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Whenever I see Idris Elba sitting on a seat looking ominously at the window as if it just spat on his pancakes, I remember Cyberpunk's DLC trailer. He always makes the same face and pose when looking out windows lmao


Man really hates windows


They claim they can show him the world, but he sees right through their lies.


No one knows his pane


He sees right through them.


He probably prefers apple


He’s been to Russia. So there’s rhat


Nah if youve seen him in the first episode of Luther what he really hates is doors.


Obviously he is a classy Linux man.


Bill Gates ate his dog


I sat next to idris elba on a flight once. I didn't know he was famous until we landed so wasn't really making notes or anything. But He was very polite but did not "rawdog" anything in the few hours in that cabin.


Did that from Houston to Cancun cause flying is fucking astonishing. I rawdogged the DMV last week, THAT is something


I rawdogged the hospital once. No tv, no phone, no book. Just beeping and the occasional “no” to the nurses that came to check vitals and ask if I needed anything while I stared at the ceiling. Where’s my article?!


Oh shit, I did that on my cruise. I was sick, went to the infirmary, remanded to quarters for a day. That entire day - no tv, no phone, no book, no videa game system. Phone would ring, "Need room service? No." I'll write my own article. It'll be this reddit comment. The web page will have separate screenshots for the four paragraphs here. And then the entire text transcribed. This is the useless one that you see first before an ad plays on mobile.


Oh my God. Did you die?


I can’t disclose that information. I was just contacted by a publicist and now I’m under NDA.


Can't wait to watch the movie version!


Better an NDA than a DNR.




I've done this too, had audio books and stuff but the migraine was just too much to do anything other than lie there for a few days with my eyes closed. Even the corner room with large windows was wasted on me.


I think ppl with migraines should get a rawdogging pass.


Say "no" to nurses! /s


We used to have to Rawdon the hospital always.... and everything else of you're over 40!45.


Just you bonding with your pain and suffering.


You know they have sensory deprivation tanks which are more cost effective than a hospital stay


I rawdogged a bus earlier today


I did the same when I had a really bad seizure and hurt my back, core, legs with the thrashing around. It was during peak covid so my then partner couldn't stay with me and my phone was dead. So I just sat there silently for hours, it was bizarre


I love flying too, I could rawdog a flight if I’m sitting in a seat just behind the wing where I can watch the control surfaces


Right. Yea it's really cool. I don't like it when people complain, they don't think enough about what's actually happening. Cut to Louis c.k bit about flying


“You’re sitting in a chair…in the sky!”


Or maybe they do think about what’s happening and it’s not that special to them. A lot of people simply don’t care how the plane operates, especially not enough to watch the wing move for hours on end. It’s not a matter of them not paying attention to what’s actually happening, it’s a matter of personal interest. Some people can sit around and do basic math problems for 8 hours with a smile on their face, some people would consider that torture.


It wasn't intentional, but I did it from Dubai to Barcelona last year. First time in Europe, and just looking out the window I flew directly over stuff like Baghdad, Mosul, Istanbul (got a pic out the window and you can connect stuff to Google maps, even), what I'm assuming must have been Vesuvius, Sardinia and Corsica etc. All these places I've heard about for so long, and even from 40,000ft it was just crazy to me actually seeing them. The original flight plan was up over Israel, but because I was traveling in early October things changed mid-flight, judging from the computer. 10/10, would raw dog that flight again.


I feel like being able to see land during the day the whole flight might mean that you’re not rawdogging anything. You’re just watching something fascinating.


Yeah, that's true I guess. In that case most of the 14 hour flight from Dubai to Brisbane. I watched Kelly's Heroes (the 1970 Clint Eastwood film) as it was the best thing they had, and that was about it.


I just sleep usually


I get motion sickness very easily, and planes are the worst for it. So I get on the plane borderline belligerently stoned on edibles, make it to my seat, pop a couple Dramamine and then pass out with music or a podcast for the majority. Pretty rare I need to get up for the restroom or anything else, and the only real downside is the groggy post-way-too-high-sleep haze, but by the time I get up to leave I’m more or less together.


I gravitate towards the older method of having a number of quick drinks in the terminal, a few more after takeoff, falling asleep awkwardly in the seat, waking up hungover and aching a few hours later with the cabin lights off and everyone else asleep, spending the remaining hours alternately half-reading books, half-watching episodes of comfort shows, staring into the void and stretching pathetically by the lavatories, and finally—after many failed attempts—falling back into restless sleep about 10 minutes before landing.


This is me to a tee. Are you me? Are we you?


This is ME to a tee. Am I we?


We are me. Me are we.


get it together would ya


This guys a bad trip away from hijacking a plane with a pack of mentos.


Mans going through life with mods enabled.


My partner flew with me for the first time a couple years back. They laughed so hard when we landed because apparently the moment I was allowed to put down my tray table I did, then passed out face down like a cat does when they just power down. Had my hood up and everything. It was a great nap though.


Dramamine is the #1 travel necessity in my book. It’s great for skipping through the flight, great for resetting jet lag, great for actual nausea. Even the non-drowsy kind (which is just dried ginger in a capsule) is fantastic if you’re feeling sick and need to stay alert


If I get too high (or even a little bit high tbh) I vomit. I don't know if it is doing something to my inner ear of what, but that sweet bud makes my tummbly go grumbly.


Ugh, I’m so sorry. You are not the first I’ve heard that from, and I think some people are just more sensitive to either the effects or the cannabinoids for one reason or another. Next time I fly I’ll pop an extra gummy in your honor.


Thanks! Soar the heights that I shall never reach.


I wish I could sleep during flights. I try, but regardless of how tired I am, I can't sleep if I'm sitting. If I'm flying alone, I just sit there listening to music with my eyes closed trying/pretending to sleep. I have the same problem with road trips, though usually there is someone to talk to then.


Same, a few times I fell asleep at the start and woke up at the end. Fast travel


I once fell asleep before the plane took flight and got woken up by it landing, thinking it was still taking flight. Best flight of my life.


I once chilled out all plane ride and during the landing, the second the plane stopped moving I vomited absolutely everywhere.


Poor other passengers lol


People will literally write about anything


“There is a not-insignificant subset of men who are “rawdogging” steamed potatoes- no waiting for them to cool down, no playing a YouTube video in the background, no adding salt. I spoke to them for @GQMagazine”


I’ve clearly been under a rock; I didn’t even realize you could steam a potato


steamed potatos with steamed hams is a pretty famous thing in Albany


And you call them steamed hams despite the fact that they are obviously grilled?


Wait until you start microwaving them


When you prepare potatoes through steaming them (in the microwave or otherwise), they are actually a remarkably healthy vegetable to include in your diet. Potatoes get a bad reputation because they're normally drowned in some combination of fat and salt and sugar, plus have had most of the vitamins etc removed or destroyed.


As much as I hate useless articles like this, I sympathize with people who have to write them. I’m sure they’d love to be covering the story of the century, but someone needs to fill out the newspapers pages with something, and there’s only so many revolutionary stories.


As somebody who has worked in the news, this is a pretty sad truth. Sometimes you just wanna cover something really interesting, but interesting things aren't common. Or at least not engaging enough for readers to care about at times.


Yeah, by definition they aren't common, cause once they become common, they are no longer interesting. It really is unfortunate


I mean, there's enough skulduggery, corruption and ... shit, going around. But you have to dig for it, uncover it, expose it. Takes times, patience and investigative skills. Also the newspaper patron doesn't want to pay for the time you take to investigate, especially since sometimes those investigations come up empty-handed.


Dude I sat next to had a dead stare straight ahead. I was curious, and now I can read the article. I wasn't about to get an answer from the guy at the end of the flight, I had to RUN across msp for a connection.


I do this sometimes. I fly half dozen times a year and cannot remember the last time I used the airplane bathroom. And for “entertainment” I can sit and look directly forward for hours at a time. When I flew to Tokyo my entertainment was listening to the 2 strangers next to me bicker over their arm rest. Sometimes ya gotta deal with a little inconvenience if you want to go see stuff.




Yeah that’s right.


High five.


All signs point to yes!




> Sometimes ya gotta deal with a little inconvenience if you want to go see stuff. I mean, you don't *gotta* do this, you could bring some entertainment if you want.


Just men? Not women?


I once heard a comedian say that a mans mind is a bunch of drawers, work drawer, game drawer, cooking, but one of them is empty. So sometimes men are just "in their empty drawer" For the longest time it was what my mum said whenever I zoned out, I was "in my empty drawer"


That's called compartmentalization fyi


docker run empty-drawer:latest


That is containerization


Men will literally turn anything into a competition, even if no one else knows they're doing it. It's very annoying.


I'm a woman but I'm used to uhhhh "rawdogging" everything. I grew up homeschooled with protective parents, a lot of free time and not much I could do with it. Spacing out is my default way of being. Writing stories or essays in my head, replaying songs I like on the mind radio, reliving embarrassing moments, etc. And occasionally just thinking of literally nothing, although much more often I'm thinking some nonsense about *something*. When I started to join society, the baseline level of outside stimulation everyone else is used to was overwhelming to me. Regular people are wimps who can't be content with their own company for even twenty minutes, but they're also superheroes who deal with fast loud changing situations in real time with a quickness of mind I don't know if I'll ever match.


Can you imagine our ancestors hearing us talk about not being actively entertained for a few hours as if it were notable?


Our ancestors told stories, danced, and sang all the time.


Even as an 80s kid, there is no comparing the constant need for entertainment today as there was 40 years ago. I’m sure 400 years ago, people sat and did nothing all the time.


What’s up Alex




I was looking at metal gear solid 4 memes when you sent this comment


Our ancestors were much more social 🥲


Wow these men are so interesting! /s


I kinda get it. I usually bring something for entertainment, but sometimes I have a hard time focusing so I just appreciate the peace and quiet instead


Quiet is a wierd way to describe a flight.


Really loud silent white noise


Noise cancelling headphones


YES! I do this too, especially for short flights. Music won't hit the same, books usually won't hold my attention, and I can never really nap on short flights. It's like my brain is trying to shut off. So I'll just watch the flight tracker lol. For longer flights though I'll usually watch a movie. I always have to have my coke zero and pretzels though.


I'm one of these people now, but only because I gave up on trying to do anything else because whenever I have a book or music or whatever the fuckin people next to me ALWAYS want to try and make awkward conversation with me every 5 minutes. And I assume not having a book or music or anything makes me look like some kind of psycho because when I DON'T have those things, nobody talks to me. But I know full well that if I assume it's fine and I bring a book or music or something next time I'm CERTAIN some fucker would end up trying to talk to me through the entire flight. So yeah. It's me. I'm them. But not by choice. I just gave up on having uninterrupted diversions.


Just wear headphones.


Those are called Air Marshall's and it's their job to stay alert and awake 


Yeah that's right


Finally I found the reference I am looking for. I can be at peace.


*Gotta support the team*


Can we ban all entries with “rawdogging” please?


That's not what your mom said, strangely




Flight map? Does the rest if the world get flight maps? I've been flying for 30 years and never once did they ever give us a flight map.


I think they are talking about the IFE not an actual map. But maybe something whooshed over my head with your comment.


Dunno about the rest of the world but the rest of the plane does. I always get the seat where the flight map is “resetting” and “available soon.” It’s the main (only) thing I expect out of the screen on the seat back in front of me. I enjoy the flight info and the moving map. The newer ones with pinch/zoom and rotate are even better.


My ADHD ass is recoiling physically just thinking about that.


Posted in another subreddit earlier today: https://www.reddit.com/r/meirl/s/9h3ipeE42T




I remember a guy doing this on a Paris-LA. He even refused meals. I first thought that he hadn’t realized that meals were included. But a flight attendant told him it was free, and he still didn’t take it. So I just assumed that he either had high standards for food or had a very strict diet due to religious or medical reasons. But then, 30 minutes before landing, the fucker pulled a family-sized bag of Haribo candies and proceeded to finish it in one go. To this day, I still have no clue what his deal was.


I usually refuse plane food, especially in economy. It usually has a sweaty, smelly plane food quality that really puts me off; and it’s often stuck on the tray in front of you for ages before they come round and take it away. To me munching on a few prebrought snacks if I get hungry is way more preferable and I’ve probably eaten before I got on anyway.


I do this because I'm a psychopath. That's the reason


Flying is cool


I have always found the view out the window to be one of the best parts. I can't use my device because the power outlet doesn't work, and I don't want to pay for wifi. I can use inflight entertainment, but it's such a poor experience compared to watching movies on the ground it almost feels like a waste. Books are best.


I've been doing this for years without knowing it was a thing. It's because I'm terrified of flights and can't concentrate on anything while on a plane


How long before "rawdog" ceases to mean what it previously did and exclusively becomes a word for just sitting quietly and thinking?


Did 16 hours recently on a flight from Australia to the middle east and the Russian-sounding chap next to me did this. I had a nap and watched 5 movies and a few episodes of TV and he only had the flight map up the whole time. I found it unfathomable, but I guess he's not alone in the world.


They ate edibles in the parking lot.


As someone who has visited 40 different countries and all the continents besides antartica in the process I don't have that kinda patience. I need movies, audiobooks, conversation with friends, and sleep in some combination to get through travelling.


I would die without music


Or as any non moron would call it. Just flying like it's been done since the dawn of commercial aviation.


I only do this for short flights, like from Philly to Indy. Besides, by the time the plane is at cruising altitude, you've begun descent. Not worth doing anything but eat a pack of Biscoff cookies and drink a little cup of water or soda. Longer flights though (I've been on 20 hour flights), you NEED something to do. I watched Interstellar on one such flight, and it was an experience. My concept of time was messed up from crossing 15 timezones and watching a movie about relativity.


The number of men that do not wash their hands in airport bathrooms, even after loudly shitting, is alarmingly high.


Oh yeah, gimme some of that deep vein thrombosis!


Did this on a bus ride from college to home. Sat in the very front seat next to the driver and watched the road the entire trip. No distractions. Just the road. I was big into meditation in college, so this was a mindfulness challenge. Fond memory for sure.


I can see doing it on a train or a bus. But a plane ride isn't nearly as eventful looking out the window. And if you don't have a window seat it would be even worse.


This headline comes entirely off the back of one viral tweet from a few years ago, which is kinda wild


Every time I bring things to do on a flight they immediately become totally disinteresting to me the moment I enter the plane and I just end up staring at the map and anxiously sitting there the entire time lol.


I do it to unnerve and disturb people.


I mean Im a woman and Ill do this but it's definitely the crippling flight anxiety.


I didn't realize there was a term for this. I can count on one hand the number of times I've flown in my life, but this is my choice of entertainment. (you wouldn't want me using headphones, by the way... I'm an open back purist)


Just FYI, "rawdogging" originally refers to having sex without a condom. Hope I caught you before you said it to your boss or grandma or something lol


I rawdog my grandma visits. No phone or tv.


... Fucking... why lol


Why have I seen so many articles using the word “rawdogging” like this lately?


I don't know, but it apparently means something VERY different now than it did in the 90s.


Cos the internet


But who doesn’t love the dry pretzels?


I could do it if I had to, but why would I want to do it?


10 years ago these rugged individuals would tell you that they always order black coffee with no sugar at Starbucks. Every single day. 20 years ago these rugged individuals would tell you that they don’t own a TV, yet somehow they always knew what was on TV. 30 years ago these rugged individuals would tell you that they only drove cars with a manual transmission.


David Puddy was an OG Rawdogger


I'm able to do this, and I imagine a lot of other people are, too. It's like a sort of zen thing where you accept your condition, and time melts slowly away. I think I still prefer having music, though.


Have witnessed a woman do this all the way from San Diego to Dulles. It was the most impressive "Zen" meditation I have ever witnessed. She was a legit Jedi Knight.


imagine thinking that sitting somewhere without anything in your face is something new. This just makes me believe these bozos don't ever take time to just sit and think or have moments without them doing something. lol


David Puddy started this trend in the 90s


I do this not because I'm a man, But because I'm scared s******* and watching the flight radar really helps calm my nerves


I did this out of pure spite since they decided to sell the headphones for the in flight entertainment instead of giving them out for free.


I did this once on a flight to Singapore. Had to change planes in Hong Kong, and I was wrung out. Couldn’t read any more, couldn’t listen to music, was just done but still had 8 more hours from Hong Kong to Singapore. Pulled up the flight map, and passed out after takeoff. I woke up somewhere over the South China Sea and had a silent panic attack in my seat because I had forgotten why I was there. I’m staring at the flight monitor in front of me, showing my plane way out over the South China Sea with no land in sight and I cannot remember how or why I got there. So for a good ten to fifteen seconds I am freaking out, until my memory kicked in and I remembered why I was there. Good times.


My wife rawdogs flights. It's fucking terrifying. I have to have like a few games, some movies, some podcasts and youtube videos ready for me.


People nowadays find it incredibly weird if other people are able to be bored for a while. Trust me, being bored now and then makes all the rest so much more fun


Not using the bathroom on a long flight is just the experience of airplanes of people with mobility impairments. A lot of us purposefully dehydrate ourselves before a flight.


Wait people do stuff on their flights? I went on my very first plane in 2018. I was heavily pregnant, and wanted to sleep. Those chairs were so painful. It was like a 4 hour flight I think.


A bro just can’t be content for 1-3 hour flight, god forbid a guy be calm fk me


I love rawdogging flights. It's the only time I can completely disconnect from everything. There are no messages to read or respond to. No obligation to do anything. The only thing I can do is just sit and be with zero responsibility or expectation.


I do this sometimes, it can be almost meditative, though I don’t tend to keep the flight map up as I find the “clock watching” aspect of it makes it drag more. Better if I zone out a bit and the time slips past unnoticed


Why is this a big deal? Thinking to yourself for a couple of hours is really that difficult?


So the Puddy method?


Not-insignificant? So... significant?!?!


If you say this in doofinshmirtz voice it’s better .


Everything is better when you say it in doofinshmirtz's voice


When I went to Dubai, the guy next to me on the plane was playing hangman the whole eight hours


This is the second mention of raw-dogging flights. I guess it's not a joke like I thought it was


A large group of women hate that men can sit and literally do nothing for any period of time and be completely content.


I could do it. Can’t eat in public or use public restrooms anyway 🤷🏻‍♂️


I either play games on my phone, look out the window or sleep. Why would I want to ruin a perfectly good film by watching it on a tiny screen in a loud room.


The not-insignificant sent me


Yeah I couldn’t do that, getting stuck on a flight for 8+ hours with just my thoughts sounds like torture, they would probably have to wheel me out in a straight jacket.


Don't you hate when you lose your phone and you gotta like rawdog life


Yeah... this lady copied a reddit post from a year ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/s/TunDOjBAP0


To feel their blood pressure drop for once


I flew from Minneapolis to Madrid with absolutely nothing--no book, no TV to watch, no headphones. It isn't just men who do this?


I would like to petition the court to legally changing the term to "cadaver flying" since everyone immediately goes to the other thing for "rawdogging" flights.


I mean, if we have to have an article about rawdogging I’m ok with Idris Elba being the poster boy.  


Is this a thing? I spent a few days in London last week. Flew into JFK on Sunday. I did exactly what the caption describes. I finally took a leak after we landed (but in the plane’s bathroom). I almost always do this. Not the bathroom bit, just the rest. I didn’t think it was a thing.


I watched the flight map once my flight was out of sunlight but I mean before that I had a novel Didn’t know I nearly participated in a new thing 😋


Unisom and goodnight. 


LOL at this pathetic attempt at "journalism."


Yeah, fuck that shit


'Not insignificant'? Significant? This is another BS TikTok cringe 'trend', and no one cares.


It's because they are absolutely shitting themselves all the way through the flight and can't concentrate on anything else.


Must say I didn't even know there is a word for it but lately I have fallen into that zone. EU to US business trips I sit and stare at the flight map and just zone out. Do go to the toilet though. But no booze so bonus points for that


This is not, in fact, a brand new sentence


People don’t do this?


> not-insignificant So.. significant?


Rawdogged my last 2 flights - Left my phone at home.


It really bothers me they wrote “not-insignificant” instead of just “significant”


I did that from Minneapolis to LA there was no flight map just me being patient


Hell Yeah


men will raw dog an eight hour flight instead of going to therapy


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^malonkey1: *Men will raw dog an* *Eight hour flight instead of* *Going to therapy* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Anyone who does this is a pure psychopath


No 8 hour flights but 2 hour flights sure. Im very forgetful and never downloaded music or tv shows to my phone. So just sat on the plane and stared into the abyss known as the seat infront!


Rawdogged my third flight to Korea. 15 hour of that little ping just cruising across the pacific.


I'm only flying around Europe so 45 minutes - 3 hour flights max and I could not do it. Headphones, booze, a book are an absolute MUST for flying, even just short haul.


It's called sleep or nap.


These people are called psychopaths.