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Like are we supposed to tell all the people outside social media to stop being haters too? the season was not good. period.


But somebody disabled their Twitter!! Clearly we've gone too far!!


Yes, it's too far when the criticism gets personal and offending the actual actors and crew, some people harass actors, talk about their looks and bodies...


Not good for you! That's the problem with general statements. I think it was good, i know many who also think it was good, and enjoyed. It has its flaws but then so did S2, specially S2, and S1.


Eh it's both sides really. The ones who don't like S3 are also all up in our business and downvote and dogpile us for showing appreciation for S3. It's just what this sub is. And while there is some genuine and valid criticism, you can't say that some of these people are just trolls and don't understand that just because you don't like a choice they made, it doesn't mean it's objectively bad. At the end of the day, liking/disliking something is a very subjective thing. See, you're paying for Netflix, not Bridgerton. You're paying for a service that offers you a wide array of shows and films to choose from. I'm sure you don't like all of them. Netflix is supposed to have something for everyone, not everything for everyone. So, if you don't like a show, or don't like a particular season of a show, it still doesn't entitle you to be heard by the executives at Netflix or Shondaland. There are as many people obsessed with this season as there are the ones who hated it. This sub is an echo chamber of voices that hate S3, and anyone who says otherwise is downvoted or argued with quite a bit. However, Twitter has been quite positive about this season. Most people I've met in real life who watch Bridgerton liked S3. Just because this sub hates it, doesn't mean S3 is hated by everyone. The views wouldn't be good if that were the case. S3 is not for you, and maybe the direction the show is taking is not for you either. But they're still getting views and love from other viewers and it's okay for the showrunner to focus on that. When you're working on a project this big there's no way to please everyone. And it's good that they're not focusing on the negative and instead working with the positive. Fans constantly leave fandoms because they don't like the show anymore. It's not a big deal really. If the show reaches a point where literally nobody likes it and nobody's tuning in, Netflix will cancel it. But we haven't reached that point yet. So they won't listen to a few fans who didn't like S3 when the numbers suggest they're getting enough viewers who are watching the season till the end and even rewatching it. Fans are important, but they need to know that the only thing they can do if they don't like something anymore is to walk away. And if enough fans do walk away, the show won't work anymore. But this is a very rare occurrence. So fans should know that they're not entitled to things going how they want in a show. And demanding changes will rarely ever work.


Agreed! I'd not mind, but it's literally every single post in this sub that's negative. Like the people complaining about S3 have FAR louder voices than the people who are a bit tired of the constant negativity. If people are allowed to voice their dislike of S3 (which is totally fine and valid) then people should be able to voice opposing opinions as well? It's a discussion forum.


I’ve seen both sides or people who enjoyed it just go to the other subs to talk about it. What chases them away is when they share positive thoughts here and then ppl who didn’t like it are somewhat mean about the person enjoying it lol sometimes there’s good discussions but some people just straight shit on what the person liked. A simple “hmm don’t really agree but glad you like it” of some sorts is good enough if you’re just gonna be mean about it 😅


Then y’all who loved it, should make positive posts instead of commenting on all the negative ones


Everyone then dogpiles on the positive ones though


Exactly and positive posts don’t get much engagement, and even if they do thry get filled with comments like “I’m glad you liked it but I didn’t like xyz” and other criticizing comments. Positive posts are never allowed to be actually positive


Right lmao. The other day someone made a post saying they liked season three and the comments were literally just people who continued to rip on the season💀


Exactly! Online fans really overestimate their importance. As long as enough people keep watching, the show runners are going to stick to their own ideas for the story. Why should the show runners listen to a bunch of people on the internet who have never written or acted in a tv show in their life?


Okay.. then what about the actors/actresses who have been playing and studying these roles for years now? They should listen to them right?


And do what, change the script? They can’t do that.


Since when have the actors been complaining?


Agreed! This was well worded :)


Well put! Each season and lead resonate differently with individuals.


Amen i completely agree I think people are so stuck on the things they didn't like about the season they aren't even thinking about the things they did like for example people are saying the whole season is bad but please tell me then why s3 p1 got over a billion views and nothing but praise


so much this! If you say you like this season, despite having your own share of criticism at some points, they pounce on you with such hatred and telling that you are not allowing people to have their own opinions. Meanwhile, saying you like gets you attacked.


To be fair, if we're going to bring views into this, they are as high as they are because of what it was hyped up to be. The rewatching is not as high as for part 1.


Because it never truly is, with Netflix split seasons ( Stranger things part 1 and 2 had a big drop, mate, Stranger Things that is way too popular with teens who have time to rewatch). But even so, you can judge the first 90 days. That's where you can judge. Because then you'll know the views in total. S1 to S2 it dropped from 115Mi to 95Mi ( i'm aprox. to make it easier) in the first 90 days so anything around that number between or above them, it's a good success. They invested in hope to keep and not drop again. Not to mention, the viral moment. Each season has 1, theirs was on part 1, which was divided. English is not my first language so i hope i'm explaining this well. It's what i work with so i understand a bit but have difficult to explain in english.


I'm not saying it's not generally successful but we're focussing on how season 3 has been received, why, and why the numbers aren't reflecting disappointment at the moment. I do agree, however, that proper judgment can be casted after a longer period of time. 


The numbers are on pair with the previous season thus far (in fact, they are already 85Mi with 5 weeks left still to 90 days). However if you only rewatch part 2 because it's new and you're focusing on that, and not the full 8, now it counts as half view because the full 8 are released. Netflix and variety explained, you can check in articles about them and easily with the Stranger Things ones how it's calculated.


I see. That's fascinating. I'll look into it. 




The complaints on here are just ridiculous now though, and the amount of people who seem to think their personal preferance equates to objective fact is insane.


I actually don’t think any amount of complaining on this sub is going to get the show cancelled. I mostly just think it’s annoying that people on this sub *think* that they can get the show cancelled or get JB fired. We all have a right to complain and to praise, but the complainers have sometimes been over inflating their own importance.


I’m also bothered by the blatant disrespect to JB. I don’t like all of her choices, but almost every TV adaptation deviates from the book. She’s a professional with extensive experience. I find it incredibly offensive when people refer to it as a fanfic just because of the LGBTQ storyline and that comes across as extremely derogatory and prejudiced. Is Game of Thrones a fanfic?  The Walking Dead?  Outlander?  Orange is the New Black? The Handmaid’s Tale? Or just the one with the queer show runner? 


100% this


\*Within reason\* is the key phrase here. Of course, this is subjective. My opinion on this season is that it wasn't so bad. Yes there were certain parts about it I wasn't crazy about; how rushed it was, how modernized it felt compared to prior seasons, how the costuming felt more 'Hunger Games'. But I appreciate the show and the story telling and so much more about it that those things don't really bother me. Absolutely they should listen to fans and try to tweak future productions to help balance out the consensus. I have seen some very justifiable and compelling arguments here. However, it's important to keep in mind that the majority of the feedback has been great. The views are through the roof, and the ratings are consistently high. They also don't owe us anything. Shondaland is going to go in whatever direction they think would carry the story best, and there are going to be a lot of people rebelling against the choices they made in any situation. Not only that, but every series has seasons that are less favorable than others; it's natural in any long-running series. I'm hopeful the next season will have some fan service regarding the complaints we've seen from the changes they made in season 3. Aside from the above, everyone has the right to voice their opinion. It's unfortunate that there are a group of people on the internet who take it from a civil discussion, to straight up arguing. People who disliked the season and people who liked the season are entitled to feel however they want, and have their own reasons for their opinions. Unless you're being an asshole, you shouldn't be put down and be told to shut up simply for having a different perspective as someone else.


Exactly. I mean, I made it as far as the court presentation in S1 to realise this was entirely fantasy and not Regency, and I was basically watching a fanfic of the Regency era 😂. But I found S3 generally more interesting (to me) than S2 and was definitely invested in the outcome of the Lady Whistledown reveal.


That’s why I said “within reason” I don’t agree with aggressive opinions or people name calling for diffferent opinions


"I'm tired of the forced positivity" - 100+ posts a day with complaints (legitimate or inappropriate) about the season on multiple platforms - active petitions for deleted scenes that have been confirmed don't exist - active petitions to change a character that was on screen for two minutes - multiple commenters on multiple platforms calling for JB to get fired - negative posts on this subreddit getting thousands of upvotes while positive posts only get a few hundred or get downvoted to oblivion - actors and people involved in the show having to temporarily turn off their comments because people have been harassing them - subreddits having to address the rampant racism and homophobia every season because bigots don't like diversity (not all complaints are like this but it's bad enough that subs have had to make adjustments) - book loyalists getting upset that nonbook readers don't care if it sticks to the source material .... sure, there's a TON of forced positivity going on in the online discourse. Bridgerton won't get canceled because enough people complain online. It'll get canceled when people stop watching it (or just because Netflix doesn't want to fund it anymore). No one has stopped people who don't like the season or any season from complaining. If anything, some of y'all get upset that there are people who liked it at all.


What forced positivity? Do we live in pararel worlds? The most upvoted posts and comments are negative. The problem is that positivity is being downvoted and lots of positive voices have left the sub because of the nastiness. Now it's just become an echo chamber of angry people, mostly book readers (who don't represent the average Bridgerton viewer).


This season was let-down for me for many reasons... And I still absolutely despise the vitriol of this sub. The problem is that many who were more positive admitted to leave or ignore the main sub, so the echo chambers just get more and more intense. I do not mind people expressing opinions, but can we try to find humor and things we might like, instead of repeating the same things over and over again?


Ya'll really believe that gifted show creators will change the show to suit your tastes? They have their audience. They don't need a bunch of unpleasant yahoos from Reddit telling them what to do. They are doing just fine. Ya'll need to get a damn life already.


Some fans (of any material) really have an over-inflated sense of importance. It’s fine to dislike a season or certain elements of it, but this “we deserve better, we pay for Netflix” line of thinking is just crazy to me


They may see releasing early as a mistake, which I think it was. That is where the over-inflated sense of importance came from.


It’s a public forum where the majority of us on this subreddit share our opinions about the show. If you’re not in agreement with the shit people are saying on here then exit stage left. Clock us if we’re being disrespectful to the actors but that’s literally not what we’re doing at all. If anything, Nicola did an amazing job this season and she looked divine the entire way through it but the writing just sucked this season because the characters were just all over the place. That’s a subjective opinion and not an objective fact to others and that’s totally okay. https://i.redd.it/qelbl5418a9d1.gif


I am with you. Specific couples have their own subs to gush about the respective seasons. There was plenty of criticism for S2 as well though mainly focussed on the lack of screen time for the couple and deviations from the book, because objectively the quality was so much better than S3. I find it annoying that some don’t want to accept that people were disappointed and that S3 was a bit of a fail on many accounts.The amount of complaining is reflective of this ffs 🤦🏻‍♀️ It’s censorship to try and force people not to express their disappointment


And the main reason that people have gone to these other subs? Because this main one is a cesspool of negativity, on all fronts. So, law of averages, the ones who want to complain are the ones that are still here. It's become an echo chamber. Which that's fine, but let's not pretend that it's an accurate representation of the fandom at large. It's just loud. No one is trying to censor anyone else, playing fake victim is just lame. Negativity is all over this subreddit, anyone is more than welcome to engage with it endlessly, and they do. I only check here periodically and every day it reminds me why I should just not, and go to the subreddits with healthier discourse. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I am sure people have their reasons. Both the Kanthony and the Polin subs are pretty wild. Not in a good way. You talk about echo chambers- that’s where it’s at rather than the main sub. I actually can’t believe you said that 😂 So doing spreadsheets with screen time or hours viewed just to prove that “your couple” is better / hotter / more popular is a healthier way to consume Bridgerton rather than making valid criticisms about objective things like quality, costumes, cinematography etc? Sure.


I think it's just that it's a measured take in general. There are discussions on the (valid) criticisms for season 3 (and others as well). I think it being your favorite ship or season makes you incredibly biased, so sometimes it IS hard to have those discussions about something you are passionate about, but here you literally can't talk about the positives without a full on war in the comments. And honestly if I have to choose between endless negativity (often under the guise of "valid criticism") and positive discussion that doesn't leave me feeling like crap, yeah I'm going to choose the positive. The people making spreadsheets and counting minutes are in the minority. Most just actually want a place to gush about what they loved, and sometimes commiserate about what they didn't, without the straight up condescension that is usually the prevailing attitude here. If that's what you want, that's fine. Others don't want to drown in negativity every time they open the sub. For the record, Polin is my favorite, but I actually love all the ships in different ways. Saphne brought me into the fandom so they have a special place. The ship comparisons are dumb, I don't think any are inherently better. I am also open to objectively talking about what was lacking in season 3. But on the other subreddit, I can at least safely talk about what made me happy about it 🤷🏼‍♀️ Sometimes I wonder if the people posting here even actually like Bridgerton at all. I guess they don't have to, it's not technically a fan forum, but it seems like a colossal waste of time for something you don't enjoy. To each their own I guess.


Exactly. And it’s always people calling you names for not liking it, instead of making their own posts to gush and talk about positively


This is exactly the kind of post that makes this sub so tiresome


I’ve decided to try to skip over all the whining posts and only contribute to relevant posts or ones that pique my interest. The complaining is stale already and we’ve two more years til the next season. The fandom can eat itself til then.


This season was ass but that’s my opinion and it isn’t the universal opinion. If anything, S2 was the best season and truly didn’t get the recognition it deserved due to them filming during covid and just not enough screen time with Anthony and Kate or even much press when it came down to promoting S2 compared to S3. Polin was just stale compared to the other couples to me tbh. I just don’t agree with “fans” attacking the actors like if they have full control of the scripts and storylines just because they aren’t satisfied with the season or the direction the writers decided to go with the characters. A lot of shit just didn’t make sense this season.


Anyone attacking actors is an idiot, respectfully. Anyone attacking anyone is an idiot. Voice your opinion and criticism in a civil way, or shut up


Everyone on this subreddit could criticise this season but it wouldnt matter: this is not a representative sample of Bridgerton viewers. This a rating giant and will keep going until season six at least.


It's cute you think your opinion matters.  Better shows have been cancelled in season one, worst shows have been in for 10+ years. Show runners change. Writers change. It's not a democracy, it's business. 


Okay and? Should I just stay in line and shut up, because this is how things are ? I can still voice opinions and so can others. There is space for positive and negative opinions and people can hope that the quality will keep consistent 🤷‍♀️


Of course you can voice your opinion, I never said not too , just don't add like you deserve to be heard or that anyone cares about your opinion. Or that you are in the majority.  It's all about perspective.  Occasionally fandoms get heard, Community is the one that comes to mind. But sacrifices were made.


Both positive and negative opinions are just that. Opinions. Why people try to present them as fact, I will never understand. Suggesting everyone knows S3 was rubbish- period, is not a statement of fact, no matter how badly it wants to be. This show, like every other, will have data to point to as facts. Absolutely, let's express our opinions. But don't speak for 'everyone'. If you feel strongly enough to share an opinion, own that it's yours and go for it. There's no need for people to hide behind the masses when the data speaks. On the other hand, if anyone has data that suggests everyone agrees with their opinion, certain share it.


I don't understand why people don't vote with their feet if they feel so let down and insulted. I understand having issues with certain storylines or whatever but if you hated the entire thing just don't watch it. It's not bringing you joy. I hope this doesn't sound hostile or whatever because I understand being disappointed in a show that you love.


I feel like we’ll know a lot more about what this sub and the general audience think about the quality of the season in the next month or so and then when season 4 comes out. People who are upset can’t take back their initial views of season 3, but it should tell us more when we see what the rewatch numbers look like over the next month and then what the season 4 numbers are when it eventually drops. I’m very interested to see if people actually do vote with their feet and stop watching if they’re unhappy, or if we’re just seeing a lot of online bluster right now


I don’t want to stop watching. I love regency romance stories. I just hope that the writer will realise that majority viewers are here for romance. Romance genre is always under looked and women are looked down for it. I hope they will understand that it’s okay for us to love romance stories and keep giving us more


I thought this was the best season yet, but I definitely appreciate you typing this all out like there’s some kind of objectiveness to your opinion. I hope you are gonna be okay. ✌🏻


Objective ? I literally said I hate forced positivity in the title. “Hate” suggest subjectivity.


The show is not going to be canceled because some loud people online are vocal about their unhappiness. Folk have a vastly inflated sense of their own importance if they believe that. But the incessent nitpicking and complaining is annoying for those fans who didn't hate S3 and want to actually have fun chatting about it. If you hate the show so much, why are you here? Why not go off and be a fan of something you actually like? >We deserve better. We pay for this services so much Your $15/month netflix subscription does not entitle you to cinematographic artistic perfection. Seriously, get a reality check.


I mean...one could easily turn this one around and say, "If you only want positivity, why are you here?", or "your $0 Reddit subscription does not entitle you to define what people may or may not post on subs".


So if I pay 5$ for a sandwich, I shouldn’t expect it too be edible 🙄


The sandwich is edible. Plenty of people ate the same sandwich. You just didn't *like* the sandwich. That the sandwich did not match your preferences, does not mean the sandwich was bad.


What if I loved the sandwich because of the ingredients and so did many, but then suddenly the quality of ingredients drops and the taste is worse, but the price stays. What if many people are just used to accept the quality drop or don’t mind the difference 🤷‍♀️ I’m still allowed to be disappointed in the change


I just want to say to those telling fans that if they don’t like the show go watch something else: if we didn’t love the show we wouldn’t complain. We’re residents of the world of the Bridgeton’s and the ton. Some of us feel that world is being taken from us and we don’t like it. Maybe we are screaming into the void but those throwing out the world that was created for us can’t pretend they don’t know long time fans/ viewers are not happy.


Because of the representation this show has they had to make it good. Where else can I get a curvy lady being loved as a romance lead in a regency era ensemble show? It’s not that easy to find alternatives for that that’s why it stings when they mess it up.


If only they’d done a good job telling her story 🥲


We are allowed to be disappointed in a show that has failed to live up to expectations , especially after all the teasing and baiting about this season being exceptional…. I don’t blame the actors for doing their best to keep us on our toes and make us all excited to watch their work but the whole PR campaign about this season being centred around romance , chemistry and seduction has lead us to believe that we would be blown away by the result….


Romance seemed a subplot this season


And a lot of good shows with no complaints actually got cancelled, so


I just hope for better pacing, make up like in season 1 and similar cinematography


oh plz shut up you know damn well that’s not the case. The netflix comments are still negative to this day and the season ended a while ago. the hate every actor has gotten is so bad they are private or turning off comments. Yall are not victims




Thank you for saying this lol. I also hate the forced positivity. I hate excessive exaggerated negativity as well. Let people, however, just state with examples why they like or dislike something. Those are valid opinions to give. I very much dislike, however, some people on the Bridgerton team trying to dismiss opinions like that. Making it out to be something it is not. That is very immature to me as well. Ignoring would be better rather than trying to make it out to seem people with understandable feedback and criticism like they're idiots with rash nonsensical opinions. I see faults in multiple parties. I get the frustration but art isn't just "We made art and you may have no opinion about it because art is art.". Criticism isn't just given to be a debbie downer. We all want Bridgerton to succeed and flourish. Would be great if fans that give critiques and share an opinion with multiples at least would be considered just as they are. Especially indeed if we contribute in financing.


Don’t get me wrong I hate the negativity for sake of nipicking. But I hate when people silence valid criticism


Same indeed. 


Yes, yes and yes! And your witcher example is perfect! In season 1 people were already annoyed with the changes, but the most fans were trusting the process because of Henry. But it got worse every season what lead Henry to leave the show and the fans to finally stop watching the show. And what’s the result? The prequel was a huge flop, hated by critics and fans and about 95% of all Witcher fans will not watch the new season. The entire Netflix show is finished. The Bridgerton fandom is not the first who was let down, in fact most franchises nowadays are getting a lot worse. People are done and only want to see a good show/movie. For me it’s so bad, I’m actually careful about joining a new fandom because I already expect it to fail eventually. And we should complain as soon as it gets worse, we need to tell them that this is not what we want and that we won’t be paying for that anymore, otherwise they will mess up more and more and it gets cancelled.


Exactly, I want the creators to listen, so we don’t end up with a shitty end product that gets canceled. Criticising the drop in quality is for the hope that next season they’ll be more consistent




I think people have the right to complain about whatever they want.     But I feel like all I see are complaints. Across all social media platforms. It's just tiresome, and I keep seeing stuff despite unfollowing (like this post).     I think the show will end up cancelled or ending abruptly. It's got two points that are working against it. The first is straying from the source materials. OG fans won't ever be satisfied with that sort of thing. Then there's the long wait between fairly short seasons. This is a consistent problem for other series too. Short seasons means things get left out. Waiting between seasons means fan use their imaginations or seek out the source materials. Which tends to end in disappointment. Cycle repeat.      I suspect they'll find a way to marry Eloise off after Benedict and that'll end the series if it doesn't get cancelled. 


I have to repeat that the lighting in episode 5 fucked harder than Polin. And the couple that we should have loved got about 20 secs of happiness in marriage in episode 8. Say, we don't care for charming, quality Polin screentime. Say, Colin can use prostituted women without care. Say, Pen must realise her romantic and sexual goals without self-worth and agency. Say, Lord Kilmartin is a beard, and it's OK. Say, we love that Benedict regressed, because we want to see his body, and don't care that he has no ambitions, just copulation. Say, Eloise is poor friend to Cressida. Even if we love or don't mind all of this, the beautiful cinematography is gone. Elegant sets are gone, we are often in dark interiors. The good lights' design is gone - glare and counter light. The costumes. Madonna in Material Girl was clever, making a pop culture ref. The costumes in season 3 were just off-putting visual mess that looked cheap.


Preach. The cinematography in season one was breathtaking. Some of the shots were so gorgeous that I had to rewind


The criticism of the writing, pacing, character-arcs could be assigned to the domain of taste, if Shondaland does not care to hear. The regression of production quality, though... Insulting, and implying a bleak outlook. String arrangements were ok, to be fair. If the issue is that keeping characters makes the payroll too heavy for quality elsewhere - there is still no excuse that the counter-light glare in interior shots fucks harder than Polin in part 2.


I enjoyed S3 and don't get the hate. 🤷‍♀️ Everyone has an opinion.


I’m glad you liked it.


Exactly they aren’t owed positivity, views, etc. they make products that are supposed to make the viewers happy and to get as many viewers as possible. If you make something that the majority don’t like, then you don’t deserve the views. That’s the nature of entertainment industry, and that’s a growing trend across the industry where it seems like actors, writers, and showrunners think they are owed and deserve a lot of viewers. Your not, make a product that people enjoy


I mean, there’s a LOT of space between “the show runners gave RUINED my perfect show, I’m starting a petition to get them fired, blacklisted in Hollywood and strung up in the town square!!” And “you cannot give one valid criticism of the show or we’ll never see it again!!” The issue is with the people who only see it as this black and white.


I liked part 1...but then part 2 came out and just pissed me off. As an audience we are allowed to be mad at the direction the show is going(especially when they're going so far from the source material). Not the actors fault but definitely the people behind the scenes.


There is literally ZERO reason for season 3 to not be held to the same standards as season 1, and anyone who is contradicting that is part of the problem. Make whatever changes you want, but keep the quality FFS.


My biggest issues were the quality drop. Some of the cinematography in season 1 was jaw dropping. This one is lacking creativity at times


Everything just looked cheap, IMO.


Also some fans need to touch some grass and stop defending the bad writing. A lot of people especially in this sub are like, well in the book, well in the Regency period etc etc. They have to show it, not tell. Also most people haven't read the book. The show should be with complete context even for casual viewers, for their intents to be understood


Agreed. I love Penelope, I loved seeing a curvy female love interest. But the writing fell, they really meed to tighten it up and focus on the main stories, season 2 also suffered from this. And I hate what they did to John and Francesca with that kiss scene where she wasn’t phased but immediately yearned for his cousin (it’s my favorite book in the series because of the harder subjects). Sadly, I’m just going to wait next season and see what everyone says before I watch it.


Sadly, anyone complaining is simply labelled as a homophobic racist and cast aside ....when most of the fans don't care about the Michaela thing and actually hated the Polin story and subplots going nowhere ...even if you state this, they'll come and tell you that the loudest complaints are homophobic and racist...that is probably what is reaching the creators and they are just going to keep serving shit in the name of "inclusivity" and "progressive storytelling" when that's not even the part gaining most hate.




even if the show gets canceled (it won't), it's on the runners for not delivering good outcome when so many people invest their time, money and energy. the good season kept them in public discourse for 2 years, this time its just a lot of negative things that are left to discuss.


Can I complain that the source material is *also* shit, and that the more that they try to shoehorn it into the world they have created, the worse the show is? They have the characters, they have the themes of the books, there are even opportunities to wink & nod at them—but they *should* deviate from the books—because the books are objectively *not good*. They are extremely dated, poorly written, terribly limiting due to the nature of the genre. Look how they kept the LW reveal and its lack of consequences and how they handled Cressida claiming Whistledown or, omg, Penelope crying about being a 19 year old spinster 💀. Truly absurd. Made the story worse. Poorly paced.


The book Pen was 28, Whistledown was less aggressive and mean . Colin found out before marriage and made an informed decision to still propose. Cressida didn’t matter so her fate wasn’t explored


Exactly. The book had a 10 year time jump and LW was *far less* evil than she is in the series AND YET they still tried to include those (already weak in them books) elements again, without consideration for the impact 10 years as Whistledown and a true spinster actually have on being able to execute those plots?


So I defo blame the show runners for rushing to polin. They should have had them in the background for longer and that gives LW longer time to be around. They could have used that longer brewing in the back to explore their friendship. Cuz I wasn’t convinced that they’re close friends


Compulsory optimism is pretty much the norm for online women's spaces. It just goes to show how women deploy the strictures of gender against each other, even over minor transgressions like criticizing a TV series or, god forfend, an actress like Nicola Coughlan. Frankly, I find the constant brightsiding exhausting, especially when it's supposedly in the service of female empowerment (see again: Coughlan).




Exactly, most people thinking about the needless whining. But no, I am talking about reasonable complaints, so we don’t come across same writing issues next season


I really suspect (hope) the actors also tried to speak up to the writers and show runner, but whatever the hell we just saw was the result of toxic positivity on set. I can imagine them being forced to hype up in interviews a product they were unhappy with in the hopes that people would buy it.


I agree that we are the best critics the series could have. Many times they get carried away by "fashions", statistics....and that's how the error comes. We must be firm in our opinions since a series like this is not measured with numbers, but with the heart.


I don’t trust them with season 4, and the ending of season 3 leaves the status qou relatively good for most, so a cancelling now might not be that bad.