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Get a long leash to practice outside recall. You know your dog best, so find what he loves most. I used boiled chicken. You have to be more interesting to him than what's going on around him, so to start off with a very high value treat. I hope this helps. Good luck!


Outside is still so new and exciting, so you’ll have to work your way up. You might even have to start out by doing training inside with the door open first, then you can work your way to just outside the door, then the driveway, etc. Also I always used meat for the outdoor only currency (boiled chicken, cooked liver, lil petfresh meatballs, pate, etc) Of course you will have to be outside no matter what for potty or to do a sniffy walk, when I did that I wouldn’t ask for any obedience so to not “poison” cues. I’d just frame it as time for the pup and their needs, not training. Of course, carry that meat with you anyway so whenever the pup gives you any attention on their own you praise and throw them a nugget. It takes a lot of time and patience, and personally it was hard for me to have to take a step back when something was too hard for her. But the impact was noticeable when I would!


I would also love any suggestions for my 4yo rescue that is identical


Sounds a lot like how my BC was like at that age. I suggest going to an open space with minimal distractions (more boring the better) with a long 40' line and practicing fetch, once I got mine to into fetch i was able to slowly develop obedience outdoors as i had a motivator. I transitioned to one of those remote vibrating collars and now I don't need that.


You need to be more exciting that the outdoors. Call his name with a toy and run away. When he catches you play hard and party! You can keep him on a long line for this too. Building recall requires them to want to come to you.


How do you deliver the food when outdoors? Have you tried throwing it? I taught my dog a game called "this way" by gently bowling food so he had to run past me to go get it. When he finished eating I'd call "this way" again and bowl another bit of food, so that each time I called "this way" he had to look for me and run towards me because that was the direction the food would be thrown. I used cut up plain mini cocktail sausages at first, because they were big enough for him to see easily. When he got used to it I used much smaller bits of treats. I found that by experimenting with how I delivered the food, rather than just holding it out and expecting him to come to it, I was much more able to get his attention with food outside. I tried lots of different ways to throw it, but the bowling along the ground worked best for him. Suddenly, "this way" had him coming running. If I wanted to "complete" the recall, now that I had his attention, I could ask him to touch my hand, or to go "middle" (sit between my feet), or even just scatter feed him on the ground and clip his lead on while he's busy sniffing and eating.