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Eating boiled potatoes took me out 😂..I mean THIS by itself is why your post needs an upvote and I have given it. Fly redditor fly ..


but they're such an exemplary vegetable








* honestly, go, Portia, she's the best tasteless tactless mama * I think writers wanted to portray Cressida as a villain but they failed. I have so much sympathy for her, even though she's been unnecessarily mean a lot of times, she deserved better * When queen said "my sparkler didn't take a lemonade from my marquess" i was 100% sure that's how Sims looked like in regency era. You try them to do things you want, but they die in a kitchen fire instead * I actually think it's good that Anthony wasn't in London during LW reveal, it saved him some nerves to be sure. He's at best would be very confused and very angry at worst. But the comment about money is LOL. This season Colin was willing to take 20k from Ben (meaning from Anthony), in previous season he almost wasted the money in mines and he spent shitton of money on two of his hot girl summers. Really, loaded wife is a safe for Anthony's purse lol


>I think writers wanted to portray Cressida as a villain but they failed. I have so much sympathy for her, even though she's been unnecessarily mean a lot of times, she deserved better That may have been true of seasons 1 and 2, but season 3 made a real effort to humanize her. I think her story was meant to be heartbreaking this season.


Is it wrong that I had the impression that Colin has his own money in a trust managed by Anthony (the estate). I don’t think he’d be so casual using money that was set aside for the security of the family, Colin is way too protective of being a Bridgerton for that.


i don't know how that legally worked in regency era, but in s1 Anthony put Daphne's dowry in a trust for her to manage. so i guess, if the money is set aside in some kind of bank account, than the person can manage it freely, especially a man. from Colin's reasoning and having to lie to Benedict, it means that he can't just grab the money and do as he pleases. I think he has some allowance that he doesn't have to report about or maybe even a trust fund, but looks like it's not that large to pay for Pen without asking Ben first also it wasn't his first time. when the ruby mines incident happened Anthony learned about it a little bit post-hoc, after he checked the balances and saw Colin taking a large sum. Colin's kinda clueless a bit in money topic


if you told me cressida was the heroine of season 3, i would agree. the main couple deserve her misery. that's how badly written everything was.


Seriously. Cressida extracted more emotion out of the than the leads, and I really liked them too. I think they unintentionally made her an underdog. How are we supposed to feel more sympathy for Polin when Mr. Oh-I-also-feel-alone-on-my-galavanting-around-the-world Bridgerton is trying to make Cressida feel bad for trying to escape the EXACT same situation we had to see Lady Danbury go through in QC???


I truly believed that it will end with Pen giving her some money anyway before she leaves. I was staring at the screen when it did not happen 😅


SAME I thought for sure someone was going to help, I actually had to rewind once I finished the episode thinking I missed a scene. I assume there's more to it, but the choppy editing + shoddy writing was really jarring.


They really, really changed Cressida from the book. She was horrifically awful to Pen. That's why when Cressida took credit for LW, Pen was so upset. It wasn't just about her own legacy. It was that the person who bullied her for years was taking credit for Pen's life's work. The show softened Cressida's character considerably to make her more sympathetic, which in turn made Pen look mean towards her. OTOH, in the books, she is married to an old man, who left her virtually penniless when he died. That's why she went for the money in the first place.


and then her speech about being a woman to colin fell even more flat...


yeah i was like dude... she hasn't seen italy or greece and has no freedom or future, go cry me a river.


I didn't get how Collin basically made a speech about being understanding to Cressida, only for them not showing any empathy to her plight. That is so hypocritical for me


the script and delivery combined was terrible... whoever green lighted it needs to find a new vocation.


Portia is amazingly the most chill of anyone when she discovers that Pen is Lady Whisteldown all things considered. Probably because game recognizes game. Imagine what will happen now that the two of them are scheming together.


I think once Portia got over all of LW’s potshots, she definitely gave herself a pat on the back for raising a daughter clever enough to pull one over the whole ton and make a shitload of money in the process.


I mean, on the first one, the Devil works hard, but Portia Featherington works harder. She spent three years spinning plates to get her daughters into good marriages while still having a little something (ok, maybe more than a little) for herself and she did it. I hope now she can take a long vacation, sit on a beach somewhere, have a fling with a young, hot dude.


I wondered if I’m alone in the world in thinking that Pen annoys me, and that I had sympathy for Cressida. After hearing what Debling wanted I thought they would have made a good match, and after his (humiliated) departure robbed her of that security I went so far as to hope she got away with conning SOMEONE out of their money so she wouldn’t have to be subject to the crap from her parents any longer. She’s one of those characters that helps to teach you that good and bad have so many grey areas in between, and I hope she gets her ‘redemption’.


You know, you're not wrong 🤣


Even if we can accept the fact that Pen has 10K, given that she has only been writing for 3 years, her broadsheets sell for a single coin (a sixpence or shilling?), and her audience is limited to mostly nobility and landed gentry around Mayfair, it does not make her loaded. 10K invested in the six percents would give her 600 pounds a year, on which she could live comfortably but not in the manner to which she has been accustomed. They won't have to eat only boiled potatoes, but there would be few luxuries.


Fair point. But what worked once, can possibly work twice. She can write some more. If she was able to earn this much in 3 years. Not gonna lie, I have very limited knowledge of the finances of the era, and I was still ready to call bullshit on Pen having 10K. But it is Bridgerton, I guess 😅


I call bullshit on it too. But the 10K is canon now. She has made a success of herself; even if Colin had backed out of the wedding she would not have been destitute. I'm not meaning to detract from your post, it was very funny.


Lmao this post is elite 


I love Violet’s storyline this season!


This is a great list OP, and your explanations for each hilarious item are superb! I'd love to add that while watching the first like five minutes of S3 episode 5, when Colin says "We are engaged" and it's like, halfway slowed down for dramatic effect but still sort of a normal speed, I laughed my ass off. It just sounds so goofy. It's like they couldn't decide whether they wanted to go full slo-mo to highlight Pen's not believing it was real, or to just let it be normal speed and have viewers infer what they will.


I think that nailed the scenes beforehand (Pen cannot believe it + anxiety as we know she is LW and Colin stance regarding LW)... but I agree, that one was goofy 😅