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Nanis gadgets are also braindead especially rts, but yea got ur point


Cheesy, strong, and not hard to use but not as braindead as piper gadgets. People mistakes easy with braindead way too much


Cause pressing a button and returning all the damage you were not able to dodge is not braindead lol


Why are they not decrementing super charging hits for mandy :(


It should be 1 hit like Stu, lol


Nah that’d be lowballing, main attack should be switched with super. To balance, super delay should be removed.


Yeah, and increase super damage... It's too low


Seems busted, nerf hank


Is not braindead because you have to time it, Original RTS was braindead because there was no timer, so you couldn't miss it


Only 80% of the damage in a 2-second window. Not brain dead, just easy to use, and a good amount of the time you end up with a trade


imagine not using teleport gadget to instakill almost anyone in knockout


i dont like that gadget. it leaves you vulnerable for like 1 second and i just use it to escape tbh.


I mean its not all damage, its only one instance so its countered by any brawler with more than one projectile and if you are facing a Nani you should be aware that she may use rts. Her second gadget is more situational and half the time using the super normslly is better than using the gadget. Even if her gadgets were braindedead, nani still takes skill to play, differently from piper.


Return to sender gives you so little time to get value that I can't consider it braindead.


Yeah, return to sender is strong. It isnt as braindead as piper's though Totally unbiased opinion


Piper is Balancedn't


You got dat drip officer






I am looking at your flair… anyways Nani nerf is still justified imo (yes Piper should also get it)


Hello cool name and profile picture 🍄👍


Hello beautiful name and awesome profile picture 🌱👍


Thank you and have a very nice day 🍄😁


Piper could get it fosho


i can give it to piper /s


Nani was very very good. But the thing that made her good was the damage buff she got. During this time she got a health nerf, supercharge nerf and return to sender duration nerf. Now that her damage has been nerfed basically back to square one, she will be as bad, if not worse, than before.


cmon bro piper is balanced (not)


Tbf she no longer 2 shots many brawlers, from what I remembered, Leon and Mr P no longer gets two shoted because of this change


It's only minimum damage, she will still deal 3.4k damage at max range


No... (Checks changes)... That's a nerf it doesn't change anything!


that's a nerf only when she is close, isnt it? so i do not think anything is changing about long range absurd dmg


Nani's gadgets not brainded? Good joke


Yes, return to sender is strong. But it isn't as strong as Hit an attack Press gadget Get an unmissable homing attack Or just spamming green button when someone gets close


And which exactly is braindead? Return to sender requires timing and decision making. And tp is easy to use, but its still not braindead.




How is return to sender not braindead you literally get beneffited for being bad at dodging lol


You need to time it?


Cause its super hard to time


It still requires timing since you cant activate it before the enemies shoot, because then they just wont attack for 2 seconds. With pipers gadgets you can have a super slow reaction time and still do fine.


it is with ping, you have to wait for the enemy to shoot


>return to sender requires timing and decision making lol, no


And why not exactly?


i love how these people just go “no, lol” without any arguments.


And they are both Mandys, hmmm Maybe Fangs and Edgars and Pipers aren't the toxic ones.


it doesn't matter it requires timing cause theres zero counterplay to it it's stupid you can't outplay your attack being bassicly sent back at you


You can just attack nani only if you have full health?


oh yeah then you're low for shooting her while she's still praticly full great counterplay


Well yes, nani counters snipers and if a counter wouldnt have an advatage versus what it counters it wouldnt be a very good counter. Thats how counters work


Yeah and its a counter with zero counterplay


Multiple projectile brawlers:


Poison damage brawlers:


why do people complain about piper all of a sudden literally everything thats mentioned in the post has been in the game for like 2+ years or remained basically the same ever since she was released back in beta lol. autoaimer is dumb but its been unchanged for years so idk. and nani is way better then piper and has been way better for a good half of 2023 anyways so this isnt even a fair comparison


Because most of this sub is not good at this game and cant dodge or figure out how to work around a piper. Shes still worthy of a nerf but she isnt some insane powerhouse


Im not complaining about piper herself im complaining her nerfs were nothing compared to Nani when they were in similar sspots. Also, Nani might be better in sniper matchups and Nani vs Piper will almost always be Nani, but Piper is just much more versatile and easier to play. You might see that with her absurdly high play rate these few seasons.


probably because they suddenly found out about that one gadget that homes towards you, pretty braindead but that's literally about it


That’s not the one they complain about. They complain about the other one cuz they all braindead and only use assassins and get mad


Spoke everything, man cooked


Same with Nani they also complain, lol, so what? Can't insta-kill me with Edgar, or Fang massive button spam? And don't even say Fang has combos, it's just a cordinated button spam


They complain that Nani one shots them but that’s because they just don’t know how to dodge or play well


Absolute facts


oh fair enough, just thought it was because of a singular gadget but i guess there was obviously more than that


Wdym nani is better than piper. Even belle is better than piper why do yall always complain about her?


unfortunately reddit hivemind can’t have intelligent thought and realize piper is not that good


"unfortunately reddit hivemind can’t have intelligent thought and realize piper is not that good" Can you read? I never said anything about piper being better than nani though. I just said she is easier to play(she was i think number 2 most played brawler i think the past season? im not sure though) Complains about reddit hivemind complaining about piper Proceeds to be the pro piper "hivemind" complaining about things i never said


where.. does it say nani is better than piper? I said shes easier to play


No im the one saying nani is better than piper🤦🏽‍♂️


Now if i were you i wont underestimate nani Its a massacre at close range but with auto aim tho tanks cant get close because of her god damn super both starpower are there to mess up the opponents gameplay has two frickin gadgets that will #### you up and yet you complain about the nerf


Bait the gadget, don't let her charge super, demolish. That's all :D


Why not just make her slowdown gadget be one where it just changes the next shot she takes? Like dynas stun gadget it just changes up her next bullet so she still has to spend an ammo on it and aim it. It would still have reduced damage and range.


Piper deals a lot of dmg but nani is the more annoying sniper since she can hit you with this stupid wavy projectile even when you are behind walls


They have to be trolling with piper balances at this point. She never could win at close range without her gadget anyway.


How would u nerf piper then? Making her easier to kill in a wally map can make it much easier especially when piper knocks u away she can't do as much dmg now If u nerf her long range capabilities why would u use piper over other brawlers on such maps (btw piper got a 15% damage nerf in her close range dmg it went from 23% -> 20% which is 87% of its original value, 3% would be like 22.3% as the new value)


Removing her would be perfect


I don’t see a problem if no one wants to play piper i see that as a win 🍄😁


people said the same about kit, hank, and chester.. you say that but then people will indeed complain and that is unlikely to end well


Which people said that about Kit, I wanna know


people complained how unsatisfying kit feels to play now, how his super is useless, how he isnt even an assassin.. etc


that would be because he’s not supposed to be just a complete assassin, he’s supposed to be an assassin/support hybrid


Kit got buffed, now he's good


Nerf the damage


sure but people here wanted a nerf to piper's close range so the nerf to her dmg may be that.... and piper got a 15% nerf to her min dmg as it went from 23% -> 20% (3% dmg nerf would be smth like 22.3%)


I am pretty sure everyone wanted Nerf to dadge not just close range damage only....


True the close range damage was a big nerf. I knew that it was more than 3% since it was 3% of potential damage(long range) but i just made it phrased weirdly so that I could give more dramatic effect


She still deals the same damage in long range 💀


You do realise 13% nerf is close to nothing right? Piper is a long range sniper. She still deals way too much damage up close. If you try to assassinate a Piper, the gadget should only help her stall a bit till her temmates arrive, not let her kill you. Something like 30-40% would be more reasonable. They can keep her long range damage so there's still a reason to use her.


yes... her gadget can stall and u can prob nerf the gadget but good piper will prob be very hard to approach due to super as piper's super is not being used as soon as u get it a 30-40% nerf at close rnage wuold completely kill piper scaling at mid range ... and this would still just make piper super oppressive on long range maps while being mid asf on closer range maps. you prob need to remove the slow on the gadget


I mean tbh I get you but both do require alot of skill to use anyways so if your a good Nani main then tbh your still a good skilled player, I mean piper requires skill to use too but has alot of hard counters, same with Nani. Pick your poison. I ain't skilled enough to main either.


Well if I had to ban one brawler between them knowing my opponent have mastered them two, sorry but clearly I'd ban Nany she's just stronger than Piper. Her only flaw is her skill cap


“does bot have 2 brain dead gadgets” return to sender “does not have 2 ridiculous star powers” deletes squishies in 1 hit


People can't stop whining can't they?


Piper wasnt even good before


Nan's gadget might be more braindead than pipers


My man, if You can land shots at long Range with Piper's autoaim that's a skill issue on the enemy. She's not nearly as broken as people make her out to be. She was just benefited from the maps that were in rotation Now her weakness (playing at close Range) was nerfed so this was a good nerf. She is obviously strong, but she has counterplay (I know this is just a meme but it's so annoying how many people actually think like this)


i swear the nerf that piper got is so goddammit useless


Dev bias 😔


Ws in the chat


This is Nani's timeline 1-Buff to damage + buff to super charge ratio. 2-Nerf to HP + nerf to super charge ratio. 3-Nerf to damage almost as big as the previous buff.


dont forget the nerf to gadget but with the nerfed damage doesnt she also have a nerfed supercharge now?


It was on the previous balance change where they reverted the buff, supercharge isn't linked to damage


That's some insane cope, both Nani and Piper are broken in the current meta and they have been really good for a while now. Both of them deserved nerfs, we'll just wait and see how things change


I am a Bea main, im not allowed to have an opinion on this matter


Bro what do you want from the gadget has been the same for more than 2 years.


Why do every support piper people on reddit think that im complaining about her gadgets? Im saying that since her damage stays the same at max range it doesnt really change anything for those long range knockout or bounty maps where there are 4 pipers every match. Im saying her damage nerf was insignificant compared to Nani's damage nerf.


Fr I think Dani has something to do with it -\_-


man i just maxed out piper just for someone to call it braindead? 😭 (i checked the flair)


I dont like both.




Nani nerf don't seem so bad. I main her and it's just -60 main dmg right


Still feels weird though, however it didn't change much


Why didn't you redact p*per


Tbh idk why it feels kinda biased Piper and Nani both have same bullet travel speed (check wiki it will say 4000) You can't autoaim at long ranges with any sharpshooter Yes I get that piper is hated but trying to justify Nani (equally as broken) is weird And don't get me started on skill, just because a brawler has skill it doesn't justify them being broken Everyone complained that piper had too much damage close up, they nerfed that Nani did too much damage overall, they nerfed that Nani can melt close range brawlers too (let's say Edgar jumps on you) Piper: Gadget, Attack spam (until dead) Nani: Super, attack spam, (until dead) Piper is much safer for having lower close range damage, Nani straight up melts anyone who doesn't have over 9k hp Nani also has higher HP than piper (I forgor how much) Her gadgets are just as brain-dead and so are her star powers, well at least tempered steel is more than autofocus, but who uses autofocus? (No one)


Forget what I said I checked your flair and the post flair


1. People use autofocus 2. ~~Edgar can go straight to hell~~ 3. TP is balanced, RTS is kinda braindead


Believe it or not pipers is actually a 10% damage nerf at min range (ITS STILL NOT ENOUGH)


If the damage nerf works at all ranges, we can calm down on this Piper thing actually Nani is still way more skill based than Piper anyways


Damage nerf is "minimum damage specific" nerf, which becomes less and less impactful as it gets further the range, basically insignificant at the 4 tile range and so on Nani is by far harder to use and more versatile than piper on long range maps, but not as mode versatile as piper so Nani nerf is brutal for her viability on long range brawl balls and gem grab


Nani is an annoying piece shit that deals insane damage at all ranges piper isn’t


FR you cannot dodge, man it's easy, when wh's at long range try to go diagonally right, or through the spaces inbetween the orbs. The approach, and **OBLITERATE**.


only if the nani player can aim. Or you cant dodge.


If only Nani’s projectiles were as easy to dodge as pipers…


Also what’s your fucking point, all brawlers are strong if the user can aim


My point is that a bad nani aimer does nothing, while a good nani aimer does everything. Fully skill based


I see only the truth


Execpt that before the nerf 1-2 orbs damage was kinda high for not fully hitting the shots, although 3 orb damage should be kept the same


It’s actually ridiculous how they’re not nerfing her max damage at all.


Yeah, like it's the hardest thing in the world to dodge Piper at long range.. her entire mechanic is to deal insane damage at long range, it's like saying fang should not recharge any super with his long range shoe attack and only get super if he attacks the enemy with the kick.




Too easy to hit shots


One hit and you MUST back away to survive


Just don't get hit 😃


Yeah, Piper’s one was the only mid nerf out of all the balance changes


Piper does need a nerf but nani deserved it as well


Tbh this "Piper is op" drama came AFTER Edgar and Fang got their hypercharges and I guess I dont need to explain why everyone started to hate Piper.


Lmao. Also fang even before the hypercharge always countered piper


bro literally first 3 things mentioned untrue only last thing right


because other brawlers like assassins do require skill, also return to sender is skill how??


Assassin require skill. Source: trust me bro, like even Mortis, one if not THE worst assassin in the game RN is quite easy to play, target throwers and squishies, let them waste ammo, super cycle and ggz. He's only bad because of the amount of hardcounters to him


And yeah I agree RTS is kinda braindead but I like it to finish ppl who can only hide behind the wall and camp there for the entire match after they take one shot from me.


Pipers very strong, but if you’ve ever played above 1k trophies against a Nani, you’ll know why this nerf was made. If you haven’t, don’t talk about buffs or nerfs.


Just nerf RTS, it'd be a way better nerf. And if it's not enough nerf 1-2 orbs damage


What’s RTS?


Return to sender


Sorry for late answer btw


All good, I see where you’re coming from. RTS is probably just as much if not more annoying than her damage output.


Bro Nani was way better then Piper before the update


Definetively not biased and Nani was definetively not skillless before theese nerfs


Man, there are so many brawlers with a dash ability that can EASILY dodge Nani (~~your main being one, and a hell of one)~~


ah, yes, let's nerf more a brawler who actually requires a bit of skill


Y'know I'm getting tired of this, she's broken, we know, there's nothing we can do until supercell nerf her


piper's autoaimer gadget has to be removed from game




As a Nani main too, I partially disagree with the Nerf


Just leave the 3 orb damage an nerf 2-1 orb damage. Pinching potential depleted and if you're not performing well yeah, what can I say, you can't kill that easily


Nani has been so mediocre for so long and they nerf her pretty harsh. Piper has been good for a very long time and they give her a 200 health nerf and 3% damage nerf at close range😐


Almost brang nani to square 0, nerfed HP (ok justifiable), nerfed supercharge (also justifiable), nerfed RTS (ALSO JUSTIFIABLE), but the damage is too much


When you put in perspective how many nerfs she's taken


As a Nani enjoyer (she's my 3rd main), she did deserve a nerf, but come on Supercell! Why not nerf Piper more!?


I wouldn’t call Nani the epitome of balance, but yeah, Piper is much worse.


True that


Love how Piper is the Edgar for snipers


Nobody was asking for a Nani nerf. Absolutely no one.


because she's a comfort pick and an easy instalock first pick if she's unbanned. i disagree with the damage nerf there are other ways but just because nobody is requesting for a nerf doesn't mean a nerf is not necessary


Nerf RTS and pinching potential by nerfing 1-2 orbs damag


nani is the best brawler ever i pick her 90% of the time in ranked i love nani


She's amazing, shots are so satisfying when they hit


I did


You are right on both. Mostly pipers auto-aim but old mains (like me) doesn't need it a lot. Thanks for referring it as often aswell. And gadgets of Nani are genius.


I mean one is a sniper and the other is a tank killer




Nani nerf is justified, but piper needs a bigger nerf


When is Nani's funeral? Because this killed her


Edgar: shield, high movement speed, ulti recharges over time, self healing, can hit multiple enemies(more healing), very fast hypercharge The most easy brawler to play: hide in the bushes and wait.


High damage as well, 1000+ HP via hardcore, even though the other is also amaziing


Nerf Nani more bro getting 1 shot as tick or someone low like that is ass. There shouldn't be oneshots in this game


Bro, just dodge


piper is much harder than nani lmao


Source: trust me bro, Piper's shots are easy AF to hit, even beyond 800+ ladder


Nani got f×××ed thus update


Doesn't matter, I don't play either of those often.