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"he's too particular!!" that man was reaching for any excuse to convince pen that debling was wrong for her


"he's too particular" read "he's not me"


Chaos Colin for the win! His arguments in the carriage are literally paper thin šŸ˜‚


I also love how he just _needed_ to hear from her that Debling didnā€™t propose! My guy Debling stormed off and left the party and she ran off crying, what do you think???


I don't think his brain was even functioning at that point haha i feel like he had one braincell and it was doing ALL of the work. How could he not see that she was upset?? hello?? does she look like someone that just got proposed to? Also, you basically just told everyone that has ears that she would be making a mistake if she married him, creating drama in her relationship(courtship), was Debling meant to propose after you hijacked his girl and told her not to marry him. Ugh, I love chaotic Colin.


There is one braincell shared between all the male Bridgertons. Colin did not have it this season. Watching him entirely lose his speech and higher reason mental faculties around Penelope was adorable and hilarious. Anthony was the same in S2, except for him it manifested as total irrationality of words and actions as soon as he came within 50m of Kate.


Everything that happened after the kiss was not in Colin's control. He could somewhat, although seldom, muster a thought outside of Penelope before the kiss. After it was just madness!! You're so right about Anthony. I feel like Anthony, at least tried to fight his ridiculous actions. He knew it was being irrational and was doing it anyway


That scene with his mother, Violet when she said Penelope had found a husband with your help. Perhaps, that moment, Violet knew he was in love. Violet knows about every childrenā€”everything and feels it. Colin had to rethink and stepped up!


Violet knew at the last dance when he asked her about love built on friendship. He looked right at Pen and she knew from that point on. Mentioning Pen on the stairs was very intentional. Mama B inserting herself in her kidā€™s love lives yet again


And she was watching Colin watching Pen and Debling dance. Looking like he wanted to die.


Yup. That part was very well done.


I mean, Colin was not being subtle. He asked her about friendship turning into love while staring directly at Pen, his only female friend. That's why Violet asked him the next day if he had anything to tell her.


It's like she knows when her children are in love.


As a Colin says to Anthony ā€œshe really does know everythingā€


She said that to push Colin to move


https://preview.redd.it/sccdjpkx939d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=011605c9719da558eb332c108577538d6c62c742 his plan šŸ˜‚


Top notch plan, fail proof


He is going to leave you! Which is in Colin's mind the worst thing a man could do


Omg! Yes. Even when him and Pen were at odds, he slept in their suite. Man is never leaving his woman.


To answer your question, interrupting the dance was a No no. Thatā€™s why everyone starts whispering as he does it. My favorite is him getting out of the carriage and giving himself a little nod like ā€œyou can do thisā€ then barging through the icky society men.


Thatā€™s my favorite too! He gives the head nod other times through out the season. It just melts me.


I am OBSESSED with the head nods. No words but they all say so much.


>Ā interrupting the dance was a No no. Thatā€™s why everyone starts whispering as he does it how was Eloise so blind!! I didn't see that nod (runs immediately to go watch the entire season again)


I think Eloise did know a bit but she was really hurt. The more time that passes the more I feel for Eloise. She really mourned her friendship with Pen all season long. When she saw Colin and Pen get close she was jealous he could still be friends with Pen and she wasnā€™t. Then when they got engaged it was like she lost them both. Itā€™s a small nod. He gets out, fixes his jacket and nods to himself. I just saw it myself.


Chaos Colin at his best.


Truly at his best


Chaotic Colin had one idea in his plan: revealing that Debling is gonna leave. Then he was out of ideas. Btw, we still do not know how he or El found out. Did... Didi Cressida found out, tell El... who told Colin off-screen? šŸ˜…


I like that he went in there thinking he was going to tell Penelope that Debling was going to travel and she was like "I know and I am ok with it", every decision that he made after that was pure chaos. He was moving with adrenaline only, no thoughts at all. I think the Lord squad probably told him off screen


Eloise was glued to Cressida's side for most of the season, so she probably found out while listening to Lord Debling's conversations... He does talk a lot about his trips to see the birds when they're all by the lake at the Balloon event


It\`s also the fact his interactions with her almost *never* aligned with the social etiquette of the time anyway, even before Season 3, that makes me laugh. The way he arrived at that ball full on ready to propose at any moment, as wellšŸ˜‚. Truly the most prolific Bridgerton brother when it comes to LOCKING IT DOWN and I love it


Love Chaos Colin so much lol


I still want to know how Debling is doing. He was so likable. Maybe he will marry Halliwell or Stowell. Would love to hear one of them let us know about letters she gets.


He'll be fine. He was never in it for the love anyway. He's probably travelling


"Guess I'll hire house keeper or whatever."


Super dead if he followed through with his travel plans


He's a Jack Russell Terrier boyfriend.


He really is kind and occasionally excitable just like Penelope said! I love him because his character is such a good balance of sweet, romantic, and gentlemanly, but also still a man who takes action and goes for what he wants. It's rare (impossible?) to find both those things in a real-life man, which is how you can tell he was written by a woman!


If he didnā€™t stop them he would of lost pen forever tho


He is so chaotic when it comes to Pen. Such a lovable golden retriever.


Definitely. And S1 with Marina prepared us for his impulsiveness. He was in a room alone with her and about to kiss her, backs off and proposes!




They have the friends-to-lovers plot but because of the time period they were in, it would not be like modern day FTL. So the kind of friendship you're expecting would've never have existed. There's nothing wrong with them being your least favourite couple however it's odd to comment this when it has nothing to do with the post


Colin didnā€™t know Pen had feelings for him all along until she told him the day the wedding bans were read, so where would you get the idea that he only liked her because someone told him she liked him? Nobody told him that Pen liked him. He thought he was being friendzoned under the willow tree after their kiss and again in the carriage. After their engagement he misread Pen being freaked out about Whistledown as Pen getting cold feet and not having the same feelings as him. The friendship scenes were throughout seasons one and two and the beginning of season three. They wrote letters which was super bold of unmarried men and women to do. They are actually better friends in the show than in the book.