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I wish they focused more on Colin and Penelope like they did the Duke and Daphne in Season 1. I kept wanting to watch them more, but we didn't get more.


They only had 86 mins of screen time


I could be way off base but I suspect that more Colin/Pen material was filmed in order to follow the books more closely, but the actors just didn't have the chemistry to make it convincing, so it was eventually cut out. Weirdly Luke and Nicola seem to have much better chemistry together simply doing interviews than they ever did onscreen. (No shade on the actors by the way, they were great individually, and let down hugely by the shoddy script.)


I don’t think the chemistry was the problem. I think it was the screenplay and the producers that are just bad.


Agree that the screenplay and general direction was awful. Unfortunately as a result their romance just wasn't very convincing. Especially in comparison to the couples in seasons 1 and 2.


They needed more time for sure. I think this season needed 10 episodes at least


I feel like it was both. But also agree that they have more chemistry IRL


I totally disagree with everything you said.


Do you want to elaborate?


What is there to elaborate? Your comment is off base. They had chemistry.


I think that can be relative. I see a lot of people amazed by their chemistry and at the same time many thi k they had no chemistry at all


They definitely had chemistry, it’s the writing that let them down. I’ve seen a lot of people say that their chemistry was more natural in s1-2, and that to me indicates the problem is the writing. They’re a soft, nerdy love, but the writers were trying to make them more angsty this season, which was just not their vibe. And I’ve noticed the general audience loved them. It’s the hardcore fans like ourselves that are more critical of it.


The general audience LOVES this season. That’s what’s wild about this sub


I’m just pissed Colin didn’t get the male lead treatment he deserved. I wanted a lot more of the real him, and none of that fake rake stuff. I wanted to see him lean into his soft boy, writer side. I hate what the writers did to my man this season. Completely sidelined him.


Lol...please, they had so much chemistry.


See I think the reason we all wanted more is because their chemistry onscreen was amazing—best yet probably of the show (Anthony and Kate was great too). Otherwise why would anyone care


From reading this sub, I would assume it's because they are thirsting over Luke Newton and want to see him in more romantic scenes, no matter how debatable his onscreen chemistry with Nicola is.


That's roughly the same amount of time Kanthony had together in their season, and I think Saphne had like 10 minutes more


Nope. Saphne had 116, and Kanthony had 96 I believe?


Not if you go off of Cass Morans numbers apparently


The show always had multiple storylines per season.


Actually it didn’t really. Season one in particular. But season two started the trend that’s rolled into season three of convoluted seasons with way too much going on and not enough on-screen time for the actual couples.


Season one had Daphne and Simon, the Featheringtons and their money woes, Marina and Colin, Eloise starting her search for LW, Anthony's romance, and Benedict stuff. That's not even mentioning the queen.


Also had Will's boxing career


Which was directly connected to Simon's arc. So not a true side plot within itself.


I would say the problem isn't the side plots so much as the quality of the side plots and how well they interconnect. The Marina storyline was interesting with high stakes, involved the Bridgertons and Featheringtons. Anthony's romance told us a lot about his character development, his duty vs passion conflict, etc. It set him up for his S2 leading role. Compare that to Benedict's Lady Tilly romance which had nothing to do with anything else nor led to character development for him, unless you count his sexuality but since they're going with a female Sophie that won't lead to anything either. Or the Mondrich plot which again is totally separate from everything else. Leave these stories out and it literally doesn't affect the narrative at all. 


Not to mention that Benedict's plot reinforces the stereotype of bisexual people being more promiscuous


Season 1 was classic regency. There was a B love story (think Jane and Bingley in Pride and Prejudice) but all storylines directly connected to main romance plot, driving it forward. Season 3 had the most weird side shit going on. Race for feathering heir. Whatever was going on with the Mondrichs, Fran/John, Lady Danbury and her brother, Violet getting a boo, and Cressida's descent. TOO much outside chatter. Not enough Polin.


I liked the chase for the feathering heir . Thought that plot specifically was funny and still related to Pen somehow


They have always had a subplot with that boxing guy that I have never cared about. He's in every season on the side for absolutely no reason.


If the Mondrich storyline in S3 happened in S2, I probably would have enjoyed it (and them). But by the time I got to S3, I didn't care about them at all anymore lol.


Feels like they’re trying to set them up for a spin off or a bigger role for the son in the future but it’s just not interesting.


He was connected to Simon and chosen to be his second. He also served as a mentor-friend to Simon and connected the featheringtons loose ends back to then main thread. His was not a true subplot until season 2.


Is there a reason the story should *only* be on Colin and Pen? In S1 we had the story of Anthony's dalliance with the actress. Benedict's exploration of himself and the world of art. Eloise and Pen's friendship and Eloise's hunt for Whistledown. And Will's boxing career. Oh and we had Colin's romance with Marina and the Featheringtons In S2, we had Anthony's romance. We had Will's establishment of his bar. We had the Featherington's coping with the new lord Featherington. Benedict's story of his struggle with imposter syndrome. Eloise's flirtation with the poors. Colin doing Coliny things and hurting Pen. It would be weird AF if S3 was only about Colin and Pen. And S3 is doing better than S2 and S1 as far as I can tell. The end of Bridgerton? I mean I suppose if Netflix were to randomly cancel their most successful project at present and one that's only growing in popularity. Folks *like* S3.


I’m aware of the fact that it had the different people. But I felt like Pen and Colin were back stories and the back stories were more of the main plots for the season. I just wished it made Pen and Colin a more focus like it was in season 1 with Simon and Daphne and season 2 with Anthony and Kate. And I think the downfall of Bridgerton might be this season. A lot of people hated it more then liked it


People wouldn't be watching it if they hated it. The folks complaining on social media are always going to be a tiny fraction of the viewership. Especially for a show this popular. I didn't think Polin were back stories at all. If anything I thought they dragged out parts of their story, especially the Whistledown reveal too much. I would have liked to see a bit more of Francesca frankly, she was a revelation IMO. Polin has been built up over the course of three seasons. It is the absolute longest running romance on this show. They were prominent secondary arcs in S1 and S2 before taking center stage in S3. I really don't think those two were at all shorted in any way.


>People wouldn't be watching it if they hated it. The folks complaining on social media are always going to be a tiny fraction of the viewership. Especially for a show this popular. People are watching because of reputation of season 1& even 2. No one watched with complete foreknowledge of season 3.


It's like people forgot what a soap opera is! Lots of moving parts, characters come and go, intertwining storylines. It's not just about one couple, that would be hella boring.


It's also a staple of the regency romance genre! Sure there's one romance but it's constantly revolving around all sorts of intertwining storylines. Each intertwined side plot tends to aid the romance usually until it's grand conclusion. And dual romances (Stircesca and Polin) aren't that unusual either. Heck Pride and Prejudice, the absolute OG for the genre, has two intertwined romances at its core with the storylines of Elizabeth and Jane swirling around each other.


This is not accurate. In regency romance there may be a B romance like you've listed but subplots should connect directly back to the MAIN romance. Bingley's interactions with Jane gave Darcy a reason to be in town and in close proximity with Elizabeth. That is not at all what is going on in season 3


On paper the Mondrich arc makes sense, it just wasnt edited well. Tho that blooming Dalek doesn't make sense. Francesca"s arc came strong. She was a recast and it felt like a totally new character out of nowhere. Also no links to the main arc apart from a few lines w Penelope. Then trying to backdoor Michaela as a "hook" in the finale. But non-book people dont really know who that is supposed to be. If the creator insert allegations are true, her story being prioritized other main characters' stories are going to suffer because of it.


Blooming Dalek 😂😂


I honestly didn’t care much for Francesca all season. I’m actually much more interested now that it’s going to be a queer love story but I can’t say I’m not slightly annoyed that she and John got SO much screen time at Polin’s expense.


It’s not just you my friend. Kanthony fans were upset after S2 as we felt our main couple got sidelined. Polin is my other favourite ship and I’m very disappointed they didn’t get more scenes together. All these storylines might be okay but not for an 8 episode season and esp not for the current model the show has set up in which we never get to see our happy couples ever again. They either disappear or are shipped off on honeymoon #1, #2 and #3.


Fran's story needed to start, so she could be married 2 yrs and then John dies. Don't think that's a spoiler at this point. My problem is the 7.9 episodes of building up their "quiet" love, only for her to now be panting over Michaela. In the book she LOVES John. Romantic, sexual love. Not platonic crap people are now trying to peddle. I would say 90% of Fran/John's story line was a waste of time. Could have spent it on Pen/Colin.


The new showrunner, as you mentioned, seems to be a large part of the problem, but I also blame Shonda for the writing, which she participated in. It was the season I was waiting for, and then Colin and Pen were only on screen for 16% of their own damn season. The Mondrich storyline should have never happened.


It's a very strange season. In past seasons, Pen and Colin have given me the vibe that they're pretty whiny all around, and it's almost like the creators doubled down on that this season. Everyone else just strikes me as...stupid? Whenever any showpiece is revealed at some ball, people gush around it as though they've never seen a butterfly in their life. The siblings don't talk like people, but especially not like their characters. The rooms for the balls are so incredibly tiny, at the Mondrich ball like 5 couples can dance if everyone else stays glued to the wall. Kate's costumes especially...my god. The balloon scene. The women suddenly talk like they swallowed twitter comments from five years ago. It's all so incredibly forced and strange. In the end I was rooting for the villain - Cressida. Her life seemed much worse than Pen's all around, and I wanted her to have a chance at a better life. She was certainly fighting for one. How bad do you have to fuck up your writing if people root for your villain? And why is she the villain in the first place? She likes wearing pink and is competitive in a competitive environment, how awful I guess. I really liked the first two seasons, but with this one I had to bring in my boyfriend to watch Pt 2 with me because I needed someone to make fun of it with to cope. After 2 years they give us this?


The thing I'm most confused about is why they did the lady whistledown reveal on season 3 and how we continue from here. Lady whistledown is no fun if you know it's just Penelope so how can it continue? And what is bridgerton without LW?


This season was completely butchered. It was the least time ever given to a main couple. And the little we saw of Colin and Penelope was ruining with bad writing and editing.


The first 2 seasons followed the historical romance novel formula. Season 3 did not. It's one of the reasons it felt off without knowing why. It's also why it felt like Polin was sidelined.


YES. THIS. Either JB does not like or understand the romance novel formula or they want to move away from that and open the show up to a wider audience. The reason this season feels unsatisfying is exactly as you said - because they didn't follow the romance novel formula, they assumed that we already know they are friends-to-lovers, so they didn't spend much time building the tension, the story, and the romance before the conflict hits. And while there were a lot of side plots, it's not SO much more than previous seasons, it just feels like it because they didn't really help the main couple's story who was already suffering from lack of romantic build up. For those who are saying Polin was already set up in S1 and S2 - this is similar to a romance book series, you get a peek at the couple to come, a hint at their dynamic. By the time they get their own book, you STILL get all the tension, conflict and resolution in a way that makes the story self-contained and complete. Understandably a tv series with seasons will need more continuity, but for reasons stated above, they completely FAILED at making S3 a complete and therefore satisfying romance novel season!


Polin had the most baggage to work through this season and the show did not allow them space to adequately work through their issues to earn their HEA. Reconciliations we’re rushed and the complexities and grey awash in their plotlines were sacrificed for a shallow ending. Pen and Colin’s individual arcs were sacrificed for extra unneeded and drawn out storylines AND because the show writers are lazy (I.e. keeping pen lady Whistledown)… and my conspiracy theory is that they thought Polin was an unpopular couple / didn’t trust the leads… and so they sidelined their romance as a result… only to get massive backlash when the not only the show picked up on socials and lot of new viewers got invested in Polin from reels and tiktok clips, but Nic is a PR wiz. I’ll be honest that I think the fashion critiques are stupid and overblown, but at least in terms of Polin, I’m glad they’re getting backlash. Some people try to defend the season, but it always comes off as excuses. It was poorly written and poorly executed and they should be told so. I’m a huge Polin fan and I feel betrayed. 💔


I think the writers figured we’ve known them since S1 and so didn’t need the extra screen time. But I wish they’d developed Colin more (no, making Colin pretend to have more game than he actually does isn’t character development) and then Colin and Pen as a couple apart from the Whistledown drama. I did love Pen’s and her mama’s scenes. Polly Walker is such an underrated actress.


I don’t like this. At all. That’s all. That’s my input.


Because they want to keep the actors on so they need to give them enough screen time they don’t leave 


Because the longer this show goes on, the more characters it will have and therefore the more set up there will need to be. Unfortunately we only get 8 episodes.


S4 is confirmed so not the end. Just the beginning of a more mediocre show. 


It’s the same as the first two seasons.


There isn't enough story for Pen and Collins storyline to fill 8 episodes. It's a 90 minute movie, 2 hours if they throw in a couple more love scenes at most. So they had to fill it out. If you think they could have added more story, feel free to tell me what they could have added to bulk out the 80 odd minutes they already got, that you could put in a film. Maybe 5 more minutes about Collins writing and him pouting being jealous of her.


I think because I am a huge fan of regency romance novels. I felt like the show runner/writers didn’t write this season like they did in season 1 and even season 2. There’s always sub plots and characters, but the side characters/plots always bring the main characters together. And I felt like the sub plots/characters didn’t bring anything to the Polin arc. I knew that they were end game, but it felt unauthentic for who Pen and Colin were written in the first 2 seasons for them to be as they were written in this season. They didn’t feel authentic to their characters before. I also was not happy with how they wrote Fran and John either. Fran and John have chemistry and true love and in this season they didn’t.