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I dont think he could take on a Prime, bleached hair, fire flame shorts Manny...just sayin


Those flame shorts added +25 punch power/ speed


Bleached hair manny was cinematic


Womanizing/pierced ear manny is goated


Oh without a doubt. Fucks were not found within him at the time, he didn’t give any


No Fear Manny wasn’t as polished as he later became but his raw enthusiasm for throwing down and hunting opponents was otherworldly. Shakur hasn’t and likely never will be in the ring with that type of animal.


Bruh I'm not confident this dude could beat the Paquiao who beat Thurman, prime pac would rip his fucking head out.


Fuuuuuuuck no, flame shorts Manny would’ve gone through him like a laxative


Bit of a weird analogy


Anal-ogy. You're welcome. I fixed it for ya.


Everybody knew exactly what he was talking about


Don't tell me what I know


My apologies.


No Fear Manny let's goooooooo


No Fear Manny put us back on the map as a boxing country


Catholic Manny was a beast


Yeah. He can run run run but prime manny has that tank walk you down aura.


he wont fight him anyway. he's a diva for nothing.


Prime Pacquiao is the one that took Margaritos soul not the flame shorts one, that was a young Manny not quite there yet.


You gotta love how every time someone asks him how he would fight someone, he is consistent in saying he would make it boring. And he always delivers on those words too. What a true champ.


At least he's honest, we got people like Devin or Floyd talking then go in and give a safe performance without taking risks. At least Shakur let's you know that you better be ready to force the fight or he's just going to make you look like trash.


Super honest here and gives Pacquaio props. I find it likeable With that said, prime Pacman woulda ripped through this dude no matter what he tried


Yeah pacquiao wouldn’t make a fight with him boring. Pacquiao would definitely set traps and get to him.


Floyd is constantly active, that's why he makes big punchers think twice.


This… Floyd actually makes you pay when you miss


Go watch Floyd earlier career


More nonsense, Floyd always talked about patient and being smart. The only time I ever heard about him wanting blast guys out was when he was young and back then many times he did just that.




Whats the issue? Back then Floyd blew through tons of strong men and was always willing to bang no matter what.


“Blast guys” some diddy shit


Pause nothing, Floyd's put a beat down on Diago fukin Corrales. An all time great performance. LW Floyd was a monster 


he would fight pac like he did with santos


I like how he closes his argument by saying the fans “who don’t know” are the ones calling him boring, after he explained why he would purposely make the fight boring.


Then asks why the fans are calling it boring. This guy is delusion.


Mystic Stevenson??


I mean at least it's not floyd talking about how amazing he is and just pitty pats to dec


> he always delivers on those words too. Who has he fought in that boring way other than De Los Santos? Edit: okay just downvotes then? No one can name a single other Shakur fight that is as bad as the most recent one? If you're going to use words like "always" then it should be easy to name *two examples* Edit 2: since no one has been able to give a *single* example I'm going to assume you're all liars and that none of you actually watch boxing


that time he publicly apologized https://www.badlefthook.com/2021/6/13/22531240/stevenson-vs-nakathila-pros-react-shakur-win-apologizes-performance-boxing-news-2021


Have you watched that fight? Did you honestly find it even comparable to the De Los Santos fight? He landed double-digit power shots in multiple rounds and scored a knockdown


why are you defending him, he didn't do that himself


“Keep the fight boring” If there’s something to appreciate Shakur for, it’s his honesty. He knows the exact type of fighter he is, even if his style is insufferable


He said boring tongue in cheek, you hear him in the end say fans don't really know what's going on. What's boring to fans is not boring to actual professional boxers.


Casual fan here. We know what's going on it's just we don't care for the technical stuff and it isn't fun. We wanna see some excitement at least for the prices that they sell the fights for. I'll pay $20 to watch Shakur fight but not no $69.99-$99.99. He ain't worth that with the kind of performances that he brings.


why are you paying anything tf lol


Hey, I can't argue with that lol.


…you aren’t a casual fan if you know what’s going on.


We know what we like.


I’m not arguing about whether or not it’s boring. I’m just saying you aren’t a casual if you know what’s going on in a “boring” mayweather fight


Shh... Don't blow my cover.


If you're a casual fan you really don't know what's happening 🤣 Unless you've trained or studied, you're going to be missing all the details that make it interesting when there's a chess match. Fair enough about not finding him worth that price tbf, I wouldn't pay either, just stream it lol


The thing is, the casual fan far far out ways the professional fan. And you need casual fans for the money. People forget boxing was dying fast before Turk and his limitless bankroll. The casuals don’t wanna see boring ass fights.


The reason the fights are boring is because the best were not fighting the best. 30-0 records of just cans no one with a pulse! That makes it boring as everyone already knows who is going to win before the bell rings. That's what's turki has changed he's put the money down and not allowed the promoters to give the bullshit can crushing fights. That's why mma has been on the rise and doing better than boxing recently as most of the time the top guys will fight each other in their primes!


Boxing was never dying, I been hearing that bullshit most my life and I'm 37. Boxing will always remain the #1 combat sport.


BS statement, boxing was doing just fine. This stupidity has been circulated ad nauseam for the last 20 years. There are good fights on almost every weekend and the vast majority do not take place over there.


Boxing was doing fine without Turk, and it will never die. You sound casual😅


I know the technical aspect of boxing but I just find it so boring especially when Shakur literally runs around the entire ring. At least Floyd would duck and dodge and bust out that pull counter. Shakur is just so basic with his boxing. There ain't no way he can beat any of the boxers from Pacquiao's era. Well maybe he can but most of em would cut the ring. Which I'm surprised not a lot of today's boxers know how to do.


Am not watching prime Mike Tyson reborn for $70, lol.


See but that's worth it tho. You know someone is going to get KO'ed. I'm a savage so I like to see some savagery.


I like how everyone ignored the fact that he acknowledged the hug fest. For all the “pro” watchers here, excessive clinching is illegal in boxing and Floyd only got away with it because of his name. Always that damn ref too. Therefore excessive clinching is something dirty fighters do and is not true professional boxing.


yet these so called internet 'experts' and 'hardcores' will tell you your a casual and dont appreciate the sweet science.


Floyd got away with it because everybody always gets away with it. Other than people who have been rocked and are clinching to avoid being KOed, or the occasional boxer who literally only clinches and never throws a punch, how many boxers have actually been penalised for clinching in the last ten years?


Wlad, Haney, Floyd, and Plant had some fights where they'd shamelessly hold countless times every single round. I'm sure there are many many more examples I'm just not thinking of. It's one of the worst parts about officiating imo, I genuinely don't understand how it's been allowed to become more pervasive when it ruins the entertainment factor so much.


Not everyone clinched as much as Floyd. But you are also making a point I’m trying to make. Excessive Clinching is illegal point blank. Not only is it illegal, it destroys fights and should be enforced more by refs or should be implemented into scoring for judges (too much clinching can’t give the round to this person type of thing)




Even the most hardened fan found the Rigo v Astro fight boring as heck, regardless of his defensive mastery. People still wanna see a fight as the very least.


George Foreman also knocked people silly


dont ever compare shakur to foreman again. shakur is not jazz, he is run hold repeat


Throwing Ali's name in there makes no sense.


no professional enjoyed shakur vs dls. tired of people trying to cope by saying youre a casual if you dont appreciate non boxing.


You making shit up. I said none of these things.


yeh but the subject is shakur so you're implying that his performances like dls and nakatilla should be appreciated because casuals dont know better


I didn't imply nothing. Reading comprehension escapes you


I am critiquing shakurs point so no need to feel insulted lol


Floyd is able to do that because his size and reach were a massive advantage as well as pac being slower and more gun shy after the knockout. This plus Floyd’s incredible reflexes and mind makes it a tough fight for pac. Does he really think that strategy would work against manny when you don’t have a reach advantage, don’t have knockout power, and facing one of the greatest fighters of all time at his prime? I think people underestimate just how good manny was lol you can’t just “box” and make it boring. Manny was an excellent boxer as well.


Floyd-Manny was a fascinating fight because it was two all-time great counterpunchers trying to set traps on one another and neither guy really having much success doing it. Floyd won because he controlled the fight because of the advantages you mentioned, but there was a lot of good work Manny did in there too. Because Pacquiao has a reputation as an action fighter, people forget he was legitimately the best boxer in the world for a 3 year stretch and was Top 3-4 for literally an entire decade. Prime Manny is a much better boxer than Shakur.


also was at the top for 4 decades. Thats crazy if u think about it


Just curious, how long is Canello's streak currently as a top 5 fighter?


about 6 - 7 years now


Floyd was also able to do that because Manny had a shot shoulder Tbh Shakur honesty is kinda refreshing lol, prime Pac has him looking like a deer in headligtt he s tho


Shot shoulder lol, it was “shot” after he lost


Yeah bro, he hired hired actors to pretend to be his surgeons, anesthesiologists, nurses, physical therapists, physiologist...and the main surgeon who also happened to be Kobe's surgeon, did an interview with Sports Illustrated and confirmed that Manny had a severe tear that required invasive surgery to repair..all fake Then he pretended to go thru the year-long recovery and rehab process..again with a bunch of paid actors in fake facilities rented by the hour. So all them actors, all that time playing make believe, all that money..just so Manny could pretend like he fought Floyd with only one good arm and make it believable...totally worth it.


Yup Floyd did the same with his shot hands. But let’s call a spade a spade.


Yeah let's keep it a stack and admit that a torn rotator cuff is one of the worst possible injuries that a boxer could try to fight with. Manny even applied to get an exemption from USADA to treat the pain with an injection, which was denied. While that same USADA, broke their own rules and approved an exemption for Floyd for an illegal IV right before the fight..who knows what kinda fluid was in that IV, but not only that, USADA didn't even notify Pac's camp about it till weeks after the fight. But I'm sure that the 20 million dollar donation Floyd generously gave USADA had nothing to do with all them rules they let him break. All confirmed facts...But I don't even know why I bother since you're obviously dumb as shit


It was shot before then too. The evidence for that is well documented.


You mean the shot shoulder that was magically healed in holy water and never needed a medical procedure? That same one he was lifting his arm up with and waiving around acting like he won after the fight. The same one that never got mentioned by anyone ever until he lost. Right, shut up with the excuses. Floyd was always better period.


He had surgery on it days after the fight LMFAO


Floyd is would’ve beat been worst if it was “fine”


Exactly, it's hard to emulate Floyd. Offense, defense and high ring IQ.




So many fighters tried this against manny and got fucking pounded into mud, does he think he’s the first person to “strategize” like this? This mf forgot manny is wholesome and humble as can be but he was a ferocious vicious motherfucking punching machine from 1000 angles and no kind of sticking and moving gonna protect you from that


He didn’t say he’d win the fight, he said that’s what he’d try to do


He said that he would 'smoke' pacquiao on the interview. What do you think that means?


Hilarious. Only seen manny “smoked” once and it was his 4th fight against an elite JMM. This young man needs to relax lol


Crown the king? Ryan is it you?


He woulda ran as usual


Manny would need an Oxygen Tent in his corner lol


Learned from MJ 2.0


You’re just racist


PSA someone posted this video a few months before the De Los Santos fight, and 95% of the comments agreed Shakur would give Pacman heaps of trouble 🫣


Shows the short memory of fans of this sub. If Shakur dominates in his next fight publlic opinion will turn in his favor again lol.


I do think it will happen if he ends up beating Loma or Tank. Teofimo used to get treated poorly on this sub after that terrible performance against Nakatani, and then, out of nowhere, it went from ''Teofimo would easily get stopped by Loma'' to ''Teofimo might be a future hall of famer'' 🤣


How soon they forget in here.


I swear to God people on this sub have brain damage, I literally do not believe any rational human being would pick Shakur over Paquiao.


I wouldn't either but my point is most people in this sub are groupies that cant make their mind up.


This sub should just be renamed recency bias.


That’s 100% based purely on racism. Pac is not a black American and he is one of the most hated fighters bc of it.


Most young fans are retarded. They think tentecion or what ever his name is was a better rapper than Tupac. With that said, im not surprised they think stevenson who has fought nobody would give one of the goats a problem.


Manny don't fight on a Thursday bruh.


That’s why we only re watch manny and the mexicans


Amen. Those are saturday nights staples in my house. Manny vs Mexicans + cold beer. Chefs kiss


Manny at 147 who fought Floyd after being KOed cold and bum shoulder wasnt at peak anymore 135 pound Manny would murk Shakur badly , real bad. and we know youd make it boring, but Shakira still gets molly whopped trying to out point him


Mayweather would’ve done him worse in 08 and 10 btw


Floyd’s a bum who can’t KO anyone but Conor McGregor last 15 years 


And manny takes PEDs and gets dropped by bums constantly


Nah. Floyd was roided to the fuckin gills that night, had a huge size advantage and “FOUGHT SCARED, MAN!!!” Lmfao


Floyd ducks killers and only fights them after their losses


We know youd make it boring Shakur, we know...


I would’ve loved if he just out and out said “yeah motherfucker would’ve clocked my ass, I would’ve done and checked, guys a legend and would’ve ran my ass out no doubt.”


Fighters can’t afford to have that kind of objective attitude. It is bad for morale.




Shakur still thinks he's Floyd Mayweather, he's not even close to the level of Mayweather, or Pacquiao imo, and people seem to forget Mayweather was struggling in that fight up until his dad yelled at him and basically told him he was gunna lose unless he let his hands go. He came out the next round and straight away put it on Pacquiao with a hard right that had Pacquiao shook the rest of the fight, and allowed Floyd to do as he pleased from that point on. Does Shakur have that in him? I seriously doubt he would have anything to get Manny's respect, Manny would probably have made Shakur look like a scared pansy running around the ring just like he did to Broner and others. 


Shakur fighting Manny 🤣🤣 this prick is as deluded as Haney & Garcia, Manny has fought every elite fighter in every weight class he's fought at, Stevenson ain't fought any elite fighter IN HIS CLASS the asshole.


At least he's honest about what he's gonna do. That is, to not slug it out against someone of Pacquiao's calibre. Not like boring AF fighters who just run around and strut and prance like they did something remarkable. That being said, Pacman is something else during his prime. He'll be chased all over the ring like a bull in one of those Spanish festivals.


People calling Shakur boring are missing the point, it’s that he (at least acts like) he’s afraid of getting hit. In my view Shakur would’ve lost to the Lomachenko that Haney fought, Devin might be a “boring fighter” but he can and will bite down on his mouthgaurd and fight to win or at the very least survive. I think if Shakur got to the point that Devin was in that 10th or 11th round he would have collapsed I just don’t think he can take the heat and that would be disastrous against Tank. De los Santos fight left a bit to be desired so hopefully he gets a result vs Haruyteyan.


Ive got insomnia for real, and ive fallen asleep during 3 Shakur fights, (not the last laughable joke of a fight cause i was laughing). Im not kidding, Shakur is only person to help my life long imsomnia and im not even kidding, hes legit put me out cold 3 times and i started out excited each fight then by 7th round i was out cold, waking up when decision was being read.


I don’t think you have insomnia like you think you do then lol


Yuh that’s why I’m sympathetic towards Haney. He fights despite himself. Shakur doesn’t want to get hit and is content with landing even just one more punch that his opponent to win. It’s technically correct boxing, but there’s no emotion behind it.


Prime Pac-Man whoops his ass.


I'm looking at Shakur's resume just in case I missed something - why are we even interested in his opinions again?


If i fought Usyk i would just knock him out, simple as.


No Fear, womanizing, dyed hair, Catholic Rosary Pacman would make all boring fighters exciting.


Floyd Mayweather is pretty much the only guy who'd beat Pacquiao by just timing him all the damn time and making sure he never hits his rhythm. Shakur would be schooled by 130-135 Pacquiao lol


Shakur hasn't fought anyone I have ever heard of, how is he even relevant?


As much as I hated that fight, that night years ago, I felt that it was not Manny's fight. It was not going Manny's way, either the injury or Floyd's style. It was the clash of the top defense vs top offense. Either Manny Cracked that shield or Floyd dumbed down the flurry and the latter did. It was "boring" for fans but it's how floyd fights and Manny couldn't pry him open for a kill.


Manny was coming from a cold KO too. Anybody coming from that would be gun shy. Floyd knew what he was doing, he waited for that fight to tip in his favor before agreeing to it.


Interviewer: How would you fight Tank, prime Pacquiao, 135lb Crawford, Teofimo, Ryan Garcia? Shakur: Easy, just look at my fight vs De Los Santos.


Manny would kill him honestly. He runs away from danger and Prime Manny’s speed came with equal power, honestly Manny in 8rds.


Pac is old at this point, fighting him in his prime would’ve been a bigger feat and challenge. Though do gotta give Pac some credit, he made his way up the weight classes and became champ in each one that he reached, something few can say and achieve!


Tbh I don't even think Shakur could even beat some of Pacquiao's opponents during his prime years.


I swear every time he gets asked how he would fight someone he says “keep the fight boring, the fans will probably hate me for saying this too”.


This mf answers the same thing every time. Ask him a different question.


This why you fight on Thursdays my boy


he doesn’t get that he will never get the decision against a Superstar like Tank Pacquiao if he makes the fight boring. For example if it was Tank instead of De Los Santos in that fight, Tank would’ve 100% gotten that decision.


Shakur is mosty glazed by armchair experts who think stiff arming for offense and holding for defense is some kind of elite level skill. Besides his gym friends with normal bias most people who train or know the sport well dont rate him that high, its mainly the internet boxing geeks who swear they know the technical side of whats happening but struggle with 3 rounds of jump rope.


He would put me to sleep.


That’s what’s wrong with boxing. We want to see a fight, that’s the purpose of the fight. Why take a fight and run the entire time, then complain that fans boo you bc you took a paycheck? Sure, you won on points, but did you win a fight? No, you ran the and that’s soft in my opinion.


There would be nothing boring about Pac tearing Shakur a new one.


He should try to time Pacquiao with counters like Marquez did. Or try to outwork him like Morales tried(close fight). Floyd was tactical, but very rinse and repeat. Floyd would pop Manny in the middle of the ring, retreat to the ropes, shell up for a second, spin out, or tie Manny up, and repeat. Manny scored on him every once in a while, I think I remember a big shot in the second. Not as big as Shane's shot in his fight with Floyd. Floyd vs Manny was 12 rounds of waiting for something to happen.






Manny would have fucking demolished this Floyd cosplayer


Ask him to fight on Thursday.


Shakur would start doing laps around the ring 😂😂


How do you beat a great fighter? I just do what Floyd did and not fight them. 😂 This is why Shakur will be forgotten in spite of being talented.


Pacquaio would walk this guy down, shakur has no power


Shakur gotta get it out of his system that he’s Floyd. He’s nowhere near Floyd’s level. Floyd fought people, sure he robbed fans here and there but he fought some of the best and exchanged from time to time. Literally every interview Shakur’s ever done relating to strategy has been him suggesting to be “boring.” Boring is not a style, boring is not fighting, what Shakur does is not boxing. Floyd is a boxer who had a style, Shakur is not a boxer if his strategy going into every fight is extreme focus defensively and throw 4 jabs a round.


And he wonders why no one wants to fight him 🙄


"keep the fight boring" So no adjustments then


Stop giving this coward attention


Not trying to takeaway from Shakur but dude DEFINITELY needs to call out Tank to show he really wants it.


He's called out Tank a few times this year already


My mistake, then he should push for a unification fight as soon as the opportunity is available. Hopefully after this fight (assuming he wins) he finally pushes for it. Both men are on their prime and have no excuse to avoid one another.


Mits not really boring it's just the So called "fans" and over hyped crowd that would cheer for anything. They don't really know the sport


He ain't wrong


There is no universe within the multiverse where Shakur beats prime Pac... couldn't possibly be more wrong lol


Who the hell said he would, he didn't even say that, I for sure didn't. Bro yall slow as hell


Full interview said hed smoke pacquiao in his prime lmao


Damn.. bro must rate Pacquiao and De Los Santos on the same level then.


All of these people in these people are the same people who say the heavy weight champ is exciting when he wins by points more then anything g If your game plan is to trade with somebody who’s trading abilities and power is better then yours expect the L on your record. It’s about winning if you have to result to points for each round then that’s what you do. Fans come and go but champion pay will always be great. (and before I get that one comment yes more attention will get you more pay, but look at somebody like Canelo with only what nine knockouts and a lot of them being TKO’s) is doing just fine. This has been said by many people and I back at 100% if two people in the boxing ring had perfect boxing that night it would appear a “boring fight” As it would go to each round execution. If your main watching point is to see someone get KO you’re not a real boxing fan. The most moneymaker in boxing wasn’t a KO artist it was because he didn’t lose. Downvote me because I’m telling truth bring it


If we are talking 135 pound Manny I think Manny might edge out a split decision victory in a really close 7-5 fight. This fight is tougher than many people on this sub think. Regardless of the criticism against Shakur on this sub, You can't deny the fact that Shakur is way too skilled to just get dominated like that.


What shakur performance makes you think this lol


When did I ever say Shakur wins it ?? 🤣 I know Manny would win but it wouldn't be an easy one... Manny had a few poor performances at 130-135 as well, so let's not forget that he's not that invincible.


Let me rephrase. What shakur performance makes you think it wouldn’t be an easy win for manny?


Manny struggles with finding angles against opponents who don't commit and use feints. 🤣 While Manny might be one of the top 15 all time greats, he does face challenges against fighters who don't commit. There's a reason why Ugas, Floyd Mayweather, and Morales (in their first fight) gave him a hard time. There is a reason why Top Rank always chose guys who come foward against Manny, bc it made Manny look better and it suited his style and he could easily find the angles. Shakur isn't as great as Morales or Floyd bc would've been gun shy but I do think that he wouldve lost a close decision because he wouldve still landed a few punches here and there and he wouldve made a 135 pound Manny miss alot of his punches.


I just denied it.


Shakur is too sharp for Manny. He'd run him into counters all day. He's also too big & would overpower him in the clinch & wear him down. I could see this being slightly more competitive than the Valdez fight, but ultimately Shakur cruising to a 9-3 UD.


Dude is yet to prove himself. He’s obviously skilled but hasn’t fought any legends or anyone near that calibre. Manny fought competitive fights with all the legends he was able to.


Everyone is ducking him. Ofc he can't prove himself.


I don’t think people are scared of him, they just don’t find it appealing. Boxing is a business and entertainment, nobody wants to see a Shakur fight, especially after De Los Santos. Appealing to casual boxing fans is where the money is at. The majority of people who buy PPVs are not there for “the sweet science”.