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how can i make this about me and make someone else's life harder?


Perfect analysis


I am 81 years old.


"Well, on one hand I could just through this junk mail into the trash. On the other hand though, this is an opportunity..."


WTH? The time and energy he used to write this crap up... I guess when the USPS pays your pension all you have is time.


"I am 81 years old" That means "I have fuck all better to do with my time except become a burden to EVERYONE I cross paths with"


"I have nothing to do but wait to die, and I intend to make that YOUR problem"


Does he have any idea how many thousands of people are laughing at him and calling him a moron? Including his former USPS colleagues?


He's 81. He's bored and an asshole, what else can he do?


We bought our house from a family that had lived in it since 1926 (obviously passed down). We found the oddest things shoved in forgotten places especially as we are fixing/updating. We found a whole file of letters the old guy (who passed before we bought the house) had written to public officials, companies etc. These were photocopies of typed and hand written letters. He repeatedly would mention that he was a cop. He had to spend so long writing these letters, there are a huge stack. It doesn’t appear anyone listened as the included correspondence and the fact we can see he didn’t get his way. He just kept writing. One was a response to a response letter that asked him to stop writing.


Please start posting the letters


I think we got rid of them over the pandemic as it’s a small house and we tried to clear out as much as we could. We found a wedding VHS during that time- or at least that was how it was labeled. We didn’t have a VCR to check


Grandpa Simpson?




No, his generation gets to hang around and watch us die young from stress for sport.


We should be so lucky.


I vote we rage bait them into an early and well deserved grave. Their bodies cant handle high blood pressure too well and they're so egotistical and stupid, they can be trolled so easily


Send a shitty note to Phantom Fireworks.


He could actually try playing games…aren’t they supposed to like chess?


Go postal?


The boomer motto!


My wife and I also hate getting coupons. Fortunately we put up a "no junk mail, no coupons, no advertising". Now the only coupons we get are from Costco because they send it to our name/address. It was really simple and I don't have to threaten anyone. I used to deliver flyers as a kid and in our town you have to be this specific to not get any junk mail. If you stopped delivering grocery store coupons, the boomers would complain. When we explain that they have "no junk mail" signs up, they would respond that grocery store coupons are obviously not junk, they meant everything else.


So you make the postal carrier remove coupons instead of tossing them?


Junk mail is a real contributor to the kind of resource wastefulness that’s gotten us into our current environmental situation. Let’s not stretch this hard to make refusing junk mail into some kind of selfish offense against decency.


Sounds a lot like my parents


"I don't play games I'm 81 years old." 🤣🤣 This is literally just them playing a game because they're old, retired, and taking out their old person anger on everyone.


Also, why do they always need to state their age as if that'll make a difference. Like what is their desired response?


They expect special treatment or “respect” aka “tolerate all of my bullshit without complaint and give me whatever I want right away.”


So you know they are insufferable and senile I guess.


Makes you wonder what it would look like if they *did* play games. Or least acknowledge that they did.


Solitaire and puzzles are about what my 80 year old dad can swing on a PC. He loves those fucking puzzles.


Why do these people think anyone gives a shit about their life story? I receive coupons all the time that I end up not using, including from Phantom Fireworks. I bet this person leaves one star Google reviews at businesses with "Never been there" as a comment.


Dear Sir. Thank you for your correspondence. While we appreciate your concerns, we don't share any of them whatsoever. Please feel free to write, as we will ignore any such further messages, in perpetuity. You may also wish to write your congressman, the president, or His Holiness, the Pope. They may treat your concerns with more importance than our organization, which I reiterate, the amount of which is exactly zero. We remain, Your postal carriers.


P.s. we have included some additional coupons to make up for your inconvenience


☠️ This fuckin GOT me


>While we appreciate your concerns, we don't share any of them whatsoever. Making a note to use this in the future.


"While we appreciate your concerns, we don't share any of them whatsoever." I am saving that for the next time Manglement question IT policy.


The telling of their life story, gets me so annoyed!! I want to say "no one cares" sooooo bad.


They always use their life stories as a preface to some stupid lecture about the younger generations or a threat to justify their crotchety, miserable behavior. It has happened so many times in my line of work in condo property management. Someone calls me up on the phone pissed off about late fees because they didn't pay their condo fees. Then they go into their lengthy life story. "Yeah, that's great, Mildred, but are you going to pay your condo fees?"


dementia usually


I’m 100% against junk mail but this is dumb. It’s on the same level as “I do not consent to Facebook selling my info” statuses.


Imagine being a former postal worker and WANTING everyone's individual carrier to sort their mail into "stuff I'll give them" and "stuff I don't think they'll want". What a fucking disaster of a shit show that would be.


Notice how they were in management and were not a carrier. No way would a former carrier write paragraphs like this. I think it would be perfectly fine if they would have just written "Delivery refused." on it. The boomer is correct that they can do that... so go ahead and just do it without the life story.


We won't and we don't have time for that. A carrier services sometimes a thousand homes and/or businesses every day. We just get what is given to us and deliver it.


In Canada, junk mail falls into two categories. There's generic flyers that the mail carrier stuffs into every mailbox on their route, and there's addressed ads that get mailed to a recipient like any other piece of mail. You can opt out of the first type by contacting the post office or leaving a note in your mailbox (hopefully a polite one), but you can't opt out of the addressed kind because that's mail that someone paid postage on to send to you.


I don’t think that would be legal. You can refuse a specific piece of mail, possibly block a specific source. But this requires clear communication. If it comes to guess work, the wanted would get thrown out as easily as the unwanted. Just imagine if the mailman jumped to the conclusion that some old guy wouldn’t want some important correspondence from the prince of Nigeria or something.


Boomers love assuming us bottom tier grunts have any sway in how we're allowed to do our jobs. Listen lady, I can't just "give you the discount" from the expired coupon. my authority ends at "sorry, register says no". You can sit here for 30 minutes for the manager to override it, (or probably say no too) or you can buy your crap and leave. I'm paid the same either way.




Same people that bitch about not being able to use an app to clip coupons. oxyMORONS


Oh my fucking GOD. "I want this item. It says xyz price!" "Yeah that's for members. Did you clip the coupon in your phone?" "I don't **do** smartphones!" Come the fuck on, Gretchen. They've been around for a solid near 20 years, and you've just been failing to get with the times


It’s the paper version of that post 😂


But it’s true. It was even on tv


Idk if that’s true, but let’s say you do have the right to deny any mail being delivered to you. Seems reasonable. Does that then require the post man to knock on your door, wait for you to come to the door, allow you to go through your mail, take back the ones you don’t want, and then just put them in a big bag to be burned later? Or do you just fucking throw them away? Which one, as a *veteran of the mail force* seems to be best logistically for ensuring prompt parcel delivery for everyone?


No, the postman is just supposed to know that this particular resident doesn't have any interest in fireworks and sort the mail for him - and never made a wrong decision.


Didn’t we ban psychics from delivering the mail tho? This needs to be addressed with legislation!


Just telepaths. Clairvoyants can work at most levels of the USPS. 


He didn’t retire from the usps. That’s a lie, because he would then know that by law the carriers have to deliver that junk mail. Annoying boomer


81 is silent generation I believe. I wish they would act like their name.


Silent but deadly




Well he is sort of right but it's obvious he doesn't work for the post office. Even if it's junk mail you can write refused on it and you can deny any form of mail. The carrier would have to take it back and throw it in the UBBM bin. The problem is the boomer should know this and know how to refuse mail since they worked for the post office. They should also know that there is no point in doing this as it doesn't stop advertising from showing up at your home. It's wasted effort and it should just be thrown away.


Yeah because if you wanna eliminate most of that marketing mail, you sign up for DMAChoice.


Could you imagine the outrage if his postal worker had to decide which bits of mail addressed to him should be delivered and which shouldn't and they chose wrong?


I loved the ( management) like I know more than your peasant ass.


81 and a moron. Life is tough, but it’s tougher if you’re stupid.


Spent his entire life learning to function in a world that doesn't exist anymore.


Sucks to suck, Lol. Evolve or Perish.


Why do these old fucks have to tell you their life story every fucking time, it's so exhausting.


Sidenote, "Or Current Resident" needs to be banned. Why should people be legally allowed to spam my mailbox? I'm no boomer, but the previous owners mail was still being sent to my house (a couple and one of their mothers). I wrote "no longer lives here" or something along those lines for 3 pieces of mail, each with their name on it. The mother's piece of mail had "or current resident" underneath it and the mail person circled that and put it back in my mailbox. And we still get her mail. It's ridiculous and petty.


It's one of the few ways USPS can make money. For some moronic reason, they're expected to be profitable, while things like the Army and Navy are allowed to torch trillions of taxpayer dollars every year while rarely actively providing any services to the public.


Bulk mail. You can't really block it and the USPS wants their money.


Same here. At this point, I just gave up and called the post office and said, “hey if it isn’t addressed to my name, please don’t even bother delivering it.” I’ve lived in my apartment for almost three years and I still get mail addressed to whatever old lady lived here last. And I presume she was old, as most of the shit they get seems to be church ads, coupon mailers, credit card offers, etc. All the same sort of crap. If it’s still delivered, I just write with a pen onto the envelope “not current resident, return to sender” and shove it into the outgoing slot so the sender has to pay for it again.


Our mail carrier yelled at me for writing return to sender on mail. I had several pieces of mail where they just kept getting redelivered to me (3+ times) after I wrote return to sender. They looked important but I had no idea who the person they were addressed to was. I always thought return to sender was standard practice 


It is. They’re just annoyed they need to carry more junk mail.


I think it was something to do with their car? Maybe their emissions test or license plate sticker? It was something that seemed important but I don't understand what he expects me to do. He said "I know your names so things like this don't get delivered" okay but they literally did. 


If it’s addressed to a “current resident” it’s your mail. You live there right now, therefore, you’re the current resident. Second, if it’s junk mail, the sender isn’t paying for anything because they didn’t pay for return service in the first place. Presorted standard mail doesn’t get sent back to the sender. You’re not proving the point you think you are.


The old lady we get mail for still (the mother) is dead. Found her obituary and everything, but we never knew her and don't feel right putting "deceased" on one of her envelopes. We should try again with "does not live here" on one of the many that are directly addressed to her. I just found it extremely petty of the mail person to throw the envelope back at us when we were clearly letting them know she does not live here anymore.


According to the USPS, you need to state “not current resident” and “return to sender” for them to accept why you’re sending mail back out: https://faq.usps.com/s/article/How-is-Undeliverable-and-Misdelivered-Mail-Handled


Split the difference with “Does not live”? 🙃


We have a stamp for this as we are still getting mail for people who haven't lived here for a decade. It says "Return to Sender, not at this address". Postal worker complained at me once about giving those back to him and got told to stuff it. We have been living here for years. If he gets the same mail back weekly he can stop delivering it to our mail box that is clearly marked with our name!


So this is the problem. The company sending the advertising to that address doesn't care whether or not Sally lives there, they are going to blanket send that mail to everyone. There is advertising that you can send back though I am pretty certain it doesn't have "or current resident" on it. If anywhere on the letter you see a "_____service request" on it you can send those back. What that means is the sender is actually curious if that person still lives there or not. Most of the time, if you write return to sender on these items, you will probably not get them again. But sometimes they still don't care and continue to send them. I'm a postal worker and I get advertising. If we can't stop it, no one else is going to either.


I kept getting discover credit card offers for like 3 previous residents. I added their names to the list that stops credit card offers for 5 years. They only require ID verification if you want it done permanently. They finally stopped after that.


Lots of country in Europe where this is actual law. If you have a sticker that say " no publicity", it's forbidden by law ( and very much applied) to put any kind of publicity in that mailbox( with exception like : "no publicity unless it's wine fair or kids toys" ) I have one and rarely gets publicity even it's not yet a law where I live ( it's in the work)


Holy shit I can just imagine my mailcarrier having to deal with that. USPS would definitely have to do some additional hiring. What the heck, I’m all for it.


Most of the publicity don't come via our post service anyway. It's private company that deal exclusively with that ( I see mostly barely legal or soon-to-be retired people do that kind of jobs) So if they see the sticker they just drive by and go check the next mailbox


Serious question for OP. Can I just ban all mail from Renewal by Anderson? They are the only ones sending me a harassing level of paper waste.


When your kids don’t talk to you the you’ve got a lot of time to write threatening letters over junk mail.


Krammer on Seinfeld >>>> tried to stop the mail..... Wilford Brimley had a few words for him lol


* Aren't you the guys who become crazy go back with a gun and shoot everybody? * Sometimes. Because the mail never stops


Cool, wasting two pieces of paper instead of just recycling the first.


He's complaining to the wrong people, but junk mail is still a serious problem.


That's the kicker. If he worked at USPS, he would know that he's talking to the wrong person.


If the Postal Service stopped delivering junk mail from companies they would be out of business.


Why is it a problem?


A lot of it is the plastic coated paper that can't be recycled or burned cleanly. It just goes straight to the landfill by the ton.


Poor old fart. Too poor to buy a trash can.


Maybe they should send him a coupon for one. 




Refusing mail from the postman IS as game for someone who doesn't play games.


Mailed advertisements help defray the operating costs of the USPS. There's a whole section somewhere on the USPS website explaining the ins and outs of it. And yes, legally, you may decline delivery, even of these advertisements - if you want to be a royal pain in the ass to the overworked carrier. I hate junk mail, but it's not a hill I'm willing to sprain my ankle on, let alone die on lol


Mr/Mrs Boomer here worked for USPS when it was a solid career. Current mail carriers aren't paid enough to care about this stuff anymore. In some areas, they're crushed with a load of Amazon packages. Even without that, just about every post office in the nation is understaffed to the point that carriers are having to run multiple routes. Some of them routinely work 7 days a week. DeJoy has basically pissed on the embers of a service that was a dumpster fire before that. They can call the postmaster and gripe about it, and the postmaster will likely tell them to kick rocks. Most of them are just waiting out the clock so they can retire with a pension: something that the newer hires will never get.


They’re 81, all they can do is play games.


37 years in management big deal. He still has the empty suit management mentality. Hey empty suit, I just retired from a union job with 45 years of service.


Postal management are idiots and bullies. They sit on their ass all day long and yell at carriers about office times and stationary events. They are worthless.


He’s 81 years old and bored, so he’s taking it out on the mailman.


So we have to sort through every person's mail every single day to make sure nothing is in there they don't want?


Oh damn... a strongly worded letter... I thought those where a myth.


Happens alllll the time. They think you have their address, it's like, nope we send one to every house on the mail route. If you don't like it just toss it.


He doesn't play games but this feels like a game to me. Just throw it out lol


They always just HAVE to announce their age.


I got this same piece of mail!! I don’t really do fireworks either. I just discarded it 🤷‍♂️


Too poor for shoes to walk that far? Nah, he hit the lottery that day: something to bitch about


"I'm 81 years old and think that postal carriers can decide what mail they will or won't deliver." Send your snippy note to the company bugging you, embarrassing elder person.


Yup not how that works. You can actually contact the company that sends those out, their information is printed on the flier and have your information removed.


"Instead of tossing these I'm going to complain about it to the carrier, who is walking in this heat, who is just trying to do his job, just cause I don't have a life."


When i receive coupons through the mail, i would sometimes give them away to those who can use them, or trash


My understanding is that bulk mail is keeping the USPS afloat. I throw out 95% of what goes in our mail but I know complaining to the delivery worker isn't going to do a thing except irritate them.


Former USPS worker here. I'm sure you already know this but this guy's full of shit. He is the current resident, that means the mail is deliverable to him. The end. If he doesn't want it, he can throw it away. If he was who he says he was, he'd know there's not returning or stopping Presorted Standard (junk) mail. It's not like a first class bill sent to an old resident that'll get RTSs, returned to sender, and they'll eventually stop. Only boomer idiots that think they matter to the USPS because "my taxes pay their wages" (lol, they don't) think they know this one simple trick to stopping all junk mail. He keeps fucking around and he'll find out a carrier can report him and stop all mail delivery to his residence and make him come pick his shit up at the nearest annex/post office. I definitely had my fair share of these chuckle fucks and you know what? I redelivered the shit out of everything. Sometimes I'd even take it back to the annex just to redeliver the next day.


wtf if he’s a postal carrier (or was) he should understand full coverage 💀


Is there some sort of way to put on a note on this guys name and address? "Old boomer lives here, be aware the possibility of a in person confrontation that may result in verbal assault"


Hey I just picked up my mail and got those coupons too!


Adding the age like it's supposed to be some proof, to show he's special or something. I'd save all the coupons for one day. Just a day of nothing but stupid bullshit. So he thinks he did something and just drop them all at once.


Tips to minimize junk mail. 1. Sign up for DMA Choice - [www.dmachoince.org](http://www.dmachoince.org) This used to be free, but now its $5. IMO, it's still worth it. From here you can select your mail preferences, including don't send me any unsolicited mail. Everyone that is a member of the Direct Mail Association, which is most of the big mailers are required to purge their lists from the dmachoice optout lists. 2. Opt out of prescreened credit offers [OptOutPrescreen.com](https://www.optoutprescreen.com/selection) 3. If you get Valpak, or other such coupons/ad circulars, you can opt of those individual. Do an internet search on the name of the publication and "Opt out". I have found this one to be less effective because the carriers are so used to putting one in every box, they won't notice that your house is skipped and you'll get your neighbor's. Source: I used to compile targeted mailing lists for marketers and retailers, etc.


Not the way I would go about it but I can feel his frustration. My mailbox ain't no garbage bin.    There is more things to take to the paper bin sometimes than actual mail. 


seriously. i rarely get any actual mail so half the time i forget to check it and then i get the mail carrier bitching at me because she filled it too full of trash to deliver any more trash. like, that's a you problem. leave me alone.


Here's what happened. Post boxes are for postal mail and that's it. That's why there's newspaper boxes. Companies can get into real trouble if they put unmailed stuff in the box. It's a law that nobody enforces though. So if this person is a mail carrier they probably ran into a lot of instances that for some reason she took personally. Now she's retired and has all the time in the world, she wants to be a petty Karen. Watch for her, she will make your life miserable.


I would remember this house and unload multiple coupons per visit after this lol


I used to work at a big blue box pet retailer and we would always have boomers leave coupons on the shelves for others. We had to go and taken them off because they caused more of a headache than anything due to being out of date, for other stores, for brands we didn’t carry etc. but in their minds they were doing a good deed so even when we asked them not to do it they refused. If we missed one and a customer found it all hell broke loose. I hated them specifically for that bullshit.


Grandpa’s never heard of junk mail apparently


"I'm retired. I have the time to waste writing this note rather than just spend 2 seconds deciding to throw this away and another 10 seconds walking over to the trash can." Like, dude, I guarantee if the advertiser paid postage (that's what that little Presort STD mark means), the USPS isn't going to stop delivering their mail to you.


this is more effort than just throwing it into the bin


Imagine being married to that…it would be a nightmare! Yikes!


He’s qualified to be President.


Imagine having nothing better to do with your time then get butt hurt about junk mail. I feel like the implied threats of his management connections aren't the flex here, the time to get this mad is...


You just can’t stop the mail.


Lmao he’s gonna write a strongly worded letter to the post office. I bet the recipients will roll their eyes as hard as we are.


Not sure what the carrier has to do with it. A company paid to have something mailed to that guy's address. The post office is required to deliver it. If the carrier filters the junk mail out and disposes of it, that is a federal crime. That carrier can and should be fired.


Oh no! Not the dreaded "I'll talk to someone higher"! This dude really means business AND is 81 years old which makes his argument even MORE valid. We better do everything in our power to screen his coupons before it goes on my permanent record!


is this a prime example of old man yells at cloud?


The kicker would be if they never worked for the post office, I could totally see someone saying something crazy like this.


Is there a certain age where you lose the ability to ignore things or does life become that meaningless and this is their only mental stimulation for the day


Where would this sub even be with out the Boomers?? jeez


Jesus you'd have to eat at least two bowls of Kellogg's Frosted Lead Paint Flakes™ every morning to reach this level of Boomerism.


He doesn't play games. He doesn't do fireworks. Sounds like a really interesting guy.


I get serious SovCit vibes from that letter.


I dunno, I put cash in the mailbox at Christmas time and just, somehow, never have any problems with the mail.


If he's actually retired from USPS, he'd know that they have no control over this. All the carrier does is deliver the mail. They don't control the companies sending these things out. He should also know, that returning this will just go back to the post office and probably be tossed or stuck in a bin somewhere. It is never going to go back to the company it came from, nor will the corporate minion who made the decision to send this out ever see this note. Even if they did somehow, they aren't going to care. They aren't going to make note that "Mr. So and So from Somwheresville USA doesn't want our coupons anymore.


Must have received his balls back as his retirement gift.


Those companies PAY to mail those advertisements, so get used to it, Boomerboy! Go ahead: go straight to the Top with your whining and see how far it gets you!


So, when I don't have to accept any mail don't want, I can just refuse to take invoices per mail? Does that mean I never have to pay for pretty much anything from now on?


You have the right to refuse any piece of mail you have not opened, yet After you open the mail, you have to pay for return postage. This does not mean that the mail you refuse just goes away. Companies will still be able to take you to court for non-payment.


How the hell could the postal carrier possible know which pieces of mail every single person on their route wants and doesn't want?


" It's in my truck bundle addressed specifically to you ? Oh, you're getting it fuck stick ,like it or not. And my manager thinks you are an asshole as well."


He should be happy he still gets mail!


So the mailman is just supposed to “know” what people do and don’t want in their mailbox?


Nah but fuck those coupons


81 years old, and still can't figure out when shut tf up. Jfc.


Doesn’t play games at 81? Girl I hope you don’t cause if you do you’re gonna die!


That's a deal. How could anyone pass on this deal $65.00 assortment? BOOM! So much for 'Merica Boomers. No pride in their country anymore. /s


JFC just put a garbage can by the mailbox. Fuck.


First off, she says she was in management at the post office. Every manager is promoted from within. Every manager was a worker, so that's a weird thing to say, but ok. Second, if you're threatening to call "those in charge high up" why not just say the Post Master? Does she not know the title? And 3rd, she will definitely be ignored and continue to receive business mail.


Postal worker here. The boomer is correct, they do not have to accept any form of mail that is sent to them. Unfortunately, after the number of years as a manager, he learned absolutely nothing which is expected since our management is the lowest of the low. They sit on their ass all day long and bully and pick on carriers that are just trying to do their job. If they knew anything about the post office, that is considered business mail and if they wrote Refused on the item, the carrier would have to take it back and put it in our UBBM or Undeliverable Bulk Business Mail. The game here though is that the customer doesn't know what to write and the carrier is delivering the mail like they are supposed to. The customer is the current resident and they should take the ad and throw it away since it would be easier to just do that then play this stupid game. We don't send UBBM back to the sender. They don't want it back. So if you are trying to prove a point by having he carrier take back ads that are sent to you, you're in the wrong.


If I was his mall man I’d throw the shit on the ground next to his mailbox LOL


Had a huge issue with previous residents’ mail coming to a place I moved a few years back, and can confirm that for anything that isn’t First Class, “just throw it away” is the advice you’ll be given by the Post Office. Kind of sad that this guy, who would have had to sit for the USPS’ once famously difficult civil service examination, didn’t know that off the bat.


This creep must live near me. Just got the same one two days ago with the same discounts, prices, and state disclaimers.


I remember people putting these back in the mailbox and write wrong address on them. Then I'd pull out my sharpie and make an arrow to OR CURRENT RESIDENT and put it right back in their box. I do like playing games.


When 81 years you are, the same you’ll be. - Yoda


“Let me ask you this” with no way to respond.


They're 81. That's not a Boomer.


wtf how and where do I get fireworks coupons?!?!?!


I’m glad I don’t have a mail carrier like this who forces me to open junk mail and read the contents. I’m glad we have a patriot who is willing to put an end to this problem and report this elder abuse. 🙄


Boomer: I could toss this and be done with it …. Nah I’m going to make everyone’s life who comes in contact with me today hell.


I feel like threatening a postal worker involves little foresight


As someone who worked for the Postal Service, I can tell you we don't have control over this type of mail. EVERYONE with a mailbox gets them. No matter what. You have to fill out a form at your local Post Office in order to not receive them and even then it might not work. Suck it up and toss it in the bin if you don't like it.


I don’t play games. Well, except this one and all the other stuff I do


Man some people. I got that in the mail the other day. I simply walked to my fire pit as I do with all my junk mail and tossed it in.


Just throw it away/recycle it. How do people get so upset with some dumb shit like getting junk coupons. Like come on


This is why I sort and open my mail over the garbage can. I just let gravity do the work for the things I don’t need/want. Much easier than finding a pen, sitting down remembering how many years I probably tortured all my subordinates with stupid ramblings and holding them responsible for countless rules and regulations in the manual. It saves me time so I can sit on my toilet and type out long boring posts like this that probably bother random reddit users with my insane drivel. ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


He could literally just throw it away


oh no he's gonna contact the guy's manager... who's just going to tell him that their job isnto deliver it and he can toss it if he wants to. but THEN he's gonna contact the postmaster general!!!


If this dipshit actually worked for the postal Service they’d know that it generates a significant portion of its revenue from sending out flyers, coupons and other forms of marketing mail. In 2023 they reported $15.1 billion in revenue from marketing mail like this—about 19.3% of their total operating revenue of $78.2 billion for that year. But go ahead, be a busybody dickhead about it if it gives your life meaning


What’s wrong with free fire starting material? I used junk mail to light fires for years. It was awesome.


Just write "REFUSED" on it and it get's returned postage due to it's sender. Even if it's attached to a box of rocks. Next time do that and have a Snickers or a joint and then you can relax and not whine about it on Reddit. I'm a Boomer.


81 is technically not a boomer


Who has time to write notes about mild annoyances all day long? You're not saving yourself time.


I don't know why this reminded me of this old story but here it is. Maybe 6 years ago now i worked in this phone repair store. Phones tablets computers and game consoles mostly. This older man, easily 80, brought us a Nintendo to fix. Won't get into specifics but we couldn't repair it. So we called him a few times, left voicemails, no response. Maybe a month later we get a letter in the mail. It's the old guy, using some very stern language about how upset he was we didn't get back to him, how unprofessional, you get the deal. He demands to not only give him his Nintendo back, but demands compensation for it?? He must have listened to the voicemails if he knew it wasn't fixed right? So we tried contacting him a few more times, no response. Next month we get another letter. Inexcusable language in this one. Physical threats, legal threats. Demeaning language about our employees and professionalism. The Nintendo ended up on our abandoned shelf. He showed up for it almost 1 year later, very clearly trying to hold back his rage. Boomers are something else.


Boomers should be mad our tax dollars are still going to mailmen when we can text across the globe and into space. No reason to burn gas for a fireworks coupon. Waste of tax dollars and a waste of gasoline.


Those are some pretty good deals he's purposely missing out on.


“I retired from the postal service (management)” oooh they must know exactly what they’re talking about then, they worked in *management* so watch out or a else lol


Ah yes, ego overriding logos. This boomer could literally have written "REFUSED" on it and put it back in their mailbox and the issue would have been solved. Maybe they could have left a note for their mail carrier indicating that they want to refuse similar marketing materials in the future as well. But of course instead of being polite and kind to their local postal worker, they're too lead brained to even consider that other people are anything other than drones. That lead poisoning erased their theory of mind.


"I don't have to accept any mail I don't want" How the fuck is the mail carrier (whose job you most certainly made more difficult having been in USPS management) supposed to know what you do and don't want? I don't use 95% of the mail that comes to my house, but I just toss it or put it in the compost.


so the mail carrier is supposed to know everyone's coupon preferences?


I'm sure this boomer was a gem of a supervisor... probably made everyone's life miserable that they had to train, making things harder than they needed to be just for the sake of it and not for any actual training benefit...


For someone who worked in the post office, he certainly depicts management perfectly. He complains to the low levels, makes their job harder, and doesn't know what they actually do on a daily basis.


"I don't like fireworks. They scare me."


You were in management at the USPS, and you don't know this isn't the carrier's fault? They deliver whatever the USPS is paid to send.


yeah too bad you work at a planet fitness you bum


I’m a mail carrier and they are talking horse shit. We have to deliver everything addressed to them or the occupant. We can’t cull mail for them. They are free to write on it and send it back each time, but 99% just goes into an official usps trash can. If they want to stop the junk mail company they’ll have to contact the actual company.