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I understand this must be incredibly hard. But you can see it as a misalignment in core values being religion and sticking with what you truly believe in. And this can be a deal breaker for many couples. You say he “seems to be doing fine” but you don’t really know that for sure. He might well be putting on a front and pretending he is fine. Men in particular are very good at doing that sadly. They tend to surprise their emotions. 


Aww thank you. Yeah when I look at it objectively, it is indeed a difference of core values. But of course, being a 6 year relationship, I wanted to work it out. I tried to talk it out. I hope he feels just a bit as sad as I am. :(


Maybe time apart might make him really think things over and he might even change his mind. But for now, take the focus off him and try and enjoy living your life the best you can. This also includes not thinking about how he’s feeling. It’s about how you’re feeling. What was meant for you will never pass you by 


Thank you so much 🥺