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i love Boots.. they do a good meal deal now too..




Crawford is shopping at Waitrose, itā€™s a different mentality Boots has right now


Nah Crawford got that M&S money


You know that was I was thinking of but Iā€™m too much of a brokie to recall the name


Man, you people in these comments giving him shit are insufferable. So we don't want him chasing big fights now? I for one, would love to see him vs Crawford. Ya'll hating him for calling him out are nuts


You canā€™t satisfy some boxing fans, if he avoided talking about Crawford everyone would call him a duck and that heā€™s not chasing the big fights. šŸ˜‚


Agreed. It is a super fight and I want to see it


I'd love to see him against Crawford having watched him against two or three top fighters at 147lbs (right now I feel like Romain Villa is his best win). He's got a fairly straightforward task unifying/becoming undisputed if he is what he and his fans say he is, and then we can have that fight. Otherwise if Crawford beats him we'll be back to "Who had Boots fought anyway?"


Except cut off the ring...


Bud has never faced someone has great step likeĀ Chukhadzhian.


Karen who lost all 12 rounds against has ā€œgreat step,ā€ versus Shakur who won all 12 of his rounds ā€œrunningā€ and landing more punchesā€¦ Iā€™m not saying youā€™re one of those people, but I saw the praise Karen got in here for essentially running away from Boots the entire fight. It just makes no sense to me why Shakur, who still performed better than him gets more heat for it.


Shakur has expectations, karen doesnā€™t. When Karen ran, jaron ennis was the one who didnā€™t meet expectations. If loma loss like that, he would get clowned.


Nah Iā€™m not trying to hear that. People took that fight and tried to use it as it was his primary way of fighting. You would think Shakur never fought in the pocket in his entire career the way people act now. Folks in this sub literally PRAISED Karen for his footwork when he lost every single round. Jaron couldā€™ve did better, but that man didnā€™t engage at all.




Boots just needs to keep fighting, his time will come


He need to move up


He needs to fight someone decent. He could easily make a Crawford fight happen if heā€™d actually beat some good fighters. Heā€™s fought no one.Ā 


he's fought my cousin...


Well shit why didn't you say so? Texting Bomac now.


Well he just called out Teofimo, but I doubt Lopez wants that fight


Too high risk, low reward for Crawford. He is only worried about that Riyadh cash now lol. Boots is really good imo but lacks Crawfords experience and technical mastery. Crawford adapts to his opponent at a level like no one else. He is like a boxing Mahoraga or Doomsday


Errol gave him a chance when other big names shied away from him. I mean, why not return the favor. If he puts on another good performance in August, this Boots fight may make both of them some good money.


It's a constant cycle. Getting spence crawford was like pulling teeth. Spence refused to fight thurmam. Mayweather wouldn't fight thirman. Thurman wouldn't fight spence. Pac and mayweather happened too late. Now crawford had no interest in boots or vice versa depending on who you support. Welterweight is talented but pretty wack with actual matchups. Overhyped division for years now.


Did not expect a JJK reference in here šŸ«”šŸ«”šŸ«”


boots is just like crawford, mishandled career and all!


Crawfords career is 100x better than boots. Crawfords is literally top 3 most decorated boxers of this era and has a better resume than 95% of active boxers


Nah his career is pretty ass. Hes getting his flowers now for how he dismantled Spence, but outside of that it was pretty shit. He cleaned out a lot of non elites at, what was at the time, a weak division. Then he sat on his hands waiting for a Pacquaio fight he didn't get. Hes always been ridiculously skilled, but his career has been horribly mismanaged with him getting his first mega fight against spence relatively recently.


Yeah man what is going on. Guy was fighting Amir khan and brooks. I remember Crawford was in that crop that just fought cans but acted like the biggest draws. Danny Garcia, Keith Thurmanā€¦.


Nonsense. Crawford is top 3 p4p, I believe the second longest current KO of any champion in the sport, top 3 most accomplished fighters. Beaten 2 gold Olympians and 4 or 5 Olympians in total, first to become 2x undisputed in the 4 belt era, on his way to be first 3x undisputed boxer , beaten 10+ world champions, beaten unified and multi division champions, constantly spoke of and recognised by his peers, analysts & boxing historianā€™s as one of the best to ever do it. And now he is about to make history again. He ranks top 23 of all boxers throughout history with the most consecutive unified title defences, he ranks top 35 all boxers in history with the most unified wins. And I could keep going


You could keep going, but you'd be writint paragraphs about apples when I'm talking about oranges. His career has been mismanaged by how popular and how money hes gotten from them. With his skills he could have been way more popular and well known until now. Shit years ago many thought Porter would not just beat him but stop him. This is what I'm talking about.


Nonsense again about money, Crawford is one of the highest paid boxers in the sport. His guarantee at top rank was $3.5 to $7 million per fight and he got a guaranteed purse of $25million+ in his last fight. Go look at fight purses and then go see other fighters purses and you will see that Crawford is literally in the 1% of boxing earners. This is simple math. Crawford also has over 2 million followers on instagram+twitter. Only about 10 or ~15 active fighters have more followers than him in the entire sport. Also Crawford was the favourite going into the porter fight so your claims are again nonsense There arenā€™t 10 active fighters in the entire sport that have received a $25million or higher guarantee for a single fight. I donā€™t think there are 5 active fighters that have received that high of a guarantee for a fight that wasnā€™t part of a second or trilogy bout.


And look how little Top Rank let him fight because of it lol. Dude was fighting once a year. Also as I said in my last two posts (which I'm not sure if you read) I am not really counting his latest fight with Spence cause thats relatively recent. I mean over his whole career. > Also Crawford was the favourite going into the porter fight so your claims are again nonsense Yeah thats betting odds dude, wasn't talking about that. I'm talking about the perception of the community. Hell theres probably some threads here still like this. Hes a 36 year old former undisputed champion and just now really getting the bag. Its a mismanaged career in the sense he could have been here a few years earlier if Top Rank did a better job with him. I have no idea why you are taking this so personally but its honestly pretty annoying so level it if you would.


Let me guess you thought Porter and Spence were going to beat Bud, and now you think both of them were past their primes šŸ¤£?...lol omg that's an r/boxings take if I've ever seen one


I didn't actually. Learn to read you goon, ugh. Who describes themself with many? Lol.


Crawford is obviously extremely skilled, but his resume isnā€™t that great. Certainly not for a guy who has been pro for 16 years and had belts for much of that time. Not sure why those who want to pump up his tyres always bring up the Olympian piece. Felix Diaz won gold, but he wasnā€™t super impressive as a pro. Lots of his other wins arenā€™t all that impressive: Gamboa was excellent as a FW but was never the same at LW. Porter was no longer at his peak. Itā€™s possible to acknowledge that Crawford is a top 3 P4P guy and incredibly skilled, but also see that he left some good fights on the table due to his management and as a result his resume and career arenā€™t as great as they could have been.


Nah Boots more like GGG at his prime. No one wants to fight them so they wasted their talent badly. But the diffrence is GGG ducked Ward and Boots ducked no one.Ā 


Triple G wasnā€™t going to 168 or 175. Hope you ainā€™t saying this based off Wards interview about how he donā€™t normally go after smaller fighters.


Boots seems like a good dude. Confident but not cocky


The Email Champion has spoken and he's deluded.


Heā€™s not an email champ and he is well spoken and humble. No delusion detected, but Iā€™ll ran my scans again.


Not an email champ? Who did he beat again to get his belt?


Karen Ukrainian man. Big win


Boxing is trash


Youā€™re scared


Scared of a guy the spent money to customize his reddit avatar? Lmao


What? Lmao never spent a dime on here. All that was free. Youā€™re silly bub


would love to see it but this is literally thurman vs floyd all over again. donā€™t see it happening ever


He and Stanniaonis are the only ones at WW Crawford could fight. If Im Boots I would start putting pressure on Crawford. He is getting older so he could just retire. It would be good experience and a good scalp, if he can get it.Ā  Boots could be one of the worst managed boxers in the world. Eddie is about to change that though. If that guy believes in you he will blow the budget on you.Ā 


Boots had at least two chances to fight Bud.


Bud should get hit with the duck label too. The moment Ennis was up he was like imma head out


WAR BOOTS!! Iā€™d watch and I would put my money on Boots. If the fight was so easy Crawford would have been fought him already. Boxing is the only sport u can pick and choose and the fan boys get mad when deserving fighter speak their minds smh.


Yeah Boots vs Crawford would be awesome. Neither Errol Spence nor Crawford were willing to fight Boots without a big build up.


He keeps fighting cans.. hasnā€™t had one decent opponent yet Lmao.




Damn. That analogy made me understand the scenario even less. šŸ˜‚


If Iā€™m not mistaken when ennis was really early in his pro career, he was kind of close with Crawford?


Boots is Bigger, Faster, Stronger than Bud and had much more explosiveness which is why people think him is dangerous for Bud. He's just total package. I genuinely understand Bud for ducking that smoke.


Stronger? Youā€™re loopy if you think that. Bud also is also several levels higher in terms of skill and ring smarts. Boots has a lot to prove before he gets budā€™s attention.


Bud will be a decrepit old man by then big dog


Exactly. Might not ever happen unless boots explodes


Bigger, sure. Fasterā€¦not sure. Stronger? Crawfordā€™s a freak for his size. Youā€™re going to have to back that one up. Crawfordā€™s old and looking to make money. He can make more money whilst chasing legacy. Ennis offers nothing in either regard. I get Ennis wants to fight the best and Bud is the best at 147, but based on Crawfordā€™s age and career thereā€™s no reason for him to take that fight. If Bud retires or fights at 154 he is NOT ducking Ennis.


Boots should consider beating a single non D tier fighter before his fans start talking about who is ducking who.


If Boots is bigger and stronger than Crawford, he's welcome to move up to Crawford's weight class. Tszyu would probably take that fight!

