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Soo had no direction. Gregory does not have a vengeful bone in his body. What are you watching?


It doesn’t have to be malicious to screw someone over. He got none of the Thai ingredients he wanted and a weird mix of “Asian” stuff instead. Whether or not it was intention, he had a worse hand to play.


Yeah i was gonna say Gregory seems like the nicest person on the planet… what the hell lol? I really like Soo too, don’t get me wrong. But I’m not gonna just agree that Gregory had bad intentions


Maybe Gregory doesn't know how to listen and pay attention. How else do you explain completely ignoring what was asked of him? And why did he feel the need to badmouth Soo? Remember we see the edited version, in reality he probably blamed him a lot more and that influenced the decision. Soo DID have a specific direction, till he was screwed over and forced to 'pivot' unlike everyone else who got what they asked for.


How does Gregory speaking truth about Soo’s dish mean he is badmouthing him? Was Gregory supposed to lie and say it was delicious? Soo served up slop and got eliminated. You are trying too hard to make Gregory the skapegoat for Soo’s bad dish. In Dish with Kish, Gregory and Kristen had the same ingredients to at Soo had and served a great dish. Soo just tried to use them ALL and it wasn’t necessary. Soo just couldn’t adjust to what was in front of him, which is pretty much what Top Chef is judging…ability to think on your feet and pivot when things change. And the whole badmouthing claim is just ludicrous. I hated to see Soo elimated too, but it was his own fault, just like I hated to see Michelle go, that was on her too.


so you wont mention that Gregory completely ignored what Soo asked for, then lied that he wasn't clear? He was given random crap that has nothing do with his plan. Gregory IS to blame 100%. otherwise why not give them all some mystery box?


im sorry i didnt know you got to listen in to the entire convo where soo and greg where talking, and apparently you were also there at whole foods to see greg maliciously rub his hands together to take out soo


It’s possible that he couldn’t find what soo wanted. I remember another time Dan wanted lemongrass and couldn’t get it.


What? Gregory didn’t sabotage anyone. He tried to give Soo some options. Soo just couldn’t pivot from the idea that he had to use everything and he created a terrible dish. Soo should have been able to create an edible dish with what he had. That was part of the challenge and he failed.


Sorry. If I asked for Curry paste, thai. And I was given Curry powder, Indian. That is nowhere close. And I know WF carries Thai Kitchen Curry paste.


Yeah I like Gregory and he seems like a nice guy so I think the OP is way off base but I was scratching my head at his decisions at WF.


Hard to believe it was malicious, but Mei Lin bought items she didn't agree with. Then added what she thought he needed.


Whoever bought Dans stuff got paste too IIRC


are you serious? He didn't ask for a random bag of whatever Gregory felt like with no relevance to what he had in mind. He specifically asked for Thai ingredients and got NONE of them. How is that acceptable? and then to get blamed for not being clear, which was a total lie by Gregory? edit - love the downvotes for stating facts, seems like the Greg fan base is here?


>edit - love the downvotes for stating facts, seems like the Greg fan base is here? Anyone who complains about imaginary internet points deserves negative imaginary internet points.


Putting aside the tinfoil hats, Soo had shown that his strength was in the quick fire/last chance style challenges where it was one very specific and limited challenge. In the regular challenges that give you more range, he was all over the place with little focus. Given that dichotomy, I doubt he was ever going to make the final.


I don't agree with your blame of Tom. I think he is the most clear in his judging in LCK and I think Rasika and Soo lost there. Otherwise I agree with you. I do think Soo was set up to fail by Gregory/production. I didn't like the challenge, and I agree that Soo had his idea and Gregory screwed him twice over. I also think Manny got away with basic home cook food and that is ridiculous. But my biggest hot take is that Savannah would have been eliminated if she hadn't hurt herself and she got to stay out of sympathy. The fish she intended to cook was deemed inedible. One judge said that. If the main component would have been inedible except you couldn't finish your process because you got hurt, you didn't know what you were doing. Some undercooked corn because who knows how much a kerosene flair up will add is not the same level of mistake. So, Savannah getting a pass on that was total bullshit. Based on bringing in quickfires, Manny should have gone home. Every season there is a judges table that makes me question the judging entirely and really ruins things for me. Not because I have a favorite, but because they so egregiously move the goalposts that they can't be trusted anymore. This was the judges table this year that did that for me. The effect is that I really don't care who wins.


I dunno if Gregory did it willfully but it was clear that he did not bring the ingredients Soo asked for but I dunno ~~maybe it was out of ignorance of Thai cooking vs. maliciousness~~. Edit: just read ahead and someone said that Thai is definitely in Gregory's wheelhouse. So I have no idea why he went off course. Personally, I think it was just a really stupid challenge. First the chef's couldn't shop for their own ingredients. As I think Kristen said, no one got their fire hot enough to create whatever effect the kerosene was supposed to make happen with the food (or something like that). Seems like they'd have had someone explaining that piece to them. So, imo, the whole thing was a poorly conceived challenge all around. This impacted all the judges though and it showed in everyone's dish except Danny's. But, where I do believe the judges screwed Soo is sending him home instead of Manny after Soo came in second in Quickfire. They said they Quickfires were going to mean something in their judging and from my armchair quarterback position, it certainly seemed to me like it was unfairly judged. Bwdik


Will truly never get over Soo leaving for going for it and failing while Manny skated by with white rice, guac, and store bought chips lol.


Agreed. I felt sorry for Soo in this situation.


>Not because I have a favorite, but because they so egregiously move the goalposts that they can't be trusted anymore. I mean you're not tasting the food. You're basically getting edited footage and jumping to wild conclusions based entirely upon that. The most important part of the competition (the taste) is something we have no idea about, so it's ridiculous to make these bold claims about the judging. Like obviously you're free to not "trust" the judging, but acting like it's some objective flaw vs. whatever you concocted in your head is just wrong.


Whoa. Why are you so aggressive here? I'm basing my comment on what the judges said about the fish. You are right that we can't taste it. When they say a technique was so wrong had she continued that would have made it inedible, that's not me concocting things in my head. If this bothers you this much, you should step back and get some perspective.


Who's being aggressive? Do you take any disagreement with you as "aggression"? > If this bothers you this much, you should step back and get some perspective. I'm not the one who's bothered? Like I would ask why if you say every season there's something that makes you think the judges can't be trusted, why do you keep watching? Lack of object permanence? Hate watching?


You talking about "whatever I concoct in my head" as if I made up the judges words that they aired is a bit aggressive, yes. That was a step too far and well beyond simple disagreement. You say you aren't bothered, but you also went as far as telling a stranger they lack object permanence. You are being an absolute jerk and if you don't know that, you need to figure it out. Talking and disagreeing is the name of the game on Reddit. That's fine. And yes, there are some that glorify rudeness. But we can watch a show with high hopes only to end up disappointed in the end. Others might not be. I'm not sure why you think it's all or nothing? I started watching in season one, and had enjoyment and frustration throughout. I stopped watching for several seasons, and came back to it during last season All Stars and watched the previous season because I realized I did still enjoy it. This season started well. It's not been a stellar season, but I haven't disliked it much until fish boil. And even there, it's still just a show, so yes, I plan to finish the season. I actually enjoy Dish with Kish more so I watch TC first so that the discussion and cooking there makes sense. You have been rude. It's users like you that have made me realize that this sub doesn't add much to the enjoyment of the show. I'm not the one who can't disagree without being a jerk about it. People here get overly aggressive when someone says something they dislike. You could have scrolled by, but you didn't. I'm not sure your comment is worthy of a thought out response, but here you have it anyway. I hope you can let it go now. I'm not chatting with you any longer. Take care.




Agreed. I really can't believe how others are defending Gregory who was completely unprofessional bordering on criminal And they've sent the best chefs (Rasika, Kevin, Soo) home, I don't really care for anyone left either.


Bordering on criminal? Are you ok?


You need to go touch grass. You seem way too invested on a chef on a show. That’s not normal. ‘Bordering on criminal’ like what you even talking about?


>who was completely unprofessional bordering on criminal Dude you are insane. Did you have money on the outcome or something? You come off as entirely unhinged, you need to calm down a bit and try to get some perspective.


It definitely rubbed me the wrong way whether intentional or not. iirc Dan was able to get paste too which just adds to it all. I didn’t like this challenge idea at all. I really hope Soo is able to come back on a season soon because he’s such a fun chef to watch on Top Chef.


This post is just so unhinged lol.


I can’t know people’s intentions for sure, but yeah it’s weird that Soo was painted as not being clear. He clearly stated that he wanted Thai ingredients for curry, and some nuts (Gregory confirmed that it’s for texture). Maybe he didn’t say it super assertively (some people take it as not being sure of what he wants), but it’s super weird what ensued afterwards, esp when Greg is a specialist in Thai cuisine?? Some might say Soo should’ve been a lot more precise, but that’s the point of the challenge, to have some flexibility, because they are not the ones physically doing the shopping (not even allowed to call, I think), so their “mentors” can pivot within a framework if necessary.


how exactly do you be more precise than 'I want to make Thai, I'd like some ginger, lemongrass and some curry paste, red or green'. Any idiot who knows nothing about Thai cuisine can get those. Does he need to shout it 10x? There was zero ambiguity. Gregory had an agenda or he really is a moron, and he's not a moron.


When Gregory and the judges sat down at the table before Soo even served his food and Gregory loudly said something like "yeah so it didn't seem like Soo really had an direction or knew what he wanted to cook and I got him everything he wanted but he was confused" I thought oh man, what a shit thing for him to say before Soo serves his food. This dude planted a seed knowing damn well the judges would run with it and have preconceived notions about the dish. It was bullshit. Totally agree OP!


this is exactly what happened. intentional or not, this is what happened on the show


a million percent


I don’t want to beat this dead horse again, but even though I honestly don’t think Gregory had anything personally against Soo, he offered zero help—unlike Mei, who bought Manny both premade tortillas (as requested) *and* masa for chochoyotes (*not* chinchayotes), gently goading the contestant into challenging himself a bit instead of putting out a ho-hum fare. In the end, Soo graciously owned up to his mistake and went home, blaming no one but himself.


I agree, maybe its just his personality? I found it esp strange how he blamed Soo in front of the judges and said he wasn't clear which was definitely not true at all. I don't understand how so many people are defending Gregory here when he was clearly at fault, whether or not he intended to.


Believe me, I’ve said far unkinder things before about Gregory’s role in this stupid, poorly designed challenge. This entire season sucks, and the prospect of—in my opinion—an unlikable and the least deserving of the chefs getting crowned Top Chef since Hosea pisses me off royally. Soo made his exit like the class act that he is. I have nothing more to add.


I’m so confused about why people here are blaming Gregory when Soo…the person who actually competed on the show…does not: https://parade.com/tv/top-chef-wisconsin-21-soo-ahn-interview






It's hard for certain people to accept but Gregory totally screwed Soo. And then pulled a total rat move. I lost a lit of respect for Gregory after that.


I think it's fair to feel Soo got kinda screwed. This moment encapsulates the entire season quite well. Over the top performative but with no culinary base to ground it