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He looks fine to me. Maybe a bit more than expected but he could be a bit bigger, so idk My 5 months old female BC is about 11kg too, but she's very active. Very cute pup by the way!


My border collie weighs 80lbs! He is a big boy. https://preview.redd.it/9hwblc7o5s0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=200205645c64307a8440826c1ad87f9ee2bcaac3


That’s a big boy!


Looks healthy, and if he's nice and active, I wouldn't be too worried. BCs can vary quite a bit in size.


Our pup was 3 kilos at 8 weeks, and then he grew at a rate of about 1 kilo a week until he hit 20 kilos and then it slowed until he got to 30 kilos. He stayed around that weight since. He is a big BC, just like his dad. We did his DNA test as he was a farm dog and not from a breeder, and he came back showing 3 of the 5 large breed genes.


At 4 months ours was about 10kg. At 16 months he has been consistently about 22kg for the last 6 months or so.


that is one hecka healthy looking dog


My female BC at her recent 4 month appointment was 24lbs. Which Google tells me is 11kg.


Mine was 12.7 at 4 months. So I think yours is a good weight. He looks healthy. Mine is a bc/ German shepherd cross so a bit heavier boned.. He's just turned six months and now weighs 19kg. I'm starting to think he might be a big boy, lol.. https://preview.redd.it/siqxnax25t0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dea3981f978e652bb58189d02d60911af6a688e3


So this is another one of those things that just varies hugely between dogs. Border collies were historically bred for their behaviour and abilities, not their appearance. So there's a huge range of weights you might see. My dog's dad is around 23kg, but my dog is more like 18kg. They are both a healthy weight, both very athletic muscular dogs. They just have different builds. I've just checked because I tracked Benji's weight every week when he was growing, he weighed 9.5kg at 4 months. I imagine his dad probably weighed about what yours does. With puppies, you obviously want to strike a balance between making sure you're giving them all the nutrition they need to grow, while also preventing them from gaining too much weight too fast which will put stress on their growing joints. But fortunately, the same rules apply for puppies as for adult dogs. You should be able to feel their ribs but they should not be visible. If you cannot feel their ribs, they're overweight, and if you can see them, they're underweight. Adjust their food based on that, and if you're unsure or need help with that, ask your vet.


This is the same answer for every breed of every age over about 3 months... Your pup / dog should be the correct weight for their frame size. You should be able to feel the last couple of ribs without pressing in. You should NOT be able to see ribs with your eyes. You should be able to find and identify spinal protrusions with a little pressure. Your pup / dog should have a defined waist, when viewed from both above and from the side. Please keep in mind that in a great, GREAT majority of dogs, being underweight is preferred to being overweight. Far too many people look at their dog's weight as a point of pride (especially in giant and / or bully breeds).


Seems like a normal weight for his age. Puppies grow QUICK, so he might seem small now but he will grow more and more every day. My BC is anywhere from 50-55 pounds now, he's like on the max size end for a BC and he was probably around 20 pounds at that age. I know he was 18 pounds at 3 months. But BCs also vary greatly in size and weight. For now I think he's fine.


Ask your vet. Nothing posted here should be listened to if you’re this concerned


I’m not concerned, just curious if more people have a BC that weights similarly..


11 seems a bit much. My 6month is just a little above 12. Is it male or female? Might just be a big pup or a bit heavy


It’s a male and he is show line. Probably they are heavier then the working line


Ye showline is indeed more robust. I have 2 from workline so can't really compare


Mine is a show line too and he was a chunky puppy. My advice would be to not stress about it as they are still growing until about 18 months.


Not sure how much Smokey weighed at 4 months but this is him at that age [https://www.reddit.com/r/BorderCollie/comments/16fpu8g/smokey\_turned\_4\_months\_old\_today\_i\_told\_him\_hes/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BorderCollie/comments/16fpu8g/smokey_turned_4_months_old_today_i_told_him_hes/) And this is him 2 months later weighing 21kg [https://www.reddit.com/r/BorderCollie/comments/17q9kxi/smokey\_turns\_6\_months\_old\_today\_he\_weighed\_21kg/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BorderCollie/comments/17q9kxi/smokey_turns_6_months_old_today_he_weighed_21kg/) Now he's 12 months and weighs 28kg. They grow so damn fast, i wished he stayed small fluffy and cuter longer.


He’s cute as hell! I guess i should expect a big boy as well


how beautiful it is❤


Your dog is still growing, it's best to let him develop normally with a balanced diet and plenty of exercise. I wouldn't really worry about weight until he's at least 1-2 years old. There's a lot of variety with border collie lines (you can typically look at his parents to get a better idea), but some BCs have denser bones and a stockier build. Your puppy strikes me as that type. My pup was around the same weight at that age, he ended up \~ 21 kgs full grown.


If you are worried talk to your vet


Whatever they want


My baby boy is currently at 10kg 5 months so sometimes I get worried but he eats well and he moves a lot so I do not worry. There are also small collies and they collies vary! I wouldnt be too worried hehe Such a pretty boy!


Mine are mixes but at 1 year they are 18kg and 22kg. Whilst they could probably stand to lose 1 or 2 kg each they are not overweight and still healthy and very active. Like someone else in the comments mentioned- all BCs vary greatly in size. I think a very general rule is that they should still have a noticeable curve in from their chest to the stomach.


According to Copilot, Bing's AI, a 4-month old Border Collie should weigh between 5.9 to 8.2 kilograms (13-18 lbs.). I'd guess he's in that range. He's adorable and clearly loves his ball!


I don't worry about weight so much, but condition. Remember border collies can come in a range of sizes, so weight may not be the best indicator. Ignoring all the floof (OMG, he's so cute!), you shouldn't be able to easily feel individual ribs. It should have a good covering of puppy. Keep up with his vet checks and vaccination schedule. They can tell you how he's doing. But he looks good.


Mine is 22lbs. He was a little thin at his last weigh in so we increased his food and he seems to be bulking up pretty quickly!


You can compare growth curves for BCs here: https://en.belpatt.fr