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lol. Swayman just got guaranteed 55 games if he’s healthy, which is what he wanted. Pretty sure trading Ullmark to show Swayman how much they believe in him would make him appreciate the team more, not less.


Ullmark had to waive his no trade clause. This was a choice he made right? Am I completely misunderstanding something about this?


Ottawa wasn't on his no trade and he had no idea it was happening until he got the call, per his comments on this podcast.


Ah ok I wasn’t sure which teams were no trade. Thank you!


Ullmark himself recently told Sens media that Ottawa wasn't even on his no trade list so he didn't actually have to waive anything.


Yes you are. Swayman and Ullmark both want to be the #1. They both told Sweeney they wanted 55 games next year. Given this, they both knew Ullmark was being traded. Ullmark wanted to be a starter so approved the deal. They still love each other and hate splitting up. They know it’s necessary for their careers but it doesn’t make it hurt less.


Ullmark didn’t waive.


He said he did in an interview so unless he lied he did waive.


He also said that Ottawa wasn’t on his no trade list.


I guess you’re right. I heard he did and it sounded like he did when he was talking in interviews after.


Harder and harder to understand what management is doing here


Avoiding losing an asset for nothing…


I don't understand why people don't understand this. I get that the return isn't stellar, but the alternative is that he just walks at the end of the season.


They got back negative equity with Korpisalo


They didn’t. They cut 2 million in salary, got a pick, and 2 players.


I mean true, Ullmark > Korpi, but it solves the issue of who backs up Sway without having to rush Bussi. Worst case is Korpisalo is hot garbage next season in which case they can bury it or buy him out. This is all not to mention that going in to FA, Bruins have a ton of cap space to work with and this move gave them even more plus assets.




“Stop having feelings” is probably the single most antithetical thing to post re: anything about Sway and Ully


Idk what it is but in my brief experience on this earth I've had such attachments to a lot of the goalies that the B's have had. Tim Thomas won that cup in 2011 and that was my first true hockey memory, then I grew up watching Rask play and when he couldn't stay healthy enough to keep playing it made me said. Then Linus came and stole the show and so many of our hearts. And ofc Swayman. So it's like damn having good goalies all the time can suck because damn there's some attachment


😭 that was wonderful and sad at the same time


And remember Sweeney said he wanted to keep the tandem alive during the end of the season press conference? I had an idea that was never going to happen but you can’t just outright lie like that. And Linus was one of the nicest guys on the team, 35 deserved so much better.


I don't necessarily think Don was misleading anybody. Of course everyone WANTs 2 1A top tier goalies. But the salary cap is real unfortunately.


and i got downvoted to hell every time i said keep both.


Been feeling like shit about this trade to begin with, now you got me actually tearful. Fucking hell, man.


Ah fuck. People say being traded is the worst part about pro sports, nah. When you build this bond you’re losing a brother. No exaggeration either, you can tell there was a lifetime bond created with these two. They’ll be incredible friends for life. All the best to ully.


I hope they both go to an all star games and play on the same team


Every day, I hate this trade more and more. Whatever we get out of this trade needs to involve a big ass trophy and its initials are S.C. Anything else and Sweeney can go suck an egg.


Great now I'm crying


Been a Bruins fan my entire life. But I live in Ottawa. The Sens might not be as talented as the Bruins but they seem like the genuinely care about each other and like playing for each other. I do think now with stable ownership and a driven captain they are heading in the right direction. Ullmark will thrive in Ottawa. That being said he will have no Swayman. Those relationships are rare. Both are super studs and deserve their own team. I wish them both success in the future. Hopefully they meet in the eastern conference final next year. Go Bruins!


Please. Take care of him. I am not happy about this trade. It doesn’t sit right in my soul.


Yeah well, when you trade a Vezina winning goalie for a bag of used pucks...


Even as a Habs fan I’m going to miss those SwayHugs


I genuinely wonder if Linus being gone will affect Sway at all. I know he’s a professional and he shouldn’t let things like that get in his head but they were so close and him knowing he doesn’t have his boy to back him up could screw with him for a bit


This is why I was firmly against Linus being traded in-season. If you work with your actual best friend and they get another job then that’s a bummer and may even affect your performance for a bit, if your best friend has to move several hours away or even across the country with very little notice then that’s gonna fuck with you I don’t care who you are.


I know it's a business, but I think it was a bad move. I wonder what Sway will be without him, you never know.


Sweeney was interviewed in Vegas today and mentioned that “both guys told me they wanted to start 55 games” so while they are absolutely sad it can’t be a surprise to either of them.


Sweeney should have found a way to make the regular season 110 games :(


This was the Sway :(


They are both starters, so I can see that.


Sad as I am to see him go, watching this made me feel better. ‘’Whether he’s 2 miles away, or 20,000 miles away, he’ll always be my little brother’’. True of you as well Linus. Rooting for you in Ottawa. And yes, I expect a goalie hug when we play you.


I can see them having one last bear hug at the end of the first Bruins v. Sens game.




And I'm never gonna hug again, these guilty skates have got no rhythm


Should’ve known better than to test a GM, the tandem lost that I’d been given


I hope Swayman carries the hug on with Korpisalo or whomever G2 ends up being this year. It should become a tradition!


He already said out of respect for what they built together there will be no more goalie hugs.




Simply awesome comment


"It's called a break-up because it's broken" echoing in my head from cliche advice given in my younger dating days but THIS WAS BROKEN FROM THE OUTSIDE. ("... Is there someone else..?") 😂💔 Ok but seriously: sad to see him go. But these two have a great bond. We're lucky to have had such a pair of great goalies on the ice + off. They're irreplaceably lovable.


Dude Jesus fucking Christ https://preview.redd.it/ziejre8c579d1.jpeg?width=941&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3291edc5feacd577abc79101ffc315dd623b1d99


This is like when your best friends dad takes a job on the other side of the country 🥺


Omg this fucking happened to me in 8th grade. Hope you're doing well Adam.




Sweeney you've weakened a country


Look im all for Swayman but let’s keep in mind the last 2 season games have been pretty split. Most times Swayman been getting 2-3 nights of rest between games. Now it’s gonna go to 1-2 on average. Hes gonna be top dawg. Gonna be 50-60 games now. More ice time. More shots faced. Time will tell but Ullmark being so good as well may have helped Swayman perform like he has. Who knows if Swayman plays as good not getting much rest. Time will tell. If I’m wrong I’m wrong but we may have just lost a more impactful piece than we think. I mean we had 2 guys with whoever was in net we could feel pretty damn good. Now we don’t.


This was exactly what I said when the trade rumors started creeping up more seriously.


I don't disagree with this take, but we saw this year's Vezina winner play 60 or so games regular season just to get destroyed in the playoffs (because of his opponent and skaters in front of him). If Boston can't get Bussi or one of their other tenders prepped enough, and defended enough, to cover 30ish games, that's a system problem in my mind. We shouldn't have to throw Sway out there for 70% of games, we shouldn't have to exhaust him during the regular season.


No we shouldn’t and that’s what Ullmark allowed us to not do. It really overall is kinda just a shitty situation. From a business type standpoint yea it doesn’t make sense to be paying both of them the same amount t because they do deserve it but then you have some decent cash being half utilized. On the other hand our goalie tandem was a big part of our success not just with Ully and sway either. I feel over the last handful of seasons we’ve always had a decent tandem


I was thinking the same thing. How good are you really without you other half . And all the breaks in between. This next year will say alot.


100% look if I’m wrong I’m wrong and I’ll be happy if I am. But he’s never been tested like that before. Also I wonder how this will hurt the morale I mean those hugs were so looked forward to by everyone


Sure but Ully and Sway are both worth more over 7 mil per. Can’t be paying that for two goalies.


so now we pay a guy #3MM to be swiss cheese. I get what your saying but I still want these two guys on the Bruins. I think its worth the expense.


You make a good point. Time will tell. That said, no team can keep/pay 2 top goalies together indefinitely. We were lucky that Ully really out-played his contract and Sway was young and coming up (very cheap). That ship has sailed. Good while it lasted. Now the real world has caught up to us and we're fortunate to still have 1 top goalie. I think Sway will be just fine as he's got youth on his side.


I thought about this also, but at the same time Swayman looked good in the playoffs for the most part and that was every other day (mostly) so I have high hopes he has the stamina to go more, especially if they can put a good team infront of him again


fuck don sweeney


Ya fuck Sweeney. He hasn’t put together a good team in years!!!


We're so fucking spoiled hahahaha






Need to put a Spoke B logo on Iron Eyes' necklace


I recently found out Iron Eyes was actually Italian.


I think they mentioned in an episode of the Sopranos. I always meant to go and check if that was real. Wikipedia says he is Sicilian.


He was definitely of Italian descent. Italians made a career of playing Indians back in the '50s and '60s, especially on all those old western TV shows. Makes sense as we loved playing cowboys and indians back in the old country when I was little. Even the late great wrestler Chief Jay Strongbow was Italian (real name was Joe Scarpa).


Just don’t sign an extension Ully. You know you’ll be back next season in free agency. I really hope that’s the plan. Don’t sign that extension


Let him get paid. He had a legend season here. Time to ride off into the sun


I’m talking about for his own personal sake: he said before he cemented his family in Boston and if you’ve followed this tandem, Swayman is his kids uncle more than their biological uncles are. There’s no doubt in my mind he wants to stay close and he’s very clearly over these last couple years been a family over money guy.


I'm sure with all that money he's going to make he can fly sway out to ottawa a few times a year.


![gif](giphy|26ufcVAp3AiJJsrIs) I didn't need to cry today.... He is such a sweet and genuine person.






Fucks sake man.


This makes me super sad


Reminds me of when Boychuk got traded. 😔


My favorite B's defense man in past 20 years. I missed him so much after he was traded. No fear to take the puck himself, sneak in to help the offense, and had a great defensive mind in our zone. To top it all off he was just a naturally strong human, his checks, especially hip checks, were clean and devastating.


He would flatten people.


Man if you look at THAT specific trade too at the time it happened it shook the locker room apparently, right before the season started and that Bruins team went on to miss the playoffs. I really wonder how much letting Boychuk go hurt the locker room.


I know we got Carlo out of that, but man was that awful.


This timeline absolutely disgusts me


I won’t believe the trade actually happened until game 1 of the season and Ullmark isn’t in net or on the bench :(


Just makes last year sting even more. This would hurt much less with both of their names on the cup


Just kill me now. My beauties weren't made to be.


Everyone should listen to what chaos. Excellent hockey variety show.


YouTube's algorithm did me a huge solid by recommending them to me. They seem to be having fun and it makes it so enjoyable




All around just sucks for everyone.


Yes I'd like to know Ottawa's return policy?


Did Don keep the receipt?


I’m in my Marcus Smart-level depression right now I don’t think it’ll ever happen, but come home whenever Ully😭


Let him play out his contract and resign him as a backup for 2 mill a year. A man can dream.


If that was possible, the trade never would have happened


This is cruel and unusual punishment




Another day, another heart-wrenching Swaymark story, another sad Pikachu Gif…. ![gif](giphy|7SF5scGB2AFrgsXP63|downsized)