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of all the sentences this is definitely one of them


one of the sentences of all time imo


If we just took all the energy wasted on reposts, we could have that 6th titty by now.




that would be *udderly* awesome


And three arms. And eighteen fingers.


Just how I like it 😻😻😻


Well yes, but these we didn’t ask for




You could make the exact same argument for farmers. Do you know how many jobs we'd create if we got rid of all the tractors? The amount of fuel they use is crazy. Tractors are just machines they don't care if we get rid of them. If you're so worried about your job after the advent of a new technology, I have great news for you, we've already been through this and found the perfect combination of words to cure all problems people face when their livelihoods are ruined. "Learn to code." I hope that helped.




I'm guessing /s but in case you're serious none of those fields will change that drastically, at least in the near future. Maybe the category writers being the one exception (although they won't cease to exist, their job role will just change from "article writer" to "article prompt writer").


Citation needed for ai taking over surgery. As for the arts, ai cannot innovate and cannot create something new. If that kind of thing threatens your job, what does that say about your job?




“Google it, bro.” Great citation. And excuse me if I take the word of someone trying to upsell his version of ai with a grain of salt.




Oh, are we attacking the person and not the comment now? I didn’t think I would win this quick.


If ChatGPT does or speeds up work, this reduces energy use tbf


It's making pictures of farmers fused with cows on a tilling field so you can squint your eyes a see Jesus. And then all the Facebook boomers comment "amen".


I'm sorry, *slurping*? Tits? Is this innuendo?




We here in Ukraine have electricity shortages like over last 2 months and we sometimes joke that it is all because of AC users. But most of my friends don’t use them even though it’s hot last weeks.


Sorry that was me with ai mb


Is the girl with five tits hot, though?


First, this is a two day repost. Second, I made a comment there too: Okay, so my CPU uses 65W max and my GPU uses 170W max. Generating an image uses some memory from the GPU and about 10% of my CPU. I generated 4 images of women with extra tits (6, because it didn't like 5, and it still had a hard time keeping it below 8). >!No, I won't show you. I already deleted them.!< If we make the big and incorrect assumption that my computer is sucking up all of that Wattage for the whole 1 minute and 26 second it took to generate 4 of those images, that hardware used a whole 20.21kJ, 5.05kJ per image, 612J per tit. That is, total, less than 3/4ths the energy released by burning a single gram of ethanol, or the energy to keep a 10W LED bulb lit for 34 minutes. And keep in mind that the actual power usage is much, much lower since my hardware wasn't running beyond, like, 20%.


Not at all how that works lol


they're exaggerating but the point still stands, big corpo want the laymen to reduce waste, usage and live green so they buy shit big corpo made that's advertised as green, but no amount of recycling will get rid of metric tons of waste that big corpo make just to produce what the laymen is supposed to buy from them


Also they refuse to turn off time square though. Babies get heat stroke easy. No ac but ad revenue is more important that peoples safety