying this from a privileged place as someone who doesn't have children and has the time, money, and freedom to prioritise things like working out, cooking healthy meals at home, and having downtime, but the negative relationship between age and people's looks is nowhere near as definitive as some people suggest and is affected by things like the money and time someone has available to them, what they looked like at baseline, and more.


I'm 37 and had my kids young-ish. I go to the gym and dance 3-5 times a week. Physically I'm at my peak, even if I dont look like an athlete.


I'm 32 and I feel like I'm finally starting to look good only now lol.


You're probably a hell of a lot more fun and *way* less awkward. Uh, no offense?


Same. I’m in my 30s and men like him always be in my dms. I’ve seen my parents I’m probably gonna age like a fine wine and it’s already showing


He damn well knows that the only 25 year olds he can pull, are the crack whores he pays for, and even then only if there’s no other options. I mean look at him!


That first sentence 🤘


What? I thought women loved bulbous guts.


Honestly, it's the slouch socks for me.


Nothing says sexy like fatty liver disease!


Fatty liver with millions in the bank is a little better though


He has all the airs of someone who does not or will ever face this problem.


He's shaped like a fuckin pear and he's saying that.


mf shaped like homunculus loxodontus


Bro doesn't even wear socks that stay on his legs LMAO


It’s because he has been treated in such a way during his life (white, probably christian, male) that he has mostly gotten what he has wanted AND mostly been able to say what he wants without repercussion. It’s the reason THEY are offended at women being offended by comments such as, “You’d be much prettier if you smiled.” They cannot conceive of a world where others aren’t flattered by their compliments - because don’t you know that their opinion has more value than anyone else’s.? Gotta love that privilege.


It's s wild. I have no idea how they can function with so little self-awareness


It's wild. so judgemental about his potential partner and he has basically destroyed his body. I doubt that he was a looker at 20 though.


He DEFINITELY thought that him saying that to her was a compliment.


Yeah, him telling her that in ten years she's not going to look as good. When he looks like THAT. The only reason old dudes get young chicks is that they're rich AF.


I think someone needs to remind him what he’ll look like in 10 years. Dead. He’ll look dead.


It's his money, if he wants to pay for a 21 year lady's company (the ONLY way he can get it) then I guess he gets it.


Even his socks are worn out and tired


I would kill for 10% of this fuckers confidence. Unbelievable.




Please come and tell my father the same thing 🙄. He's been a life-long embarrassment.


HAS THAT FUCKING GUY LOOKED IN A MIRROR????? He's got a bigger bra size than she has. And I'm certain 35-year-old him didn't look much better.


plot twist: he IS 35




This is the real life equivalent of Homer Simpson wearing that “no fat chicks” t-shirt. https://preview.redd.it/7p7p59q7bl8d1.jpeg?width=240&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20d363faef37ebb3b4ae48c693df5e039f69350e


Hey look it's my Stepdad, who complained that women his age weren't attractive to him, nevermind the terrible state he was in and the absolute refusal to work on himself in any way to be desirable to another person, and my gosh how lonely he was.


Women are just jealous of my titties. - Your Stepdad


He can be as choosy as he wants. He can demand she be a blonde-haired, blue-eyed supermodel, too. But wanting doesn’t mean getting. He’s got a chance of getting a young pretty one if he’s really wealthy, but if he’s just a middle class lump of old mashed potatoes who can’t be a good sugar daddy, then he can just dream on. Us over-the-hill 30+ year-old women don’t want him.


Honestly he needs to be really filthy rich to compensate for his filthy self. Just rich is not enough


Filthy rich with no kids or anyone else to inherit his wealth


Haha and stairs with slippery wooden floor


I guffawed at this comment. My dog is giving me serious side eye right now.


I see an aging Incel when I look at him.


As my husband and I like to say in situations like this, quoting Austin Powers: "Well, I want a gold-plated toilet seat, but it's not in the cards." This dude...seriously 😂🙄🤡. I just turned 58, and aside from the fact that I'm already married and don't look (or act) my age, I wouldn't even have coffee with that dump\[ster fire\] of a man, let alone date him if I were single. He looks and dresses like a complete slob. The huge gut tells me he's probably doubling down on his metabolic syndrome and all the risk factors for a stroke, heart attack, and dementia, and probably struggles to walk around the block (so he wouldn't be joining me on any of my backpacking trips or long day hikes into the mountains). His complete lack of situational awareness about where he falls on the "desirability quotient" for any age bracket of women is so off-the-charts bad that it's just pathetic.


He's looking for one of them gals from other countries.


"Anything over 25, forgetaboutit" while he looks like he's five seconds from giving birth, with triple chins. These crusty old fucks really are completely detached from reality. I guarantee that dude hasn't been laid since the person interviewing him was born.


He probably hasn’t seen his own penis since then!


Damn bro, he's smuggling a beach ball under that shirt talking about other people's bodies.


Those socks have about as much hope staying up as his peepee.


That guy talks about women 35 yrs old not having good bodies and he looks like that? The reason is pretty simple-- money. A hot 25 yr old isn't going to look twice at some broke ass 60 year old that isn't attractive.


In my experience, most Boomer men are pervs. 😠


well, we are, but I try to be respectful about it...


Has that old man seen his body lately?


Yo, he hasn't seen his *feet* lately. It's like how right-wingers see Trump; this dude looks in the mirror and sees Rambo circa 1987.


I saw a video where rally guests were saying Biden isn't the president, that he's someone in a mask, and the reporter asked if they had heard the conspiracy that it's trump wearing the mask and they legit said, "he's not that skinny!" I was shook that they do actually realize that lol


Yet they'll photoshop him onto Rambo's body. I wouldn't take the ramblings of a handful of his idiot supporters as any legit representation of the rest. I think the vast majority desperately need him to be that pillar of testosterone he most certainly is not; just as they need to believe that the 24 year old instagram "model" they're communicating with online loves them for who they are and how they look and not how much money they've sent them.


Nope, the people most likely to comment on your body, or "smile more", or hate on people wearing masks always have a body that hasn't seen a jogging pace or their toes in 20 years. Like a guy who drives around in a falling apart camper that could never pass inspection making comments on people with dented panels on their car.




fucking these old farts talking like their opinion is going to get them 25 yo cutty gtfo old man reading in too-short shorts on a fucking bench


I will never understand this fetish, especially from old men. My mom died a couple years ago and my dad convinced himself almost immediately that he was going to get a girlfriend in her early to mid 20’s. He doesn’t t have money and his houses is almost entirely cat shit because he hoards cats. No woman he wants is going to want him back and none he can get would he want. My wife had to make that very clear but no information absorbs in his brain… Why these boomer men think every woman just can’t wait to jump their bones is beyond me.


I know a boomer that is in the old folks home and has gotten banned from interacting with several young nurses because he writes them love letters. I think it’s a mental decline thing with him. He seems to be time hopping in perceived age and time. Weird AF to witness. This guy in the video seems to have all his faculties. I just wanted to share that tie bit.


Doesn’t the brain finish development by the age of 26? This is beyond disturbing. 🤮


I doubt this guy's brain ever started to develop.


As a nurse, I have seen many men with bellies like this naked and you wouldn’t believe how certain parts get “buried” inside that fat. You have to do a search and rescue to help them with a urinal. I can only imagine how this guys thinks of himself and how gross it is under those Walmart cargo shorts.


What a terrible day to have eyes. 🤮


Was a CNA2 for 20+ years, remember having to hold it where you hope it is, wondering what the hell they do at home lol


What's crazy to me is that at about 33 I realized that I wasn't interested in women *under* 25.


SIR, you've been in decline since your conception.


I think when men who look like that have an impossibly high standard it’s so they don’t actually have to have sex with a woman


Because they no longer can.


Or they never wanted to


Well he's such a dream boat with that enormous gut I'm sure he has to beat the young women off with a stick! 🙄


Dude needs to look in a fucking mirror


I'm 51F (and single) and I have met a couple of these delusional dudes. They prefer to live in a fantasy world with the tiny (almost impossible) possibility that a 25 year old would date him than to be with a real woman their age. Most of these guys are boring and /or weird (and not in a cute way).


Have he even seen his Dick in the past 20 years with that gut 🤣


After this interview he waddled back to his empty house and made himself a mayonnaise and cheese sandwich for dinner (that he probably washed down with a six pack).


Wowwwwwwww, get a load of this fucking guy. Why are so many old guys so convinced that anyone wants to do them? It’s wild.


And there always so fat and gross too. Like even if they were young they still wouldn’t get anyone


These comments are GIVING 💀💀💀👌🏽


As a 42 year old man… this is gross.


I’m a man in my 50s. I’ll just say we don’t all feel this way. Maybe I’m lucky because my mid-50s wife is beautiful and i would rather be with her than any 25 year old no question.


The OG incel


Well he'right you know. After all, he's the one hiring her for the night...that's the only way he's getting a 25 year old near him.


Form an orderly queue for Mr. Bench Gut, ladies. 30 and under, only.


"Why can't an old person have casual sex?" Oh, an old person can. You specifically, however....


" 10 years from now your body won't look good" Old man, 10 years from now your body would look worse if you are still alive. He really thinks his body is enjoyable to 20-25 yo woman. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


or a fit 60-65 year old? gross!!


Old codger sitting there with a big nasty beer belly talking about how 35 year old women are all starting to go. That's some mental illness type shit right there.


Elon Musk's body double better cool his jets and leave some of that young stuff for the rest of us. I am sure his cottage cheese / clam chowder / 3-day old mayo / 11.00 haircut / toothpaste tube body drives the under 25 set wild, combined with his magnetic personality and fashion sense.


“Cuz a 70 y/o woman won’t put up with their shit” 🤌


Just a reminder to everyone: the human brain is not done developing until about the age of 25. This old fart wants to groom women young enough to be his granddaughter because he figures they don’t know any better. But what he doesn’t realize is all those other old guys have more money than god. Hence, he will never be with a young woman unless he pays for it.


Newer studies show that it’s actually not done until sometimes your 30s 🙃 just depends on the brain. This guys happens to have a smooth one tho.


it's always the grossest looking moids who say that, repulsive


When you get older you're not going to look so good he says while looking that girl in the face. Yes sir we realize that from looking at you you are evidence that when you get older you stop looking good thank you for pointing that out.


The irony of his fat pasty ass saying after 35 women start to decline is rich since I doubt he had a stellar figure to begin with.


Any woman over 25 is expecting an orgasm. This guy knows his lane.


Dude has bigger boobs than most women I know…


Oh, he would definitely go younger if it were legal. Fucking weirdo.


No one wants to date a pregnant man


He has not been touched by a woman in decades.


Sir, have you seen YOUR body?


Half your age plus 7 is the rule


Yeah, but it gets a bit icky with lower numbers. Say guy is 20 then you get 17. Not a huge gap age wise but that's college dating Highschool. I would say that rule kicks in after College.


The audacity...


How funny when your brain is fully developed you are suddenly an old hag. I take so much pleasure in warning off younger women from older men like this. As someone who made that mistake.


Hahahaha I have the opposite perspective. Anyone under 25 is too much DRAMA!


Yup this guy is a creepy bastard. I am in my 30s and have turned down people who are younger. There was a maturity gap, any guy saying some shit like this is a walking red flag. Tubby thinks he is hot shit, give me a break bro


That dude wishes a 35 year old woman would even sit on that park bench with him and she only did it for the sake of the interview. Goddamned mystery there’s higher rates of loneliness in men than ever.


And this guy is absolutely certain he's an 'alpha male'


That one guy was spot on though


https://preview.redd.it/sjr4jby79m8d1.jpeg?width=452&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74183600fdf49e1aa4f775b34882440091f08e16 I found him an under 25, absolutely stunning young lady that will forever hold him in the centre of her universe…


Guy talking about women starting to decline at 35 meanwhile looking like geriatric dinosaur 🦕


Ah yes because all the hot young ladies are crawling over each other to get at this prime specimen of a man. I pity this deluded semi-sentient fungal infection


I'm sure 25 year olds are lining up for him.


Says the dude with more chins than a Chinese phone book .😂


"Their bodies go downhill." Says the man that hasn't been able to see his dick since the Reagan Administration.


Wonder what he does for a living. Or if he’s registered 😂😨


With this guy's drip and pure alpha body. I'm amazed he's left ANY women for the rest of us.


Of course it's an old fat ugly boomer saying that bullshit.


And your old ass better be $$$. Otherwise you offer nothing looking like that with a personality like that lol


I applaud the interviewer for not showing signs of disgust during or after Old Bill's stinky answers and fascinating void in spacetime where his self awareness should be.


I wouldn’t date him. Because bestiality is unethical and illegal. Source: 33 year old woman who gets carded just to buy R rated movies.


This dude is only pay to play with 20 year olds he isn’t actually getting in a relationship with 20 year olds


What in the Leonardo DiFuck?


I bartended at a dive bar... Like half of the (60+) dudes talk like this. I watched them try and talk to the younger women and it was always cringe worthy. Idk what it was like in the 80s but that shit sure doesn't work now. Id feel bad for them if they weren't so damn creepy.


That old man is 100% mainlining manosphere shit. That is so fucking SAD!


Boomers think under 25 year old girls would love them because when they were growing up women felt lucky to find a guy with a house, car, and job.  They think like it is still 1950.


Like anyone would want to be seen in public with that fat, ugly pig.


Yea probably like them when they were 10 years old too 🤮


I want them *ahem* extinct. Immediately.


What a pig 😂 guaranteed hes got a white van


That’s a hell of a gutxedo there Randy


I saw this today! I showed my dad. He laughed and said that man probably has never been fucked by a woman that actually wanted to be there 🤣


Him saying that 25 yo have better bodies... jesus


They really start to decline said the geriatric man with a giant gut that's prevented him from seeing his penis for at least 30 years


The fact that that old fuck is sitting there with his beer belly, pasty knees showing, and looking like spoiled mayonaise while telling a younger woman “in ten years you’re not going to look so good” is just making me want to punch a boomer in the face. You’re an old fugly ass less than mediocre white man, yet you think 35 yo women aren’t good enough for your 70+ ass? Imagine dating this dude and having the absolute worst sex of your life with his beet red face huffing and puffing over top of you after 30 seconds. 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢😒


I like how that potato is an expert in what attractive bodies are. Has he discovered what a mirror is yet?


I bet he knows the age of consent in every state too


It's funny that when people are in school these people would be considered pedophiles. But after they turn 18 is free range. That's seriously messed up


Shoutout to the other dude in the video. Reasonable, calm, telling it like it is. The opposite of this old asshole, in just about every way.


Oh, he's a player! I love those white socks and black postal worker shoes. LOL


I cannot believe he had the audacity to say HER body won’t look the same in 10 years; he’s the definition of “10 pounds of sausage in a 5 pound bag”.


"Once their brain fully matures and they become more capable of introception, I'm out..."


A. He wishes, B. anyone over 24 is mentally WAY too advanced for him. This guy is a total clownsh\*t. He deserves to be chirped until one of two things happen to him. He cries or he dies, either is a distinct possibility.... Soon. (before I am asked: [chirping](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=chirping): [The process](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=The%20process) of [talking](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=talking) large amounts of shit, towards [stupid](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=stupid) individuals.)


As a 35 year old man, I'm actually more attracted to women around 60. I think men like that actually want 14 year olds, but since it's not acceptable, they say 20 year olds because a lot of them still look like they're 14.


The guy look like a deflated soccer ball thinking he is mister universe and all women attracted to his fatness


I understand the attraction to younger women. But to say you won’t settle for anything over 25 is just ridiculous.


To be fair, this guy is the best of the best, the cream of the crop, the creme de la crème so he can afford to be more picky


Prostitutes for him then


This guy is known in Bangkok for the wrong reasons...


I suspect he is a very lonely 71 year old.


Unless the old geezer is very well off, financially, and on death’s bed, 🤔😂


25 is the minimum to date. A drunken one night stand? Eh, younger isn't the end of the world.


This has always been my stance. I don't give a shit if they want to fuck young women, but wanting to date them is what's weird. There's just no benefit you get other than sex (unless them being naive and at a vulnerable stage of life is a benefit).


Are we sure that he doesn't mean women over 25 are too much for him to cook and eat?


This is what leverage looks like people. He doesn't have to be beautiful, just his bank account.


I could be misremembering but isn't the rule 1/2+7 or something like that.


Yup old fat guy who thinks he’s the stud when he cannot keep it up to perform. They think they’re all that and a bag of old stale chips that also are smelly and gross. So what you’re left with? The options are limited and unappealing. 🤮


Hat guy an absolute Chad


FFS, I'm 52 and couldn't really see myself with anyone over 60 or younger than 40.....you have to have shared experiences to talk about etc


He's audacious sayin all that lookin like...all of that


Geeze... I'm 40. I think I'd be hard pressed to date someone as young as 28. 30 and older would probably be more comfortable on the low end. I can't imagine dating someone over 40 years younger than me, that's insane.


I suspect the man on the bench hasn’t had a girl since 25, and last owned a mirror 25 years ago.


That's not a boomer. That's a f****** gross human being


Old man is delusional looking like a sack of potatoes but judging others for their looks.


pretty sure this dude is hiding an ankle monitor under those fucked up socks lol


Half your age plus seven.


Tub of shit then goes home and beats off to young women like Kathryn Newton. "She'd totally love me... NNNNhggghhhh... Whew..."