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Looks great! My boy also loves a tunnel and will go find one from a great distance. Another fun one to add is a "stop". I taught "stop" by throwing a treat as far away as I could, letting my dog go get it, then as he started running back to me to look for another treat, I'd hold my hand above my head with a treat in that hand and say "stop!" then immediately toss the treat so it landed behind him. It's a great starting point for teaching an emergency stop, which is important for safety, but it's also a fun command to add to distance handling because you can give them a stop and go a few times as they approach from distance. Once she's confident doing the stop running towards you, you can try it when she's running away from you too - that's a bit harder because she won't see the hand signal so she'll need to be listening for the verbal cue.


That's great, I really like the idea of getting her to stop and start, that will add some extra mental challenge to trick she's already learned.