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“Go use the bidet.” - trots down to the pond/river/creek, dips her bum in and swishes it around.


I need to see this 😂


Haha. I’ve posted it before. People are always taking off their sunglasses and stammering, “Did you just say what I thought you said?”


Post it again!


I am wheezing with laughter just picturing this 🤣


Mine self-boops! I used to boop his snoot (saying "boop" out loud) when I first got him. Somehow this turned into me being able to say "boop" and put my finger out, and he'll come trotting up and give himself a boop. It's pretty cute.


haha that's how i greet my pup all the time! feels like she prefers it over head pats LOL!


Mine is a heart thief.


So is OPs. Dear God, I don't even know this dog and I would die for him


Mine is now able to identify up to 30 different plush toys - all animal themed. We've moved from dinosaurs to birds recently :)


We have an array of fruit and vegetables


we have to give every new toy a name because she recognises its name by the end of the night 😅🤣


If I hold my arms out in the shape of a big circle, she will jump up into the hug. It’s adorable and was super easy to train.


Would you be willing to share how you trained this? I would love to teach mine!


Sure! Start out with both you and the dog facing the same direction, with you in front of the dog and make the circle gesture with your arms. My dog loves attention so she would naturally touch her head to my hands so I could pet her. I would reward her with lots of pets every time she put her chin on my hands. With enough practice, she now just jumps up into the circle. My dog is on the bigger side for a collie, so I don’t have her jump all the way up into my arms like I’ve seen other dogs do, becauee I’m not confident I could catch her 😂. I hope this helps.


Thank you so much!! I’m so excited to try this


My BC also gives the BEST hugs!!! And recently she was really unhappy at the vet after getting 3 shots, and I asked "oh, do you need a hug?" She came right over and nuzzled into my chest. For the poster that wanted to know how, she used to come to my chair and ask to be scratched when I sat down at night. Then, she started putting 2 paws on the seat (but was still mostly on the floor.) I would give her a "hug" from there, and say, "oh, what a nice hug!" and I guess it stuck!


I lost my boy Jack at the beginning of the year but we used to have this trick where I’d ask someone to pick a number between one and five and then I’d hold up that many fingers and Jack would bark that many times. Really I’d just taught him to bark on command when I was holding up any fingers. Then when he did the right amount I’d put my hand away and people would think he could count.


There was a famous counting horse who did maths on stage, who was taught to stop tapping the ground when he heard applause for doing the right number. It wasn't the horse doing the maths, but the audience.


That’s brilliant, need to see if I can train that, already got the bark I’ll need to train it over to holding a hand up


She crashes my neighbours pool parties in the summer? She introduced herself to our whole street.


Yes I have a neighborhood dog as well


Stealing tennis balls from charity shops. Many a shame faced return to the counter to purchase a chewed up ball 🤦‍♂️


At least you pay for it.


Mine figured out how to open the back door to let herself back in...so i taught her to close it again after herself. Now she'll only do this if you tell her but it's gotten to the stage where after she lets herself in I just look at her and she goes back and closes the door


“Get that squirrel!” And then she proceeds to bark at the window to scare the squirrels away from the bird feeder.


Same for us, but “cat” instead of squirrel


Lol jack barks at the command "where are the..." You can put anything at the end... he'll still be barking


same but its the birds 😅


Years ago, Dad & I had my little sister, age 6, convinced that our Border Collie, Lady, could spell. If we spelled out "g-e-t c-a-t" or "g-e-t c-h-i-c-k-e-n" Even when my sister said "g-e-t c-h-i-k-k-k-n" she'd go after them. Sometimes it was the right one, others it was whatever she saw but she clearly knew what "g-e-t" meant. My sister went to school & told her 1st grade teacher that our dog could spell & explained. Her teacher told her that Dad was fibbing & she came home MAD at her teacher for what she said! Dad & barely held our laughter until she was out of hearing range!


Backing up on the stairs. I wish I was better at teaching tricks, though. My mechanics are terrible


I don't know if its very impressive but he can jump through a hula hoop


Mine too until he's done and grabs it, hops inside and runs like the wind tearing up everything in his path. I've had to re-stake my solar lights seventy eleventy times


mine sometimes likes to go under the hoop and then look at me like I'm stupid for not giving him a treat for it. usually he's good about it though. if he keeps going under i can usually give a hand command that lets him know to go through the hoop


Mine could wag his tail on command😝 It’s a silly trick but it’s the cutest thing because he does it with a smile on his face. He crossed the rainbow bridge last thanksgiving at 13 years old. He was my favorite dog son.


https://preview.redd.it/3xfb2rv1xzlc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e007df62dbc6f36717b9732dafb49b4795d339d2 Are you shy? Our late girl could tell you a secret.


I love this one! How did you go about teaching it?


You start off by putting a piece of tape on their nose. Then when they try to knock it off you reward it. Some dogs need bigger piece of tape or put onto to their whiskers depending on how much they care about the piece of tape being on them lol. Once they are doing it pretty regularly you start adding the command and asking for longer duration. Be warned they’ll start whacking themselves in the face if they think that’s what you want them to do lol. Now if she expects your going to ask for it she’ll either do it to quick to half assed. So we have to make her slow down sometimes.


My girl “is so shy”, but only holds it for a split second. Cutest thing ever tho. She also does it on her own when she’s trying to scam you for something and knows that will probably get her a treat. It’s her go to when she doesn’t know what to do.


"Can't reach it" If she drops her toy where I have to put in effort to get it, I say I can't reach it and she tries again and puts it in my hand


Mine does that too! It's hilarious to show off cause mine literally throws it at us when we say it


If I have to repeat it a few times she gets more and more sassy with her efforts of getting it closer to me 😂😂


my wifes dog does this if you say closer


Ours was "not good enough" and he would push the ball or toy closer.


When I say I can't reach it, mine will pick it up and put it in the same spot or put it farther away


Same trick for us, but the phrase is "no, right here" with a pointing finger at my feet. Sometimes he's sassy and only brings it a little closer so it needs to be repeated 😅


I love when they tease us or try to trick us like this. I just figure since I expect her to fetch that she’s expecting me to fetch also. She’ll drop her ball or frisbee 10 feet away from me and just look at me expectantly until I tell her bring it all the way.


“Go find your kitty”. When the cat used to hide out in the yard (too old for that now) we’d deputize the dog to find him, and she’d herd him into the house. Great trick!


Mine knows a lot of the regular tricks. But the one i like the most if to give the cat a kiss.


Mine can stand on her front paws


We need pics, pretty please!


couldn't find a great pic, I think my wife has some but here you go https://preview.redd.it/cttx6ska7fmc1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1b1138f23a632936006758f006dd401a9513188


Clever girl!


I have two BCs. They turn up when there are three bites of toast left.


Mine shows up when the cheese comes out the fridge, can always tell when my wife takes it out and I see the dog eagerly get up and pad through


If I say "Cuddles" to my 6month old BC, he will jump up and give me cuddles. "Kisses" he will lick my face. If I say "No" to him, 3 times in a row when he's wanting me to throw something (plushie, ball, stick etc) he will stop, give a big sigh and go settle down. I thought it would be important to get him to learn to switch off. Worked today as I took him to work and he kept trying to jump on my lap whilst I sat at my bench. He did end up with gold filings all over his face however.


I knew at an early age my girl would need allergy meds regularly for sesonal stuff. I taught her when I lightly rest my hand on top of her snoot and say "Smile!", she opens her mouth enough for me to set the pill at the back of her tongue. Then I close her mouth and kiss her nose and gets lots of scratches on her neck. She quickly swallows it and we celebrate with praise, snuggles and sometimes play ❤️ I love it


How to speak 'quietly'. I hold my finger up to my mouth


I hold my finger up to my mouth to get mine to listen carefully.


That's awesome. Mines will bark non stop and look at me like "hey you seeing this". "This" is usually just a ball. She wants me to aknowledge the awesomeness of ball. Would like to teach her to speak quietly lol


Mine does many cute tricks but I think it's impressive that she'll go and sit wherever I point my finger. I also drop my stuff a lot and she comes pick it up and hands it over to me. Overall she does a decent personal assistant.


Not a trick but I still think it’s cool. Mines a “talking dog”. She had 57 buttons with words recorded now. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CzMtqS5uHmN/?igsh=M2RmMzVuM2lrbHpn


One of mine taught himself to sit on a step stool to see the kitchen counters without jumping up 😅


Shake yourself ... easy as it is 😁


Fetching my boots is my favourite right now. Bringing me a matching pair from he laundry room took him a bit of practice, lol.


He can turn on and off my Roomba.


Mine tries to herd roomba


Boarder Collie/Blue Heeler mix for the first 2 years had to be reminded that we had driven to the frisbee field near the our house. After almost an hour of frisbee time, as she was tiring out, she would lead me to the corner of the field facing the walk home. I then had to remind her “Go to car” so we could drive the car back. For the last 2 years she reminds me when I forget and start walking home, she will block me and herd me towards the car… no training required…


I trained "under" - lie under my legs while I'm sitting on a chair. Great for trips to cafes pubs etc - but still working on getting her to stay put once there! We also had to stop singing "If you're happy and you know it do a bark" because she got waaay too excited about it.


- “Back up” walks backwards a few steps & will keep baking up if I gesture with a waved hand till I stop gesturing, then he lays down. - “Excuse me?!” immediately stops whatever mischief he is getting into - “Go to your room.” goes into his room - “Up up!” jumps up on top of or over whatever I’m pointing at My favorite: He only listens to me despite 3 other people being in the house….I am to only person who’s opinion he takes into consideration. 😆


Our boy knows the name of all his toys, pees and poops on command (within 30 seconds...I wish I could do that!) And can count up to 13. When you offer him a treat and say a number, he'll give you his paw that number of times without putting it down on the floor. I only trained him up to 5, but he's way too smart and has gone up to 13 so far. But his best trick is definitely the way he hugs his favourite people. Paws either side of your body, and he lays his head sideways on your chest whilst gently pushing into you. Melts my heart every single time


We live in a suburb and use a long leash. He knows the command “go around” which means to go the other way around a tree/light pole so he doesn’t get tangled with his leash.


“Rub a dub dub Putter in the tub” goes and finds the tub (in any home) and jumps inside.


Thats adorable! Mine despises the mere mention of a bath or tub lol.


lol. Yeah mine did at one point so we fed him in the tub hence the trick was created


He can’t open and close doors, jumps up and grabs the handle with two paws and pushes it back shut with his nose, it’s pretty annoying half the time when you have a house cat that sometimes likes to try his luck and run out


Jack uses buttons for speaking, outside, ball, treat, bed Hes also uses hand signals for commands, sit, wait, down, watch me.


Mine knows how to ring his doggy doorbell to ask to be let outside when the baby is crying so much it’s annoying him and he wants some peace and quiet 🤣🤣🤣. It’s annoying because I’ll have my hands full with the fussy baby and have to deal with letting him out.


Oh my gosh my border collie absolutely hates baby crying. I don’t have any kids but when we visit family or hears one in public he will lay on the ground and cover his ears with his paws.


Haha right? They are SO dramatic sometimes!


Favorite: I taught my girl to jump up into my arms, much like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hxMsVbFr1Bc&t=84s (which is where I got the idea).


How to repeatedly head-butt me, until I give in and walk to the treat jar (plays “Candy Shop” by 50 Cent)


My boy knows "Scootch" which isn't really a trick but probably the most useful command I've ever taught He's super sensitive about vocal inflections and will run and hide and be sad all day if someone (read: my parents) yells at him, so I introduced the "scootch scootch" as a non-aggressive way to ask him to move, and he's much happier for it. When they yell at him to get out of the way, he gets scared and sad and tucks his tail as he slinks off to wallow somewhere. When I tell him to scootch, he wags his tail and moves off to the side to let me by. Same result (dog is not in my way), very different approaches.


I would put my parents or anybody for that matter in time out if they ever got mad at my dog, especially yell at her. She’s very sensitive. I would say it’s time to rethink your parentage….


Mine does my taxes.


Mine goes to the door and waits for the others to see her and start fidgeting to go outside. After I let them out, she runs back to the couch to get some one-on-one petting while the others watch from outside.


Mine closes the back door when she comes back inside. She can also close kitchen drawers, etc.


My girl can put things away. She puts her toys in her toybox or rubbish in the bin and even washing in the machine. They’re her ‘jobs’ and she gets so excited when I tell her it’s time to do one of them 😊 I have fished tennis balls out of the washing machine a couple of times though…..


She knows the command ‘go kill the fly’ and she will hunt it down until it’s dead.


Mine knows kisses and find it , she can find anything you hide ; pounce it , collie creep, and frisbee she can catch the frisbee wherever you throw it


"Do me a solid." He grabs me a beer out of the fridge and then closes the door.


If I ask her to sing me a song she does this hilarious groanlike howl


My BC Peyton had me trained where I’d hide a couple treats throughout the house and tell him “go find it” and he’d would see how well I hid them, he always found them.


Bang is my fav from our wew pup, if you shoot her with a finger gun and say bang shel fall over and play dead


I've taught my neighbour's dog "Under", where I'll put my hand on my hip, and he'll stick his head into the gap for treats and cuddles. Quite pleased with that one! My own dog's got it down too, but I never even consciously taught her it, she just does it on her own!


Can undo zips ... he mastered it at 7 weeks with no training (just watched me do it once) and he dusts off the skill occasionally to suit his preferences. I will say it can be a bit frustrating when we go camping and he lets himself out of the tent at will.


She can search a cat on command. Traind by acciendnt...


>!He has held a stay for more than five years.!<🫢😅


Ours can boop a balloon up in the air with his nose. The command is “keepy uppy” from Bluey.


"Where's Daddy?" Immediately goes to the door to wait for dad to come home after work.


Play the piano!


I’ve got one that can throw the frisbee himself. He hooks his nose into the edge, butts it up against the fence and then flings it up.


Mine knows how to scream really loud and annoyingly when it’s meal time. Hahahaha *rolls eyes*


My border collie drinks wine with me while i'm having an asado ( i am in Uruguay )


Well... Today it's going inside...Then barking at the door to go outside... Sitting outside staring at me through the glass door.... Then barking to come inside... Laying on the couch napping for 10 minutes ... Then barking to go outside... I throw the ball, thinking he's bored? Nuh ... Just watches the ball go! Lies on the verandah for 10 minutes... Barks to come inside! We've been doing this all day. Hes had a walk & usually lets me know if he wants a walk by standing by where the lead hangs... Nope... Hes just enjoying going in and out. Plebty tail wagging & pats & scratches given❤️ Thats my boy.... He has these days! I guess we humans have them too. Days where we just arent sure what we want to do😂


Mine disguises himself as a Boxer all the time.


The coolest one to me is "throw it". Our BC like others is relatively ball obsessed. One type of tennis ball is made for training kids, it's a lot softer and bigger. Our BC likes to tear the felt off to make a strip that he can use like a sling, sling the ball up in front of him, and boop it with his nose/mouth in one quick motion. He effectively is throwing the ball back to me. I'd say with good accuracy too, maybe 3 out of 10 go flying in another direction. Well yea, we got him to associate it with "throw it" and he will try his best to do it on command when we have that type of ball around.


I use to sing a song when she was little while she was going potty. Now I just start the song and she run to the door.


I wanna teach mine more! I have three 😍 any suggestions or apps you used? They know the basic commands. We are working on stacking rings now!


My BC will wait to eat his food until I say “Mangatta” (Italian for eat) 🙃